
  Chapter 646 The Method of Solving Curses   Haoran City, a secret room.

Ling Xiao daoist sits cross-legged on an azure futon, his eyes closed tightly, and a burst of soft aura is released from his body, and countless auras are floating around his body.

Suddenly, a sound transmission talisman flew in.

Lingxiao daoist frowned, ignored it.

Soon, another sound transmission talisman flew in, the third and the fourth...   ten can’t breathe, more than 20 sound transmission talisman Flew in and floated in front of Lingxiao Daoist.

The aura of Ling Xiao daoist's body surface dissipated, and he opened his eyes suddenly, his face full of displeasure.

"Didn't you say it? There is no major event, don't disturb me."

Ling Xiao daoist frowned, he grabbed a sound transmission talisman casually, squeezed it hard, and let out a dull sound The sound transmission talisman spontaneously ignited without wind, and Han Changming's anxious voice suddenly sounded: "Master, the daughter of dísciple has been cursed. Please also ask the master to help."

He is frowned and crushed. The other sound transmission talisman were all sent by Han Changming, and Han Changming's voice was crying.

"Something happened to Benfu?"

Ling Xiao daoist frowned. Everyone knew that Han Changming was his third disciple and hurt Han Benfu. It didn't hurt him. the difference.

If you dare to touch Han Benfu today, you will dare to bully Lingxiao Daoist tomorrow.

He snorted lightly, got up and walked out, opening the door of Cave Mansion.

Han Changming and Ye Xue stood at the door, Han Changming looked anxious, Ye Xue's eyes were red, and tears flickered in his eyes.

"Master, dísciple should not disturb your cultivation, but Benfu has been under a spell and has remained unconscious, dísciple is helpless, please help Benfu!"

Han Changming His face was full of grief, to be honest, he didn't want to disturb Ling Xiao's daoist cultivation.

Shen Qinghuan and Azure Lotus Fairy have secluded cultivation one after another. Zhao Yuanliang can't contact Lingxiao Daoist at all, so he can only wait.

"hmph, you still know that you shouldn't bother to be a teacher cultivation, save people first, and then settle accounts with you later."

Ling Xiao daoist said solemnly, he was a little unhappy with Han Changming Disturb his cultivation, but there are reasons why Ling Xiao Daoist can understand.

"Thank you master, master, great kindness, dísciple is nothing in return."

Han Changming said gratefully, emotionally.

Lingxiao daoist is willing to put aside the cultivation and go out for the diagnosis and treatment of Han Benfu. It is indeed rare. The master of Lingxiao daoist is still very competent.

"Stop talking nonsense, lead the way!"

Ling Xiao daoist urged.

Han Changming took a deep breath, rushed to the Lingxiao daoist and bowed to show the way for the Lingxiao daoist.

It didn't take long for them to appear in a small courtyard with blue tiles full of exotic flowers and rare herbs. There was a three-story azure pavilion in the courtyard. Han Zhangxiang walked around the door, looking anxious.

Seeing Lingxiao daoist, Han Zhangxiang hurriedly saluted.

Ling Xiao daoist ignored it and rushed into the attic.

In a secret room, Han Benfu is lying on an azure stone bed, her eyes are dull, motionless, and her breath is wilting.

Han Changying stood aside, worried.

Han Benfu was brought up by Han Changying. Han Changying always regarded Han Benfu as his own child. Now that Han Benfu looks like this, Han Changying feels very sad.

Ling Xiao daoist walked in, he carefully checked the mysterious pattern on Han Benfu's eyebrows, frowned and said, "It is indeed a curse technique, do you know who the murderer is?"

"I don't know, he ran away."

Han Changming shook his head and said with a face full of murderous aura. If he finds out who did it, he will never let the murderer go.

"Master, can't you see which spell it is?"

Han Changming's expression was flustered.

Ling Xiao daoist flipped his hand and took out a small snow-white mirror, punched in a secret art, a white mist swept out, covering Han Benfu's whole body, and the mirror surface of the small mirror flashed continuously , There was a harsh scream.

"Yes, it is a spell against the soul. Benfu's soul is gradually weakening. I don't have a medicine pill in this area."

Ling Xiao daoist frowned and said , The voice is heavy.

"A spell against the soul? Is there no way to save it?"

Han Changming's tone was anxious.

"If there is a medicine pill like Soul Guard Pill or secret charms like Soul Guard Pill, it can prolong the onset time of the spell. I remember Fellow Daoist Li has a Soul Guard Pill, you guard it first Here, I'm going to look for him, I hope he hasn't left Haoran City."

After Ling Xiao said this, he turned and left.

"Soul Guard Pill?"

Han Changming suddenly remembered something, he rushed to Han Changying and said, "Fifth Sister, go to Jin Jiao Pavilion to find Fellow Daoist Han, and see him Is there any way."

Han Changying complied, turned and left.

Han Changming took out an azure porcelain bottle. Decades ago, he followed Lingxiao Daoist to Sifang Island. At the party of Pill Refinement Master, he changed to Soul Guard Pill with Nangong Yue Peak. Soul Guard Pill can protect Three immortal souls and seven mortal souls of immortal cultivator, avoid the soul flew away and scattered.

He opened the porcelain bottle and poured out a black pill with nine Dao Pill patterns on the surface, emitting a strange fragrance.

high grade Soul Guard Pill!    Han Changming exchanged to middle grade Soul Guard Pill, and purified to high grade using Supreme Unity Spirit Transformation Gourd.

He fed Soul Guard Pill to Han Benfu, Han Benfu still had no response, but his complexion slowly improved.

After a little one hour, the Lingxiao Daoist came back, and an elderly golden robe who was over seventy years old followed him. The elderly golden robe had a round face and big eyes, with a goatee, and looked amiable.

"Fellow Daoist Li, you should show the old man's grandchildren to see if you have been cursed."

Ling Xiao daoist urged.

golden robe The old man rolled Han Benfu's eyelids, then looked at the weird pattern on her eyebrows, and asked what happened. Han Changming answered truthfully. Zhao Yuanliang told Han Changming the whole story. Up.

"It is indeed a spell, but fortunately it is not a spell such as the Soul Breaking Nail, otherwise she will be dead. She should be the spirit technique of the Soul Breaking Curse, an immortal cultivator that has been hit by this technique. The three immortal souls and seven mortal souls will slowly dissipate. If there is a special treasure or medicine pill, it can prolong the attack time."

golden robe old man slowly said.

"Senior Li, are you sure it is the spirit technique?"

Han Changming cautiously asked, he was afraid that the other party was wrong.

"Does the old man lie to you?"

The old man blows his beard and stares.

Ling Xiao daoist quickly explained: "Fellow Daoist Li, Changming is also a lover, Changming, Fellow Daoist Li was born in HSBC Chamber of Commerce, he has been to Zhongtian continent, he has seen the curse, don’t I dare not say, just considering the understanding of the curse art, Haoran City dare to recognize the second, no one dare to recognize the first."

Han Changming suddenly realized, bowed, and said apologetically. : "Junior Menglang is now, and I still look forward to senior Haihan."

The old man did not say anything, flipped his hand and took out a golden light flashing talisman, and said: "This soul fixation talisman can extend the soul break When the spirit technique of the spell occurs, you must untie the spell as soon as possible, otherwise her life will not be preserved."

"Fellow Daoist Li, the murderer has already escaped. It is difficult for us to find the murderer. Is there anything else? Way."

Ling Xiao daoist frowned and asked.

"There are other ways, but it needs more than a thousand years of seven-star soul grass to raise the soul grass. The murderer is probably from the Zhongtian continent. The old man has never heard of a cultivator in the open sea who knows how to curse. It was not the old man who killed a witch, and got some books about curses, which the old man could not recognize."

golden robe The old man stroked his beard lightly and said slowly.

"Seven stars raise soul grass?"

Han Changming's heart moved. He remembers that Cheng Guangbei told him that there are seven stars raise soul grass somewhere in the funeral market.

"Seven-star soul grass? This kind of spiritual grass requires a lot of growth environment. The last time that seven-star soul grass appeared, it was two hundred years ago. I remember it was an 800-year-old seven-star plant. soul grass."

Ling Xiao daoist said softly, his brows curled into a ball.

"Senior Li, as long as you find Seven Stars Soul Grass, can Benfu be saved?"

Han Changming asked seriously.

"You are 20% sure! The old man hasn't tried it either."

Golden robe The old man's tone is calm.

"What? Only 20%?"

Ye Xue's face turned pale, this is undoubtedly Five Thunderbolts.

"hmph, do you think the spells are so easy to untie? Twenty percent is pretty good. Of course, there are many magicians in the cultivation world. If there is a formation or rare treasure, the chance will be even greater. "

golden robe old man slowly said.

"Dare to ask Senior Li, who has rare treasure or Formation in this respect?"

Han Changming asked sincerely.

"I don't know, even if there is a rare treasure, it is also an auxiliary treasure. If the holder doesn't say it, who will know, let alone the Formation. Whoever has nothing to say about what kind of Formation he has."

golden robe The old man said disapprovingly, if it is an attack or Flying Magical Treasure, it is easy to be known, and the auxiliary magic weapon is not easy to say, naturally few people know.

Han Changming has a calming lock, which not only enhances Divine Consciousness, but also restrains Divine Consciousness Attack. He didn't say everywhere, and outsiders didn't know it.

"Fellow Daoist Li, we have been friends for many years, think of a way, old man, the apprentice’s alchemy talent is very good."

Ling Xiao Daoist said sincerely, teacher Therefore, the preaching is also the answer to the karma, and the master is also the umbrella of dísciple.

Golden robe the old man pondered for a moment, and said: "I will return to HSBC Chamber of Commerce to see if there is any other way. The more dangerous she is, even if she is rescued, she may become an idiot."

He exhorted a few words and turned to leave.

"Master, I know that there are seven-star soul grass in the funeral market somewhere, I will take someone to find the seven-star soul grass, please take care of Benfu."

Han Changming solemnly Said, time is running out, he can only risk a trip to Funeral Fairy Ruins.

"Buried the Fairy Ruins? Where did you get the news? Will it be a series?"

Ling Xiao daoist questioned, his eyes gloomy.

How can it be possible to unlock the spirit technique of the Soul Breaking Curse? It takes thousands of years to raise soul grass from the Seven Stars. Han Changming knows that the Soul Grass raised by the Seven Stars is in the funeral market?    "This is a message provided by a long-time friend. He is a loose cultivator. A few years ago, he invited me to go to the Fairy Ruins to hunt for treasure, but I refused."

Han Changming without The omission and in detail talked about what happened. He was eager to save the girl and forgot about it. If it was a trap, he might not be able to get out.

"Jin Yanzhi! I need this spiritual medicine pill concocting as a teacher, forget it, let me take you a trip for the teacher! With the soul-fixing charm, the spirit technique of the soul-breaking curse should not happen so quickly "

Ling Xiao daoist said solemnly, he has been to the funeral ruins, and then he revisit an old haunt.

Lingxiao daoist is worried that this is a trap. Han Changming's alchemy talent is good. It is only a matter of time to surpass Lingxiao daoist. It is rare to encounter a superb alchemy talent dísciple. Lingxiao daoist doesn't want Han Changming to have trouble.

Han Changming’s nose is a bit sore. He worships Lingxiao daoist. He learns the Alchemy Technique more. With the help of Lingxiao daoist, this remark made Han Changming feel good. Zeng, he only discovered how good the master Lingxiao Daoist is today.

"Master, no need, I can go by myself, I am sure, Cheng Fellow Daoist It shouldn't be lied to me, you stay in Haoran City to meet Senior Li, or contact other friends, maybe There are other ways to unlock the spell."

Han Changming said solemnly. Imagine that if Lu Yunjie did it and Ling Xiao daoist left Haoran City, I’m afraid Purple Moon Island Han Family would suffer. Apart from this, it is better for Lingxiao Daoist to stay in Haoran City. He knows a lot of Nascent Soul Cultivator, maybe other Nascent Soul Cultivator can solve the spirit technique.

Lingxiao daoist hesitated for a while, took out a blue gleaming talisman, handed it to Han Changming, and said, "This is a fourth rank escape talisman. You can save your life! It's not enough, send it. People come back to report the letter and go to the funeral fair for the teacher. In addition, the old man will immediately order the murderer and dare to act recklessly on the disciples of the old man."

At the end, Ling Xiao daoist has a solemn killing aura face all over.

All bully the good person, he will not swallow this bad breath. He dares to bully his disciples today, and he will dare to ride on his head and shit tomorrow.

Han Changming knelt down, and the daoist banged his head three times, and Ye Xue followed suit.

"Master, great grace, dísciple has nothing to pay for it."

Han Changming choked up, Ling Xiao daoist the master did not say that he could not rush over by himself, and gave him a copy. The fourth rank escape spell, this kindness is too big.

"Since you call me master, I won't treat you badly as a teacher, so let's do it! Send someone to the funeral ruins to find seven-star soul grass. It is better for you to stay in Haoran City."


Han Changming shook his head straight and said: "The master’s kindness, dísciple has taken care of it, it is related to Benfu’s safety, dísciple does not want to use his hands on others."

, Lingxiao daoist can send people to bury the immortal market to hunt for treasure, but if the cultivator sent is unwilling, he will definitely be lazy, it is related to Han Benfu's life, Han Changming plans to go there himself.

There are a lot of treasures in his hands, plus the fourth rank escape amulet, It shouldn't be dangerous.

Golden eyes has been cultivation to Xiaocheng, so treasure hunting is more convenient.

"Let's do it! Then send two people to go with you as the teacher. They both have the cultivation base for the later stage of Core Formation. They have been doing things for me. There is definitely no problem."

Xiao Daoist did not reluctantly, planning to send two Core Formation later cultivators to accompany.

This time, Han Changming did not refuse.

Han Changming and Ye Xue walked out of the secret room and briefly talked about what happened to Han Zhangxiang.

"Changming, let me go to the funeral fair with you!"

Han Zhangxiang took the initiative to invite you.

"patriarch, I still don’t know who the murderer is, so I don’t know if it is against me or against our Han Family. Fifth Uncle is not there. I can’t live without an expert in the clan. Just a trip with Cher. , The master sent two later Core Formation cultivators to accompany me, there should be no problem."

Han Changming tactfully refused. Han Benyong and other new Core Formation cultivators are not strong enough. If someone takes the opportunity to attack Purple Moon Island, that's troublesome.

This is also the helplessness of the Cultivation Family. The old lair must be stationed by an expert, otherwise it is easy to take advantage of the enemy.

"Okay! Be careful."

Han Zhangxiang warned repeatedly.

At this moment, Ye Xin suddenly rushed in, her expression anxious.

"Husband, younger sister, how is Benfu?"

Ye Xin asked anxiously, she learned that Han Benfu was attacked, and immediately came to Haoran City.

Han Changming without omission and in detail said it again, he said resolutely: "Madam, you are here just right, let me run with you! Xueer, wait for news from the Hui people!"

Ye Xue's actual combat experience is not as rich as Ye Xin, and Han Changming prefers Ye Xin.

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