
  Chapter 648 Spirit Devouring Earthworms Show Prestige

The miasma here is very terrifying, and the wine bees are all killed.

Cheng Guangbei didn't know that the miasma here was so terrifying. It was the first time he entered the funeral ruins.

"The miasma here is too terrifying, and there may be a third rank poison insect infested."

Song Fei frowned and said, no one has been to Funeral Ruins for hundreds of years, who I don't know if there will be a fourth rank poison insect.

Han Changming shot the Spirit Beast Bag, and Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion flew out of it and landed on the ground.

As soon as it showed up, it immediately made a cheerful neigh. Obviously it liked the environment very much.

The wings of Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion lightly flap and fly into the jungle.

"Let's go! My Spirit Insect opens the way. As long as the prohibition is not touched, there is no problem, but you still have to be careful."

Han Changming's voice is heavy, he is not Dare to be careless, Han Changming didn't want to come to bury the immortal market if it weren't for saving Han Benfu.

They are following Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion, and Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion is not fast.

After the Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion moved forward hundreds zhang or so, it stopped abruptly, let out a scream of excitement, and the tail stab was wobbly.

Its tail spurs slammed into the ground, and there was a muffled sound, and a small soil bag bulged from the ground, and the small soil bag moved quickly.

Song Feiqing snorted, the right hand shines a dazzling golden light, moved towards the void.

golden light flashed, a piercing sound of a knife rang out, and a ten zhang or so long golden Blade Qi swept out, wherever it passed, there was a piercing sound in the void.

After the rumbling noise, the ground tore apart, and a huge groove appeared. A huge monster drilled out of the ground. It was a huge gray and yellow toad, the back of the toad. There are large and small drum bags and two yellow eyeballs with big copper bells. This is a third rank high grade Monster Insect.

Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion suddenly made a sharp hissing sound, which seemed to be a warning.

Several small soil packs suddenly appeared on the ground nearby, and Zhao Yuanliang and others hurriedly attacked these soil packs.

After a huge explosion sounded, five giant toads of gray and yellow emerged from the ground, all of them third rank Monster Insect.

Six giant toads opened their bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, a black liquid with a sweet smell flew out and hit them from all directions.

Song Xiang’s reaction was very quick. He took out a light blue bead and punched in a secret art. The blue bead slid around and burst into a dazzling blue light, turning it into a thick The blue water curtain covers Han Changming et al.

Six Paths black liquid hits the blue water curtain, and suddenly a burst of blue smoke rises.

The six huge toads each made a weird neighing sound, and six long black tongues flew out, like six extremely sharp long spears, coming straight to the blue water curtain in an overwhelming manner.

With the muffled sound of "peng peng", six long black tongues pierced through the blue water curtain and hit the aura of the body guards of Han Changming and others. Fortunately, they did not hurt them.

Zhao Yunfeng and others took out magic weapons one after another, attacking six black long tongues.

There was a chaotic sound of "peng peng", and the six long black tongues were not scarred at all. The six long black tongues suddenly rolled up, engulfing two azure light shimmering throwing knives.

The azure flying knives shook violently, but it was useless. After a while, the aura of the two azure flying knives dimmed, and they looked like spirituality.

With a pinch of Ye Xue and Ye Xin secret art, a little white light suddenly appeared in the void of the whole body, which turned into thin white ice needles, there were thousands of them.

Amidst the sound of breaking through the air, dense white ice needles shot out and hit the black tongue one after another. There was a muffled sound of fried beans, and the black tongue froze and was frozen. .

Both Ye Xin and Ye Xue have refining the spiritual object of Ice Attribute, and the formidable power of using ice attribute spell has greatly increased.

Taking this opportunity, Seinfeld raised his hand and a golden light flew out. It was a pair of shiny golden light scissors. After the golden light flashed, the golden scissors rose sharply. They opened and closed. Long tongue to the frozen black.

The frozen white long tongue is like thin paper, shattered by the golden giant shears, and blood bleeds all over the place.

The six giant toads retracted their tongues one after another, and instead spewed a black miasma.

Dense black miasma hits the blue water curtain, and the blue water curtain suddenly emits a burst of blue smoke, and the aura of the blue ball dim.

At this moment, Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion made a happy neighing sound and opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl. The black miasma seemed to be guided by some kind of guidance, and it disappeared in its mouth. .

Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion double-winged fiercely flapped straight to a giant toad.

The giant toad was about to avoid it. Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion suddenly made a sharp and extremely hissing sound. The giant toad's response was immediately slowed down. When it regained consciousness, the Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion had already arrived in front of it.

Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion sprayed a purple poison mist and hit the giant toad. The giant toad made a terrible cry. When it touched the part of the purple miasma, it became bloody and bloody, Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion's tail thorn flicked, and dense purple lines shot out, hitting the head of the giant toad one after another.

The giant toad suddenly fell to the ground after making a strange noise.

The Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion swallowed the venom sac of the fourth rank colorful python, increasing its toxicity.

Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion wielded huge pliers, dug out a gray-yellow monster core and poison sac from the corpse, swallowed it into the belly, and made an excited hissing sound.

Seeing Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion solve a third rank poison insect so quickly, Song Fei and others were a little surprised.

They all shot one after another, attacking other toads, with constant crackling noises.

With the help of Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion, within a quarter of an hour, all six giant toads were destroyed by them.

Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion swallowed three monster cores and three poison sacs, and kept making excitement hiss.

"Didn't expect Fellow Daoist Han's Spirit Insect is so powerful, I am afraid that the later Core Formation cultivator is not an opponent either."

Zhao Yuanliang praised.

"No matter how powerful it is, it is just a Spirit Insect, Fellow Daoist Zhao is too modest, let's move on! I hope I won't encounter a powerful poison insect again."

Han Changming modestly said.

Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion rushed forward, they followed behind, and along the way, they encountered a lot of poison insects. Fortunately, there were no fourth rank poison insects, and they didn’t even use Han Changming. Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion is solved.

For Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion, the poison sac and monster core of these poison insects are both item of great nourishment, which is of great benefit to its advancement.

It is already the third rank high grade, and one step further is the fourth rank.

Three days later, they appeared on a desolate plain, barren on the plain, looking around, it was full of gray and yellow, strong wind gusts, violent wind pillars continued to the sky, blowing up countless sand, rocks, smoke and dust The sky is very desolate.

"Passing through this wasteland, you will be able to reach the location of Seven Stars Soul Grass."

Cheng Guangbei holds a Terrain Map in his hand, said solemnly.

With the map in hand, they didn't encounter any restrictions all the way, that is, some third rank demonic beasts blocked the way. To find the seven-star raised soul grass, they must pass through this wasteland.

Song Fei's sleeves flicked, and a steamy blue ball flew out. After circling above them for a while, the blue ball suddenly brightened and released three thick blue water curtains to protect the nine of them. People, nine people moved towards the front.

After they walked out dozens of steps, a few gusts of yellow and violent wind swept in. The gust of wind engulfed bright sand and rocks and hit the blue water curtain. The blue water curtain was deformed and quickly returned to normal.

They walked forward slowly, the wind was getting more and more, and the formidable power was getting bigger and bigger.

After more than a thousand steps, two yellow tornadoes of several hundred zhang high swept across and hit the blue water curtain exactly.

The outermost blue water curtain was violently twisted and deformed and broke suddenly, followed by the second blue water curtain.

Everyone’s face is full of vigilance, Han Changming can clearly see that some huge rocks hit the blue water curtain, and the surface of the blue water curtain is rippling like water ripples, twisted and deformed .

Seinfeld’s mana is continuously injected with blue beads, and the blue light curtain suddenly shines.

Even so, the two blue water curtains on the outermost periphery continue to shatter, and then reappear, repeatedly.

Seinfeld’s mana quickly passed away, and his face quickly paled.

He quickly took out two blue pills, swallowed them, and his pale complexion quickly returned to normal.

After a while, two yellow winds disappeared, disappeared without a trace.

Han Changming and others sighed in relief at the same time, and continue to move forward.

From time to time, strong winds appeared on Wasteland, attacking them, and they took turns to defend.

Three hours later, they passed through the wasteland, Seinfeld’s face pale, holding a dim blue bead in his hand, and there were a few small cracks on the surface of the bead.

"No loss is to bury the immortal ruins. This is still the outer ban. I don't know how strong the ban in the depths is."

Chen Qingfeng sighed, with a heavy tone.

This is when they enter when the ban is weakened. If the ban is not weakened, I am afraid that the external ban can kill them.

In front of it is a steep sky-high mountain, and there is a huge cave halfway up the mountain. According to Cheng Guangbei's information, the Seven-Star Soul Grass is in the cave.

Han Changming and others stood at the foot of the mountain with solemn expressions.

"Fellow Daoist Song, you should restore your mana first!"

Han Changming's words are mild, and his main purpose is to raise soul grass with Seven Stars, hoping to get Seven Stars Raising Soul smoothly grass.

Song Fei sit cross-legged and meditate to restore mana.

"Husband, let's explore the situation in the cave first!"

Ye Xue suggested, in an anxious tone.

They are not far from the place where the Seven Stars raise soul grass, and there are no other restrictions. There is no problem if you probe.

"Fellow Daoist Han, don't be reckless, and it's not too late."

Song Xiang is frowned, he is worried about Han Changming's impulse, and it will be troublesome if he touches the prohibition.

Han Changming's Divine Consciousness swept across the Great Peak, and did not find any forbidden fluctuations.

"Let’s do it! I’ll check it out. If it’s in danger, you will answer me again."

Zhao Yuanliang took the initiative to ask for help. He knew that Han Changming was eager to save his daughter. Seeing Qixing raise soul grass Right in front of you, it's normal to be unbearable.

"Let me take a trip with Fellow Daoist Zhao! I hope to get Seven Stars Soul Grass soon."

Cheng Guangbei Fuhe Road.

Han Changming nodded, told them to be more careful and watched them move towards the mountain.

The two entered the cave. After a quarter of an hour, they flew out of the cave, their faces solemn.

"How about it! Fellow Daoist Zhao, Cheng Fellow Daoist."

Han Changming couldn't wait to ask, his expression nervous.

Cheng Guangbei sighed and said: "I was caught by the early bird catches the worm, and the soul grass raised by Seven Stars is missing."

As soon as these words came out, Han Changming, Ye Xin and Ye Xue are like falling into the cold pool. They came to the Funeral Ruins with great hopes, just to raise soul grass from Seven Stars. Now that there is no Seven Stars to raise soul grass, aren't they here in vain?

Han Changming complexion sank, turned into a yellow escape light, flew into the cave.

Soon, he appeared in a cave of several acres, the cave was dark and damp, I don't know why, Han Changming had a shuddering feeling.

His eyes lit up with a golden light, his eyes turned into golden, moved towards the ground and looked.

Suddenly, Han Changming eyes shrank, he found a few black feathers in the corner.

There are obvious marks of fighting in the cave, some cut marks on the wall, and several huge pits on the ground, and the inside of the pit is scorched black.

At this time, Ye Xin and Ye Xue also came in. They watched the cave carefully, trying to find some clues.

Apart from finding some black Lingyu, they found nothing more.

"Who picked away the Seven-Star Soul Grass? Is it Nascent Soul Cultivator?"

Ye Xue frowned and said, if Nascent Soul Cultivator took away the Seven-Star Soul grass, it would be troublesome. Up.

"I don't know, anyway, we must find the soul grass raised by Seven Stars, first find the cultivator that picks the soul grass raised by Seven Stars."

Han Changming said solemnly, look firm.

It is about Han Benfu’s life and death, Han Changming must find seven stars to raise soul grass.

"But we don't know who picked the seven-star soul grass, and we don't know where to start if we want to find this person."

Ye Xue frowned and said with a sad face.

Han Changming smiled confidently and slapped the Spirit Beast Bag, and a spirit devouring earth flew out and landed in front of him.

The sensitive sense of smell of Ling Chuan makes it the most suitable for finding people.

He put the black feather feather in front of the Devourer, let it track the smell.

Cheng Guangbei and others walked in one after another, and they checked the cave carefully.

"Cheng Fellow Daoist, I'm going to find a cultivator for picking Seven-Star Soul Grass, and when I get Seven-Star Soul Grass, how about meeting with you?"

Han Changming Chong Guangbei said. He said beforehand that the primary goal is to raise soul grass with Seven Stars. Now that the Seven Stars raise soul grass is gone, Han Changming really has no intention of picking Golden Pellets with Cheng Guangbei.

Cheng Guangbei is frowned. With the power of their three people, it is a problem to reach the place of the golden marrow fruit, but Han Changming is eager to save the girl, and he is not good for Han Changming to pick it with him first Golden pulp fruit, after all, Han Changming told him in advance that he should pick Taoqixing soul grass first, and then pick the golden pulp fruit.

"Fellow Daoist Han, let's act with you! We can help a little bit."

Cheng Guangbei took the initiative to ask Ying, instead of separating from Han Changming, it is better to be with Han Changming stays together, so the survival rate is also higher.

Chen Qingfeng and Wang Yun also mean the same. The funeral ruins are inherently dangerous. If they were separated, it would be even more dangerous.

Han Changming nodded, cup one fist in the other hand said: "Many thanks. After returning to Haoran City, I will thank you again."

At this time, Seinfeld’s The bits and pieces of mana are also restored.

The Spirit Eater quickly moved towards the top of the mountain crawling, Han Changming et al. follow closely from behind.

Turning over the Great Peak, there is a vast and boundless sea of ​​flowers in front of you. The air is filled with a strong fragrance of flowers, and the multi-colored spirit flowers make people dazzled to see.

Han Changming and others followed behind the Soul Eater and Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion and disappeared in the sea of ​​flowers.

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