
  Chapter 635 Qingxia Valley and Golden Wolf will meet

A burst of breaking air suddenly sounded, more than a dozen azure light The shimmering giant windblade shot out, and instantly arrived in front of the Dali Golden-backed Ape.

The Dali Golden-backed Ape reacted quickly, let out an angry roar, and a golden sound wave swept out and greeted him.

More than a dozen giant wind blades collided with the golden sound waves, and they collapsed and disappeared like the melting snow in the spring.

Liang Youshan complexion sank, right hand moved towards a certain direction, a split in the void, a sharp sword qi swept out.

The ground shook slightly, and a yellow giant bear about one zhang high drilled out from the ground. The yellow giant bear was covered with yellow mane, wide-mouthed fangs, and crimson's eyes were cold. Staring at Liang Youshan and Han Debiao.

Han Debiao complexion turned cold, the broken spirit stick in his hand moved towards the ground.

Boom! With    a loud noise, the ground burst open, and more than ten thick cracks appeared. Four men, one woman and five Core Formation cultivators flew out from the ground, headed by an azure robe elder who was over fifty years old.

azure robe The old man's facial features are correct, with long beards, tall and thin, the azure robe flying in the wind, has several points of divine poise and sagelike features.

The lowest cultivation base is a middle-aged beautiful woman with a slender body. The middle-aged beautiful woman wears an azure sleeved skirt with a plump lovable body, a smart eye and a fascinating gully on her chest. Daydream, she has a cultivation base of Core Formation Early-Stage.

The sleeves of the five have an azure valley pattern, which obviously represents a certain force.

"Qingxia Valley!"

Han Debiao frowned, the demonic beast of the Qingling mountain range is rich in resources. There are many demon hunting teams here to hunt demonic beasts, with different scales. The big hunting demon team has hundreds of people, and the small hunting demon team has five or six people. Qingxia Valley is a relatively famous hunting team. Captain is Mrs. Qingxia, Nascent Soul Middle Stage.

"hmph, knowing that we belong to Qingxia Valley, are we still hunting demonic beasts in our turf? You will be sent by Golden Wolf!"

The look of a young woman in a green skirt Cold, a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"Your site? When did the Qingling mountain range become your site?"

Liang Youshan frowned and said, Golden Wolf will also be a demon hunting team, as well as Nascent Soul Cultivator sits down.

"You are from other places! Qingling mountain range is not our territory, but each of our hunting demon teams has their own range of activities, otherwise you think we can't kill these two Qingyi Praying mantis? Waiting for you to do it?" azure robe The old man's tone was indifferent.

This is the default rule of each demon team. Han Debiao and Liang Youshan are foreigners, so naturally they don't know this hidden rule.

"Range of activity? Ouyang Fairy has never said about this."

Han Debiao said in a bit of confusion. He was a bit strange at first, so he didn't encounter other immortal cultivators all the way. , It turns out that each demon team has its own range of activities.

even a powerful dragon cannot repress a local snake, Han Debiao doesn't want to meet force with force with local tyrant, but he can't retreat at this time, otherwise he will be considered weak and deceived by the other party.

"Ouyang Fairy, do you know someone from Ouyang Family?"

The azure robe old man is full of doubts that Ouyang Family is not something they can provoke.

"This is nature, we are ordered to hunt the third rank purple-crowned python, Ouyang Fairy wants the purple-crowned python's venom sac."

Han Debiao said proudly, looking at the other's expression, The Ouyang Family sign is very useful.

"Ouyang Family let you hunt the purple-crowned python? It's just you two?"

The young woman in the green skirt is snered, the Ouyang Family wants the purple-crowned python's venom sac, not at all Two Core Formation cultivators will be sent to the Qingling mountain range.

"We are enough to hunt the purple-crowned pythons of the third rank, not to deal with the fourth rank demonic beast."

Liang Youshan's tone is full of confidence.

azure robe The old man's face was gloomy and uncertain, he pondered for a moment, and said: "For the sake of Ouyang Family, you can go, but the green golden ridge must stay."


"hmph, you really don’t think we are afraid of you!"

Han Debiao gloomy face, all bully the good person, he doesn’t care about a spiritual medicine, now he makes Concession, maybe the other party thinks they are easy to bully and kill them.

"Even if the Ouyang Family asks you to come, you must abide by the rules. If you want to take away Qingjinzhi, take the old man three tricks."

azure robe The old man flicked his sleeves , An azure light flew out, and it was an azure mist flag. There was an azure tornado pattern on the flag. Spiritual Qi flowed indefinitely. It was obviously a high grade magic weapon.

azure robe The old man breaks into a secret art, the azure flag blooms with a dazzling azure light, which rises to ten zhang or so long, the flag flies in the wind, the rune flashes, and a gust of wind suddenly blows nearby. , A large number of Azure Bamboo swayed from left to right, and countless fallen leaves flew up.

After a piercing whistling sound, a tornado of azure mist swept out. The azure tornado was several hundred zhang high, with a harsh whistling sound, and countless fallen leaves moved towards azure. The tornado flew up, Hundreds of Azure Bamboo pull up by the roots, were swept into the azure tornado by the strong air current, and twisted into pieces.


The azure tornado went straight to Han Debiao, wherever it passed, a large amount of Azure Bamboo pull up by the roots was crushed by a strong air current.

Han Debiao had been prepared for a long time, put on Chilin gloves and moved both fists.

The void oscillates and twists, fists wind like thunder, and dense red fist shadows fly out.

The dense red tornado hits the azure tornado, and the azure tornado suddenly all split up and in pieces, turning into hundreds of giant wind blades of azure mist, slashing towards Han Debiao and Liang Youshan.

Liang Youshan took out Flying Sword, a pinch of sword art, a sharp sword cry, a large swath of sharp sword qi swept out and greeted her.

The loud rumbling noise, the dense sword qi blocked all the giant wind blades, and the air waves rolled.

The dense red fist shadows instantly arrived in front of the five old azure robe men. The young woman in the green skirt reacted quickly and took out a two-foot-long azure jade flute and placed it beside her mouth.

A cheerful flute sounded, and a sound wave of azure mist swept out.

There are too many red fist shadows. After azure sound wave blocked most of the red fist shadows, they suddenly collapsed.

The dense red fist shadows were about to hit them. A tall and strong black-shirted man stepped forward, holding a black light gleaming three-pointed two-edged knife. There is cold glow flashing.

He waved a three-pointed two-edged knife, and the sound of breaking through the air continued, and a wave of gray Blade Qi swept out, collided with the red fist and shadow, perish together, bursting out a powerful wave of air, air wave Wherever it went, a strain of Azure Bamboo broke.

There was a harsh air-splitting sound, and heavy stick figures fell from the sky, hitting them.

Dense stick shadows covering the heavens, shielding the sun, sealing their retreat. Before it fell, a strong wind came under the mask, and the Azure Bamboo all around broke into countless debris.

The shadows of the heavy sticks suddenly merged into one, like a towering mountain, hitting them in a piercing sound.

The black-shirted man hurriedly swung a three-pointed two-edged sword to greet him.

clang! With    a muffled sound and sparks everywhere, the man in black withdrew more than ten steps, spit out a mouthful of blood, his eyes were full of astonished expressions.

He is also a body cultivator. He has fought against the body cultivator in the later stage of Core Formation. Even if he is not the same, he is not so embarrassed. The strength of the opponent is far above him.

Han Debiao still wants to continue attacking the other party, the old man azure robe said quickly: "Okay, let's go! Let this matter go, I hope there will be no next time, otherwise we can only ask Senior Lin to come forward. "

Han Debiao's strength is extraordinary, and the azure robe old man is not fully sure that Han Debiao and Liang Youshan will be left behind.

"How do we know the scope of your Qingxia Valley activities?"

Han Debiao said coldly.

azure robe The old man thought for a while, took out an azure jade slip, threw it to Han Debiao, and said politely: "out of blows friendship grows, old man Chen Feng, this is the range of activities of each Great Influence The good places are occupied by various hunting demon teams. If Fellow Daoist wants to find the purple-crowned python, he can only go deep and try one's luck, where there are fourth rank demonic beasts."

They Just now they put on a posture of being determined by Han Debiao. After seeing Han Debiao's extraordinary strength, they immediately changed their attitudes. This conversion has vividly and thoroughly expressed the survival rule of cultivation world strength is respected.

"Under Han Debiao, out of blows friendship grows, many thanks, Fellow Daoist Chen."

Han Debiao reported his name and thanked him.

Anyway, he is an outsider, and his real name and fake name are the same. No one knows him.

"It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Han. We are going to hunt a few third-rank high grade Golden Carp beasts. Is Fellow Daoist Han interested in joining us?"

Chen Feng sent an invitation in a sincere tone.

"Many thanks Fellow Daoist Chen's kindness, we take it, if fated will meet again, goodbye."

Han Debiao tactfully refused, he and Liang Youshan moved towards the distance When they walked, the Dali Golden-backed Ape followed them, obviously to guard against Chen Feng's entire group.

It didn't take long before they disappeared in the bamboo forest.

"Han Debiao, I have never heard of this person, but unfortunately I was taken the lead by the Ouyang Family. If we can win this person into our Qingxia Valley, it will definitely be a great achievement."

The young woman in the green skirt said in a regretful tone.

"Wang Yang, you fought against Jin Yunzi from the Golden Wolf Club, how do you think this person compares with Jin Yunzi?"

Chen Feng looked at the man in black and solemnly asked.

Jin Yunzi is also the body cultivator of the Core Formation Stage. He is a descendant of the Master Golden Wolf and the young president of the Golden Wolf Society.

"If you don't use the fourth rank talisman and Spirit Treasure, this person can tie Jin Yunzi!"

Wang Yang said with some uncertainty.

"No way! Can he draw a tie with Jin Yunzi? Is this person so strong?"

Chen Feng was surprised that Golden Wolf would compete with Qingxiagu for power Range, frequent battles, and Jin Yunzi of the Golden Wolf Society is rarely a rival, which puts a lot of pressure on Qingxiagu.

"Of course, it's fortunate that we didn't kill you just now, otherwise we would be unlucky. No wonder Ouyang Family will let them hunt the purple-crowned python."

Wang Yang's face Show a looked thoughtful expression.

"This matter must be reported to the Valley Master. There is a powerful Core Formation Stage body cultivator in the Qingling mountain range. This may be a good thing."

Chen Feng's With a heavy voice, he glanced at the sky and said, "It's getting late, let's leave! Must catch the golden raccoon beast."

, Before long, they disappeared in the sky.

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