
  Chapter 644 Soul Breaking Curse Spirit Arrow, Golden Eyes Beast Protector

Han Benfu surprises, The strength of golden eyes is beyond her imagination.

Zhao Yunsheng was frightened when he saw his companions killed.

He needs a medium to cast spells. The medium is either Spirit Insect Spirit Beast or himself. I thought that killing Han Benfu would be a sure thing. Didn’t expect Han Benfu to have a third rank high. The grade variant golden eyes beast.

He didn't dare to be careless, right hand turns, blue light flashed, and a steamy talisman appeared in his hand.

With a flick of his wrist, the blue talisman got out of his hands and turned into a blue rainbow, hitting the golden eyes beast.

golden eyes A little golden lightning arc appeared in the beast's mouth, golden light flashed, and a thick golden lightning flew out and hit the blue Changhong.

At this moment, the blue Changhong burst suddenly, turning into an oval blue ball of light, covering the golden eyes beast.

The golden lightning struck the blue light ball, and a muffled noise was heard, and the blue light ball shook slightly.

Zhao Yunsheng's secret art changed, Ping Haizhong flew over him, and entered a secret art. A loud bell sounded, and a series of invisible sound waves swept out, moved towards the opposite swept away.

At the same time, he slapped his chest, a burst of five-colored aura flashed on his chest, and his vestment lit up with the multi-colored mysterious rune, which suddenly turned into a thick five-color light curtain, covering his whole body. Inside, this is another vestment of Magical Treasure Level. He spent a lot of money to buy a gold belt for killing and setting fire. Zhao Yunsheng lives by killing and has many life-saving things.

Lin Yue was recruited by the Dark Moon Palace in the open sea, and his financial resources are far inferior to Zhao Yunsheng.

The mutter incantations in his mouth, a burst of incomprehensible incomprehensibility sounded, and the void vibrated and twisted.

Han Benfu naturally wouldn't sit and wait for death, waved the flag of Fire Yan, billowing flames swept out, one after another huge Fireball smashed to the opposite side.

Blue sound waves swept over and collided with the huge Fireball. A large amount of white mist erupted, the mist lingered, and the sea water rolled back.

At the same time, the high-altitude thunderclouds rolled violently, and the dense golden lightning pierced the firmament and struck Zhao Yunsheng below.

A series of golden lightning strikes on the five-color light curtain, and there is a muffled noise like fried beans. The five-color light curtain is completely motionless.

Han Benfu clenched the teeth, flipped his hand and took out a blue talisman that was misty, the rune flashed on it, exuding a violent breath.

She threw the blue talisman moved towards the sea below. The sea level rolled violently like boiling water, causing huge waves to roll up.

Boom!    off four high waves on the sea several hundred zhang, after a blur, into four huge blue giant palm, Zhao rose to shoot from four directions all around.

Four big blue hands patted on the five-color light curtain, and a muffled sound of "peng peng" came out. The five-color light curtain was distorted and quickly returned to normal.

Han Benfu browses tightly knit, the opponent's defense is so strong? At least it is a high grade defensive weapon!

At this time, Zhao Yunsheng’s sleeve bore a scarlet snake. The snake was only two feet long, and the eyeballs were scarlet. Seeing its breath, it was a third rank Spirit Beast.

Zhao Yunsheng showed a touch of perseverance in his eyes. Every time he casts a spell, he must use a third rank Spirit Beast as a medium. Not all Spirit Insect Spirit Beasts can act as a medium. The Spirit Beast Spirit Insect, which acts as a medium, is raised with its own blood essence every once in a while. This blood cloud snake grew up eating his blood essence.

Last time to curse Zhao Tuozi, he had already used a blood cloud snake. This is the last one.

He counted secret art and hit the blood cloud snake, and the blood cloud snake suddenly neighed in pain, and countless mysterious runes appeared on the surface.

The blood cloud snake flew out suddenly, turned into a blood light, and went straight to Han Benfu.

Naturally, Han Benfu didn’t dare to make it hard. The secret art changed, and the fire flag suddenly burst into red light, countless scarlet flames burst out, and a scarlet wall of fire emerged out of thin air, blocking the body. forward.

She was still a little worried. She took out a talisman that was shining with three-color aura, and shot it on her body, divine light flashed, and a thick three-color light curtain emerged next to her body, covering her whole body.

With a muffled sound, the blood light directly penetrated the scarlet wall of fire, and instantly appeared in front of Han Benfu.

Han Benfu saw the true face of blood light clearly, and it was a bloody arrow two feet long, with mysterious runes all over the surface of the arrow.

The blood-colored arrow directly penetrated the three-color light curtain and sank into Han Benfu's body.

Han Benfu's eyes shrank, his facial features are a bit distorted, and his eyes become dull.

Soul Breaking Curse Spirit Arrow!    the door incantation can ignore most of the defense, in the cultivator of this incantation, three immortal souls and seven mortal souls will be with the ebbing of time and collapsing, three immortal souls and seven mortal souls less the same, The cultivator is no different from the walking corpse. After the three immortal souls and seven mortal souls collapse, the cultivator will die.

It’s not that Zhao Yunsheng didn’t want to cast a more huge might spell, so he killed Han Benfu on the spot. The greater the formidable power of the spell, the higher the level of the medium and the larger the backlash, otherwise Dark Moon The temple let Zhao Yunsheng teach the curse.

Han Benfu was hit by the Soul Breaking Curse Spirit Arrow, which is no different from the walking corpse, and has lost the ability to resist.

Zhao Yunsheng is about to take out the magic weapon and kill Han Benfu.

roar !    a furious beast roar sounded, golden eyes animal body out of countless golden lightning arc, hit the blue ball of light above, blue ball of light suddenly burst like a bubble in general.

There was a huge thunder in the sky. Hundreds of thick golden lightning flew out of the thundercloud, piercing the sky, and instantly arrived in front of Zhao Yunsheng.

Zhao Yunsheng was taken aback, and hurriedly poured mana into the vestments, and the five-color light curtain suddenly brightened.

There was a deafening muffled noise, and the dazzling golden lightning flooded Zhao Yunsheng's silhouette.

It didn't take long for the golden lightning to disperse.

The golden eyes beast and Han Benfu disappeared. Under seabed several hundred zhang, Han Benfu is lying on the back of the golden eyes beast, a blue light curtain covers a man and a beast, in the blue Under the protection of the light curtain, the golden eyes beast moved forward quickly.

"hmph, want to run, no way."

Zhao Yunsheng complexion turned cold, and entered a secret art into Pinghai Bell.

Dang dang!   A loud bell rang, huge waves were set off on the sea, and the sea was inverted, and the waves were surging into the sky.

A dozen or more li waters in Fangyuan rolled violently, and golden eyes beasts were thrown out of the sea by huge waves uncontrollably.

A man and a beast just showed up, Zhao Yunsheng flipped his hand and took out a short blade with blue light, moved towards Void Split.

A piercing sound of a knife sounded, the void oscillated and deformed, the blue light flashed, and a blue Blade Qi swept out, wherever it passed, the void oscillated and twisted, and the imposing manner was amazing.

The blue Blade Qi instantly arrived on the golden eyes beast, it could avoid it, but Han Benfu lost the ability to resist and would definitely die.

golden eyes The eyes of the beast each shot a blue light and greeted them.

With a muffled sound, the blue Blade Qi imposing manner was like a rainbow, directly smashing two blue lights, and slashing on the golden eyes beast. A painful roar sounded and several golden eyes fell off from the beast's body. Scales, drenched with blood.

"Hey, protect the owner automatically. I can't see it, huh, then I will send you on the road together."

Zhao Yunsheng complexion turned cold, the blue short blade in his hand burst into a dazzling sight Blue light, moved towards the void again.

The void emits a deafening rumbling sound, the sea surging violently, and suddenly burst open, the sea divided into two, two huge waves of hundreds zhang or so high appeared on the sea, and the huge waves went straight to the golden eyes. go with.

roar!   golden eyes The beast is not afraid, and a thick golden lightning spouts from its mouth, greeted it.

The rumbling noise, the golden lightning was smashed by the huge wave, the huge wave hit the golden eyes beast, the golden eyes beast flew upside down, more than ten scales fell off from the body, the scales fell off The place was bloody, Han Benfu also fell from its back and floated in the sea.

The cold light flashed in Zhao Yunsheng’s eyes, he was about to end Han Benfu, an azure escape light flew from a distance, not long after, the azure escape light stopped, the escape light converged, revealing Zhao Yuanliang’s silhouette .

He found someone fighting here, thinking it was hunting a demonic beast, come and have a look.

"Hey, it is the daughter of Fellow Daoist Han."

Zhao Yuanliang is lightly exclaimed and frowned.

Han Benfu is the eldest daughter of Han Changming, and Zhao Yuanliang has naturally seen it.

"Mind your own business, lest you get into trouble with your upper body."

Zhao Yunsheng coldly said, the blue short blade in his hand moved towards Han Benfu again, and a blue Changhong flew away. Out, went straight to Han Benfu.

"I, this Zhao, are not even afraid of Nascent Soul Cultivator, would I be afraid of you as a Core Formation cultivator? I want to kill the daughter of Fellow Daoist Han, and pass me first."

Zhao Yuanliang's complexion turned cold, his sleeves flicked, a blue light shot out, and the seabed disappeared.

Boom! The   sea ​​burst, and huge waves of hundreds zhang or so high appeared, turning into heavy water curtains, protecting Han Benfu.

The blue Changhong hits the water curtain, rippling waves like ripples, and the blue water curtain is safe and sound.

Zhao Yunsheng is frowned, he did not expect to encounter other cultivator.

"Since you are courting death, then send you off."

Zhao Yunsheng complexion turned cold, he must urge Ping Hai Zhong to kill Zhao Yuanliang.

At this moment, two escape lights flew from a distance. Not long after, the two escape lights stopped. It was Chen Qingfeng and Wang Yun. They passed by here and found Core Formation. The cultivator fights here, come and have a look.

"Fellow Daoist Zhao, it's you."

Chen Qingfeng saw Zhao Yuanliang, lightly exclaimed, Zhao Yuanliang's promised daughter, for the sake of his benefactor, even Nascent Soul Cultivator dared to offend Nascent Soul Cultivator, small reputation in the open sea.

"This person is going to kill Fellow Daoist Han's daughter, if I remember correctly, you everywhere say Fellow Daoist Han is kind to you, you are not nothing serious!"

Zhao Yuanliang The tone was indifferent.

Han Changming does not have any prestige. A cultivator who comes to ask for medicine will gain something if he meets Han Changming and make a wide range of friends.

Chen Qingfeng heard this, his eyes swept, and he saw Han Benfu inside the blue water curtain.

"Although we are loose cultivator, we also know the principle of grateful and seeking to repay the kindness. With our couple, no one can touch Fellow Daoist Han's daughter."

Chen Qingfeng said solemnly, Han Changming has unlimited potential and there is a rare chance that Han Changming will owe favors. Chen Qingfeng will naturally not turn away.

Zhao Yunsheng browses tightly knit. He did not expect that his luck was so bad that he met Han Changming's acquaintance.

Zhao Yuanliang didn't wait. He did it directly, took out an azure mist flag, released a violent wind, and went straight to the opposite side.

Zhao Yunsheng was sighed. He knew that there was no chance. He wanted to kill Han Benfu. He might explain here. He could only find another chance. Lin Yue had already folded in. He was not willing Following in the footsteps of Lin Yue.

Zhao Yunsheng's secret art pinch, the Pinghai bell suddenly brightened, a huge bell rang, and huge waves suddenly rose on the sea level, facing the azure wind.

After the rumbling noise, the two were perish together, and the mist lingered.

Taking this opportunity, Zhao Yunsheng put away the magic weapon, turned into a escape light and left here.

Zhao Yuanliang and the three sighed in relief by chance. They just wanted to save Han Benfu, but didn't want to fight Zhao Yunsheng to death. Now that Zhao Yunsheng retreats, that would be better.

Boom! With    a loud noise, the blue water curtain burst open, and the golden eyes beast carried Han Benfu, turning into a blue light, running on the sea at extremely fast speed.

It didn't open up spiritual wisdom. I don't know who is the good person and who is the bad person. It just wants to take Han Benfu back to Qinghudao, and it can return according to the smell left by Han Benfu.

The three of Zhao Yuanliang were stunned. They saw such a spiritual Spirit Beast for the first time.

"Go, follow, absolutely must not let Fellow Daoist Han's daughter have an accident."

Zhao Yuanliang said hello and chased after him, Chen Qingfeng and Wang Yun followed closely from behind.

It’s a bit late, I should be able to pick it up!            

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