
  Chapter 643 Han Benfu is attacked, golden eyes show prestige

Spring is gone, autumn comes, five The year passed quickly.

In a secret room, Han Benfu sits on a jade bed made of Yan jade, his eyes closed tightly.

Her body is covered with a layer of red glow, like a blazing flame, and a large number of mysterious red talisman texts are engraved on the stone wall. The temperature in the room is terrifyingly high.

After a while, Han Benfu opened his eyes.

She vomited one mouthful of impure air, stood up and stretched.

Coming outside, Han Benfu saw golden eyes beasts playing in the small lake in the courtyard, a group of multi-colored spirit fish swimming around in the lake, golden eyes beasts chasing them, they hurried Run away.

roar!    golden eyes The beast let out a loud roar, and a huge vortex suddenly appeared on the lake. It turned quickly, and hundreds of spirit fish were spinning in the vortex.

golden eyes The beast opens its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, a powerful suction emerges out of thin air, and the uncontrolled moving towards golden eyes of the spirit fish, the beast flies and sinks into its mouth It's gone.

Hundreds of spirit fishes were just eaten by it.

Seeing Han Benfu, the golden eyes beast let out a roar of excitement, turned into a light, and flew down in front of Han Benfu.

Han Benfu petted its head, took out a golden ginseng, and fed it to the golden eyes beast.

After surrendering the golden eyes beast, Han Benfu took good care of it and stayed with him until it gave birth to three golden eyes beasts.

Han Family currently has four golden eyes beasts, Han Benfu raises third-rank golden eyes beasts, and the remaining three golden eyes ** are raised by Han Benmin.

Its descendants currently appear to be pure golden eyes beasts, good at Water Element divine ability, and have not mastered Thunder Element divine ability.

This is not surprising. Variant Spirit Beast is originally rare, and their descendants cannot inherit the mutation ability. This has long been rare for Variant Spirit Beast.

"After staying in the clan for so long, it is time to return to Haoran City."

Han Benfu said to himself, as the second third rank Pill Refinement of the Han Family Master, Han Benfu has a heavy responsibility.

Her alchemy level is constantly improving, and she is not as good as Han Changming for the time being.

Han Benfu took the golden eyes beast back into the Spirit Beast Bag and walked out.

Several sound transmission talisman floating in midair, Han Benfu checked one after another, and found that it was sent by Han Benmin.

She came to Han Benmin’s residence and sent a sound transmission talisman.

Soon, Han Benmin opened the door and walked out, and invited Han Benfu in.

"Sister, two years ago, a surnamed Sun senior came to visit and said he wanted to ask you to help pill concocting, but you were secluded cultivation, so she left. By the way, this is her stay. A Spirit Beast egg was obtained from an ancient cultivator Cave Mansion, and patriarch asked me to give it to you."

While talking, Han Benmin took out a golden jade box and handed it to Han Benfu.

In recent years, Core Formation cultivator has come to visit from time to time. Most of them are looking for Han Changming. If Han Changming is not there, then go back and visit Han Benfu.

If the visitors are guests, Han Family will be careful to receive them. Sometimes visitors will give gifts so that they will come home next time.

Han Benfu likes strange animals, which is something that many cultivators know.

Han Benfu picked up the golden Spirit Beast egg and observed it carefully, but did not recognize what Spirit Beast egg it was.

After a few small chats, Han Benfu left.

Coming to Han Changming's residence, Han Benfu saw that Ye Xue was teasing Sharp-Spirit Peacock.

"Benfu, you are out!"

Ye Xue smiled when he saw Han Benfu, and his eyes were full of pampering.

Han Benfu is nodded, and said: "I'll come to see my mother, dad hasn't left the customs yet? Is there any news from Fifth Uncle?"

"Your father a few years ago After leaving the customs, I went to Haoran City, and then closed again. There is no news about Fifth Uncle. I believe that Heavens helps the worthy and nothing will happen."

"Mother, I am going to Haoran City , The medicine pill in the clan is doing good business.” Han Benfu said honestly, the medicine pill of Golden Gourd Palace is very popular with Great Cultivator. Even if it is made by booking, the sales volume is very large. Han Benfu is going to Haoran City.

Using the middle grade medicine pill, Han Family is much more convenient to collect cultivation resources.

Ye Xue took out an azure jade box, handed it to Han Benfu, and said: "This is the third rank talisman sea-turning talisman made by me personally, Offensive Talisman seal, take your self-protection! Lu Yunjie has entered the Nascent Soul Stage. Be careful when you go out and don’t go to remote places."

"I know, mother."

Han Benfu agreed and put away azure jade box.

Ye Xue exhorted a few words, and Han Benfu left.

Han Benfu has traveled to and from Haoran City many times, and has been fine.

Han Benfu stomped his right foot, turned into a red light and walked away from the sky, leaving Qinghu Island.

After flying more than 100,000 miles, an azure light flew towards him, and Han Benfu stopped immediately.

Azure Dunguang didn't stop, and flew over.

Han Benfu didn't think much about it. It was no surprise that she encountered a Core Formation cultivator on the road. She continued on the road and turned into a red rainbow, moving towards the sky in the distance.

······    Zhao Yunsheng was born as a loose cultivator. By coincidence, he joined the Dark Moon Palace. The Dark Moon Palace has a wide range of business, escorting property, assassinating immortal cultivator, and exploring Secret Realm, inquiring about news and other businesses are involved. In a mission, Zhao Yunsheng obtained some classics about curses from the enemy. Since then, he has soared to the sky. With his exquisite curses, his duties have increased. The higher the value, the more you get paid for each task.

After more than two hundred years of cultivating the Tao, Zhao Yunsheng is already in the late stage of Core Formation, thanks to his superb spells.

The incantation requires a medium to be cast. It is a secret technique that kills a thousand enemies and destroys 800. It is generally speaking. The incantation uses the Spirit Beast Spirit Insect as the medium. Peak's incantation can span tens of millions Kill the enemy here, but you must have the target's blood essence or something close to your body.

On a deserted island with a hundred li or so, an underground cave, Zhao Yunsheng is sitting on the ground with two dark green snakes coiling around his arms.

There was a slight sound of footsteps, and a young woman in a green skirt walked in. The young woman in a green skirt was Zhao Yunsheng’s partner Lin Yue, who was also in the late stage of Core Formation.

"The target appeared. After a few years of guarding, she finally showed up."

Lin Yue said with some excitement. The deserted island they are on is from Purple Moon Island to Haoran City. The only way to go is more than 100,000 miles away from Purple Moon Island.

They took on a new mission to kill Han Changming's daughter Han Benfu.

According to reports from his staff, Han Benfu has not appeared in Haoran City for more than ten years. It is estimated that they have returned to Purple Moon Island. For this reason, they stayed on a deserted island and waited for them. It can be said to be hunting the demonic beast.

"She's alone? What kind of cultivation base is she?"

Zhao Yunsheng asked, knowing his confidant can then emerge victorious in every battle.

"As for herself, in the middle of Core Formation, according to information, this woman's cultivation is the Fire Attribute cultivation technique, and the magical artifact driven by it is mainly Fire Attribute. We have prepared several treasures to restrain her, It should be very easy."

Lin Yue is full of self-confidence. With the vast territory of the open sea, it is very troublesome to guard a Core Formation cultivator.

"Are you sure it is her? You won't admit it, right!"

Zhao Yunsheng asked a little worried.

"Don't worry, I personally went out to investigate, there is no problem."

Lin Yue said confidently. A few years ago, she came to visit and did not see Han Benfu. But there was a Spirit Beast egg left, and that Spirit Beast egg had hands and feet, and only the spirit birds she raised could smell it.

Not long ago, her spirit bird reacted. It was obviously a cultivator who had been in contact with Spirit Beast eggs. After passing by here, she immediately checked and found that it was indeed Han Benfu.

"Okay, let's start! do it quickly, don't let her escape to Haoran City, we only have one chance, if we miss it, if we want to succeed, then it will be troublesome."

Zhao Yunsheng said solemnly, if the assassination fails, it will be even more troublesome to assassinate Han Benfu in the future.

Out of the underground cave, Lin Yue patted the Spirit Beast Bag on her waist, a clear bird's song sounded, and a big bird with five-colored feathers flew out and landed in front of them.

There is an azure flesh crown on the head of the big bird, and the feathers are multi-colored.

The colorful wind bird, a third rank high grade bird, has a keen sense of smell and is good at tracking.

The two jumped on the backs of the colorful wind spirit bird, the colorful wind spirit bird flapped its wings, and a gust of wind rose into the sky, moving towards high altitude.

······   Qinghudao, a secret room.

Han Changming sat cross-legged on a futon, his eyes closed tightly, and a glare of golden light wrapped his eyes.

After a while, the golden light dissipated, and Han Changming opened his eyes. The golden light blinked continuously, which looked a little weird.

There was a deep joy on his face, and his eyes slowly returned to normal.

Han Changming frowned, he felt a little feel ill at ease suddenly, his eyelids jumped, this is the first time I have seen this situation.

"Did something happen to Fifth Uncle?"

Han Changming said to himself, his first reaction was that Han Debiao had an accident.

immortal cultivator impossible, really seek luck and avoid calamity, the unexplored prophet, sometimes some signs of the heart are more effective, Han Debiao has been missing for many years, maybe he really had an accident.

Han Changming thought for a while, got up and went out.

Ye Xue is sitting in the stone pavilion, holding an ancient book in his hand, browsing tightly knit.

"Madam, is there any news about Fifth Uncle?"

Han Changming asked.

"Not yet, patriarch has been staring at Fifth Uncle's Life Source Soul Lamp, Fifth Uncle It shouldn't be something." Ye Xue said softly, what she remembered , Asked: "Husband, I suddenly feel a feel ill at ease. I don’t know if there is a major event or my illusion."

"Do you feel the same way?"

Han Changming complexion sank, is there really a major event happening? Ten Thousand Magics Sect is here? Or did the daoist come here? Or is Liu Huan from Harmonious Bond Sect killed?    After listening to this, Ye Xue has changed slightly. She feels ill at ease, which can be said to be an illusion, but Han Changming also feels feel ill at ease. Then it can’t be explained. Is there really a major event? occur?

"By the way, Husband, Benfu left Qinghudao a few days ago. She is going to Haoran City. Could it be Benfu that had an accident?"

Ye Xue frowned, Han Ben Fu went back and forth to Haoran City many times, but nothing happened.

Han Changming complexion sank, said: "Go, let's hurry up, hope Benfu is okay!"

He hoped that his induction went wrong and Han Benfu was okay.

Han Changming sent Ye Xin a sound transmission talisman, took out Huo Yunsuo, and broke into a secret art, Huo Yunsuo suddenly lit up countless runes, their bodies skyrocketed, Han Changming and Ye Xue Jumped up.

The red light flashed, the Huo Yunshuo turned into a red light and broke through the sky, disappearing into the sky.

·····A   certain piece of the endless Sea Territory, Han Benfu quickly skimmed high in the sky.

She suddenly sensed something, turned her head and moved towards looking behind her, a five-color escape light flew from behind her, very fast.

Han Benfu willow brows wrinkle, his face is full of vigilance.

At this moment, a sharp neighing sound rang, Han Benfu felt dizzy, his body swayed left and right, and almost fell from in midair.

"Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion!"

Han Benfu complexion sank, she is very familiar with this voice. She used to tease Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion and was very familiar with Purple Heavenly Flying. Scorpion casts the sound of Divine Consciousness Attack.

There was a ripple on her head, a ten zhang or so big azure hand emerged out of thin air, and it was photographed instantly.

With a scream, Han Benfu quickly moved towards the sea and fell like a short kite.

Han Benfu stood firm immediately, his sleeves flicked, a red light gleaming ball flew out, and a secret art, the red ball suddenly burst into a dazzling red light, and burst out The flames protected her whole body, and at the same time she pinched her tactics, there were bursts of huge rumbling sound from high in the sky.

A group of several hundred zhang big scarlet fire clouds appeared in the sky without warning, reflecting a large piece of sea water into red, and the temperature suddenly increased.

After the rumbling blast sounded, one after another huge Fireball flew out, like a meteor shower, smashing into the five-color escape light.

The five-color escape light is the colorful wind bird, Lin Yue and Zhao Yunsheng stand on the back of the colorful wind bird.

Lin Yue didn’t rush, she lifted her right hand, and a steamy small bowl flew out and entered a secret art. The small bowl suddenly lit up countless blue runes, her body soaring, and the surface appeared. A pattern of a blue carp, the blue carp is swimming on the surface of the small bowl, making cheerful neighs.

The sea water below boiled, as if being guided by some kind of guidance, the sea water rolled up, and a steamy blue water curtain appeared out of thin air, covering Lin Yue and Zhao Yunsheng.

one after another huge Fireball falls on the blue water curtain, like mud like the sea, the blue water curtain is completely motionless.

Han Benfu’s secret art changed, and the scarlet fire cloud rolled violently like a tide, turning into a scarlet volcano of several hundred zhang high, emitting a terrifying high temperature, and the void rippled with waves. Some seem to be unable to withstand this terrifying heat.

In a rumbling sound, the scarlet volcano turned into a red rainbow and hit the blue water curtain.

The muffled sound of "thorns", the collision of water and fire, the hot high temperature caused a lot of sea water to volatilize, clouds and fog, and at the same time, one after another powerful air wave erupted, and the sea rose one after another. , Spread like a flood that bursts towards all directions.

It didn't take long for the huge waves and clouds to dissipate, and Zhao Yunsheng and Lin Yue were unharmed.

Zhao Yunsheng right hand turns, blue light flashed, a small blue bell flashing in his hand, the surface of the small clock is covered with mysterious rune, and you can vaguely see the word "Pinghai", look at it The powerful Spiritual Qi fluctuations that are emitted are obviously high grade magic weapons.

With a flick of his wrist, Ping Hai Zhong suddenly took off his hand and flew out, punching into a secret art, a bell rang through Heaven and Earth, and Ping Hai Zhong burst into a dazzling blue light. Room size.

Dang dang!    A loud bell rang, there were huge blasts on the sea level, the sea was rolling wildly, the waves were surging, the high-altitude rising winds, scudding clouds, a lot of The white clouds rolled violently.

With Han Benfu as the center, the sea water within a radius of five miles rolled violently, and huge waves appeared, hitting Han Benfu from all directions. Before getting close, a powerful air current faced him. Coming, the void oscillated and deformed, and the imposing manner was amazing.

Han Benfu and Yurong have changed a lot, the Core Formation cultivator drives the high grade magic weapon? This is at least the elite disciple of Great Sect! She couldn't remember when she offended Big Sect Disciple.

A series of shocking waves hit the sky, and the air waves rolled, and they were about to crush Han Benfu into pieces.

Han Benfu has an apricot mouth, and a red light shining flag flies out. It is the Huoyan flag. This is the Life-Source Magical Treasure that Han Zhangxiang personally refined for her.

Han Family currently has only three Life-Source Magical Treasures of Han Zhangxiang, Han Benfu and Han Changming, which are high grade magic weapons. Han Changming and Han Benfu’s Life-Source Magical Treasure are both Han Zhangxiang personally. Refined.

She entered several secret art, the fire flag lit up countless red talisman texts, and in the muffled sound of "pu chi", it rose to ten zhang or so long, and the whole shot was fired. The flag was wrapped in a scarlet flame, exuding a terrifying heat.

She held the Huoyan flag with both hands and shook it lightly. The raging flames swept out and turned into a huge scarlet fire cloud, thousands of zhang or so size.

As soon as the scarlet fire cloud appeared, the nearby temperature rose instantaneously, a large amount of sea water evaporated, and clouds and mist were engulfed.

The scarlet fire cloud greeted hundreds of huge waves, and the two collided, and there was a burst of huge explosions. The waves rolled wildly, the white clouds rolled violently at high altitude, and a large number of Low Rank Monsters Beast emerged from the sea, motionless and internal organs were all shattered by the powerful air wave.

It didn't take long for the fog to clear, and Han Benfu stood on top of a scarlet fire cloud, his face slightly pale and dripping with sweat.

"Do it quickly, don't delay."

Zhao Yunsheng said solemnly, a shot of the Spirit Beast Bag, a purple light flew out, and it was a three-foot-old Purple. Heavenly Flying Scorpion, this is a Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion of the third rank middle grade.

Two sharp and ear-piercing neighs sounded, and a gray and white giant bat flew out of the Spirit Beast Bag on Lin Yue’s waist. The giant bat’s eyes were golden.

The tail section of a giant bat has a several-foot-long tail, a bald head, and a pair of golden fangs exposed, looking terrifying.

Han Benfu didn't dare to be careless, and quickly released the golden eyes beast.

She knows the weakness of Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion. Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion can only target a certain individual, not a group attack.

With a pinch of her secret art, the Huoyan flag suddenly burst into flames, transforming into two scarlet fire eagles about one zhang, facing the Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion and the giant bat.

The giant bat made a sharp hiss, the huge bat wings fiercely, and a gust of wind blew, hundreds of gray wind blades shot out, and the Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion spewed out a burst of purple Poison fire.

The dense gray wind blade smashed the scarlet fire eagle to pieces. The purple poisonous fire collided with the scarlet fire eagle, and bursts of blue smoke suddenly appeared.

Han Benfu frowned his eyebrows, and was about to use other means, a sharp and extremely sharp neighing sound rang, Han Benfu felt that Sea of ​​Consciousness was about to tear apart, it was extremely painful, and his facial features were distorted.

A violent wind blew by, and the giant bat appeared in front of Han Benfu without warning.

It made a sharp neighing sound, ejected a gray sound wave, and went straight to Han Benfu.

The gray sound wave collided with the scarlet flame protecting Han Benfu, and the scarlet flame suddenly collapsed.

At this moment, the golden eyes beast suddenly opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and a golden lightning with Dao Infant's thick arms flew out and greeted him.

With a muffled sound, the gray sound waves were smashed by the golden lightning. The golden lightning struck the giant bat, which suddenly burst and turned into a large golden lightning arc, covering the smaller half of the giant bat's body.

roar!   golden eyes The eyes of the beast each shoot a blue light, hitting the giant bat.

The wings of the giant bat fiercely fan, and a gust of wind emerges out of thin air, facing two blue rays.

After the rumbling noise, the two blue lights perish together with the gale.

The billowing flames swept out from the Huoyan flag, covering the giant bat.

Countless golden lightning arcs emerged from the mouth of golden eyes. A huge golden lightning flew out and hit the giant bat in an instant. The dazzling golden lightning flooded the giant bat, illuminating it. Heaven and Earth.

The golden lightning dissipated, the giant bat disappeared, and a pair of broken bat wings floated on the surface.

"Variant Spirit Beast!"

Zhao Yunsheng and Lin Yue were shocked, and said silently.

They did not expect Han Benfu to have a Variant Spirit Beast, or a Variant Spirit Beast who is good at Thunder System Magic Technique.

There was a huge thunder in the sky, a huge dark cloud suddenly appeared in the sky, lightning and thunder, thunder snakes dancing wildly, and the imposing manner was amazing.

A rumbling blast sounded, and hundreds of thick golden lightning smashed down exactly on the blue water curtain.

The blue water curtain is like thin paper, shattered by dense golden lightning.

The dazzling golden lightning flooded the silhouettes of the two of them, and the waves were billowing.

Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion ripples above his head, and a red light sparkling scarlet palm emerges out of thin air, which is instantly photographed.

With a muffled sound, Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion quickly moved towards the ground and fell to the ground. The whole body was wrapped in raging flames, making a painful neighing sound.

Hundreds of golden thunderballs fell from the sky, some of them hit the sea, most of the golden thunderballs hit the Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion's body, and the Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion made an extremely painful hiss.

golden eyes The beast's body is surrounded by countless golden lightning arcs, and its eyes become scarlet.

Han Benfu is very kind to him. Before he gave birth to an heir, Han Benfu has been by his side, and he has regarded Han Benfu as a relative.

Han Benfu's eyes flashed with surprise. She didn't expect the golden eyes beast to be so powerful. It seems that they were good luck last time. The golden eyes beast was pregnant and couldn't exert its full strength.

Loud bells rang, the sea shook violently, set off huge waves, and went straight to Han Benfu.

Han Benfu’s secret art changed, the Huoyan flag suddenly lit up with a dazzling red light, billowing flames swept out, the radius of ten thousand zhang is a scarlet fire sea, Han Benfu and golden eyes beast station In the middle of the fire sea.

The huge wave collided with the scarlet fire sea, and it collapsed like a nemesis.

At this time, the golden lightning also disappeared, Zhao Yunsheng and Lin Yue were covered in dirt, looking a little embarrassed, the blue giant bowl's aura was slightly dim.

Two blue lights flew in and came in front of them instantly.

Lin Yue’s secret art pinch, the blue giant bowl bursts with dazzling blue light, and a blue water curtain hangs down to cover them, two blue lights hit the blue water curtain, and "peng peng" is heard. The muffled sound, the blue water curtain is distorted.

Han Benfu’s secret art is pinched, and countless scarlet flames emerge from the red ball. The scarlet flame rolls violently and suddenly turns into a hundred zhang or so long scarlet Fire Python, which hits the blue water curtain. Above, Han Benfu waved the fire flame flag and released one after another huge Fireball, hitting it on the blue water curtain.

At the same time, dense golden lightning poured down and fell on the blue water curtain.

Several small cracks appeared on the surface of the blue giant bowl, and the cracks became larger and larger. It didn't take long for the blue giant bowl to all split up and in pieces, and the blue water curtain collapsed.

Lin Yue turned pale in fright, and quickly took out a blue-shining shield, punched in a secret art, and the blue shield rose up and stood in front of her.

Boom! The   dazzling golden lightning overwhelmed Lin Yue's silhouette, she was covered with an azure light curtain, look pale.

Knowing that Han Benfu has a mutated golden eyes beast, they will definitely prepare more things so that they won't be so embarrassed.

The sea water underneath was tumbling violently, and it seemed that something was about to come out.

"Not good, be careful of seabed."

Zhao Yunsheng complexion greatly changed, and quickly reminded.

tone barely fell, golden eyes The beast suddenly emerged from the seabed and appeared behind them.

The golden eyes beast is a Water Attribute Spirit Beast and is good at Water Attribute divine ability. This golden eyes beast mutates and masters the Thunder Element divine ability. It masters the divine ability of two different attributes.

As soon as the golden eyes beast showed up, Lin Yue's sleeve flicked, and several azure lights flew out, hitting the golden eyes beast one after another. There was a muffled noise and sparks everywhere.

Zhao Yunsheng’s eyes flashed with surprise, took out a red light gleaming jade bottle, penetrated a secret art, billowing flames swept out, hit the golden eyes beast, the golden eyes beast was rolled The flames flooded.

After an angry roar sounded, a glare of golden lightning lit up in the scarlet flame, the scarlet flame flashed violently, and the surface of the golden eyes beast was surrounded by countless golden lightning arcs.

It has one jaw, and countless golden lightning arcs emerge from its mouth. A huge golden lightning flies out and hits Lin Yue’s body guard. The dazzling lightning floods Lin Yue’s body. .

golden eyes The limbs of the beast were wrapped in a burst of blue light, and it quickly moved towards Lin Yue, rushing towards the surface of the sea, as if walking on the ground.

With a muffled sound, Lin Yue flew out and spit out a mouthful of blood. The blue shield's aura was dim, and several small cracks could be seen.

The destructive power of Thunder System Magic Technique is amazing. There is no high grade defensive magic weapon. They are not the opponents of golden eyes beasts at all.

An astonishing heat wave rushed in. A cloud of incomparable gigantic scarlet fire fell from the sky and hit Lin Yue. Before it fell, a large amount of sea water instantly volatilized, and the clouds and mist were engulfed.

Lin Yue turned pale in fright, quickly took out a palm-sized azure conch, put it to her mouth, and blew it lightly.

A loud horn sounded, a sound wave of azure mist swept out, and the void oscillated and deformed. The scarlet fire cloud collided with the azure sound wave, bursting suddenly, turning into countless tiny flames, Scattered on the sea, the sea burst, and the sea wave rolled upside down.

roar! After   a beast roar resounding in the sky, hundreds of golden lightning fell from the sky and struck Lin Yue.


Lin Yue let out a desperate roar, the dazzling lightning flooded her silhouette, the sea burst open, and the sky was shaken up. The huge waves, the waves of air billowing.

After a while, the lightning dissipated, and there were some burnt pieces of meat floating on the sea, as well as some fragments of vestments.

The third rank high grade variant golden eyes beast, terrifying.


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