
  Chapter 641 People sitting at home, disaster comes from heaven

Han Family cultivator killed Black and White The only descendant of Impermanence, Lu Yunjie was promoted to the Nascent Soul Stage, and Han Changming was killed. It is easy to suspect Lu Yunjie.

Zhao Tuozi can't find Lu Yunjie revenge. After all, Lu Yunjie has already been promoted to the Nascent Soul Stage. The disparity in strength is too great. Zhao Tuozi thought about it and planned to use the Dark Moon Order to hire someone to kill Han Changming.

"Han Changming? It's okay to kill him. Three million Spirit Stones. According to the rules of our Dark Moon Temple, full payment is required."

The middle-aged woman's tone is calm. .

"Three million? So much?"

Zhao Tuozi is frowned. He doesn't have so many Spirit Stones in his hands. In order to fool the killer who chased him, he only brought Take part of your belongings.

"This is the price of Core Formation Stage Han Changming. If he enters the Nascent Soul Stage, the price will be higher. We seldom miss the Dark Moon Palace."

Full of confidence.

"So, can you bring back Han Changming's head?"

Zhao Tuozi asked, curious.

"As much as possible, it may not be able to bring back his head."

Zhao Tuozi pondered for a moment, and asked: "If he escaped, you mistakenly thought you killed him, and in the future he If you are promoted to the Nascent Soul Stage, how should you count?"

"Adding money, three million is the price of killing the Core Formation Stage Han Changming, Han Changming entering the Nascent Soul Stage, naturally you have to add money , Otherwise it will be regarded as a cancellation of the transaction."

The middle-aged woman explained, her tone was flat.

"What about killing Han Changming's daughter Han Benfu! How much Spirit Stone does it cost? How much Spirit Stone does it cost to kill Han Benyong?"

Zhao Tuozi asked, he couldn’t get three hundred. Ten thousand Spirit Stones can only choose a cheap one.

"Han Benfu 1.5 million, Han Benyong one million."

Zhao Tuozi thought for a while and said: "Then Han Benfu!"

Han Benfu joins Han Changming in the Pill Refining Convention, and he is also the Pill Refinement Master. If Han Benfu dies, Han Family will definitely doubt Lu Yunjie, anyway, he will not doubt Zhao Tuozi. After all, his current identity is Li Family of Jinpeng Island.

After restoring the Core Formation Stage cultivation base, Zhao Tuozi relied on the exquisite Pill Refinement Technique to refine medicine pill for sale, and quickly accumulated a large amount of Spirit Stone. He was able to take out 1.5 million Spirit Stone, but equivalent to smash the pot and sell the iron.

As a third rank Pill Refinement Master, it is only a matter of time before he accumulates 1.5 million Spirit Stone again.

The middle-aged woman wrote a note and handed it to Zhao Tuozi.

Zhao Tuozi took off the storage bag around his waist and poured it down. After a red glow passed by, there were a lot of things on the ground, such as Spirit Stone, pill concocting materials, medicine pill, talisman, and so on.

The middle-aged woman is frowned. What she dislikes the most is this kind of guest, and even a few Spirit Stones dare to hire murderers in the Dark Moon Hall.

She double-checked, these things barely enough for 1.5 million Spirit Stone.

"After everything is done, I will contact you directly here?"

Zhao Tuozi asked.

"No need to contact, as long as this woman is still in the Core Formation Stage, we will send someone to kill her. If she keeps hiding in the market city, we will not send someone to the market city to kill her, you have to add money , Or give up the transaction. As for your background, we won’t bother."

The middle-aged woman said solemnly. If Han Benfu has been hiding in Haoran City, Dark Moon Palace will not send anyone to market city. Taking action to kill Han Benfu, the Dark Moon Palace most hopes to see this situation, it is simply earning 1.5 million Spirit Stone in vain.

Zhao Tuozi nodded, turned and left.

The middle-aged woman took out a pale-gold disc, entered a secret art, and said: "There is a new business, Han Benfu from the Righteous Alliance, a reward of one million, you two Let's go together! Go early and return early. If you don't have a chance, don't mess around. Han Benfu should call Lingxiao Daoist Master, be careful."


· ·····   Haoran City, Haoran Tower.

In a box on the third floor, Han Changming, Han Changying and Li Yunqing are drinking tea and chatting. The three are talking and laughing.

After a few cups of tea, Li Yunqing started talking about business: "Fellow Daoist Han, I want to buy a batch of middle grade Healing Medicine Pill with you, the price is good for negotiation."

Three immortal island sites erupted in large-scale beasts. Many Core Formation cultivators in Li Family consumed a lot of Healing Medicine Pill in the warehouse. The middle grade Healing Medicine Pill was used up. Middle grade Healing Medicine Pill was a hot commodity in the open sea. , The price is expensive.

Sifang Island has middle grade Healing Medicine Pill for sale, but the price is expensive, who let HSBC Chamber of Commerce monopolize only one business road to Zhongtian continent.

Li Yunqing intends to purchase a batch of middle grade Healing Medicine Pill with Han Changming, mainly because he wants to take this opportunity to make Han Changming good, and to draw closer the relationship between Li Family and Han Family.

"A batch of Healing Medicine Pill? How much?"

Han Changming looks as usual. There is a large-scale animal wave on the site of the third immortal island. There must be a great demand for middle grade Healing Medicine Pill. big.

"We need as much as Li Family."

Li Yunqing is so proud, even if he sells it, he can make a lot of money.

"Thirty middle grade Jin Ludan, I want some fourth rank lingu, this is not a problem for your Li Family, right!" Han Changming said with a smile, Li Family It is an affiliate of the three immortal islands, and it also raises many Spirit Insect Spirit Beasts, among which is the Gold Jade bee of the fourth rank.

Li Family sells ling honey to the outside every year. The ling honey has a wide range of uses. The raw clothes can improve mana without any side effects. It can also be used for pill concocting, making pastries, cooking, and wine making. It is very popular.

Taking ling honey for the colorful phoenix butterfly is beneficial to their advancement.

"Fourth rank Lingmi?"

Li Yunqing willow brows wrinkle, and said with a distressed expression: "Spirit Insect is not easy to advance. We spent a lot of energy, He cultivated a fourth rank spirit bee, and only produces some fourth rank spirit honey every year, which is not enough."

Hearing this, Han Changming looked unhappy. He naturally knew that Li Yunqing’s remark was Lies, take this opportunity to increase the price of the fourth rank Lingmi.

"Fairy Li, you have difficulties, and we also have difficulties. The materials for refining Jinludan are not easy to collect, and the difficulty of refining is not low. You can find out and take out 30 middle grade Healing at once. How many stores does Medicine Pill have?" Han Changying frowned.

"Of course, Fellow Daoist Han is no one else. Before I set off, Old Ancestor said, try to meet the requirements of Fellow Daoist Han, and we can exchange for fourth rank psychics."

Li Yunqing quickly changed her mind. She just wanted to increase the price of the fourth rank lingmi. Seeing that Han Family was unwilling to sell the middle grade Healing Medicine Pill, she immediately changed her mind.

The fourth rank spiritual honey is also kept in the warehouse. If there is no middle grade Healing Medicine Pill, the high-rank cultivator of Li Family may be injured. It may cause future problems. If it is serious, it will die. Therefore, each Great Influence will purchase middle grade medicine pill and keep it as inventory in case of emergency.

Han Changming's expression eased, and he started to negotiate with Li Yunqing.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the two reached an agreement. Han Changming took out forty middle grade Jin Ludan and exchanged 30 catties of fourth rank honey with Li Family.

Li Yunqing didn’t have 30 catties of fourth rank spiritual honey at the moment, so he could only take out three catties, and the rest was filled up. Han Changming first gave ten middle grade Jinludan, and the remaining 30 Follow-up to fill in.

"Fellow Daoist Han, many thanks, you can visit our Li Family when you are free in the future, you saved my cousin Li Yunfeng, and he always wanted to thank you in person."

Li Yunqing's full of smiles, with ten middle grade Jinludan, plus the Healing Medicine Pill purchased by Li Family from other shops, it is enough for the time being.

"If you have time, I will definitely visit you next time. I heard from the fifth sister that your Li Family keeps a lot of spiritual butterflies. This Han is very interested in this. I would like to ask Fairy Li for advice on raising spiritual butterflies. The question."

Han Changming’s tone is sincere. Han Changying has been to Jinpeng Island as a guest, and he has seen many strange insects. There are hundreds of species of spirit butterflies alone.

"Fellow Daoist Han is overpraised, I dare not ask for advice and communicate with each other."

Li Yunqing said politely, she rarely shared a topic with Han Changming, and she couldn't ask for it.

Han Changming asked about the breeding methods and precautions of the spirit butterfly. Li Yunqing answered one after another. This is not a particularly important secret.

If the spirit butterfly wants to advance, it is best to plant a batch of spirit flowers or Spirit Fruit Tree, and let the spirit butterfly collect nectar to make spiritual nectar, just like the poison insect should be kept in a place full of miasma.

Two hours later, Han Changming, Han Changying, and Li Yunqing walked out of Haoran Tower, with thick smiles on their faces.

"Fairy Li, many thanks for your advice. If you are free in the future, you might as well come to our Purple Moon Island as a guest."

Han Changming sent an invitation to make one more friend. Development is very beneficial.

"Okay, my little girl will definitely come to visit another day."

Li Yunqing agreed, and she had a rare opportunity to get closer to Han Changming. She couldn't ask for it.

Back at the Golden Gourd Palace, Han Changming saw Cheng Guangbei standing at the gate of the Golden Gourd Palace, looking around, seeming to be waiting for who.

"Fellow Daoist Han, you can count back."

Cheng Guangbei said hello with a smile, not seen for many years, he is still in the middle of Core Formation, loose cultivator, free and unconstrained, There are fewer ways to earn Spirit Stone.

"long time no see, Cheng Fellow Daoist, please inside, let's go in and chat."

Han Changming made a please gesture and brought Cheng Guangbei to Jinhu On the sixth floor of the palace, Han Changying went to greet friends.

Han Changming took out a pot of mellow brew and poured a cup for Cheng Guangbei.

Cheng Guangbei is also not welcome, picking up the wine glass and drank it, saying: "This wine has a floral fragrance, there should be a material like ling honey, and there are a lot of materials."

"Cheng Fellow Daoist is right, this wine is indeed made with ling honey."

Han Changming nodded, pours another glass for Cheng Guangbei.

Cheng Guangbei drank seven cups in a row, which was satisfied.

He took out a pale-gold animal skin, handed it to Han Changming, and motioned Han Changming to check it.

On the golden animal skin is a Terrain Map with the word "Buried Immortals" written on it.

"This is the map of the funeral ruins?"

Han Changming was surprised. He also has a map of the funeral ruins, which overlaps with this map.

"Yes, the old man got this burial fairground map by coincidence. There is a golden fruit tree. This fruit clothing can increase the chance of birth by 10%. The golden fruit tree is located In the depths of the funeral ruins, there are many restrictions. I am not sure about it. Is Fellow Daoist Han interested in going to the funeral ruins to hunt for treasure?" Wan Spirit Stone, it is not easy to buy a spiritual object of infant birth. There are many forces that can produce a million Spirit Stone. There is no way, he can only try one's luck in the forbidden place.

"Golden Marrow Fruit?"

Han Changming is a little tempted. The spiritual medicine for refining baby water is almost collected, and there are still two thousand-year-old spiritual medicine left.

"Exactly, in addition to the golden marrow fruit, there are also many good things passing through these places on the road, such as spiritual medicine such as Qixing soul grass, Jin Yanzhi, etc., all of which are in the millennium, and have strong Great Demon guardian."

Cheng Guangbei pointed to the map and said, his tone was full of temptation.

Han Changming shook his head and said, "Many thanks to Cheng Fellow Daoist's kindness, I am not interested, you can find someone else! If you need a middle grade medicine pill, I can give you a few and get it. If you have a good thing, you can exchange it with me to make sure that you won’t suffer."

He is already Core Formation Great Perfection with Nascent Spirit in his hand. With his current status, he can get help. It is relatively easy to make a spiritual object of infants. There is no need to go to the funeral ruins to hunt for treasures. The funeral ruins are not in vain.

The Lingxiao daoist has long promised to prepare a spiritual object for Han Changming, and Han Changming will not go to the funeral market to hunt for treasure, it is unnecessary.

He didn't dare to go, but it was unnecessary. There were more forbidden Secret Realm, and there were a lot of good things. Han Changming was impossible to hunt for treasure.

He is willing to subsidize Cheng Guangbei for a few middle grade medicine pills. If Cheng Guangbei gets something good, Han Changming can buy it at a high price.

"Fellow Daoist Han, as long as we are more careful and prepare more treasures, It shouldn't be too dangerous."

Cheng Guangbei unwillingly persuade , He invited Han Changming to hunt for treasure because of Han Changming's identity and status, and let him go to bury the immortal market to hunt for treasure by himself. He didn't have the guts.

It’s important to know that Cheng Guangbei is only in the middle of Core Formation. He doesn’t even have a high-grade magic weapon in his hand. Not to mention the prohibition and demonic beast of the funeral ruins, even if it encounters other Core Formation. Cultivator, Cheng Guangbei may not be an opponent.

Han Changming shook his head straight and said: "I have decided, Cheng Fellow Daoist, you can find someone else!"

After hearing this, Cheng Guangbei sighed and said. "Okay! I will live in Haoran City for a while. If Fellow Daoist Han changes his attention, you can contact me at any time."

"No problem, if I change my mind, I will contact you."


Han Changming agreed that if it weren't for Lingxiao daoist to retreat, he would like to give the map to Lingxiao daoist.

The evil name of Burial Fairy Ruins is out of the question. If it is to help the Spirit Fruit of the birthplace, Lingxiao Daoist will not necessarily go to the Fairy Burial Ruins to hunt for treasures. After all, he can refine the birthplace spiritual object himself, and what he lacks is only the material. .

Han Changming took out a beautiful golden jade box, handed it to Cheng Guangbei, and said sincerely: "Cheng Fellow Daoist, these are two Jin Luo Dan and two Jin Li Dan, Jin Dan can heal, Jin Li Dan Pill can detoxify."

After approving the Lingxiao daoist, Han Changming can refine more than ten kinds of third rank medicine pill. Among them, the golden lizard pill is taught by the Lingxiao daoist and can detoxify hundreds of toxins, even if it is It is highly toxic by fourth rank poison insect, and taking middle grade golden lizard pellets also has certain effects.

Cheng Guangbei did not decline either. He thanked him and accepted the golden jade box.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, Cheng Guangbei got up to say goodbye and left the Golden Gourd Palace.

In the next few days, Core Formation cultivator frequently visited Han Changming to ask for pills and medicine. Han Changming did not refuse to come and got a batch of third-rank materials.

Seven days later, Han Changming greeted Han Changying and Han Changwu and prepared to return to Purple Moon Island.

Liu Weiwei has been cultivation to the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection and intends to retreat to the Core Formation Stage. She left with Han Changming, but Han Benzhi is not the Foundation Establishment Late Stage, so he also left. Clansman will take over their duties. .

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