
  Chapter 634 Windfall   Under the leadership of the golden eyes beast, Han Benfu came to it Of the lair.

The entrance is not big, but it has a place of charm and beauty inside.

After turning around, Han Benfu came to an underground cave of several acres, and a huge black whale was lying on the ground, motionless.

The surface of the black whale is bloody, and there is a huge blood hole in the abdomen.

"Thunder Whale!"

Han Benfu was surprised. Decades ago, they went to Jinjiao Island to celebrate the birthday of the Han Family. They came across a fourth rank Thunder Whale, Han. After Changming stayed and was severely injured by Thunder Whale, he recovered after a period of training.

She observed carefully and shook the head. This Thunder Whale was smaller than the Thunder Whale they had encountered. It is impossible to think about it. They met the fourth decades ago. rank Thunder Whale, impossible Decades later, the fourth rank Thunder Whale died.

"patriarch said that a material called thunderstone may be born in Thunder Whale. I don't know if there is any."

Han Benfu talks to himself, walks fast Stepping forward, she endured the stench and looked for the thunder stone in the decaying abdomen of Thunder Whale. Unfortunately, she did not find the thunder stone.

"It's a pity, there are no lightning stones."

Han Benfu sighed, with a regretful look on his face.

roar!   golden eyes The beast uttered a weird roar, and numerous golden lightning arcs emerged on its body.

"Wait, you won't swallow the thunderstone! No wonder."

Han Benfu looked at the golden eyes beast, with a suddenly enlightened expression on his face.

There are not many Thunder Attribute demonic beasts. The demonic beasts in the offshore waters are mostly Water Attribute demonic beasts. Golden eyes beasts have mutated, and they have just mastered the Thunder Attribute divine ability, and think of the corpse of the fourth rank Thunder Whale. Han Benfu suddenly understood.

The golden eyes beast stumbled upon the corpse of this Thunder Whale, swallowed the thunderstone in the Thunder Whale body, and slowly mutation occurred.

What makes her feel strange is how can there be a dead Thunder Whale here? She observed carefully and found that the surface of Thunder Whale was riddled with scars, and there were obvious traces of fire.

She had a guess that Nascent Soul Cultivator hunted and killed the fourth rank Thunder Whale and used the Fire Attribute magic weapon to injure Thunder Whale, but the beast ran away.

She didn't dare to care, took out a red light shining flying knife, cut the skin of Thunder Whale cautiously, and the corpse of the fourth rank demonic beast was all treasures, which happened to be the refining tool for Han Zhangxiang .

It took Han Benfu one hour to process the body of Thunder Whale.

"You guy is lucky! He actually encountered the corpse of the fourth rank Thunder Whale, and swallowed the thunderstone in it, which mutated."

Han Ben Fu touched the head of the golden eyes beast and praised.

The golden eyes beast let out a low growl, it seems to be responding to Han Benfu.

Han Benfu carefully inspected the cave and found nothing else. Only then did he return to the sea with the golden eyes beast.

Han Zhangxiang didn't say anything, and Zhu Mingming didn't ask much.

"Fellow Daoist Zhu, thanks to you this time, otherwise we don't know that there is a third rank golden eyes beast here, but the golden eyes beast is a mutated demonic beast. I hope you can keep it secret. "

Han Benfu said sincerely, when facing the enemy, the golden eyes beast is easy to inflict heavy damage on the enemy. If the enemy knows that the golden eyes beast is a mutated demonic beast, then it is hard to say.

"This is natural, Fairy Han can rest assured, Zhu is not the kind of person who likes to talk nonsense."

Zhu Mingming agreed.

"Fellow Daoist Zhu, our two families are relatives in-laws. It is okay to help each other. After returning to Purple Moon Island, the old man will give you a Golden Core jade liquid. If you encounter High Rank Monster Beast again in the future , Must let us know."

Han Zhangxiang said in a friendly manner that Golden Core Jade Liquid is both a remuneration and a sealing fee.

One piece of news cannot sell 300,000 Spirit Stones, but the value of the beast that has been mutating third rank golden eyes cannot be measured by 300,000 Spirit Stones.

Zhu Mingming was overjoyed immediately and even claimed to be.

If it is him, he doesn't want too many people to know that he has a mutant golden eyes beast. Unfortunately, his strength is too low, otherwise he will take action against the golden eyes beast himself.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go back!"

The three of Han Zhangxiang turned into three escapes and returned along the path.

After a little half a month, they returned to Purple Moon Island.

Han Zhangxiang gave Zhu Mingming a Golden Core jade liquid as a reward. Zhu Mingming thanked him again and again and left Purple Moon Island with a smile.

"Benfu, what good things are in the golden eyes beast's lair?"

Han Zhangxiang asked, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

Han Benfu told the truth, took out an azure storage bag, handed it to Han Zhangxiang, and said: "patriarch, this is the skin, bones and eyeballs of Thunder Whale. I will leave the meat golden eyes beast."

"fourth rank Thunder Whale! haha, good, very good, I can try to refine a Thunder Attribute magic weapon."

Han Zhangxiang is overjoyed , Looks excited.

"By the way, patriarch, Fifth Uncle is not in danger, right!"

Han Benfu asked about Han Debiao's whereabouts, with a look of worry in his eyes.

"As long as you don’t touch the Nascent Soul Cultivator, Debiao should be in no danger. Blessed by your ancestors, I hope Debiao Heavens helps the worthy! By the way, Benfu, don’t let go of the golden eyes beast easily, just keep it. As a life-saving trump card."

The third rank high grade golden eyes beast is proficient in Thunder Element divine ability. If it weren't for her pregnancy, plus Formation, Han Zhangxiang would not be able to hurt it so easily. .

"I see, patriarch, I think so too."

Han Benfu agreed.

After chatting for a while, Han Zhangxiang issued an Expulsion Order. He couldn't wait to go back to the refiner.

Back to Qinghudao, she came to a quiet small courtyard with blue tiles and sent a sound transmission talisman.

Not long after, Han Benmin walked out as soon as the courtyard gate opened.

Han Benmin just returned from a trip not long ago, and he is currently the Foundation Establishment Late Stage.

"Sister Benfu, you haven't been here for a long time, please come in soon."

Han Benmin invited Han Benfu into the residence, and a cobblestone market divided the yard into two. Halfway, there are a lot of exotic flowers and rare herbs on both sides of the path, and a large number of spirit butterflies and bees are dancing lightly and gracefully in the sea of ​​flowers.

Up ahead in the yard, there is a three-story simple bamboo building. Two dark green pythons crawl on the eaves of the bamboo building to bask in the sun.

Han Benfu and Han Benmin have been playing since childhood. They both like Spirit Insect Spirit Beast.

Han Benmin invited Han Benfu into the bamboo building and took out tea to entertain Han Benfu.

After a few cups of tea fell, Han Benfu asked about the reproduction of Spirit Beast.

"Spirit Beast multiplies? Benfu sister, your Spirit Beast is pregnant?"

Han Benmin curiously asked.

Han Benfu is nodded, and with a shot of Spirit Beast Bag, the golden eyes beast flew out and landed in front of him.

"This is the third rank high grade golden eyes beast, it seems to be injured."

Han Benmin looked at the golden eyes beast with a rare treasure gaze, his face was full of envy .

"We originally wanted to kill it, but it was pregnant, and actively acknowledged allegiance. I planted the restriction, which is strange. After I planted the restriction, it obeyed me very much."

Han Benfu is curious.

"It's pregnant, it's probably about to give birth, otherwise it won't be so docile. After all, it's the Spirit Beast of the Recognizing Master halfway, but this is also a good thing for you. Before it gives birth, you are fine. Take care of it and get its favor. Spirit Beast can’t speak, but they know who treats themselves well and who treats themselves badly. All things have spiritual nature."

Han Benmin explained, all things all have spiritual nature, especially the demonic beast of pregnancy.

Han Benfu consulted the big one hour, and learned that the golden eyes beast was not a major problem, so he sighed in relief.

"By the way, Sister Benfu, I got a 700-year-old blood ginseng when I was traveling. The blood ginseng can replenish qi and blood, which is suitable for taking it."

Han Benmin took out a beautiful azure jade box and handed it to Han Benfu.

Han Benfu thanked him, took the azure jade box, and opened the azure jade box. There was a blood-colored ginseng inside with a strong smell.

The golden eyes beast sniffed the scent of the blood ginseng and let out a low growl.

Han Benfu took out the blood ginseng and fed it to the golden eyes beast.

The beast swallowed the blood ginseng and became drowsy.

It is pregnant, and the injury on his body is not healed. It is estimated that he will have to slowly refining medicinal power to heal his injuries.

Han Benfu took it back to the Spirit Beast Bag and left Han Benmin’s residence.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Han Benfu returned to his residence.

Her mansion is a manor with four entrances and four exits. The main courtyard has a five-acre lake. She released the golden eyes beast and found some weeds. The golden eyes beasts are lying on the thick. In the haystack, he fell asleep.

Settling down the golden eyes beast, Han Benfu came to Han Changming's residence, Han Changming and Ye Xue are both secluded cultivation, only Ye Xin is free.

"Benfu, I heard that patriarch said that you surrendered a golden eyes beast."

Ye Xin said with a smile.

"Thanks to patriarch for his help, otherwise I won't be able to surrender it. By the way, aunty, dad hasn't left the customs yet?"

Han Benfu asked about Han Changming's current situation , Han Changming has been in retreat for more than 20 years.

"Not yet. Your father estimates that he will have to cultivate to Core Formation Great Perfection before he leaves the customs. I hope that Fifth Uncle is okay. There is a destroyed Ancient Teleportation Formation in the treasure hunt. Fifth Uncle and Liang Fairy are both missing. Hope Are they okay!" At the end of Ye Xin's words, sighed, Han Debiao is the powerful battle strength of Han Family. He suddenly disappeared, which is a great loss for Han Family.

Han Benfu said seriously: "Fifth Uncle possesses great magical power. I believe he will be fine. Maybe he and Liang Fairy will actually be sent to Zhongtian continent and come back to me in the future. An Uncle or an aunt!"

Ye Xin slightly smiled, nodded, and said: "You rarely come back. If there is nothing wrong, stay for a while, I will let Ben Yong go to Haoran City. You should also cultivation well, don’t slacken your cultivation, your father cares about your way."

"Know, auntie, then I will go back first, and see you another day."

Han Benfu obediently agreed, turned and left.

······   Zhongtian continent, Qingling mountain range, deep.

A dense azure bamboo forest, looking around, this place is full of azure bamboos of hundred zhang or so high.

In an open area, two azure mantises about one zhang high surrounded a giant ape with a sharp-billed monkey gill.

The heads of the two azure mantises are small and the abdomen is extremely bloated. The eyeballs are golden. A pair of sickle-like mantis arms are crossed in front of them. Behind them is a huge bamboo. Below, there are two pale-gold Spirit Mushrooms. Spirit Mushroom has several azure lines on the surface, exuding a strange fragrance.

Han Debiao and Liang Youshan stood in the distance, and they did not take action.

Han Debiao holds the broken spirit stick in his hand, which is covered with brown blood stains. There are also many brown blood stains on his clothes. Liang Youshan's face is slightly pale, and the sweat is dripping.

After they stayed in Silver Spring Valley for a few months, they have a clear understanding of the Qingling mountain range.

The Qingling mountain range has a vast area, rich products, a large number of spiritual medicines, and many powerful demonic beasts, attracting many cultivators to hunt and kill demonic beasts here.

They don't want to rely on others, they plan to support themselves, hunting demonic beasts to earn cultivation resources.

The two azure praying mantises each made a strange noise, their wings flapped lightly, and they rose into the air, several ten zhang off the ground.

I saw their mangoing arms waved forward, azure light flashed, a harsh air-splitting sound, and dense azure wind blades shot out and went straight to the vigorous golden-backed ape.

The vigorous golden-backed ape does not hide, and a yellow light shines on its body surface, and a thick yellow soil armor emerges next to it.

The dense azure wind blade slashed on the yellow soil armor, and there was a dull sound of "ding-ding".

The azure wind blade is like tickling. The Dali Golden-backed Ape is unscathed, and the yellow soil armor on its body surface is pitted, but soon, the Dali Golden-backed Ape’s body surface lit up with a yellow light. The scars on the surface of the yellow soil armor disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

Some azure wind blades smashed on the ground, and there were several zhang long grooves on the ground. The azure wind blade smashed on Azure Bamboo, and Azure Bamboo snapped and broke, splashing a lot of smoke and dust.

"Okay, don't play with them, solve them early! We still have things to do!"

Han Debiao instructed.

The Dali Golden-backed Ape seemed to understand Han Debiao's words. Its furry arms slapped its chest and let out a low roar.

I saw it lifted its right foot high and moved towards the ground fiercely. The ground shook slightly. Two azure praying mantises lost control one after another, and their bodies moved towards the ground fell uncontrollably.

They made a sharp neighing sound, their bodies weighed ten thousand pounds, unable to move even a little bit.

Gravity Technique.

roar! The    vigorous golden-backed ape let out an angry roar, ejected a golden sound wave, and went straight to the two azure praying mantises.

The two azure praying mantis wanted to avoid, but they were restrained by the Gravity Technique, and it was impossible to move even a little bit.

The golden sound waves quickly passed over their bodies, and they kept making sharp neighing sounds. The golden sound waves hit the azure bamboo, and the azure bamboo burst suddenly.

The vigorous golden-backed ape kept emitting golden sound waves. After two azure mantises received three golden sound waves, they stopped struggling and fell to the ground. There were no scars on their bodies, but internal organs. They were all shattered by sound waves.

"Fellow Daoist Han, your Spirit Beast's divine ability is not small, the fleshy body is powerful, and it can also release sonic attacks."

Liang Youshan praised her with envy.

She also raised Spirit Beast, but the divine ability is far inferior to the vigorous golden-backed ape.

"Liang Fairy is overpraised, this guy is also bullying the ordinary Monster Insect, against the strong Great Demon beast, it may not be an opponent."

Han Debiao said modestly, His eyes were full of joy.

The strong golden-backed ape scratched his head and obediently moved towards the golden Spirit Mushroom.

It cautiously dug out the Golden Spirit Mushroom and moved towards Han Debiao.

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