
  Chapter 649 The magical function of the fourth rank Monster Insect and the magical charms

​​The entrance to the funeral ruins, count The escape light flew from a distance in the sky, extremely fast.

Not long after, several escapes stopped, and the escapes converged, and Liu Huan’s entire group appeared, and Lin Xuan was also inside.

"Buried fairy ruins! Let's go! I hope to get what you want."

Liu Huan took a deep breath, instructed, and flew into the buried fairy ruins, Lin Xuan and others follow closely from behind.

······    A dense red bamboo forest, Han Changming and others walked slowly, Spirit Devouring Earthworm and Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion in front of them.

Looking around, there are hundreds of red bamboos of zhang or so high everywhere.

Han Changming also had no bottom in his heart. He didn't know that the cultivator who picked the seven stars to raise soul grass was who, if it was the Nascent Soul Cultivator, it would be difficult.

Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion suddenly became excited and suddenly let out a cheerful scream.

Han Changming and others were shocked and stopped one after another.

A huge red spider web fell from the sky and covered them.

Song Fei’s reaction was quick, right hand turns, golden light flashed, a golden light flashed short blade appeared in his hand, moved towards the void, a loud knife sounded, a The golden Changhong shot out and slashed on the red spider web.

There was a muffled sound of "knock", sparks flew everywhere, and the speed of the red spider web was stagnant.

Song Xiang took out a red light shimmering feather fan, and lightly one, a scarlet flame swept out and hit the red spider web.

The billowing flames wrapped the red web, but it was useless, and the red web continued to cover it.

Ye Xin and Ye Xue secret art pinched, and the two of them sprang up with a biting white chill, facing the red spider web.

The white cold air touches the red spider web, and the red spider web freezes at a speed visible to naked eye, turning into a white ice web.

The golden short blade in Seinfeld's hand erupted with a harsh sound of knives, and moved towards the white ice net.

With a muffled sound of "thorn," the white ice net divided into two.

At the same time, two red spiders about one zhang high descended from the sky. The red spiders have very small heads and bloated abdomens. The eight lance-like sharp claws have some golden patterns on the surface, flashing cold light. .

These are two third-rank high-grade Monster Insects. As soon as they showed up, Zhao Yuanliang and others started.

Zhao Yuanliang waved an azure short ruler, released two strong winds of azure mist, and went straight to the two red spiders to swept away.

Two red spiders spouted their bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, each spouting a thick red flame.

The loud rumbling noise, two red flames smashed the azure tornado, the flames splashed, and the flames fell on the ground, suddenly a big pit was blown out, and it fell on the red bamboo, suddenly rising After the billowing flames, the fire spread quickly.

The Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion made a weird neigh, sprayed a purple poison mist, and hit a red spider.

When the purple poison mist came into contact with the red spider, a burst of blue smoke suddenly appeared, and the red spider made a sharp neighing sound, which seemed a bit irritable.

Ye Xin and Ye Xue kept pinching their tactics at the same time. There were bursts of huge rumbling sound from high above. A huge white cloud suddenly appeared high above, and the white cloud exuded a biting chill. The temperature dropped sharply, and some white icy debris appeared on the surface of some red bamboos.

The white clouds rolled violently, and hundreds of white Icicles fell from the sky, smashing into two red spiders one after another.

They wanted to avoid them, and suddenly hundreds of fist-thick yellow soil ropes got out of the ground, entangled their bodies.

Their lance-like sharp claws kept waving, tearing up the yellow soil ropes. At this time, dense white Icicles fell from the sky and smashed on them one after another, and there was a muffled sound of fried beans.

The formidable power of the white Icicles is not large, and it did not hurt them, but the temperature of the ground dropped sharply, and the reaction of the two red spiders became slow.

A piercing sound of knives rang out, and hundreds of golden Blade Qi swept over, not yet close, a large piece of red bamboo all split up and in pieces.

Boom! With    a loud noise, a red spider was smashed to pieces by the dense golden Blade Qi, and hundreds of grooves of various sizes appeared on the ground.

At the same time, Chen Qingfeng and Wang Yun each took out a twinkling blue rope, which turned into two blue lights, entangled the body of another red spider.

Song Xiang raised his hand and an azure light flew out. It was an azure light glittering small print, and it entered a secret art. The azure small print instantly increased, and there was a hundred zhang or so high. covering the heavens, shielding the sun.


Accompanied by Song Xiang shouted in a low voice, the azure giant seal fell from the sky, with a huge rumbling sound, hitting another red spider. .

The earth shook and the mountain quivered, most of the azure giant seal sinks into the ground.

Song Xiang’s secret art pinched, the azure giant seal flew up, and there was a huge hole on the ground, and the red spider had been smashed into fleshy flesh.

The nine of them teamed up, as long as they don’t encounter the fourth rank demonic beast, there is no problem.

"Fellow Daoist Song, you are too cruel, the demonic beast's corpse is not worth a lot of money."

Chen Qingfeng said in a regretful tone, they hunted demonic beast, where are you willing to damage the body of the demonic beast.

"Our safety is the most important thing. The demonic beast's body is destroyed if it is destroyed."

Seinfeld disagrees. They were ordered to protect Han Changming. For them, Han Changming's safety is the most important, other things are of secondary importance.

"Fellow Daoist Song is right. Safety is the most important thing. This is not outside. In addition to demonic beasts, there are restrictions. You should be careful."

Zhao Yuanliang agrees .

Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion suddenly uttered a sharp, piercing squeal, appearing a bit irritable.

"Not good, it seems that a high-rank poison insect has come here. It may be a fourth rank poison insect."

Han Changming complexion changed, his voice is heavy.

Tone barely fell, a lot of red bamboo fell, two larger red spiders appeared in front of them, their fangs were exposed, scarlet eyes were staring at Han Changming and others.

"Fourth rank Monster Insect!"

Cheng Guangbei cry out in surprise, his eyes are full of fear.

"Separately withdraw!"

Han Changming instructed, hurriedly put away the Spirit Insect, his right foot moved towards the ground fiercely stomped, the ground shook violently, the radius of several li The ground suddenly sank and turned into soft yellow gravel, a large amount of red bamboo fell, and the strong wind blew up, and countless yellow gravel was swept high in the sky by the strong wind, turning into a heavy sand curtain, covering two red spiders inside.

The four of Zhao Yuanliang, Cheng Guangbei, Chen Qingfeng, and Wang Yun moved towards the northeast, and Han Changming, Ye Xin, Ye Xue, Song Fei and Song Xiang moved towards the opposite direction.

When encountering two fourth rank demonic beasts, they scattered and fled. The survival rate is higher. If the points are too scattered, accidents are easy.

Boom!   A deafening rumbling sound rang, the yellow sand curtain burst open, and billowing flames swept out.

Two red spiders dispersed, chasing a group of people separately.

Considering the existence of the ban, they dare not spatial flight, worrying that the ban will be touched.

"Fellow Daoist Han, brother and I will lead away this demon, you find a safe place to wait for us! We will catch up with you with the spiritual disk later."

Song Fly said solemnly, if Han Changming lost his life, they would have no way to make a relationship.

Han Changming turned over the palm, a golden porcelain vase appeared in his hand.

"This is a bottle of Seven-Colors Pill. It is an item of great nourishment for poison insects. Please accept it! Maybe it can be useful."

Han Changming is sincere. Said that he has the fourth rank talisman in his hand, but he has no absolute certainty to kill the fourth rank Monster Insect.

Ye Xue flipped his hand and took out an azure jade box and handed it to Song Xiang: "Fellow Daoist Song, these are two lock charms, which can trap the fourth rank demonic beast for a while, so be careful."

Anyway, Song Fei and Song Xiang are here to protect them.

Song Fei and Song Xiang did not refuse, but accepted.

"Return to Haoran City, this Han must be grateful. If you die, I will take care of your relatives."

Han Changming solemnly promised, with two The lady turned into three escapes, moved towards and fleeing in the distance.

Two hours later, Han Changming, Ye Xin and Ye Xue suddenly appeared in a long and narrow valley, within the valley barren, with gravel everywhere, and the cliffs on the left and right sides were uneven and weathered. severe.

"I don't know what happened to Benfu."

Ye Xue was sighed and his face was sad.

"Don't worry! With the master personally taking care of him, Benfu It shouldn't be something to do."

Han Changming softly comforted, he couldn't help showing a little worry in his eyes.

He is frowned, cry out in surprise: "Not good, be careful of the bottom."

Boom! The    tone barely fell, the ground shook violently, and countless broken stones splashed and hit Han Changming three people like sharp blades.

With a pinch of Ye Xin secret art, there is a wave of ripples in the void, and countless blue light spots emerge out of thin air, turning into a thick blue water curtain, blocking in front of you.

Dense gravel hits the blue water curtain, and the surface of the blue water curtain has ripples like ripples, which are safe and sound.

The ground tore apart, and a giant golden earthworm emerged from the ground. On the head of the giant earthworm, there is a huge golden eyeball, and under the eyeball is a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial Bowl, you can clearly see a row of golden sharp teeth, thick mucus between the sharp teeth, looks very disgusting.

"Fourth rank Monster Insect!"

Ye Xin's Yurong has changed a lot. It's really a troublesome situation.

As soon as the golden earthworm showed up, his huge waist suddenly moved towards the ground. Numerous rubbles splashed and smashed into the three of Han Changming.

With the muffled sound of "peng peng", the gravel hits the blue water curtain, and the blue water curtain ripples.

The golden earthworm sprayed out a golden flame, hitting the blue water curtain, which burst like thin paper.

Han Changming took out Huo Yunsuo, broke into a secret art, jumped up, Ye Xin and Ye Xue follow closely from behind.

The red light flashed, Huo Yunsuo turned into a red light and walked through the air, very fast.

Ye Xin and Ye Xue cast spells to resist the attack of golden earthworms, and Han Changming drove Huo Yun Shuo to fly with all his strength.

A weird hissing sound rang, the golden earthworm's body surface aroused so much, the ground shook violently, and a strong gravitational force suddenly appeared.

Huo Yunsuo moved towards the ground uncontrollably, Han Changming turned pale in fright.

He browses tightly knit, flips his hand and takes out a light azure talisman. There is a flying eagle on the surface of the talisman, emitting a powerful Spiritual Qi fluctuation.

The fourth rank talisman transforms the demon talisman, which can transform the immortal cultivator into the fourth rank iron-winged wind eagle. This is one of Han Changming's trump cards.

He slapped the Demon Talisman on his body, and the dazzling azure light submerged Han Changming's silhouette. A mini flying eagle flew out and hovered high in the sky before suddenly sinking into Han Changming's body.

The azure light disappeared, Han Changming disappeared, and replaced by an azure giant eagle with wings spread out to five feet. The azure giant eagle is covered with azure feathers and a pair of gray under the belly azure has a sharp claw with a slender neck.

azure giant eagle wings fiercely, a hurricane of azure mist swept out and greeted them.

Boom!    azure The hurricane hit the ground, and the ground was suddenly torn apart. Blocks of boulders were twisted into powder by the powerful air current.

The azure hurricane reached the golden earthworm, and the golden earthworm sprayed out a golden flame and greeted it.

Boom! The    azure hurricane burst open and turned into hundreds of giant blades of azure mist, slashing on the golden earthworms one after another, and there was a muffled sound of "peng peng".

The golden earthworm has no scars on its surface. Taking this opportunity, the azure giant eagle's wings shook, carrying Ye Xue and Ye Xin moved towards high altitude.

The golden earthworm burrowed into the ground and caught up.

The speed of the azure giant eagle is extremely fast, passing through the canyon is a vast and boundless wasteland. There are many huge pits on the wasteland, and a huge red fire cloud floats high in the sky.

The azure giant eagle just flew out of the hundred zhang, there was a huge rumbling sound from high above, the red fire cloud rolled violently, one after another huge Fireball cut through the sky, fell from the sky, and hit the azure giant eagle.

With a rumbling sound, two huge Fireballs passed by and hit the ground, suddenly exploding two huge Fire Pit.

The golden earthworm is huge, not as flexible as the azure giant eagle. Several huge Fireballs smashed on it, and the billowing flames immediately overwhelmed most of the golden earthworm's body.

The wings of the azure giant eagle kept flapping, their speed increased greatly, and they kept changing directions. One after another giant Fireball fell through and failed to hit Ye Xin and Ye Xue.

The golden earthworm let out a stern neigh, turned and left.

After one hour, the azure giant eagle flew out of the wasteland and appeared above a green mountain range having ups and downs.

The azure giant eagle circled high in the sky and slowly landed on an open field.

azure light flashed, azure giant eagle turned into Han Changming's appearance, and a dim talisman fell off from Han Changming.

"Fortunately, there is a magic charm, otherwise this time it will be bode ill rather than well."

Han Changming vomited one mouthful of impure air, his face showed lingering fear Emoji.

He carefully inspected the Demon Talisman and found that it had consumed one-tenth of his power. It was still his full escape. If he used more divine ability, the Demon Talisman's power was consumed faster.

"We can't return it, maybe the fourth rank Monster Insect is still waiting for us!"

Ye Xue frowned.

"Anyway, I’m here, and see if I can find Seven Stars to raise soul grass."

Han Changming pats the Spirit Beast Bag. In front of you.

The olfactory sense of Lingling Earthworm is very sensitive, which is just for its magical effect.

He doesn't plan to sit still. Since there are seven-star soul grass in the funeral ruins, there must be seven-star soul grass in more than one place, maybe there are seven-star soul grass in other places.

A burst of yellow light lit up on the surface of Ling Ling's body, and it penetrated into the ground.

Han Changming and the three of them put a defense on themselves and chased them up.

The three disappeared into the vast mountains, as if they had never appeared before.

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