
  Chapter 628 Ancient Teleportation Formation A    piece of green Sea Territory, there are a lot of Green seaweed. Take a closer look. These are not seaweeds, but a kind of jade green sea snakes. The bodies of these sea snakes are relatively small and entangled with each other, which looks exactly like seaweed.

This is a green algae snake. This demonic beast is usually disguised as seaweed and attracts other Low Rank Monster Beasts. When the prey gets close, the green algae snake immediately launches an attack.

A white light appeared in the distant sky, quickly moved towards here and flew.

It didn't take long for the white light to stop, and it was a white light flying boat that was volatile. Han Debiao and four of them stood on the white flying boat.

Liang Family sent three Core Formation cultivators, namely Liang Youshan, Liang Youhai, and Liang Youming. The highest cultivation base is Liang Youming. In the later stage of Core Formation, Liang Youshan and Liang Youhai are both the cultivation bases for the middle stage of Core Formation.

Han Debiao moved towards Looking underneath him, he didn't see any islands.

"Fellow Daoist Liang, didn't you say that the place is on a small island? Why didn't you see any islands?"

Han Debiao was confused, they flew several In August, only arrived at the destination.

This place is indeed remote, located on the edge of the Righteous League, bordering Monster Race. This Sea Territory is a buffer zone for human and demon races. The base of Monster Race is more than five million miles. Human Race According to this, there are almost five million li in the stronghold.

No wonder Liang Family is eager to get rid of the prohibition on obtaining treasures, and the delay is long, maybe someone catches the worm by the early bird.

Liang Youming explained: "We set up Formation to hide the island."

I saw his sleeve flicked, and a blue talisman shot out, immersed in a certain patch. The void above the sea is gone.

After a dazzling blue light lit up, an oval-shaped island with a radius of twenty miles appeared on the sea without warning. The trees on the island were shaded, and there were more than a dozen hills in the west, which looked plain. strange.

Liang Youming's secret art pinched, the white flying boat suddenly moved towards the island and landed at the foot of a steep mountain.

The stone wall is covered with azure moss, and there is a huge cave not far away. The entrance of the cave is huge. The cave extends along the ground and there is no end in sight.

A man with blue clothes of medium build stood at the entrance of the cave and watched the mana fluctuations on his body. He was obviously a Core Formation mid-term cultivator.

"Fourth brother, you are here."

blue clothes The man greeted him, his eyes fell on Han Debiao, his face full of confusion.

"This is Fellow Daoist Han from Purple Moon Island. He is a body cultivator and the uncle of Lingxiao Daoist third disciple. We specifically asked him to come and help. Fellow Daoist Han, let me introduce you. This is my cousin Liang Youbin. He has been traveling abroad before and just came back."

Liang Youming explained.

Hearing this, Liang Youbin's eyes flashed with surprise, said with a smile: "It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Han's clan uncle, I have been looking up for a long time."

Han Changming ranked Hidden Dragon List 25th, more famous than Han Debiao.

Han Debiao indifferently smiled and said: "Fellow Daoist Liang overpraised, let's talk again when you have time! Let's get the treasure quickly! After all, this is a buffer zone for human and demon races, and we meet other people It’s troublesome."

Liang Youbin took out a steamy seven-pointed array and entered a secret art. Suddenly countless white mists appeared on the island, covering the entire island, and the sea lit up. After a burst of blue light, the island disappeared, as if it had never existed.

The cave is damp and dark, but this is nothing to the Core Formation cultivator.

The cave is very deep, extending in all directions, and more complicated. Liang Youbin leads the way. They have a smooth flow and no trouble.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, they appeared in a cave as large as several hundred zhang, with a row of stalactites hanging on the top, and an endless abyss below, and the five Han Debiao standing on a piece of about one zhang on the big stone wall.

"The Land of Absolute Souls is below, and the strength of that monster ape is also affected. It is very powerful and difficult to deal with. We are prepared this time and there should be no problem."

Liang Youming pointed to the abyss and said with a heavy tone.

Liang Family has two Core Formation cultivators who died in the hands of the demon monkey. This was a heavy loss. No way, they also found this place by accident.

The five of them glanced at each other and flew down together at a slower speed.

The terrain of the abyss is strange, winding and winding, there are many passages, tangled and complicated.

Half a quarter of an hour later, they suddenly appeared in an underground cave as large as about one mu. There were obvious traces of artificial excavation on the stone wall. Not far away, there was a round stone gate about one zhang high. A yellow ape is engraved on the gate, and a yellow ape is lying in the corner.

Yellow apes are as tall as two zhangs, with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, large limbs, yellow eyes and a long yellow tail.

The ground is cratered, with obvious signs of fighting.

Han Debiao clearly felt that the mana mobilization in his body had become sluggish, and the four Liang Youshan estimated the same.

As soon as the five of Han Debiao showed up, the yellow ape roared strangely and rushed over.

Liang Youshan flipped over the jade hand, white light flashed, and a small white light mirror appeared on the hand. After countless mysterious runes appeared on the mirror surface, hundreds of fist-sized white Fireballs flew out, and the temperature Plummet.

Hundreds of white Fireballs smashed into the yellow ape. The yellow ape was not afraid at all. It opened its mouth and let out a loud roar, which shook the cave violently. A large amount of rubble fell from the sky and smashed. Come down.

A yellow and misty sound wave flew from the mouth of the yellow ape, and hundreds of white Fireballs touched the yellow sound wave, like the sun and spring melting snow, they collapsed one after another.

The yellow ape's head was rippled for a while, and a big blue hand with a size of ten zhang or so emerged out of thin air, and it was photographed in an instant.

The yellow ape reacted quickly, his right arm moved to the top of his head, and with a loud bang, the big blue hand suddenly exploded and turned into water vapor in the sky.

Three flying swords with red light sparkling lased and slashed on the yellow ape's body. There was a "knock" metal collision sound, sparks splashed, and a lot of hair fell off.

The yellow ape waved his right arm and knocked off three red Flying Swords.

The four Liang Youshan panted slightly, their strength was severely limited, and they were unable to severely damage the yellow apes.

Han Debiao released a powerful golden-backed ape, he took out the broken spirit stick, his wrist shook suddenly, the void trembles and twists, a piercing air-splitting sound rises, and the heavy stick shadows appear like a hill , Hit the yellow ape.

The vigorous golden-backed ape is very fast, rushing to the yellow ape.

The yellow ape’s long tail swept away suddenly, hitting Dali Golden-backed Ape’s body, there was a muffled noise, Dali Golden-backed Ape let out a sharp roar, and his right arm grabbed it like lightning. yellow The tail of the ape burst with force, and the blood flow continued.

The yellow ape uttered a painful scream, his eyes lit up with dazzling yellow lights, and two yellow lights shot out, hitting the Dali Golden-backed Ape.

The response of Dali Golden Back Ape was quick, and a thick yellow armor appeared out of thin air, covering the whole body.

With a rumbling sound, two fist-sized gaps appeared on the surface of the yellow armor, but soon the gaps healed.

The heavy cudgel shadow smashed down head-on, and the yellow ape moved his arms and hit the heavy cudgel shadow.

A huge explosion sounded, the entire cave shook violently, and a large amount of rubble rolled down.

It let out a miserable roar and grinned, as if suffering some kind of unbearable pain.

The yellow monster flew out and hit the stone wall heavily. Before it could stand up, a divine light flashed past, and an incomparable gigantic long stick fell from the sky and hit its head.

The yellow demon ape hurriedly rolled to the ground, avoiding the giant stick, the giant stick hit the ground, and the ground burst suddenly.

Han Debiao wields a broken spirit stick and madly attacks the yellow demon ape. The yellow demon ape at first can still evade, but with the ebbing of time, it is riddled with scars and the interference of the four Liang Youshan , It is not an opponent at all, and the reaction is getting slower and slower.

Liang Youshan's secret art changed, and the white mirror suddenly spewed out a white glow, covering the lower body of the yellow demon ape. Its lower body instantly froze and turned into an ice sculpture.

Taking this opportunity, heavy stick figures fell from the sky and hit the yellow monster ape’s head.

After a miserable scream sounded, the yellow demon ape suddenly fell to the ground, his head burst open, and the red and white flowed all over the ground.

The four Liang Youshan look pale, they are not easy to use mana here, they finally killed the demon.

Seeing the death of the yellow demon ape, the vigorous golden-backed ape's eyes were full of fear.

Han Debiao dug out the inner core of the demon ape and threw it to the Dali Golden-backed Ape. The Dali Golden-backed Ape is not welcome. He swallowed the monster core, screamed with excitement, and slapped himself with his arms. Chest.

This was stated in advance, and Liang Youshan did not say anything.

They looked at the stone gate with fiery eyes.

With a move of Han Debiao's arm, the broken spirit stick suddenly hit the stone gate.

With a muffled sound, the spirit-breaking stick hit the yellow light curtain, and the yellow light curtain sank and quickly returned to normal.

Han Debiao took a deep breath, the skeleton sound of "crackle" was heard from his body, his body was much taller, the green veins were exposed, and the yellow light curtain was violently twisted and deformed and shattered in a loud noise, all split up and in pieces.

A huge zhang or so stone chamber appeared in front of them. What made them feel strange was that the stone chamber was empty. There was a huge zhang or so array on the ground with hundreds of A groove of the same size, which looks like Transmission Formation.

"Ancient Teleportation Formation?"

Liang Youshan was stunned, confused.

Han Debiao has an incredible color on his face. He has heard of Ancient Teleportation Formation, but he hasn't seen it before and doesn't know whether it is true or false.

If it is really Ancient Teleportation Formation, who built the Formation here? Where does Formation lead?

At this moment, Liang Youfeng cry out in surprise: "Someone came over, like Nascent Soul Cultivator."

Han Debiao quickly let go of Divine Consciousness, he felt a sense Strong breath.

The faces of the five people were surprised and uncertain. If it was Nascent Soul Cultivator, it was okay, but it was Monster Race, which would be troublesome.

The Dali Golden-backed Ape appears irritable and seems to have encountered something terrifying.

"Not good, it may be the Monster Race of Nascent Soul Stage."

Han Debiao frowned and said, this is the buffer zone of human and demon races, and the Monster Race of Nascent Soul Stage appears. Not surprisingly, he hurriedly put the Great Golden Back Ape into the Spirit Beast Bag.

"Go, let's use Transmission Formation to leave, hoping not to transmit too far."

Liang Youming made a decisive decision. He took out more than one hundred middle grade Spirit Stones and placed them in the groove. middle.

The Transmission Formation shook violently, and the rune was bright.

"Want to go? Leave it to me."

A cold man's voice suddenly sounded.

A red light flew in. It was a tall and strong red clothes youth. There was a red sharp horn on the young man’s head. Some red scales could be seen on his arms, obviously Monster. Race.

red clothes When the young man appeared, his five fingers flicked and five red lights flew out.

Han Debiao’s reaction was quick. He hugged Liang Youshan’s slender waist, and a dazzling black light appeared on the surface. The two stood on the Transmission Formation, Han Debiao put his head in his hands and turned his back to red clothes youth.

A few screams sounded, and the three of Liang Youhai screamed one after another, and they fell to the ground with a blood hole in their hearts.

Han Debiao groaned, his facial features are twisted, his back is drenched with blood.

"Core Formation Stage body cultivator? Interesting."

The young man showed an interesting expression on his face.

At this moment, Transmission Formation erupted with a dazzling silver light, which suddenly flooded the silhouettes of Han Debiao and Liang Youshan.

red clothes youth right hand moved towards Transmission Formation A shot in the void, a ten zhang or so big red dragon claw emerged out of thin air and shot towards the silver light.

A dense swath of sword qi swept out, slashing toward the red dragon claw, and the red dragon claw smashed the sword qi to pieces.

The silver light collapsed, Han Debiao and Liang Youshan disappeared.

The red dragon claw was shot on Formation. Formation all split up and in pieces.

The red clothes young man browses tightly knit. He found three storage bags from the bodies of Liang Youming and checked the contents of the storage bag.

"Liang Family of Liulidao?"

red clothes the young man said to himself.

······In    an endless yellow desert, a silver light suddenly lit up in the void, and two silhouettes fell from the silver light, quickly moved towards the ground and fell.

There was a loud rumbling, and the two fell into a bunker.

Liang Youshan's face turned pale, and Han Debiao pressed on her body.

Han Debiao felt the warm fragrance of nephrite in his arms, a seductive fragrance of virgin fragrance drifted into his nose, two pieces of soft flesh close to his chest.

"Sorry, Fairy Liang, I was unintentional."

Han Debiao quickly stood up and chuckled.

There was an unbearable pain in his back. He was a little fortunate. If it weren't for his Strength of Fleshly Body, he might have died like the three Liang Youming.

There was a blush on Liang Youshan's face. She had never been so close to a member of the opposite sex.

"Where is this? Secret Realm? Or is it an island?"

Liang Youshan quickly changed the subject and moved towards looking into the distance.

The Spiritual Qi here is weak, and there is no plant or silhouette at the place where you can see it. The yellow sand is flying all over the sky, and the wind is blowing.

Han Debiao narrowed his eyes, shook his head and said, "I don't know where this is. It's not like Secret Realm. Spiritual Qi is so indifferent. Let's not send it to Funeral Ruins." !"

The Burial Fairy Ruins is a famous and dangerous place in the open sea. With such a large desert, it is obviously not a desert island, it is either Secret Realm or some forbidden place.

"Forget it, let's explore it slowly! I hope it is not a dead place similar to the land of the dead."

Liang Youshan sighed, this time the treasure hunt was nothing, and died three A member of the Core Formation Stage family, suffered heavy losses.

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