
  Chapter 640 The Golden Crow of the golden pupil is promoted to the third rank    If it weren’t for the Vermilion Bird fruit, Han Changming wants to be promoted to Core Formation Great Perfection, I am afraid it will take decades.

Medicine pill will cause erysipelas if taken too much. Immortal cultivator will also develop resistance to drugs. The exotic fruit is different. There are almost no repercussions. The disadvantage is that medicine efficacy is not strong enough, and the growth period is long, so it is impossible to take a large amount of medicine.

Han Changming thoughts move, appeared in the Vermilion Bird space.

As soon as he appeared in the Vermilion Bird space, he heard a sharp bird song, a golden light fell from the sky and landed in front of him, it was the Golden Crow.

Jintong Golden Crow took high grade animal breeding pills, fell into a deep sleep, and was successfully promoted to the third rank.

The size of Golden Crow is twice as big as before, and the golden feathers reflect bursts of golden light.

It made a clear bird's song, opened its mouth and spouted a golden flame, hitting the ground.

Boom! There was    a loud noise, and a Fire Pit with the size of several feet suddenly appeared on the ground, and the soil in the pit showed signs of melting.

"You have been promoted to the third rank? Not bad."

With joy, Han Changming jumped onto the back of Golden Crow.

The Golden Crow spreads its wings and rises into the air, carrying Han Changming moved towards high altitude.

In the whistled past, Han Changming's hair flew in the wind.

In terms of flight speed alone, Golden Crow is not as good as Sharp-Spirit Peacock, but Golden Crow emits more demon fire.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, Golden Crow fell on the ground, his mouth screamed cheerfully.

Han Changming took out a middle grade animal breeding pill and fed it to Golden Crow, who was satisfied, flapped his wings and moved towards high altitude.

Han Changming patrolled the Vermilion Bird space. He came to the cave inside Spiritual Mountain, where a few spirit fish were kept.

He just walked into the cave and felt a blazing high temperature, inwardly shouting bad.

The pool was dry, some spirit fishes were missing, and there were obvious signs of melting on the stone wall. Obviously, Golden Crow used this as a nest and ate those Second Rank spirit fishes. .

It's not that Golden Crow didn't obey orders, but that Han Changming didn't take Lingyu seriously and forgot this.

"You have to build a lair for Jintong Golden Crow alone. This guy's demon fire is more powerful."

Han Changming talked to himself, this matter to him I mentioned that Golden Crow has a relatively strong attack power. It is not very good to place it in the Vermilion Bird space. It is necessary to build a nest for it alone.

He patrolled the Vermilion Bird space, but fortunately there was no problem with spiritual medicine, and the two Spirit Devourers had grown to the third rank middle grade.

Han Changming blew a whistle. The Golden Crow suddenly turned into a golden light, and the Spirit Beast Bag that flew into his waist was gone.

He exited the Vermilion Bird space and went out.

When you come to Hundred Insect Valley, a multi-colored pattern is lit up on the stone wall on the left, and two colorful phoenix butterflies suddenly fly up towards Han Changming.

They are still third rank low grade, no way, their current divine ability is too weak, Han Changming has limited animal breeding pills, and not many are allocated to them.

Han Changming took out an azure porcelain bottle, moved towards stone wall and threw it away.

With a muffled sound of "Pa", the azure porcelain bottle shattered, a pile of azure nectar splashed out, a thick floral fragrance floated in the air, two colorful phoenix butterflies moved towards the nectar .

The colorful phoenix butterfly likes ling honey very much. Taking ling honey is very beneficial to their advancement. Unfortunately, high-end ling honey is relatively rare, and many Healing Medicine Pills use high-end ling honey.

Walking into the Hundred Insect Valley, a silver light fell from the sky, Han Changming stretched out his right hand, and the thunder rhinoceros fell on his hand.

The thunder rhinoceros is more than a circle larger than before, and the whole body is lightning lingering. It is already a third rank middle grade, and this cultivation speed is considered slow.

Han Changming took out a golden thunderweed and fed it to thunder rhinoceros.

The thunder rhinoceros screamed excitedly, flapped its wings, and flew towards the distance.

Han Changming moved towards all around Looking around, planning to find the Void Insect and Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion.

The strange thing is that he did not sense their existence.

Hundred Insect Valley has set a ban. They have been recognizing the Master for many years, and it is impossible to escape from Hundred Insect Valley.

There was a sudden ripple in the void in front, and a black hole as large as several feet emerged out of thin air. Void insects and Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion flew out of the black hole, and the black hole quickly healed.

The size of the Void Insect and Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion have increased a lot. The Void Scorpion is two zhang long, and its body surface is covered with golden lines. The two antennae on the head swing left and right. It is now It is the third rank middle grade. Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion has been promoted to the third rank high grade. The color is bright, like a purple spar. This is expected. The poison sac of the fourth rank colorful python is for Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion. It is item of great nourishment.

Seeing Han Changming, Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion made a deep neighing sound, and the tail stab was wobbly.

The Void Insect flew onto Han Changming's arm, and its huge body shrank into a ball.

Han Changming took out two middle grade animal breeding pills and fed them.

Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion is a powerful helper, helping Han Changming to kill many powerful enemies, and the Void Insect is one of the life-saving cards.

The Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion uttered a weird noise and spewed out a sweet purple poison mist, hitting the ground.

When the purple poison mist hit the ground, a burst of blue smoke appeared on the ground, which was corroded into a huge pit. The purple poison mist hit a yellow boulder, the yellow boulder was visible at the speed of naked eye. Disappeared, obviously, after swallowing the poison sac of the fourth rank colorful python, the toxicity of Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion greatly increased.

The Void Insect not to be outdone, making a sharp neighing sound, and a sickle-like sharp claw moved towards the void in front of you crossed and waved, the void oscillated and twisted, and a black hole as large as several feet emerged out of thin air.

Han Changming thoughts move, followed the Void Insect and got in, all around it was pitch black.

A quarter of an hour later, Han Changming and the Void Insect fell from the void.

Han Changming's expression is excited. If the Void Insect is promoted to the fourth rank, the temporary space can last longer.

Han Changming hides in the void, rare treasure or divine ability can attack him.

"Husband, you are out."

A happy woman's voice sounded, it was Ye Xin, and her eyes were full of joy.

During Han Changming's retreat, Ye Xin will give the Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion and other Spirit Insect food every once in a while, otherwise they will not advance so quickly.

Han Changming nodded, said with a smile: "Madam, there is nothing wrong in the clan!"

"The younger sister is still in retreat, but there is a major event in the clan. Fifth Uncle went on a treasure hunt with Liang Fairy of Liuli Island, and then they disappeared and there has been no news."

Ye Xin without omission and in detail told the story of the matter again, Han Family never gave up Looking for Han Debiao, unfortunately there is no news of Han Debiao.

"Fifth Uncle is missing?"

Han Changming brows tightly knit, this is not good news.

There are more and more Core Formation cultivators of Han Family, and there are not many Core Formation cultivators with stronger battle strength. Han Debiao can be ranked in the top three, Han Debiao is missing, and Han Family has temporarily lost a strong battle. strength.

"We sent a lot of people to search for Fifth Uncle, and there was no news about Fifth Uncle. The same is true for Liang Fairy. There was no news. The Ancient Teleportation Formation didn’t know where to send it, so I was afraid that they would be sent by Monster. Race has been captured."

Ye Xin's eyes were a little worried. The treasure hunt is located at the junction of human and demon races. It is very likely that you will encounter Monster Race. If you encounter Nascent of Human Race Soul Cultivator, It shouldn't be life-threatening.

"Send more people, I hope Fifth Uncle will come back soon. I will go to Haoran City to find Senior Brother Shen and see if there is any clue to find Fifth Uncle."

Han Changming's expression was solemn, and Han Debiao's sudden disappearance was beyond his expectation.

After a few words, Han Changming left Qinghudao.

After half a month, Han Changming came to Haoran City and met Shen Qinghuan smoothly.

"Senior Brother Shen, how is the master now?"

Han Changming's face is full of concern.

"The master is secluded cultivation, and it is estimated that it will take a long time to leave the customs."

Shen Qinghuan said truthfully, what he thought of, and asked: "Junior Brother Han, you The clan uncle still has no news, but I asked someone to read it. There is indeed an Ancient Teleportation Formation there. Maybe they have sent it to a very safe place. Don’t worry too much."

"Trouble Senior Brother Shen is here."

Han Changming said gratefully.

"My family, what are you polite? By the way, I forgot to tell you one thing, Lu Yunjie, the descendant of the daoist, has already given birth."

Shen Qinghuan said to the end, The look is solemn.

Lu Yunjie is the only descendant of the Tiansha daoist. He has been doted since he was a child. There is no need to worry about cultivation resources. It is not surprising that he is promoted to the Nascent Soul Stage.

The descendants of Black and White Impermanence died at the hands of the Han Family cultivator, which is not a good thing for Han Changming.

"Fellow Daoist Lu has a baby?"

Han Changming frowned, he had a relationship with Lu Yunjie, and his impression of Lu Yunjie was mediocre.

"Junior Brother Han, be careful when you go out, don't run around when you are fine, don't worry too much, if there is a master, forgive them not to come around."

Shen Qinghuan said solemnly, Lingxiao daoist is proficient in Pill Refinement Technique, and many Nascent Soul Cultivators will sell Lingxiao daoist for a face.

It is really unwise to betray a Nascent Soul Stage Pill Refinement Master for a Foundation Establishment cultivator.

Han Changming solemnly nodded, Lu Yunjie entered the Nascent Soul Stage, he must be more careful when going out in the future.

"Senior Brother Shen, you are about to hit the Nascent Soul Stage!"

Han Changming asked with a smile, Shen Qinghuan's breath is stronger than Han Changming.

"The master has prepared a spiritual object for me. I plan to retreat and attack the Nascent Soul Stage. The King Junior Sister is also secluded cultivation. If there is an emergency, you can go to the King Junior Sister or order me. dísciple to do it, I retreat this time, it will take decades or even hundreds of years to leave the customs."

Shen Qinghuan’s face is firm, as the eldest disciple of the Lingxiao daoist, Lingxiao daoist treats him Have high hopes.

Han Changming agreed with a smile and chatted for a while before Han Changming left.

Golden Gourd Palace can book middle grade medicine pill. The business is very good. There is the signboard of Lingxiao Daoist, and other businesses can only look forward to it.

Han Changming just walked into the Golden Gourd Palace, when Han Changying walked downstairs, his face was full of joy.

"Nine brothers, you are out of customs."

Han Changying's tone is very warm, and Core Formation cultivator often asks her about Han Changming, and would like to ask Han Changming for help on pill concocting .

The bark of the human shadow tree, Han Changming is now well-known in the Zhengdao League.

After years of hard training, Han Changying has been able to refine the middle grade magic weapon, and the success rate is not high.

"Fifth sister, let's talk upstairs! I have something to ask you."

On the seventh floor, Han Changming asked: "Fifth sister, there is Fifth Uncle News about Fifth Uncle?"

Han Changying shook his head and said: "No, I have asked multiple forces to pay attention to them. None of them have news of Fifth Uncle. Fifth Uncle is powerful, and It shouldn't be life-threatening. Worry, let’s not worry too much. By the way, Brother Nine, Fairy Li from Jinpeng Island is looking for you for something. I think it’s pill concocting with you."

"Fairy Li, Jinpeng Island?"

Han Changming was taken aback for a moment. He had no friendship with Li Yunqing, but for Han Changying's sake, he could help.

"Yes! Brother Nine, you left from Sifang Island several decades ago and saved several Li Family children on your way home. One of them is Li Family children named Li Yunfeng who is now in Core Formation. , He said he would come to thank you when he is free, and thank you for your life-saving grace."

"Li Yunfeng?"

Han Changming did not know this person, but he did save I have several Li Family children, and didn’t expect one of them to enter the Core Formation Stage.

"Alright! You inform Fairy Li to see you in the private room of Haoran Building tonight. By the way, has there been any major event happening outside the sea recently?"

Han Changming asked casually .

"Lu Yunjie of Penglai Island entered the Nascent Soul Stage, and a large-scale beast wave broke out on the site of the three immortal island. Many Nascent Soul Cultivators took action, but it did not cause a catastrophe. Qian, one of the three immortal immortals in the sea Butterfly Fairy was severely injured by Monster Race. By the way, Zhao Tuozi, the dísciple of Sanjue daoist, disappeared suddenly. After the Pill Refining Convention, he disappeared. Some people said he was killed by Monster Race, and some said he went to bury the fairy. The market died in the funeral market. According to reliable sources, the prohibition on the funeral market has been weakened within a few years. When the time comes, there will be many cultivators to go to the funeral market to hunt for treasure."

Han Changying slowly said, every once in a while, the ban on the funeral ruins has been weakened, and that time was the best time to hunt for treasure.

Han Changming has obtained a map of the burial fair from the Core Formation Stage loose cultivator, but he is not interested in burying the fairground adventure. He just wants to cultivation step by step and gather the materials to refine. Make baby water to prepare for baby setting.

"Zhao Tuozi is missing?"

Han Changming was surprised that Zhao Tuozi's alchemy level is not low, and it is also the dísciple of Sanjue Daoist. He disappeared for no reason. It seems The open sea is not as calm as the surface.

Han Changying nodded said: "Yes! Sanjue daoist sent a lot of cultivators to look for Zhao Tuozi, but unfortunately they didn’t find Zhao Tuozi. I guess it was done by hostile forces. The trees seem beautiful in a forest, but are easily toppled by the wind, it’s not a good thing to be too good, Brother Nine, be careful when you go out."

"I see, you inform Fairy Li, we will gather at Haoran Building tonight Get together."

Han Changming and Han Changying chatted for a while, then left the Golden Gourd Palace and rushed to Jin Jiao Pavilion.

······   Sifang Island, a quiet small courtyard.

Zhao Tuozi is sitting on the stone bench, holding a Dark Moon Order in his hand.

"Lu Yunjie, you have actually been promoted to the Nascent Soul Stage, so I will act sooner."

Zhao Tuozi muttered to himself, with a cold expression on his face.

He took out a light azure pill and threw it into his mouth.

Before long, his facial features were blurred, his abdomen swelled up and turned into a fat, round face with big belly, no one could recognize him.

Zhao Tuozi walked out of the yard, and half a quarter of an hour later, he appeared at the door of a grocery store. The owner was an azure robe elder who was over seventy years old. There were some refining materials and monsters on the shelves. core.

Zhao Tuozi walked to the old azure robe, took out the Dark Moon Order, and said: "I'm here to find someone."

"Senior, please come with me."

azure robe The old man made a please gesture and took Zhao Tuozi to the backyard.

There is a two-story azure attic in the courtyard, and the door of the attic suddenly opened.

Zhao Tuozi strode towards the attic. The layout of the attic was simple. A middle-aged woman with big hands and feet was sitting on a stool, without any fluctuations in mana.

"Since Fellow Daoist can come with the Dark Moon Order, he is our guest. I wonder what can help Fellow Daoist?"

The middle-aged woman's voice is calm.

"I want you to help me kill someone."


Zhao Tuozi complexion sank, said: "The third of Lingxiao Daoist disciple Han Changming."

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