
  Chapter 652 Disaster to the East The   three of Han Changming passed through the canyon without any accident.

Passing through the canyon, in front of a vast and boundless plain, Han Changming released two apes Puppet Beast to walk in front, they follow closely from behind.

With the previous example, they dare not be careless, their faces are full of vigilance.

Fortunately, along the way, they did not touch the fourth rank demonic beast, nor did they touch the strong prohibition.

half a day later, they walked out of the plain, and there was a dense sea of ​​flowers in front of them. They couldn't see the end at a glance, but they could see a large number of monster butterflies and Monster Insect.

Han Changming brows tightly knit, the area of ​​this flower sea is so large, it is difficult to guarantee that there is no fourth rank Monster Insect, if you encounter a fourth rank Monster Insect, it will be troublesome.

"Mu Fairy, there won't be a fourth rank Monster Insect here!" Ye Xin frowned.

"I don’t know. There are golden eyes and fire ape standing there. I have never been here. There may be a fourth rank to rush or not. Let’s set a fire and burn the place. If there is If the fourth rank poison insect is the case, let’s go back to the golden eyes fire ape’s lair, and bring trouble to the east."

Mu Linger suggested that there was golden eyes fire ape blocking the way. She really hadn’t been here. Naturally, I don’t know if there is a fourth rank Monster Insect.

She intends to set fire to this sea of ​​flowers and force out the Monster Insect in the sea of ​​flowers. If there is a fourth rank Monster Insect, it will lead to the golden eyes fire ape’s lair.

She flipped her hand and took out a red light shining flag, and shook it lightly. The surface of the flag lit up with a dazzling red light. Dozens of scarlet Fireballs flew out, scattered, and landed on the fire sea. middle.

Soon, the fire spread quickly, covering the entire sea of ​​flowers.

At this moment, a weird neigh suddenly came out, a golden miasma suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​flowers, and the flame suddenly collapsed, disappeared without a trace.

Thousands of golden centipede fly out from the sea of ​​flowers. These golden centipede are of different sizes. The outer shell is golden, with some multi-colored patterns and two pairs of golden thin wings on the back. The cultivation base ranges from First Rank to Third Rank.

Han Changming released Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion, Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion screamed in excitement, flapped its wings fiercely, and pounced on the golden centipede.

It opened its mouth and spouted a stream of purple poison mist. When the low-level golden centipede touched the purple poison mist, it immediately turned into a piece of blood.

There are more than a dozen third rank Monster Insects, and the four Han Changming have taken action to kill the third rank Monster Insect.

The thunder rhinoceros flies on top of Han Changming's head, spraying out thick lightning from time to time, hitting the third rank golden centipede.

The four of them joined forces, plus Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion and Thunder Rhinoceros. Thousands of golden centipede suffered heavy casualties, and they were not their opponents at all.

A sharp and ear-piercing neighing sound sounded, Han Changming heard this sound, feeling the inner Qi blood surge, a little hot.

"Not good, it may be the fourth rank Monster Insect, fast retreat."

Mu Linger immediately took out the white flying boat and jumped up, Han Changming put away the Spirit Insect, jump onto the white flying boat with Ye Xin and Ye Xue.

They just jumped onto the white flying boat, a large number of spiritual flowers fell to the ground, a thirty zhang or so long golden centipede flew out of the sea of ​​flowers, and the pale-gold eyeballs were staring at them. With Han Changming four people.


With a pinch of Mu Linger's secret art, the white flying boat suddenly shines, turning into a white light to escape through the air, speeding extremely fast.

The speed of the golden centipede was faster, and the two pairs of thin wings lightly flapped them and chased them up.

Mullinger controlled the white flying boat to fly at full strength. Han Changming, Ye Xin and Ye Xue cast spells to attack the golden centipede. There are too many fourth rank demonic beasts here!    Han Changming took out Thunder Fire cone, released scarlet flame and golden lightning arc, and split into fourth rank Monster Insect. Ye Xin and Ye Xue pinched at the same time. Numerous white cold air emerged from the void and quickly condensed into white clouds. , The fourth rank Monster Insect directly penetrated the white cloud group, and a thin layer of ice debris was added to the body surface, and the speed of escape was greatly reduced.

The fourth rank Monster Insect is fine, but it is annoyed by Han Changming and others.

It made a sharp and ear-piercing neighing sound, and Mu Linger felt her body agitated, and her blood was surging. She gritted her teeth tightly, and some blood spilled from the corners of her mouth.

Taking this opportunity, the golden centipede spouted a stream of golden venom and went straight to Han Changming and others.

At this moment, there was a harsh rumbling sound from the ground, and a yellow earth wall of hundred zhang or so high stood in front of you.

The golden liquid fell on the yellow soil wall, and the yellow soil wall was corroded into several large holes.

The golden centipede rushed to the yellow soil wall, and the sickle-like sharp claw slashed on the yellow soil wall.

The yellow earthen wall was like thin paper, and suddenly collapsed amidst a burst of noise, and the dust was flying.

Countless yellow soil ropes broke out of the ground and woven into a large yellow net of several hundred zhang, covering the golden centipede.

The sharp claw of golden centipede smashed on the yellow big net one after another, and there was a muffled noise. The yellow big net all split up and in pieces, and turned into dust filling the sky.

At this time, the Han Changming four are already outside of several li.

Fortunately, Han Changming asked Stoneman to respond underground, otherwise their lives would be lost.

Golden centipede followed closely, seemingly to kill Han Changming and other talents.

"Our escape speed is not fast. If we continue like this, it is only a matter of time before it catches up. It is better to lead it to the golden eyes fire ape's lair, let them fight, and we take the opportunity to escape."

Ye Xin suggested that there is only this way.

"This can only be done, it's really unfortunate, one after another encountered so many fourth rank Monster Insect."

Mu Linger frowned, secret art pinched, white flying boat Speed ​​up the escape.

Golden centipede is chasing after him, Stoneman casts a spell on the ground to interfere.

The golden centipede was angered, and spraying poison fire or venom attacking the ground did not have much effect.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, the white flying boat flew into the golden eyes fire ape’s lair, and the golden centipede followed closely.

Seeing that the golden centipede was about to chase into the lair, Stoneman suddenly got out of the ground.

As soon as it showed up, its right foot stomped fiercely to the ground, and countless rubble flew up, floating in midair, and smashing into the golden centipede.

There was a muffled sound of "peng peng", and the dense gravel hit the golden centipede, and the golden centipede was safe and sound.

This annoyed the golden centipede. Since it was promoted to the fourth rank, nothing else dared to provoke it.

It rushed towards Stoneman, spouting a golden poisonous fire from its mouth, falling on Stoneman, and suddenly a burst of blue smoke appeared.

Mulling's sleeves flicked, and several huge Fireballs flew out suddenly and hit the ground.

With the loud rumbling noise, the huge Fireball burst open and turned into billowing flames.

Mu Linger's secret art pinched, the white flying boat landed, and the four of them quickly walked down from the white flying boat.

Han Changming's sleeves flicked, and a shiny yellow flag appeared in his hand. With a light sway, a soft yellow light emerged out of thin air, covering the four of them.

Under the yellow light, the four of them quickly dived into the ground.

golden eyes The fire ape was sleeping soundly, in a daze, a huge popping sound came into his ears, interrupting its dreams.

roar!   golden eyes The fire ape issued angry roar and opened his eyes.

A huge explosion sounded, and the cave shook slightly.

It sniffed lightly, eye shows the ominous light, and chased it out.

The left-wing petrification of golden centipede became ash-gray.

Stoneman's body surface was riddled with scars, but its body surface lit up with a burst of yellow light, and the scar disappeared.

With the petrochemical divine ability, the golden centipede dare not approach it rashly.

An angry roar sounded, Stoneman seemed to perceive something, and a yellow light lit up on his body, suddenly turning into a yellow boulder.

Boom! With   a loud noise, a thick scarlet flame suddenly penetrated the boulder, and the golden eyes fire ape rushed out.

The rocks near the golden centipede suddenly flew up and hit the golden eyes fire ape. At the same time, the gravel near the golden eyes fire ape also flew up and hit the golden centipede.

There was a muffled noise, and they all regarded each other as enemies and attacked each other.

The crackling sound is constant, and the air waves are billowing.

The Han Changming four moved forward quickly under the yellow light, Stoneman followed behind them.

"Fellow Daoist Han, didn't expect you to have a Stone Spirit. It's rare!" Mu Ling'er said in surprise, with envy on his face.

If it weren't for Stoneman, their plan to bring disaster to the east would not work at all. Stoneman has a strong recovery ability, is proficient in the Earth Element spell, and is relatively resistant to beatings. If he replaced the Core Formation cultivator, he would have died long ago.

Han Changming slightly smiled and said: "I hope there is no fourth rank demonic beast in the sea of ​​flowers. I will arrive at the destination earlier, and the province will have more nights and dreams."

Half a quarter of an hour later, they returned ground.

There was a loud blast from the canyon in the distance. For a while, golden eyes fire ape and golden centipede could not tell the difference.

Mu Linger took out a white flying boat, carrying the four of them to fly towards the sea of ​​flowers.

They are full of vigilant faces, generally speaking, one mountain can't be shared by two tigers, it is unlikely that there will be a second fourth rank Monster Insect, unless it is the same species, if it is the same species , Should have come out to chase them just now.

Fortunately, there is no fourth rank Monster Insect, only some low-rank Monster Insect rushed out of the flower sea to attack them, and they solved it easily.

After crossing the sea of ​​flowers, a steep sky-high mountain blocked their way.

"Fellow Daoist Han, according to the map, we can reach the destination by turning over this giant peak."

Mu Linger said with some excitement.

Han Changming nodded, said: "It shouldn't be too late, hurry up! I don't know if the fourth rank Monster Insect will come back."

Considering that there may be other restrictions Existing, Mulling put away the white flying boat, the four of them moved forward slowly, Stoneman continued to move underground.

Gray and yellow stones are scattered all over the giant mountain, and vegetation is scarce.

The four of Han Changming passed the Kyoho smoothly and did not encounter other fourth rank demonic beasts.

After crossing the giant peak, Han Changming moved towards looking from a distance, you can clearly see a rolling emerald green mountain range, a "u"-shaped valley is very conspicuous.

"The ancient cultivator Cave Mansion is in that valley."

Mu Linger pointed to the "u" shaped valley and said, a little excited.

If she acts alone, she will never get here.

"Let's go! Do it quickly, find Seven Stars Soul Grass, we are going to leave here."

Han Changming’s voice is heavy, and their luck is impossible. There is still a chance to survive when they encounter the fourth rank demonic beast or the fourth rank Monster Insect. If they encounter the Nascent Soul Cultivator, their small lives may be gone.

Mu Linger was nodded, and the four moved towards the mountain.

half a day later, they appeared outside a giant valley extending in all directions, their expressions nervous.

Behind them is a dense azure bamboo forest. According to Mu Linger's introduction, the ancient cultivator Cave Mansion is in the giant valley.

"Fellow Daoist Han, let's act according to the plan. You control the Formation. I will get the treasure. After it's done, if there is a thousand-year-old seven-star soul grass, I will give it to you."

Mu Linger said solemnly.

Han Changming nodded, said: "Hurry up! do it quickly, find the baby early and leave here early."

Mullinger took out the hundreds of formation flags, Started the formation, Ye Xin assisted.

Within a quarter of an hour, they set up the Formation.

Mu Linger took out the three-sided yellow gleaming array and handed it to Han Changming and the three of them, saying: "I'll lead this demon, you use Formation to trap it, and I will get the treasure as quickly as possible. "

After saying this, Mullinger strode towards within the valley.

Han Changming and the three of them looked at each other, nodded to each other, and escaped into the ground.

With the help of Stoneman and the Rank 4 Array, Han Changming is not afraid of the fourth rank demonic beast.

After a while, a huge rumbling sound rang, The earth shook and the mountain quivered.

Han Changming was startled, and quickly displayed golden eyes to observe the ground.

He could clearly see that Mu Linger rushed out of the valley, her expression flustered.

At this moment, an angry tiger roar sounded, and a huge scarlet flame came straight to Mu Ling'er.

Seeing that the scarlet fire will require several kinds of Mullinger, a yellow earth wall of hundred zhang or so high rises suddenly, blocking Mu Linger's back.

Boom!    After a loud noise, the yellow soil wall was pierced by the scarlet fire. Mu Linger also avoided the fatal blow and turned into a light to break through the air.

A red giant tiger about one zhang high and three feet long flew out from within the valley. On the back of the red giant tiger, there are a pair of huge golden wings, with an open bloody mouth wide open like A sacrificial bowl shows a row of sharp fangs, and there is a mucus connection between the two rows of fangs, which looks very terrifying.

As soon as the red giant tiger showed up, he immediately let out an extremely angry roar.

Han Changming felt a little dizzy in his brain, Ye Xin and Ye Xue felt their heads buzzing.

Mu Linger's speed suddenly stagnated, and at this moment, countless thick yellow soil ropes drilled out of the ground and entangled the body of the red giant tiger.

The red giant tiger let out an angry roar, and a thick scarlet fire swept out, hitting the yellow soil rope, and the yellow soil rope broke.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Mu Ling'er turned into a escape light and flew towards the distance. The red giant tiger naturally refused to follow him and hurried to catch up.

"Hands on it."

Han Changming shouted in a low voice, and found out that Ye Xin and Ye Xue entered a secret art into the formation. .

A strong gravitational force suddenly appeared on the ground, and the red giant tiger moved towards the ground uncontrollably. Hundreds of yellow lights broke out of the ground and flew high into the sky, turning into a thick yellow The light curtain covers the red giant tiger inside.

An angry roar sounded one after another, and the red giant tiger ejected billowing flames, hitting the yellow light curtain.

The three of Han Changming and his wife continue to break into secret art and control Formation to deal with the red giant tiger.

The ground suddenly turned into soft sand, and there were gusts of wind, and countless yellow sands flew up.

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