
  Chapter 633 Variation golden eyes beast Animal activity.

Han Zhangxiang waited quietly. If the golden eyes beast flees with all its strength, he will not catch up.

Three hours have passed, there is nothing unusual, and the golden eyes beast did not show up.

Han Zhangxiang frowned, waiting like this is not a problem, if the golden eyes is not in the beast, wouldn’t it be worthwhile to wait?

His right hand lit up a dazzling red light, moved towards a group of Haishan beasts.

The red light flashed, a red Blade Qi swept out, slashing towards the Haishan beast.

More than a dozen Haishan beasts were cut in half by red Blade Qi, and the corpses quickly moved towards seabed and fell.

Han Zhangxiang put away the corpse of the Haishan beast. He took out two light blue metal spheres and pierced into a secret art. A sound of mechanism sounded, and the two metal spheres turned into two about The one zhang long blue shark Puppet Beast has a row of sharp spines and wide-mouthed fangs on its back.

He inserted the corpse of the sea-shan beast on the spikes of the shark Puppet Beast and manipulated them to swim towards the cave.

The shark Puppet Beast was active in the cave where the golden eyes beast was hiding. Not long after, a low roar sounded and a huge alien beast rushed out of the cave.

This beast has a turtle claw and a snake tail. Its body surface is covered by golden scales. Its eyeballs are blue. Its abdomen is bloated, but its body shape is flexible.

Han Zhangxiang has a touch of joy in his eyes, which is exactly the golden eyes beast.

As soon as it appeared, it immediately chased the two sharks Puppet Beast. It was very fast. After approaching the shark Puppet Beast, it opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, revealing a row of pale-gold Sharp teeth, moved towards the Shark Puppet Beast on the back of the Haishan Beast bite away.

With a sound of "ga ga", the sharp spines on the back of the shark Puppet Beast was bitten off by the golden eyes beast.

Han Zhangxiang hurriedly manipulated another shark, Puppet Beast moved towards Formation, to swim at the location where it was located. The speed was very fast, but the golden eyes beast did not chase and returned to the lair.

He was frowned, and after thinking about it, he took out a middle grade animal breeding pill and tied it to the body of a shark Puppet Beast.

As soon as the shark Puppet Beast approached the nest of the golden eyes beast, the golden eyes beast rushed out at a very fast speed.

Beast breeding pill is helpful for demonic beast advancement, especially middle grade beast breeding pill.

Countless runes light up on the surface of the shark Puppet Beast, bursting out with dazzling blue light, and its escape is soaring.

golden eyes The beast made a sharp roar, each of its eyes shot a blue light, and went straight to the shark Puppet Beast.

With the muffled sound of "Kengkeng", the shark Puppet Beast was hit by two blue lights, and its body surface was sunken, revealing two fist-sized pits.

The escape speed of the shark Puppet Beast skyrocketed and entered the control of Formation. Under the lure of the beast pill, the golden eyes beast caught up.

Soon, the golden eyes beast caught up with the shark Puppet Beast, but the animal pill basically melted into the sea.

Han Zhangxiang right hand moved towards golden eyes The beast smashed into the void, a red Blade Qi swept out, and the sea rolled violently.

The golden eyes beast reacted quickly, opening its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, a golden lightning arc appeared in the mouth, and a thick golden lightning flew out towards the red Blade Qi.

"Hey, mutated golden eyes beast!"

Han Zhangxiang lightly exclaimed, with unexpected expression on his face.

The golden eyes beast is a Water Attribute demonic beast, good at Water Attribute divine ability, but this golden eyes beast can release Thunder System Magic Technique, which is obviously a Variant Spirit Beast.

Variant Spirit Beast is very rare. If the demonic beast wants to mutate, it either inherits the bloodline of the strong Great Demon beast, or swallows some kind of Heaven and Earth Treasure, which can be mutated demonic beast in ten-thousand does not have one, very rare.

The golden lightning collided with the red Blade Qi, and they perish together one after another, producing a powerful wave of air, and the sea rolled violently.

The anomaly under seabed is naturally not hidden from Han Benfu and Zhu Mingming.

"Fairy Han, do it quickly, and use Formation to kill this demon."

Zhu Mingming warned repeatedly and puts a secret art into the formation.

Han Benfu, nodded, also put a secret art into the array.

The calm sea suddenly rolled violently, and the huge waves moved towards all directions like a flood that broke the bank. The waves spread like a tide. A huge vortex appears on the sea. The diameter of the vortex is the size of several li. It rotates quickly to generate a powerful air current and emit a huge rumbling sound.

A large number of Haishan beasts moved towards vortex uncontrollably, and they were crushed by the powerful air current just after they were involved in the vortex, and soon disappeared.

A loud rumbling noise, splashing waves, golden eyes beast flew out of the seabed, and numerous golden lightning arcs emerged from its body, exuding a violent breath, and its limbs were softened Blue light wrapped.

"Hey, mutated golden eyes beast!"

Han Benfu is lightly exclaimed, beautiful eyes keep turning.

The golden eyes beast is standing on the sea, and a light blue water curtain emerges out of thin air. I buckle it upside down. Inside the blue water curtain is a huge blue vortex.

roar!    golden eyes The beast uttered a deafening roar, and countless golden lightning arcs swept out of the body, turning into golden lightning, smashing into the blue vortex.

There was a huge thunder in the sky. A huge thundercloud appeared high in the sky. The thunder and lightning flashed. You can clearly see the golden thunder snakes wandering in the thundercloud. Like a rushing river, the number is so large that it makes the scalp numb.

A loud rumbling noise, one after another golden thunderball flew out of the thundercloud and hit the blue vortex.

A huge explosion sounded, and the dazzling golden lightning flooded the blue vortex.

The golden thunderball fell on the blue water curtain, and there was a muffled sound of "peng peng", and a piece of golden lightning enveloped the blue water curtain.

The array plates in Han Benfu and Zhu Mingming's hands shook slightly, their auras gleaming.

They hurriedly punched secret art into the formation. It didn't take long before the golden lightning dissipated, and the blue water curtain was intact.

"hmph, trapped by Formation, how much strength can you exert!"

A cold man's voice suddenly sounded.

Tone barely fell, the sea water rolled violently and burst open suddenly, the waves were several hundred zhang high, and hundreds of red Blade Qi, which were extremely dazzling, swept out like a giant airtight net. , Covering the golden eyes beast, blocking its way.

The golden eyes beast wants to avoid it, but the sea water is like Copper Wall Iron Bastion, it can't escape into the seabed.

Hundreds of red Blade Qi slashed on the golden eyes beast, leaving dozens of long cut marks. More than a dozen golden scales fell off, and the place where the scales fell off was bloody.

The sea was surging violently, and dozens of thick blue water ropes flew out of the seabed and entangled the limbs of the golden eyes beast.

golden eyes The beast uttered an angry roar, numerous golden lightning arcs emerged from its body, and the blue water rope broke.

At this moment, a harsh air-splitting sound began, and a hundred zhang or so long red Blade Qi fell from the sky. The red Blade Qi seemed to be pieced together from a billowing flame, and it struck the golden eyes beast. Abdomen.

With a muffled sound, more than a dozen golden scales were split and fell off, drenched with blood.

The red Blade Qi burst open, and the billowing flames flooded the body of the golden eyes beast.

Han Zhangxiang is holding a red sword with a cold look.

With his current strength, coupled with the high grade magic weapon, dealing with a third rank high grade golden eyes beast is not a problem at all.

With loud rumbling noises, high-altitude thunderclouds violently rolling, a series of golden lightning with thick arms of adults pierced the sky and slashed towards Han Zhangxiang.

Han Zhangxiang's face condensed, the destructive power of Thunder System Magic Technique is amazing, he dare not care about it, he quickly took out a red light shimmering small shield, punched into a secret art, the red small shield instantly rose Big, stand in front of you.

A series of golden lightning struck the red shield, and suddenly burst open, and the dazzling golden lightning submerged the red shield.

There was a harsh air-splitting sound. Accompanied by an angry roar, the golden lightning burst suddenly. A red giant tiger with a length of ten zhang flew out without warning and went straight to the golden eyes beast away.

golden eyes riddled with scars on the surface of the beast's body, it uttered a low roar, a little frightened.

The seabed flew out blue water ropes and entangled the limbs of the golden eyes beast. As soon as it broke free from the blue water rope, the red giant tiger rushed forward and opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl bit its head.

golden eyes The eyes of the beasts suddenly brightened, each shooting a blue light, hitting the red giant tiger's body.

There was a loud noise of heaven shaking, earth shattering, the body of the red giant tiger burst open, turned into countless flames, scattered on the sea, and bursts of white mist.

Han Benfu's secret art pinches, hands open the red light, moved towards the sky, and a red light shoots out.

There was a deafening blast from high above, a huge scarlet fire cloud appeared high in the sky, scarlet fire cloud rolled violently, one after another huge Fireball big in the water tank poured down and hit the golden On the body of the eyes beast, a huge rumbling sound rang, the fire blazed into the sky, and the miserable cry of the golden eyes beast could be faintly heard.

Han Zhangxiang snorted lightly, the red sword in his hand burst out with a dazzling red light, and a scarlet flame emerged. He moved towards golden eyes and the beast smashed into the void, shouting loudly: "Flood Dragon is out of the sea."

A deafening Dragon's roar sounded, a red changhong swept out, the sea divided into two, the red changhong suddenly turned into a lifelike red Flood Dragon, and the red Flood Dragon was wrapped in raging flames. Reflecting the sea water around several li into red, wherever it passes, countless white fog rises on the sea.

The huge body of the red Flood Dragon collided with the golden eyes beast, and the golden eyes beast uttered a painful roar. Numerous golden lightning arcs appeared on the surface of the beast, smashing the red Flood Dragon's body.

With a loud noise, the huge body of the red Flood Dragon burst and turned into a huge cloud of red mushrooms, enveloping the entire area, and a large amount of white mist rose on the sea.

When Zhu Mingming saw this scene, he was dumbfounded and swallowed. Han Zhangxiang's strength was still higher than he expected.

Think about it, Han Zhangxiang, as the patriarch of the Han Family, is not as simple as a seniority, but also has enough strength, otherwise it will not be able to protect clansman from foreign enemies.

Han Benfu doesn't feel surprised. In fact, Han Zhangxiang hasn't used hands for decades. Han Zhangxiang has been busy refining tools these years, which does not mean that his strength has fallen.

The blue water curtain is distorted and deformed, and it seems that some cannot withstand the astonishing heat emitted by the scarlet mushroom cloud.

Han Zhangxiang did not show the slightest joy on his face. The golden eyes beast is not so easy to be killed, but it is probably an arrow at the end of its flight.

A shrill roar sounded, Han Zhangxiang complexion turned cold, about to attack the golden eyes beast again, Han Benfu suddenly said: "Wait, patriarch, it seems something is wrong."

Han Zhangxiang frowned, he stared at the red mushroom cloud.

At this time, the red mushroom cloud disappeared and the silhouette of the golden eyes beast appeared.

golden eyes riddled with scars on the surface of the beast's body, the body exudes a scorched breath, and many scales on the body have fallen off.

It lay on the surface of the sea, lowered its head, its eyes were full of tears, and there was a stern roar in its mouth.

Han Zhangxiang looked at the bloated abdomen of the golden eyes beast, and suddenly realized that this golden eyes beast is obviously pregnant, and its strength has been weakened. In order to give birth to offspring, it is willing to acknowledge allegiance Han Zhangxiang.

"Hey, it seems to be willing to acknowledge allegiance, but it can subdue this beast. Variant Spirit Beast is rare."

Zhu Mingming said in an enviable tone.

Han Benfu was a little tempted, saying: "Patriarch, since he is willing to acknowledge allegiance, let him go! It is also good to raise as Spirit Beast, a third rank high grade golden eyes beast ratio An inner core is much more precious."

Influenced by Han Changming, Han Benfu prefers Spirit Beast Spirit Insect.

This golden eyes beast is pregnant. For its own children, it is willing to acknowledge allegiance Han Zhangxiang. Han Benfu can't bear to kill it. If it is used for his own use, it would be good.

"Okay! Benfu, you plant a ban on it, and it will be your Spirit Beast in the future."

Han Zhangxiang instructed, he can see it, Han Benfu I really like this golden eyes beast, so I just gave it to her as a Spirit Beast.

The Spirit Beast that recognizes the Master halfway is easy to backlash the immortal cultivator. After all, it’s not the Spirit Beast that was raised from childhood. Therefore, if the immortal cultivator surrenders the wild Spirit Beast, it will plant multiple prohibitions, as long as the Spirit Beast is not higher. The breeder is a great realm, and there is generally no problem.

Han Benfu was overjoyed, and even claimed to be thankful. She opened her mouth to spit out a big mouthful of blood essence and broke into secret art. She placed nine bans, including a killing ban, if it were golden eyes. The beast dares to eat the lord, as long as she urges the prohibition, the golden eyes beast will die.

After recognizing the Master, Han Benfu felt that he had a special connection with the golden eyes beast.

Zhu Mingming sighed in relief and removed Formation.

The golden eyes beast let out a low growl, and rushed to Han Benfu quickly. It walked flat on the sea.

Arriving in front of Han Benfu, the golden eyes beast lowered his head to indicate the acknowledge allegiance.

Han Benfu gently touched its head, took out a cultivating pill and fed it to the golden eyes beast, then took out the healing medicine pill and ground it into powder, and sprinkled it on the golden eyes beast’s wound. It bandages the wound.

Her move won the favor of the golden eyes beast. It was pregnant. If Han Benfu does not heal her injuries, I am afraid that the baby in her stomach will not be able to keep her.

"After I go back, I will feed you some medicine pill, I hope you can give birth to offspring safely."

Han Benfu said with a smile.

roar!    golden eyes The beast seemed to understand Han Benfu's words and let out a low growl. Tears flickered in its eyes. Suddenly it thought of something and dived into the seabed.

"Benfu, follow along and take a look, be careful, we are waiting for you here."

Han Zhangxiang warned repeatedly, he suspects that the golden eyes beast’s lair has special spiritual medicine , Otherwise how could the golden eyes beast mutate so easily.

Han Benfu complied and dived into seabed.

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