
  Chapter 651 Outsmart    A vast and boundless white ice field, with sparse vegetation, and a lot of peas White snowflakes, there is a white cold wind blowing from time to time, blowing a lot of white snowflakes.

Han Changming, Ye Xin, Ye Xue and Mu Ling'er walked slowly. Mu Ling'er held a simple azure lotus lamp in his hand. The wick was wrapped in a ball of azure flame, a thick line The azure fire wall wrapped the four of them, isolating the cold.

Their speed is not fast, their faces are full of vigilance, the sordid reputation of the funeral ruins is not random, they dare not care.

"According to our current progress, in two hours, you should be able to get out of here and reach your destination."

Mu Linger said confidently, she didn’t do so not long ago. Through the ground, know the prohibition here.


Han Changming vaguely felt bad, but he couldn't tell what was bad.

His Divine Consciousness is placed outside the hundred zhang, carefully observe everything nearby.

A gust of wind blows, and countless white snowflakes are flying in the wind. After a blur, they turn into white Icicles, coming from all directions and hitting them.

Mu Linger's expression remained as usual. As soon as the dense white Icicle approached the azure flame ten zhang, it suddenly turned into white mist. After the mist rose into the air, it quickly turned into ice chips and fell to the ground.

Han Changming couldn't help but look at the azure lotus lamp in Mu Linger's hand. The formidable power of this high grade magic weapon is indeed not small, so I don't know where Mu Linger got it.

Han Changming only has one high grade magic weapon in his hand, which is already very good. Most Core Formation cultivators may not have a high grade magic weapon.

"Mu Fairy, the formidable power of your baby is really good, I would take the liberty to ask, did you get it in the funeral market?"

Ye Xin curiously asked.

Mu Linger smiled slightly and said: "Yes, there are a lot of treasures here. If we join hands to hunt for treasures, the harvest will definitely be big."

"We only need seven stars to raise soul grass. After we got a thousand-year-old seven-star soul grass, we left. The immortal ruins of the funeral ruins were notoriously frightened, and there was still a sense of awe."

Han Changming's voice is calm, in a cultivation world situation. Or there are more Secret Realm, although treasure is good, it must be enjoyed by life.

"It's hard to say in other places, I've already gone through it once, It shouldn't be a problem..."

Mullinger tone barely fell, Han Changming Suddenly shouting loudly: "Stop, something is wrong in front."

Han Changming's eyes turned into golden. He could clearly see that the void outside the hundred zhang in front, there was some white aura, faintly discernible.

Fortunately, Han Changming has mastered a pupil technique, otherwise they might suffer.

Mu Ling'er was taken aback for a moment, she believed that Han Changming would not aimlessly.

Her eyes lit up with red light for a while, and turned into crimson, which is also a pupil technique, with very few natural spiritual pupils.

Different pupil techniques have different divine abilities.

"Hey, it's weird. I didn't have it when I walked through here just now. Is this the Xuanbing forbidden light?"

Mu Linger talked to himself, looking a little Surprised.

"Xuanbing forbids light? I heard that this kind of prohibition can freeze most things, even if the prohibition is weakened, we may not be able to stop it."

Ye Xin frowned. His face became serious.

Ye Xue releases two apes Puppet Beast, and controls the two apes Puppet Beast moved towards the front.

After walking out of the hundred zhang, the two apes Puppet Beast froze at a speed visible to the naked eye, and turned into two ice sculptures, the ice sculptures getting bigger and bigger.

After a burst of cold wind whistling, countless white snowflakes were swept high in the sky, turned into white Icicles, and hit two white ice sculptures one after another.

After the muffled sound of "peng peng", the two white ice sculptures suddenly all split up and in pieces, turning them into countless tiny ice fragments.

Han Changming moved towards Looking from a distance, there is white aura in some places, but not in some places.

"Quickly leave here, maybe someone touched other restrictions, causing these restrictions to appear here. After all, the funeral ruins have existed for so many years, no one knows how many changes in the restrictions of funeral ruins have been made. ."

Han Changming's voice is hurried, it's better to leave here immediately if you are cautious.

Mu Ling'er did not hesitate. Since the ban has changed, no one can guarantee that there is no formidable power in front of a bigger ban. It's good to say that the bet is right, and the gambling is wrong and there is no life.

With a flick of her sleeves, a white light flew out. It was a flying boat with white light and erratic. Observing carefully, there is a vague bird pattern on the boat, which can vaguely recognize a white crane. Look It looks like this Flying Magical Treasure is seriously damaged.

The four of them jumped onto the white flying boat one after another. With a pinch of Mu Linger's secret art, the white flying boat turned into a white light and flew back along the path.

Time it takes to drink a cup of tea. The four of them quit the white ice sheet and sighed in relief by coincidence.

"Fellow Daoist Han, didn't expect you also mastered the pupil technique, it seems to be better than my pupil technique."

Mu Linger said thoughtfully, if not With the pupil technique, relying on the Divine Consciousness, you can't find the Xuanbing forbidden light.

"Mu Fairy is overpraised, this Han just learned some furs."

Han Changming modestly said, reluctant to say more.

Boom!    A deafening rumbling sound came from the ice sheet, and a large white light fell from the sky and fell on the ice sheet, densely packed. If they hesitate a little, I am afraid that their lives will be gone.

Mu Linger sucked in a cold breath, scared into a cold sweat.

"Mu Fairy, is there any other way?"

Han Changming frowned and asked, if there is no other way, then forget it.

"Yes, but there is a golden eyes fire ape there. If I trap this monster with Rank 4 Array, when the time comes to get the treasure, there will be no second set of Rank 4 Array. Let us distract them, I am afraid that bode ill rather than well."

Mu Ling'er looked embarrassed. She only has a set of Rank 4 Array, and it will be gone after using it. The ape-like demonic beast is a giant Power, Rank 4 Array may not be able to trap the fourth rank monsters for long, once they get out of trouble, it will be troublesome.

"Golden eyes Fire Ape? If I remember correctly, this Spirit Beast likes making wine and drinking."

Han Changming has a looked thoughtful expression on his face, he There is also a high grade Baijiu Dan in hand, which may be able to work.

"Yes! Why? You have good wine? Normal spirit wine, it may not be of interest."

Mu Linger asked, she had tried to use third rank spirit before. The wine drew away the golden eyes fire ape, but failed, and was almost killed by the fourth rank golden eyes fire ape.

"You can give it a try. If you fail, it's okay. At worst you lose a medicine pill."

Han Changming lightly said with a smile, he briefly talked about his plan .

"High grade Baijiu Pill? Fellow Daoist Han, can you refine high-grade pill medicine?" Mu Linger was surprised, looking up and down Han Changming, she still Underestimated Han Changming.

She already knows the identity of Han Changming Pill Refinement Master. There is no way. Hidden Dragon List is so famous, it is difficult for her to know it or not.

"It wasn't made by me. I got it accidentally. If you set up a few more Formations, you might be able to go through there."

Han Changming said solemnly, except for the Baijiu Pill, He also has some mellow brews.

"Okay, then give it a try and go."

Mu Linger agreed to come down, moved towards the other direction, and the three of Han Changming followed closely from behind.

More than an hour later, they appeared outside a long narrow valley. On both sides of the valley were steep stone walls, covered with azure vines, and within the valley there were a lot of exotic flowers and rare herbs.

"Mrs. Han, you set up the Formation with me, as long as you trap this monster for a while."

Mu Linger warned repeatedly, took out the formation flag and began to fabricate Array, Ye Xin assisted.

They set up three third rank Formation, namely maze formation, sleepy formation, and Killing Formation, mainly to trap this monster for a period of time.

"Fellow Daoist Han, we set it up and we can do it. Be careful. This demon has a very sensitive sense of smell. I passed by the door of its lair before and was discovered by it."

Mu Linger warned repeatedly.

Han Changming nodded, took out a monkey Puppet Beast, handed two pots of mellow brew to the monkey Puppet Beast, and tied the porcelain bottle with Baijiu Dan to the left leg of the monkey Puppet Beast.


Han Changming manipulated the ape Puppet Beast moved towards within the valley, and the three of Mu Linger used Earth Escape Technique to hide in the ground.

The valley is long and narrow, and within the valley there is a cave with several feet in the cave hundreds of steps away.

A red giant ape of how high two zhang is lying next to a huge zhang or so big pool hu hu sleeps, the red giant ape is covered with red fluff, and there are some azure in the pool The liquid exudes a strong aroma of wine, and some fruit pits are scattered on the ground.

Suddenly, red giant ape opened his eyes, and the golden eyes flashed with cold light.

It sniffed lightly for a few times, became excited, suddenly rushed out of the cave, moved towards and ran outside.

It rushed out of the nest and saw a black giant ape about one zhang high approaching it.

The black giant ape holds an exquisite hip flask in each hand, the lid is missing, and a strong aroma of wine flies out of the flask.


golden eyes fire ape let out a low roar, showing a fierce light on his face, a huge fierce light rushed out of his body, it seemed to be taking advantage of the rank Advantage, forcing black giant ape to give it the spirit wine.

The black giant ape turned around and ran, very fast.

The golden giant ape was about to chase, and countless yellow soil ropes with thick arms of adults suddenly drilled under the ground, which entangled the feet of the golden eyes fire ape, and at the same time produced a strong force of gravity, like a magnet Generally, lock it in place.

golden eyes Fire Ape’s arms slapped his chest, a weird roar, a scarlet flame burst out of the body, the gravity weakened a lot, and the yellow soil ropes broke, all split up and in pieces.

At this time, the black giant ape has already rushed out of the valley.

golden eyes fire ape opened his mouth, and a thick scarlet flame flew out and hit the black giant ape.

The black giant ape reacted very quickly. He squatted down with his legs, then jumped up to several feet high, avoiding the scarlet flame.

Boom! With    a loud noise, the scarlet flame hit the ground, and the ground burst suddenly, appearing a ten zhang or so big pit, the flames billowing in the pit, and the stones showed signs of melting.

Golden eyes Fire Ape naturally refused to let go of the wine, so he chased it out.

The speed of the black giant ape is not fast. After walking a few steps and shaking a few steps, some spirits spilled out and fell on the ground.

The air was filled with a strong aroma of wine. The golden eyes fire ape was furious and was about to cast a spell to attack the black giant ape. The black giant ape suddenly fell to the ground with a muffled sound. The pill with a strong aroma of wine rolled out and fell to the ground.

The pill exudes a strong aroma of wine, golden eyes fire monkey with a keen sense of smell, quickly discovered this pill.

Its gaze is a bit surprised and uncertain. Compared with other demonic beasts, the ape demonic beast is more intelligent.

golden eyes The fire ape's gaze moved towards all around, looking for traces of human beings, but too much spirit wine was scattered on the ground, and the air was filled with a strong aroma of wine.

Counting thousands of zhangs, Han Changming and four of them lurked underground. Han Changming's eyes flashed with golden light, and Mu Linger's eyes flashed with red light.

As long as golden eyes fire ape moves forward ten steps, they will activate Formation.

"It didn't find Formation anymore! Why didn't it come forward to collect the Baijiu Dan? Isn't it interested in medicine pill?"

Ye Xue confused.

"It shouldn't. We are more careful. It is impossible to find Formation. Maybe I used Formation to fool it before. It is defensive!"

Some Mu Linger Said uncertainly.

The golden eyes fire ape suddenly let out a strange roar, spewing thick scarlet flames, hitting the ground.

Boom!    A huge explosion sounded, scarlet flames fell on the ground, and a huge pit appeared on the ground, and the fire blazed into the sky.

Golden eyes fire ape cautiously observe all around, after confirming that there is no abnormality, it opens its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and sucks suddenly, a powerful suction emerges out of thin air, a lot of flying sand Running stone and fallen leaves flew towards it, including Baijiu Pill.

The Baijiu Pill flew in front of it, the suction suddenly disappeared, and the Baijiu Pill fell on it.

golden eyes Fire Ape threw Baijiu Pill into his mouth and let out a cheerful roar. He did not chase Puppet Beast and returned the same way.

Han Changming and Mu Ling'er were stunned. They didn't expect Golden Eyes Fire Ape to be so vigilant.

"This is difficult. It has eaten the Baijiu Pill, Fellow Daoist Han, do you still have a second Baijiu Pill?" Mu Linger frowned and asked road.

"No, just one, wait a minute, the high grade Baijiu Dan has a strong medicinal power. It is not so easy to refining if you want to come. When it gets drunk, we can also pass by here. "

Han Changming suggested that if this path doesn't work, he can't think of another way.

After one hour, Han Changming said: "You stay here, I'll go out and have a look, if it gets drunk, let's leave here again."

If you use Earth Escape Technique leaves in a hurry, maybe it will run into other fourth rank demonic beasts.

Han Changming returned to the ground and walked cautiously moved towards within the valley. When he approached the golden eyes fire ape's lair, his heart hung in his throat.

Fortunately, the golden eyes fire ape did not rush out.

A yellow light lit up near the entrance of the cave, and a yellow soil wall rose from the ground to block the entrance, which was exactly what Stone Spirit did.

Han Changming's eyes brightened, and his eyes became golden.

With the help of golden eyes true pupils, his eyes can easily penetrate the stone wall and see the golden eyes fire ape.

Golden eyes Fire Ape has fainted, and the medicine efficacy of high grade Baijiu Pill is really good. After thinking about it for a while, Golden Eyes Fire Ape can't wake up.

He made a gesture, and the three of Mu Linger came out from the ground one after another. They put away the Formation and walked cautiously into the valley. The golden eyes fire ape did not wake up, and fell asleep very hard.

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