
  Chapter 647 All parties are surging, Transcending Spirit Treasure?

"Husband, if I persuade Benfu, Benfu will not have an accident, I will go too, I must get back the seven-star soul grass."

Ye Xue's eyes are firm, this It was the first time that she did not listen to Han Changming's words.

Han Benfu is her heart. Seeing Han Benfu become like this, Ye Xue feels uncomfortable.

She blames herself very much. If she persuades Han Benfu, Han Benfu will not have an accident.

"younger sister, this is not to blame you, who would have thought that someone would dare to attack Benfu in the territory of the Righteous League."

Ye Xin comforted, you can't really blame Ye Xue for this. After Han Changming became a teacher of Lingxiao daoist, the development of Han Family went smoothly. Even if Lu Yunjie was promoted to the Nascent Soul Stage, they would not leave the righteous alliance's territory easily. After all, Liu Feng was not the Foundation Establishment cultivator, and Lu Yunjie was impossible as the Foundation Establishment cultivator. Come on!

"Husband, I want to do something too."

Ye Xue said resolutely, with a firm tone.

"Okay! Come with us! Patriarch, the clan will please you."

Han Changming agreed.

"You should be more careful on the road. Be careful."

Han Zhangxiang exhorted them and sent them away.

The three Han Changming and his wife came to the door of a secluded azure attic. He sent a sound transmission talisman. Not long after, Cheng Guangbei opened the door and walked out.

"Fellow Daoist Han, have you changed your mind?"

Cheng Guangbei was surprised when he saw Han Changming and his wife.

"Hmm, let's go in and talk!"

Han Changming said resolutely.

Cheng Guangbei, Han Changming and his wife, invited the three into the house and talked slowly.

"Cheng Fellow Daoist, you said before that there is a thousand-year-old seven-star soul grass in the funeral ruins, really or not?"

Han Changming asked impatiently.

Cheng Guangbei smiled slightly, and solemnly said: "Fellow Daoist Han, so far, I lied to you?"

"No, I just hope to get Seven Stars Soul grass, as for the golden marrow fruit, I can also help you get it."

Han Changming said solemnly.

Cheng Guangbei nodded, said: "No problem, when do you plan to leave? If you don't come, I will be on the road with two friends in a few days."

"Let's set off in two hours! How about it?"

Han Changming does not want to waste time, and intends to get Seven Stars Soul Grass as soon as possible.

"No problem, let's meet at the exit of Market City."

Cheng Guangbei readily agreed. He could see that Han Changming was more anxious, and Cheng Guangbei couldn’t leave early. .

After chatting for a while, Han Changming said goodbye and left. The three of them came to Zhao Yuanliang’s residence. Zhao Yuanliang had been waiting for a long time.

"Fellow Daoist Zhao, many thanks for your help, otherwise the little girl bode ill rather than well, be careful and disrespectful."

Han Changming thanked him and took out an azure porcelain bottle. , Hand it to Zhao Yuanliang.

Zhao Yuanliang accepted the azure porcelain vase, said resolutely: "Fellow Daoist Han, come here, there are other things!"

"I plan to go to the funeral ruins to hunt for treasure, you said , I owe me a request. I want you to go with me to bury the immortal market to hunt for treasure. What does Fellow Daoist Zhao think?"

Han Changming's tone was heavy.

"No problem, when will I leave."

Zhao Yuanliang agreed without thinking.

"Fellow Daoist Zhao, we are going to bury the fairy market to hunt for treasure, don't you know that burying the fairy market is dangerous?"

Ye Xue couldn't help asking.

"I know, but I must do what I say. I have been to Funeral Ruins and I should be able to help you."

Zhao Yuanliang said in a tranquil voice, the grace of dripping water, Yong Quan Xiang reported that the favor he owed Han Changming must be repaid.

Han Changming is in awe, nodded and said: "After everything is done, I will thank you very much. We have to go back and prepare for it, let’s say goodbye."

Hugong, Han Changming learned that Han Wenbin was here and hurried upstairs.

On the seventh floor, Han Wenbin is talking to Han Changying, their faces are serious.

"Fellow Daoist Han, I heard that Ling Qianjin has been cursed, it's okay!"

Han Wenbin asked with concern.

"Benfu hasn't woken up yet, we are going to the funeral ruins to find the thousand-year-old Seven-star soul grass, Fellow Daoist Han, do you have a way to get the Seven-star soul grass?"

Han Changming's tone is sincere, Jinjiao Island Han Family is strong, and it has been developing in the open sea for many years, maybe there is a way to raise soul grass in Qixing.

Han Wenbin frowned, said: "Seven stars raise soul grass? This kind of spiritual grass requires a high growth environment. It usually grows in a place with a lot of ghosts, and there may be ghosts and monsters. We have no way out, but We can send someone back to Jinjiao Island and ask Old Ancestor for help."

"Many thanks, Fellow Daoist Han."

Han Changming said thank you, it seems we still have to run. To bury the Fairy Market.

"Fellow Daoist Han, here are some things that can lead to poison insect or demonic beast. You may use it. This is part of the map of Funeral Ruins. Our Han Family ancestors have been to Funeral Ruins. This is the road map of our ancestors. The place marked with red has the fourth rank demonic beast. After so many years, I don’t know if the demonic beast is still there."

Han Wenbin pondered for a while and took out an azure Pass the storage and an azure jade slip to Han Changming.

"Fellow Daoist Han is interested, many thanks."

Han Changming accepted it. Han Wenbin's gift is more precious.

After a few small chats, Han Wenbin left.

Before long, two middle-aged men with similar facial features came to the door. They were guards sent by the Lingxiao daoist.

Song Xiang and Song Fei, the two brothers are both late Core Formation, they have been working for the Lingxiao daoist, and there has never been a mistake.

"Fellow Daoist Han, Senior Ling said, let us be sure to protect your safety, you can just follow us."

Said Song Fei solemnly, personal battle of Pill Refinement Master Strength is generally not good, Han Changming rarely fights against others, Song Fei naturally thinks that Han Changming is not strong.

"Then please come to the two Fellow Daoists, be careful, disrespectful, complete the task, this Han will have to thank you very much."

Han Changming took out two golden porcelain bottles, Pass it to Song Fei and Song Xiang.

The two looked at each other and closed it down.

Two hours later, the six Han Changming appeared at the exit of Market City on time. Cheng Guangbei, Chen Qingfeng and Wang Yun had been waiting for a long time.

"Hey, it's Fellow Daoist Chen and Mrs. Chen."

Han Changming lightly exclaimed, he did not expect that the friends Cheng Guangbei said were Chen Qingfeng and Wang Yun.

Seeing Han Changming and others, Chen Qingfeng and Wang Yun's eyes flashed with surprise, and they looked towards Cheng Guangbei.

There are not many golden marrow fruits. How to distribute so many people?

"Fellow Daoist Han's goal is different from ours. With Fellow Daoist Han taking action, we can also reduce some casualties."

Cheng Guangbei explained.

"Fellow Daoist Chen rest assured, my goal is to raise soul grass with seven stars. Golden pulp fruit is not my main goal."

Han Changming sound transmission explained.

Chen Qingfeng and Wang Yun hesitated for a while and agreed.

Out of Haoran City, Han Changming took out Huo Yunsuo and broke into a secret art. Huo Yunsuo's body soared, and nine people jumped onto Huo Yunsuo one after another.


Accompanied by Han Changming shouted in a low voice, Huo Yun Shuo's escape light soared, turned into a red escape light, and disappeared into the sky.

······   Yinyang Island, Harmonious Bond Sect.

A magnificent palace in an imposing manner, Liu Huan is sitting on the main seat, and Lin Xuan is reporting to him.

"Ancient cultivator Cave Mansion? Are you sure?"

Liu Huan said solemnly, his eyes gloomy.

"Exactly, how dare Junior lie to Senior Liu, but that ancient cultivator Cave Mansion is in the depths of the funeral ruins."

Lin Xuan cautiously said, if not for limited strength , He went to hunt for treasure himself.

"Do you know whose ancient cultivator Cave Mansion is?"

Liu Huan was a little tempted and asked.

"It seems to be died during meditation Cave Mansion for a while, and the peripheral restrictions are very strong."

Lin Xuan's tone is a bit uncertain, unless the ancient cultivator Cave is obtained. Mansion’s property, otherwise who knows who died during meditation Cave Mansion.

"For a while?"

Liu Huan eyes shrank, his tone becomes heavy.

Tianchang is a cultivator active more than two thousand years ago. He is proficient in Formation. It is said that he has a set of Spirit Treasure Five Elements Ring, which can break most of the Five Elements prohibition. Tianchang was also influential in the open sea. figure, there is great hope to be promoted to the Divine Transformation Stage, but later suddenly disappeared.

Liu Huan played with an azure jade slip in his hand. The jade slip recorded the location of the ancient cultivator Cave Mansion mentioned by Lin Xuan.

"Okay! The old man will take someone for a trip. If it is true, the old man will reward you with lots of rewards. It is not a problem to help you get a baby."

Liu Huan's voice Full of temptation, Lin Xuan didn't dare to lie to him. He wanted to kill Lin Xuan just like crushing an ant.

"Thanks Senior."

Lin Xuan thanked him, his expression excited.

Liu Huan took out an azure light sparkling array, and scored several secret art, instructed: "Martial Nephew Sun, Martial Nephew Li, you guys will run with the old man, Martial Nephew Ye stayed behind Yinyang Island."

"Yes, Uncle Liu."

A quarter of an hour later, Liu Huan left Yinyang Island with five Core Formation cultivators.

······   Penglai Island, a black great hall of Yin Qi.

Tiansha daoist and a plump middle-aged beautiful woman are sitting on a golden jade chair, their faces are solemn.

Black and White Impermanence and Lu Yunjie stood aside, their expressions respectful.

"Calculate the time, and you can go to the funeral ruins to hunt for treasures. You two will go with us to the funeral ruins. If you get that treasure, the old man can help you avenge the murder of your children."

The tone of the Tiansha daoist was full of temptation, and he also heard about the death of Liu Feng.

If you want your subordinates to work hard, they must be properly motivated, rewards and punishments are clear, and subordinates are willing to work hard.

Liu Zhanyuan and Zheng Jiaojiao's expressions were excited, and they even claimed to be, and agreed.

"Yunjie, you can stay on Penglai Island! Have a good cultivation, if you get good things, we will give you, take care of your people, don't reappear the last thing."


The middle-aged beautiful woman is instructed with a sweet voice.

She is the Dao Companion Lady Hong Fu of the Tiansha daoist, and has the cultivation base of Nascent Soul Middle Stage.

Tiansha Daoist and Madam Hongfu are called yin and yang shuangsha by outsiders, and they are also the top leaders of Penglai Island.

The last time they went to the Fairy Ruins to hunt for treasure, they got a Spirit Beast egg and gave it to Lu Yunjie to incubate it. However, Lu Yunjie's Dao Companion stolen the Spirit Beast egg.

Lu Yunjie even claimed to be, and agreed.

"Let's go! Let's go."

With a wave of the big sleeves of the daoist of the gods, a beam of black light flew out, and it was a flying boat with black light glittering on the boat. Inlaid with multiple skulls, exudes a strong Spiritual Qi fluctuation, high grade Flying Magical Treasure bone boat.

Tiansha daoist, Mrs. Hongfu, Liu Zhanyuan and Zheng Jiaojiao flew to the top one after another, Tiansha daoist broke into a secret art, and the skull on the boat seemed to come alive, sending out a mournful " wu wu" sound.

The Hundred Bone Boat suddenly released its black light, turned into a beam of black light, broke through the air, and disappeared into the sky.

······The    funeral ruins are a famous and dangerous place in the open sea. Every hundreds of years, the prohibition will be weakened. Some high-rank cultivators take this opportunity to bury the immortal ruins. Treasure hunt.

A red ray of light flies from a distance in the sky, very fast.

Before long, the red escape light stopped, and the escape light converged, revealing a red light glittering jade shuttle, Han Changming and other nine Core Formation cultivators stood on it.

"Fellow Daoist Han, this is the funeral ruins."

Cheng Guangbei's face was solemn.

Looking in the direction he was pointing, the void outside several hundred zhang has a silver aperture about one zhang in diameter, and the void near the silver aperture has strong forbidden fluctuations.

"Buried the Fairy Ruins!"

Han Changming narrowed his eyes and his face became serious.

"Let's go! Get Seven Stars to raise soul grass early,"

With a pinch of Han Changming secret art, the red jade shuttlecup skyrocketed and flew into the silver aperture and disappeared.

After a blur in front of them, Han Changming and others appeared above a vast and boundless island.

Below is an emerald green mountain range, some places are covered by dense fog, and you can't see the situation inside.

In addition to strong restrictions, there are many fourth rank demonic beasts in the funeral ruins, which are very difficult to deal with.

Han Changming secret art changed, and Huo Yunsuo slowly fell on the ground. In front of it was a long and narrow valley, within the valley with lush vegetation, and the cliffs on both sides were covered with azure vines.

"Fellow Daoist Han, Fellow Daoist Song, be careful, the prohibition here is not a joke, a little carelessness will lose your life."

Cheng Guangbei's The expression is tense. From ancient times to the present, I don't know how many cultivators have died in the funeral ruins, and many Nascent Soul Cultivators have fallen in the funeral ruins.

When they are active outside, the chance of encountering the fourth rank demonic beast is not high, but everything is possible, except for the demonic beast, the prohibited formidable power is not weak.

The nine Han Changming blessed themselves one after another, and strode towards the valley.

Cheng Guangbei released dozens of wine bees to open their way in front of them, and they can be spotted in advance if they encounter restrictions.

It didn't take long for the Han Changming entire group to disappear into the valley.

······In the   depths of the Funeral Ruins, there is a secret underground cave.

Mullinger leaned against the wall, looking pale, with a languid breath.

"Damn, I actually encountered two fourth rank colorful pythons. Fortunately, there are the fourth rank escape amulet given by the master, otherwise I am afraid I will stay here."

Mu Linger said to herself, with a weak tone.

"It seems that something like that is hopeless. Waiting for the ban on the funeral ruins to weaken, it will take hundreds of years. Didn't expect there is a Transcending Spirit Treasure here. If you get this treasure, Heavenly Demon Sect might be able to become the Southern Sea number one Great Sect."

Mu Linger slowly said and took out an azure pill with three clearly visible golden spiritual lines on the surface, which is middle grade medicine. pill.

There is a Transcending Spirit Treasure in the depths of the funeral ruins. In addition to the powerful prohibition, there is also a powerful Great Demon beast.

Mullinger is proficient in Formation and has mastered a pupil technique. This is the only way to get here. It is very difficult to get here after changing other cultivators.

She closed her eyes and exercised healing.

······    A vast and boundless black jungle, the ground is cratered, there are a lot of puddles, and a thick black miasma is floating above the jungle.

Han Changming and others stood outside the jungle, their faces dignified, dozens of wine bees landed on the ground one after another.

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