
  Chapter 650 The thousand-year-old colorful soul grass is here, cooperate with the treasure hunt.    Outside the funeral market, there is a sorrowful The sound of "wu wu" flew from the sky in the distance, and a beam of black light appeared in the sky in the distance.

Not long after, the black light stopped, and it was a flying boat with black light glittering, with multiple skeletons inlaid on the boat. The daoist of Tiansha, Madam Hongfu, Liu Zhanyuan and Zheng Jiaojiao stood flying. Above the boat.

Tiansha daoist suddenly looked towards the sky, said solemnly: "Since you are here, why do you need to hide."

There was no response, and no cultivator appeared.

The daoist of Tiansha groaned for a moment, and said nothing, the secret art was pinched, and the Bone Boat suddenly burst out with a dazzling black light, and the Celestial Grotto was gone.

half a day later, somewhere the surface of the sea suddenly rolled violently, and the sea was inverted, creating huge waves of hundreds zhang or so high.

Two men and a woman got out of the seabed, and their bodies were covered with a light curtain of blue water. Han morning sun and Han Linsheng were inside. The other was a plump-bodied young woman in palace clothes. The skin races snow, the facial features are picturesque.

Han Linxue, the middle stage of Core Formation.

"I was almost spotted by the old monster, I hope I can get that thing smoothly."

Han morning sun said softly, his eyes solemn.

The three of them turned into three escapes and flew into the Celestial Grotto.

······In the   depths of the Funeral Ruins, there is a secret underground cave.

Ye Xin and Ye Xue are attacking two gold and red pythons. The pythons have a golden crown on their heads, their eyes are golden, and their mouths spray scarlet gold flames.

Han Changming stood by, Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion and Thunder Scorpion assisted.

The Spirit Devourer hides behind Han Changming. It is weaker and better at finding Heaven and Earth spiritual medicine.

There are more than ten scarlet gold ginseng plants growing in the lower left corner of the cave, with ages ranging from 300 to 1,000 years.

Ye Xin and Ye Xue looked at each other, nodded to each other, Ye Xue waved the blue jade ruler in his hand, countless blue water vapor gushing out, suddenly turned into a misty water column, hitting a scarlet gold python.

Scarlet gold python was about to avoid it, when a sharp scream sounded, the reaction was stagnant, the blue water column hit its body, and there was a muffled noise.

Ye Xue flicked his five fingers continuously, and several white light shots out, sinking into the blue water column.

The blue water curtain froze at a speed visible to naked eye and was frozen, as well as the scarlet gold python, and the ice layer was several feet thick.

A little yellow light suddenly lit up in the sky, turning into a big yellow hand, which was instantly photographed.

Boom! The   huge ice cube shattered, and the head of this scarlet gold python was smashed to pieces.

Another scarlet gold python saw that the situation was far from good, spraying out hundreds of scarlet gold Fireballs and smashing them at Han Changming three people, it turned into a light moved towards the cave and flew away.

With a pinch of Ye Xue secret art, a white chill gushes out of the body, which suddenly turns into a thick white ice wall. The white ice wall is ten zhang or so high and about one zhang thick. The dense Fireball hit the white ice wall, and the white ice wall tore apart like thin paper, turning into countless white ice chips.

A blue water wall blocked the remaining Fireball, and the three of Han Changming and his wife were safe and sound.

The scarlet gold python is about to rush out of the underground cave. Several thick silver lightning fell from the sky and struck the scarlet gold Fire Python. It suddenly roared in pain, and its huge body twisted and twisted. .

When a fishy wind blew, Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion suddenly appeared beside it, the tail spurs flicked, and the dense purple thread shot out, hitting the scarlet gold python's abdomen one after another.

The scarlet gold python's body writhed non-stop, spouting billowing flames, hitting all around.

After ten breaths, scarlet gold python motionless, breathe one's last.

The toxicity of Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion has increased so much that even the third rank demonic beast cannot resist it.

Out of caution, Ye Xin still manipulated the magic weapon to cut off two python heads.

"The thousand-year-old red golden ginseng, thanks to the devouring worms, otherwise we would have passed from here."

Ye Xue lightly said with a smile.

Relying on a keen sense of smell, Lingzhuan led them to find a lot of high-year spiritual medicine. This underground cave is very secretive, and the outside is covered by dense vines, but it can't hide the sensitiveness of Linglinghua Smell.

Ling Chuan twisted his thick waist, seeming to be asking for credit.

Han Changming cautiously dug up more than ten red golden ginseng, and gave a 500-year-old red golden ginseng to Lingzhu.

After processing the two monster python corpses, they left the underground cave.

In front is a vast black jungle with luxuriant ancient branches and leaves, blocking a lot of sunlight.

The Spirit Devouring Earth crawled on the ground quickly, Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion wielded two giant tongs and moved forward quickly. The three Han Changming followed closely from behind, and the Thunder Rhinoceros was at the back to avoid demonic beasts. Attacked Han Changming and the three from behind.

After leaving several hundred zhang, a huge rumbling sound suddenly sounded.

The three of Han Changming's expressions tightened and stopped.

The sound is getting louder and louder, and you can clearly see the light of fire rising in the distance.

"Go, go and take a look."

Han Changming put away the Spirit Insect, and ran with Ye Xin Ye Xue moved towards the place where the fire was.

In an open field, Mu Linger is dealing with two zhang high black giant bears. The black giant bears are covered with black bristles. They have large hands and feet, wide-mouthed fangs, and two golden eyeballs. Flashing cold light.

They are relatively large, but they are flexible and quick to respond.

Mu Linger's look pale, two black giant bear rough skin and thick flesh, impervious to sword and spear, magic weapons are difficult to hurt, there are many restrictions here, she dare not casually spatial flight.

A black giant bear leaped forward, and its sharp claws slapped Mu Linger's head.

Mu Linger's figure shook, and suddenly appeared ten feet away, the black giant bear burst into the air, and several fierce winds flew out suddenly, hitting an ancient tree. The tree tore apart like thin paper.

A huge roar of beasts sounded, and a black sound wave hit the face. Mu Linger waved the black jade ruler in his hand, and a dense black ruler shadow swept out, facing the black sound wave.

The loud rumbling noise, the dense black shadows were shattered by the black sound wave, and turned into a little bit of aura disappeared.

Mu Linger took the opportunity to avoid it, and the black sound wave hit an old tree. The old tree suddenly burst open and turned into sawdust in the sky.

There was a deafening thunder from high above, and a huge thundercloud of hundreds zhang or so appeared above Mu Linger without warning.

"This is..."

Mu Ling'er was stunned. She hadn't figured out what was going on yet, and Leiyun rolled violently, dozens of The thick silver lightning pierced the sky, like a sharp sword, hitting two black giant bears.

At the same time, a weird neigh sounded, and a large cluster of white ice blades attacked from a distance.

The face of a black giant bear was distorted and deformed, as if suffering from some kind of pain. Several thick silver lightning struck it, and it let out a painful roar.

The dense white ice blades slashed on its body one after another, and there was a muffled sound of "peng peng". The black giant bear was undamaged, and there were some white ice chips on its body.

Han Changming, Ye Xin, and Ye Xue came out from behind a thick bush. When Mu Linger saw Han Changming and his wife, his eyes flashed with surprise.

"Fellow Daoist Han, it's you."

"Long time no see, Mu Fairy, let's solve them first!"

Han Changming said With a slight smile, he stomped his right foot gently to the ground, and hundreds of thick yellow soil ropes broke out of the ground and entangled the bodies of two black giant bears.

The hands of Ye Xin and Ye Xue lit up with dazzling blue light, and two large blue water columns emerged out of thin air and went straight to the two black giant bears.

Two black giant bears opened their bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and a dark sound wave swept out and greeted them.

Two loud noises, two blue water columns, like paper, were shattered by two black sound waves. A large amount of sea water fell on the two black giant bears, and their bodies were wet.

A dense white ice blade rushed towards the two black giant bears, and there was a muffled noise. The bodies of the two black giant bears were frozen at a speed visible to naked eyes, half of them The body was covered with ice.

Mu Linger lifted his right hand, and a beam of black light flew out. It was a small black light shining small print. After the surface of the black small print lit up with countless mysterious runes, his body suddenly soared and faced him. Smashed down.

The two black giant bears each ejected a black sound wave. The black giant print collided with the black giant print. The black giant print swayed from left to right, and the falling speed stagnated.

Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion sprayed a purple poison mist, hitting the bodies of two black giant bears, and bursts of blue smoke rose.

The black giant bear made a painful roar, grinned and looked very irritable.

Mu Linger secret art pinched, the black giant seal burst out with a dazzling aura, and continued to press it down.

The three of Han Changming attacked the two black giant bears one after another. It didn't take long for the two black giant bears to be unable to support them anymore, and the black giant print hit them.

There was a loud noise, and the ground shook violently.

With a pinch of Mu Ling'er secret art, the black giant seal quickly shrank, restored to its original size, and flew back to Mu Ling'er's hand.

There is a huge square hole on the ground, and two black giant bears have become a pile of fleshy flesh.

"Fellow Daoist Han, many thanks."

Mu Linger said gratefully, if it weren't for the three of Han Changming, she could have retired, but it was not so easy.

"No effort at all, Mu Fairy, take the liberty to ask, have you found Seven Stars raising soul grass?"

Han Changming’s voice is heavy, speaking of which, he talks Mu Linger has cooperated in treasure hunting many times.

"Seven stars raise soul grass!"

Mu Linger turned his beautiful eyes, flipped his hand to take out two azure jade boxes, and threw them to Han Changming.

Han Changming opened the jade box and found that there was a black grass about one chi in each, and the black grass had seven leaves.

"Mu Fairy, do you have a thousand-year-old seven-star soul grass? I have an urgent need, I can use medicine pill to change it with you."

Han Changming's voice is hurried, this The two seven-star soul grass has only been cultivated for more than 700 years.

Picking the cultivator that raised soul grass with seven stars, it will not be Mu Linger!   "Urgent?"

Mu Linger flipped over and took out a beautiful golden jade box, and threw it to Han Changming.

Han Changming opened it and saw it was a thousand-year-old seven-star soul grass.

"Many thanks, Mu Fairy."

Han Changming was overjoyed and even proclaimed his thanks.

"I know an ancient cultivator Cave Mansion, which may have a thousand-year-old seven-star soul grass, but there is a fourth rank demonic beast guarded by it. How about we collect treasures together? I have a Rank 4 Array in my hand, It is not a problem to trap this demon for a period of time. You control the Formation. I will get the treasure. If I get the thousand-year-old seven-star soul grass, I will definitely give it to you."

Mu Linger invited, with a sincere tone.

"Mu Fairy, are you serious about this?"

Ye Xin's tone was quick.

"I can't guarantee? Turn on the prohibition and you will know if there is a thousand-year-old seven-star soul grass. Even if there is no seven-star soul grass, there are other treasures. The baby is right in front of you. Don't you think? If you want to leave the Funeral Ruins, there is also a safe way out."

Mu Linger said slowly, with a sincere voice.

"Everything has advantages and disadvantages, there must be risks!"

Han Changming frowned and asked, he really wanted to get another thousand-year-old Seven-Star Soul grass, the more the better.

"We have to go through a ban. I have a rare treasure in my hand. It is not a big problem for us to go through a ban, and the risk of detour is even greater."

Er explained.

Han Changming pondered for a moment, and nodded agreed. It is difficult for him to refuse the temptation to raise soul grass for a thousand years. It is definitely not possible to return to the original road. He does not know his specific location now. Very difficult thing, the map in hand is only part of the map of Funeral Ruins.

"Mu Fairy, can you tell us about the prohibition, we have to make some preparations."

Ye Xin said sincerely.

Mullinger was nodded and explained the prohibition in detail.

"Ice Attribute prohibited? Mu Fairy, which road have you traveled?" Han Changming asked a little worried.

Mu Linger was nodded, and said: "Walk through, I was forced to retreat by the fourth rank demonic beast."

"That's good, let's set off! Hope to have a thousand-year seven-star support. soul grass."

Han Changming took a deep breath, his eyes were serious.

They simply deal with the corpses of two black giant bears and disappear into the jungle.

······   A huge blast sounded from a narrow valley, and the fire blazed into the sky.

Before long, three escape lights flew out from within the valley. It was Liu Huan, Lin Xuan and an azure robe elder who was as thin as a bamboo pole. The three people looked panicked, look pale, and seemed I encountered something terrifying.

"Fourth rank high grade demonic beast! It's really bad luck."

Liu Huan said solemnly, his face was ugly.

According to the map provided by Lin Xuan, they came along without incident, but after entering the depths of the funeral ruins, they ran into a fourth rank high grade demonic beast. They were not opponents at all and suffered heavy casualties.

"Junior doesn't know which road has the fourth rank high grade demonic beast, Senior Liu is aware of it."

Lin Xuan quickly explained, looking nervous.

"Forgive you for not having the guts. Since this road is not working, you can only change the way."

Liu Huan’s tone was firm, if it wasn’t for the days of the past. Inheritance, he didn't want to come to bury the Fairy Market!

They landed slowly, moving towards a great mountain in the distance.

······    A hidden pool, Han morning sun, Han Linxue and Han Linsheng are standing by the pool, several black crocodiles with thick waists are lying on the ground, their heads on the ground There is a blood hole as big as a fist.

Han Linxue is holding a palm-sized black lotus with eight petals and the lotus seeds are golden.

"A 800-year-old Black Moon Golden Lotus, no wonder so many cultivators want to enter the funeral ruins to hunt for treasure."

Han Linxue said with some excitement.

"Our goal is not an 800-year-old Black Moon Golden Lotus. Let's leave when we get that thing! The bans in the Funeral Ruins are fickle. Sometimes a ban suddenly pops up on the road. It’s easier to cross a ban. The second time it might be dangerous. I don’t know how many cultivators died under the ban. "

Han morning sun's face is solemn. Everyone knows that there are many treasures in the funeral ruins, but there are more cultivators who die in the funeral ruins. The most difficult thing is the prohibition of changes, which makes you can' t guard against it.

They put away the body of the black crocodile and left here.

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