
  Chapter 645 Seeking Ling Xiao daoist for help    golden eyes The beast does not know the purpose of the three Zhao Yuanliang, It runs fast on the sea level, and it may be attacked by other demonic beasts on the seabed. Normally, it is not afraid of other demonic beasts. Now it has to protect Han Benfu, and it has no water to escape.

Along the way, and occasionally encountering third rank demonic beasts or third rank demon birds, Zhao Yuanliang and three of them attacked the golden eyes beast and Han Benfu.

One day later, a red escape light flew from the sky in the distance. Han Changming and Ye Xue were standing on top of Huo Yunsuo, their expressions anxious. .

"Husband, it's Benfu."

Ye Xue saw Han Benfu at a glance, and his tone was flustered. Both of them felt feel ill at ease, and immediately set off to find Han Benfu. Fu, didn't expect Han Benfu really had an accident.

Han Changming complexion sank, his eyes are full of killing intents. He doesn't have many enemies in the open sea. Only those few, I don’t know who did it. The first thing he thought of was Lu Yunjie .

If it is Ten Thousand Magics Sect, Purple Moon Island will be destroyed directly, Lin Xuan does not have that strength, and the probability of Harmonious Bond Sect is not great.

He condensed his gaze, looked into the distance, and followed closely from behind three times.

It didn't take long for the three escapes to stop. It was Zhao Yuanliang and the three.

"It's you!"

Han Changming frowned, he thought he was the murderer who hunted down Han Benfu, didn't expect it was the three of Zhao Yuanliang.

"Fellow Daoist Han, we met someone who wanted to kill the daughter, and forced the murderer back, so that the daughter of Spirit Beast would not let anyone approach, we can only follow along."

Zhao Yuanliang quickly explained.

"Yes! We arrived later, Fellow Daoist Zhao was the first to discover that the daughter was attacked."

Chen Qingfeng quickly echoed.

Han Changming's complexion eased, and he looked at the golden eyes beast. The golden eyes beast has never seen Han Changming. It continues to run on the sea level, very fast.

Ye Xue frowned, shouted in a low voice: "Stop."

She right hand moved towards the sea surface, a blast of the void, a strong wind flew out, the sea surface rolled violently, suddenly set off A huge wave of hundreds zhang or so high blocked the path of the golden eyes beast.

With a flick of her five fingers, several white lights shot out, and disappeared when she sank into the huge wave. The huge wave froze at the speed visible by naked eye and turned into a white ice wall of hundreds zhang or so high. .

With a loud noise, dense golden lightning smashed the white ice wall. The white ice wall turned into countless pieces of white ice, floating on the sea.

The golden eyes beast simply ignored Han Changming and others, and continued to return along the path of Han Benfu.

"This golden eyes beast has more spirituality. It seems to be sending Ling Qianjin back to Purple Moon Island. We are worried that the culprits will harm the Qianjin and keep following behind."

Zhao Yuanliang explained.

"Madam, you follow Benfu. I will rush back to the family first. I guess I will bring Benmin here."

Han Changming exhorted and released Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion and Lei Rhinoceros gave the order to protect Han Benfu. With a pinch of his secret art, Huo Yunsuo escaped and turned back.

He is mainly worried that the golden eyes beast will not be able to return to Qinghudao. The main reason is that the Sea Territory has a large number of cultivators and demonic beasts passing by. Maybe the golden eyes beasts will be lost. Different Spirit Beast, the sensitivity of smell It's not the same.

Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion and Lei Rhinoceros follow the golden eyes beast several hundred zhang, Ye Xue follow closely from behind.

"Fellow Daoist Zhao, Fellow Daoist Chen, please go to Haoran City to report the letter and ask my Master to leave the customs. I will thank you again in the future."

Han Changming took out two Sound transmission talisman, said a few words, handed it to Zhao Yuanliang and Chen Qingfeng, and asked them to send the letter.

"Fellow Daoist Han, don't worry, we must send the sound transmission talisman to Lingxiao daoist."

Zhao Yuanliang and Chen Qingfeng agreed, and the three turned around and left.

Two days later, Han Changming hurried back to Qinghudao. He came to Han Benmin’s residence and sent Han Benmin a sound transmission talisman.

Soon, Han Benmin opened the door and walked out.

"Uncle Nine, something happened to Sister Benfu?"

Han Benmin asked nervously.

"I'll tell you on the road, you will immediately take three golden eyes beasts, and go to meet me with me, hope that golden eyes beast can stop."

Han Changming He urged, everything is alive, he has heard of the golden eyes beast.

The golden eyes beast can take Han Benfu all the way to escape, which shows that it is quite human. It is very difficult to stop it. After all, it has stayed with Han Benfu all these years. I haven't seen a few outsiders, and Han Benmin is one of them.

Han Benmin complied, brought three golden eyes beasts, and jumped on Huo Yunsuo.

Han Changming sent someone to notify Han Zhangxiang and tell Han Zhangxiang what happened.

One day later, Han Changming and Han Benmin appeared on a deserted island of ten li or so, Ye Xue stood high in the sky, browsing tightly knit.

Han Benfu lay on the beach, Both eyes are spiritless, golden eyes beast staying beside her, roaring in his mouth, countless golden lightning arcs emerged from his body.

I guessed it by Han Changming. There are too many demonic beasts and cultivators passing by here, and the golden eyes beast is lost. It doesn't believe in anyone and doesn't let anyone approach Han Benfu.

Han Changming secret art pinched, Huo Yunsuo slowly landed, Han Benmin jumped to the ground, he released three golden eyes beasts, cautiously close to the golden eyes beasts.

The golden eyes beast seemed to recognize Han Benmin and did not attack him and let him approach.

Han Benmin walked to the golden eyes beast and gently stroked its head to comfort it.

After a quarter of an hour, the mood of the golden eyes beast stabilized, and the golden lightning arc on the body surface dissipated.

It stayed with Han Benmin for a while, and Han Benmin helped him deliver the baby, which brought Han Benmin closer.

Han Changming took a deep breath, cautiously approaching the golden eyes beast, the golden eyes beast immediately issued an angry roar, and numerous golden lightning arcs appeared on the body, as if it was about to attack Han Changming.

"Benmin? What's going on?"

Han Changming frowned and asked.

"I don't know, it doesn't seem to like you, Jiu Shu, maybe you have a murderer's breath or something stimulates it."

Han Benmin explained . '

"Husband, let me try it!"

Ye Xue cautiously approached Han Benfu, and the golden eyes beasts were normal. Let Ye Xue come to Han Benfu. Around.

"The breath of a murderer?"

Han Changming brows tightly knit, he has been in retreat for several years and has not had any contact with outsiders.

Either the murderer is the Pill Refinement Master, who emits medicinal aroma, or the murderer raises Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion or Thunder Rhinoceros, and the Thunder Rhinoceros is unique and unmatched, then there are only two possibilities, the murderer Contact with Pill Refinement Master or Pill Refinement Master, or the murderer raised Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion.

"Husband, Benfu has no wounds on his body, and there is a weird rune on her eyebrows. She passed out and I don’t know what’s going on."

Ye Xue’s tone was anxious, Han Benfu's symptoms look like poisoning, but they don't look like it closely.

There is a mysterious black rune on Han Benfu's eyebrows, which seems to represent something.

"It seems to be the art of curse!"

Han Changming brows tightly knit, he doesn't know much about the art of curses. If he can't prescribe the right medicine, it will be troublesome.

At this time, Han Zhangxiang also arrived, his expression solemn.

"How is Benfu?"

Han Zhangxiang saw Han Benfu who was unconscious, complexion sank.

"patriarch, Benfu seems to have been cursed. First give Benfu Detoxification Pill. It doesn't matter if it works."

Han Changming instructed, Ye Xue quickly took it out A middle grade Jin Lu Dan, fed to Han Benfu.

Han Changming carefully discovered that the golden eyes beast repels Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion. Once Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion approaches, it will roar, seeming to warn Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion.

The golden eyes beast prevents Han Changming from approaching, and Han Changming cannot diagnose Han Benfu.

Han Zhangxiang is cautiously close to Han Benfu, golden eyes is not repellent, only Han Changming and Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion are repelled.

Han Zhangxiang carefully observe the mysterious rune of Han Benfu’s eyebrows, browse tightly frowns.

"It's really like a curse, but I don't know what it is."

Han Zhangxiang's face is ugly. As far as he knows, there is no cultivator in the open sea. The art of cursing, he has read records of the art of cursing in the ancient books. It is said that the art of cursing comes from the witch clan, no matter in the inner sea or the outer sea, there is no witch clan, and he has not heard of any cultivator mastering the art of cursing.

At this time, the importance of knowledge is revealed.

Bottle Gourd Island Han Family inheritance is less than a thousand years. Before that, it has always been a third-rate family. There are not many types and numbers of books, far inferior to those of the Great Sect. , Han Changming and Han Zhangxiang were also helpless.

If they know what kind of incantation it is, they still have a way to heal Han Benfu.

The golden eyes beast will not let anyone take Han Benfu, even Han Benmin.

Han Changming took out an azure porcelain bottle and threw it to Han Benmin, instructed: "Benmin, there is a hundred wine pill inside, you feed the golden eyes beast, if you don’t get it drunk, I can’t do it for this Fu diagnosis and treatment."

Han Benmin caught the porcelain bottle and took out a drunken azure pill with nine Dao Pill patterns on the surface. It was obviously a high-grade pill medicine and fed it to the golden eyes beast.

Decades ago, he followed the Lingxiao daoist to Sifang Island and changed to a batch of middle grade medicine pills at the Pill Refinement Master party, and purified them to high grade using Supreme Unity Spirit Transformation Gourd.

golden eyes The beast swallowed the high grade Baijiu Pill, his body swayed, and it didn't take long for him to fall asleep.

Han Changming was sighed in relief. He stepped forward to check, but he couldn't see why.

"Changming, let's go to Haoran City and ask Lingxiao daoist for help! He is experienced and knowledgeable, maybe there is a way."

Han Zhangxiang suggested, their knowledge is too little, No more delay than Lingxiao Daoist, Han Benfu will be more dangerous.

Han Changming nodded, take Han Benfu moved towards Haoran City and fly away.

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