
  Chapter 629 Zhongtian continent   Han Debiao took out a middle grade Jinludan and swallowed it down. Movement healing.

Liang Youshan was also acquainted, and stood aside to protect Han Debiao.

Two hours later, Han Debiao gathered up his strength and stood up, his pale complexion returned to rosy.

"Fellow Daoist Han, the wound on your back is a bit serious. Take off your shirt and I will apply the medicine! It will be better and faster."

Liang Youshan blushed Said that Han Debiao was injured to save her. If it weren't for Han Debiao, she would have died.

Han Debiao pondered for a moment, nodded agreed, took off his shirt, revealing his strong upper body, his skin was bronze, his arms were thick, and his lines were obvious.

Liang Youshan walked behind Han Debiao, a strong man's breath floated into her nose, and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Han Debiao's back has a blood hole as thick as a fist, and white bones are faintly visible.

Liang Youshan took out an azure porcelain bottle, poured some azure powder into the wound, and wrapped a white cloth several times.

Han Debiao got dressed and thanked him.

"Let's leave here soon! I hope to return to the family soon."

Liang Youshan showed hope.

Considering that this place may be a forbidden place, they dare not fly too high, thirty zhang off the ground, and fly slowly.

After half a month, the setting sun was like blood, Han Debiao and Liang Youshan slowly flew high in the sky, not fast, and there were a lot of brown blood stains on Han Debiao's clothes.

This desert is too big, but there is no restriction, but they encountered a lot of demonic beasts. Fortunately, they did not encounter the fourth rank demonic beast, and there is no life worry.

A certain sand dune shook violently, and thousands of about one chi-long yellow arrows flew out and went straight to Han Debiao and Liang Youshan.

Liang Youshan reacted quickly. After the sleeves flicked, three red lights flew out, a loud sword cry sounded, and hundreds of red sword shadows turned out to block the yellow arrows. Down, smoke and dust billowed.

Dozens of yellow jackals with jade green eyes emerged from under the sand dunes. There are seven third-rank jackals, and the rest are Second Rank.

Liang Youshan sword art pinched, the dense red sword shadow flew out and went straight to the pack of wolves.

A mournful scream sounded, and the Second Rank jackal was pierced through the body of the boss by the dense Flying Sword. The corpse fell into the bunker, and a large amount of sand rolled down, submerging the corpse.

The red Flying Sword hit the third rank jackal, and there was a muffled noise. The third rank jackal was only shaved off some hair.

There was an air-splitting sound that pierced the eardrums, and heavy stick figures fell from the sky and hit the heads of the third rank jackals. Their heads burst like a watermelon, and the red and white flowed all over the ground.

These wolves were obviously not their opponents. After ten breaths, the two teamed up to destroy most of the wolves, and some of the wolves used Earth Escape Technique to escape.

"Earth Attribute demonic beast, this is really rare, it won't really be a funeral fair!"

Liang Youshan’s browse tightly knit.

"It's okay to be the funeral ruins, I'm afraid it is not the funeral ruins."

Han Debiao said solemnly, the Transmission Formation requires more than 100 middle grade Spirit Stones. Start, the transmission distance must be very far.

Tone barely fell, a huge explosion sounded suddenly, and a huge red sun appeared high in the sky without a call.

Han Debiao and Liang Youshan complexion changed, and they let go of Divine Consciousness one after another.

They sensed a Core Formation cultivator quickly moved towards them, flying towards them, very fast.

"Someone is here, ask her for directions, you should know where it is."

Han Debiao said solemnly.

Before long, an azure light appeared in the sky, quickly moved towards them and flew.

Han Debiao's eyes condensed, and he saw the true face of azure light. It was a jade shuttle with azure light, and the rune flickered.

An azure clothed youth of medium build is standing on top of the azure jade shuttle. His expression is flustered, and there are some brown blood stains on his clothes.

The features of azure clothed youth are handsome, the skin is fair, and they look gentle, and there is a golden peacock pattern on the sleeve, which seems to represent some power.

Behind the azure light, there is a red light, which is very fast.

"This is Wang Yunfei from the Chamber of Commerce, and I also ask two Fellow Daoists to help me. I will thank you very much in the next."

azure clothed youth said politely, with a weak tone , It can be seen that he is hurt.

"hmph, you can run."

An indifferent man's voice came from the sky.

The tone barely fell, the red light stopped, and it was a red light flying boat that was volatile. Two men and a woman, three Core Formation cultivators stood on it, all three of whom were from the late Core Formation Cultivation base, the strongest breath is a tall and strong man with beard.

A young woman wearing a red dress. The young woman has heavy make-up, white skin, and looks very coquettish. She has a pair of peach eyes and a charming heart. An old man with a thick waist and a thick yellow shirt is round. With big eyes, red light across the whole face.

Han Debiao frowned, he has never heard of the Jinque Chamber of Commerce organization. What shocked him most was that both groups used high grade Flying Magical Treasure.

Not to mention high grade Flying Magical Treasure, Core Formation cultivator with high grade magic weapon is rare in the offshore, let alone high grade Flying Magical Treasure, Nascent Soul Cultivator does not necessarily have high grade flying Magical Treasure.

"Is this Zhongtian continent?"

Han Debiao had a bold guess, and only the Zhongtian continent with rich cultivation resources can this happen!

The gaze of Han Debiao and Liang Youshan quickly passed Han Debiao and Liang Youshan. His gaze was uncertain. After thinking about it, he cup hand to hold fist and said politely: "Under Chen Ming, we are Spirit Valley. The guest official of the Ouyang Family was ordered to arrest the culprits. How do you call the two Fellow Daoists?"

Han Debiao was taken aback for a while, he thought the other party would directly kill them! To be honest, he really didn't want to get involved in other people's fights.

Liang Youshan was sighed in relief, she thought the other party would immediately kill them!    "We accidentally broke into this place by mistake and did not know him. Does Fellow Daoist Chen have a map of the nearby market city?"

Han Debiao's tone was sincere.

The yellow robe old man took out an azure storage bag and threw it to Han Debiao, and said: "This is a gusty desert. It is easy to get lost without a spiritual disk. There is a spiritual disk and a jade slip in the storage bag. Fellow Daoist can find a way out by using the finder disk."

Han Debiao’s Divine Consciousness scanned the storage bag, and after confirming that there was no problem, he accepted the storage bag and took out a yellow jade slip and a yellow jade slip from it. A shining yellow disc.

Wang Yunfei saw this scene, apart from anything else, he pinched the secret art, and the azure shuttle under him broke through the air. Chen Ming controlled the red flying boat and chased him up.

Not long after, there was a scream of pain from a man in the sky. Han Debiao hadn't heard of it, his face was shocked, and he was playing with a yellow jade slip in his hand.

"What's the matter? Fellow Daoist Han, where are we? Why have I never heard of the violent desert?"

Liang Youshan asked, looking anxious.

"We are in the windy desert of the Zhongtian continent, this is not the open sea."

Han Debiao slowly said, his eyes solemn.

He really guessed right, they came to Zhongtian continent.

"What? Zhongtian continent."

Liang Youshan was stunned, her face full of incredible color.

Of course she has heard of the Zhongtian continent. It can be said that she has been longing for it for a long time. However, it is very far from the sea to the Zhongtian continent. HSBC Chamber of Commerce monopolizes that business road, except for the people of HSBC Chamber of Commerce. , Other people want to go to Zhongtian continent, they can only figure out their own way.

She didn't expect that she came to Zhongtian continent in a daze.

Han Debiao's eyes are a bit complicated. He lightly sighed and said: "Forget it, let's take a step and take a step! Let's leave here and talk about it."

At this time, the three of Chen Ming came back. Now, Wang Yunfei's whole body drenched with blood, passed out, and was bound by a golden rope.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, any advice?"

Han Debiao asked calmly.

"We are not malicious. The windy desert is still more dangerous. If the two Fellow Daoists don't mind, we can send you a ride and make a good relationship."

Chen Ming is polite Said.

"Then trouble Fellow Daoist Chen."

Han Debiao thought it over and agreed.

After all, they have never been to Zhongtian continent. If they run around on their own, they might touch a strong Great Demon beast, so they might as well act with each other.

Han Debiao and Liang Youshan flew to the red flying boat one after another, Chen Ming pinched the secret art, and the red flying boat skyrocketed, moving towards high altitude.

······   Outer Sea, Purple Moon Island.

The door of a certain secret room suddenly opened, and Han Zhangxiang walked out, red light across the whole face.

After decades of penance, he successfully advanced to the late Core Formation stage. He advanced to the Core Formation Stage earlier than Han Debiao, but in order to improve the refining technique and refine the Life-Source Magical Treasure for clansman, it was delayed After a long time, Han Zhangxiang has only now entered the late stage of Core Formation.

"I don't know how Changming is doing with them."

Han Zhangxiang muttered to himself, moved towards and walked outside.

Coming outside, Han Zhangxiang saw a dozen sound transmission talisman suspended in midair, browsing slightly wrinkle.

He checked one after another and learned that Han Changming had been apprentice to Ling Xiao daoist, and Han Zhangxiang's face showed joy, but when he learned that Han Debiao was going to hunt for treasure with Liang Family cultivator, he browsed tightly knit.

Han Debiao has entered the late Core Formation stage. He and Liang Youshan went on a treasure hunt. It shouldn’t be any danger, but Han Zhangxiang felt that Han Debiao was still too impulsive and should wait for him or Han Changming to exit. It’s never too late to go, and it’s okay for multiple people to take care of it.

Walking out of the residence, Han Zhangxiang turned into a ray of light and walked away. Not long after, he fell outside a narrow valley, within the valley, surrounded by clouds and mist, and couldn't see clearly what was inside.

He posted a sound transmission talisman. Soon, Han Zhongxin walked out. He is already a Foundation Establishment Great Perfection, after all, a Dual Spiritual Roots cultivator.

Han Zhongxin’s cultivation speed is faster than Han Benfu. It’s not that Han Zhongxin’s aptitude is better than Han Benfu. They are all cultivation "Ten Thousand Fires", Han Benfu follows Han Zhangxiang, etc. When people came to the sea, the manpower was tense. Han Benfu took the initiative to share worries for the family. When Han Zhongxin was born, Han Family had already established a foothold in the sea. He could cultivation at ease without worrying about cultivation resources or doing chores. .

"Did you cultivation to Foundation Establishment Great Perfection? Not bad, not bad."

Han Zhangxiang applauded and praised.

"Thanks to the cultivation of patriarch, otherwise grandson won't have today. Please in patriarch."

Han Zhongxin modestly said, making a gesture of please.

At this moment, an anxious man's voice suddenly sounded: "patriarch, patriarch, major event is not good."

Han Zhangxiang frowned, looking up into the sky.

Han Benxian flew from a distance and fell in front of him with a panic expression.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? Don't panic, speak slowly."

Han Zhangxiang said solemnly.

Han Benxian panted loudly, and said: "Liulidao Liang Family has sent people over. They seem to have come to Xingshi to inquire about the crime."

"Xingshi inquires about the crime? What is going on? "

Han Zhangxiang frowned and asked.

"I'm not quite clear. By the way, Fifth Uncle was invited by Senior Liang to go on a treasure hunt. It has been more than half a year and I haven't come back yet."

Han Benxian replied.

"It's been half a year? Forget it, you go and invite Fellow Daoist Liang to the chamber!"

Han Zhangxiang instructed, Han Benxian led the way.

Outside Purple Moon Island, a thin, tall and tall middle-aged man and a blue clothes youth with fair features and fair skin stood on top of a cloud of blue clouds, their faces gloomy.

The middle-aged man is called Liang Youtang, the middle of Core Formation, the blue clothes youth is called Liang Qingfeng, and the Core Formation Early-Stage.

Liang Family invited Han Debiao to hunt for treasure. After half a year, the Life Source Soul Lamps of the three Core Formation cultivators went out, obviously something went wrong.

Liang Family immediately sent them to Purple Moon Island Han Family to inquire about the whereabouts of Han Debiao.

Han Benxian flew over, made a gesture of please, and said, "Two seniors, patriarch, please go to the chamber."

Liang Youtang and Liang Qingfeng looked at each other. , The two followed Han Benxian into Purple Moon Island.

It didn't take long for them to show up in the chamber, and Han Zhangxiang was already waiting in the chamber.

Seeing the expressions on the faces of the two of them, Han Zhangxiang felt a little in his heart. Could it be that Han Debiao had something wrong with them?   "The two Fellow Daoists are here, what can you advise?"

Han Zhangxiang asked politely.

"In the next Liang Youtang, this is my nephew Liang Qingfeng, we want to ask, Han Debiao Fellow Daoist Han can be in Purple Moon Island?"

Liang Youtang asked straight to the point .

"Debiao? Didn't he go with your Liang Family's Core Formation cultivator to hunt for treasure? He has not returned yet!" Han Zhangxiang frowned, he felt bad. Han Debiao really has an accident.

"What? He has not returned yet?"

Liang Youtang browses tightly knit, with a trace of suspicion in his eyes.

What he is worried about is Han Debiao’s murder to seize the treasures when he sees the wealth, but Liang Youshan’s Life Source murder lamp has not been extinguished. It shouldn’t be Han Debiaoing to seize the treasures, it may be that he encountered a strong Great Demon is beast.

"Fellow Daoist Han, let's just say it! The Life Source Soul Lamps of our three kinsmen went out at the same time. They went on a treasure hunt with Fellow Daoist Han. If Fellow Daoist Han is back, please let us know. "

Liang Youtang's tone is heavy. If the two were not partners, it would not be as simple as asking.

Anyway, Liang Family will send someone to check it out.

"What? The Life Source Soul Lamps of the three Core Formation cultivators have gone out?"

Han Zhangxiang's heart sank, and he really guessed it.

He refined the Life Source Soul Lamp for Han Debiao, which is in his residence, he has to go back and have a look.

"Exactly, we will not make fun of this kind of thing. If Fellow Daoist Han is back, please send someone to notify us."

After Liang Youtang said this, Liang Qingfeng left Purple Moon Island.

To send them away, Han Zhangxiang immediately hurried back to his residence. What made him breathe a sigh of relief was that Han Debiao's Life Source Soul Lamp had not yet gone out.

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