
  Chapter 654 Fierce battle against Nascent Soul, murder a person with a borrowed knife

Liu Huan let them go together, obviously If you don't have a good heart, most of them are cannon fodder, and there are too many restrictions in the funeral market.

"hmph, refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit, how do you really think the old man dare not take you?"

Liu Huan, shocking loudly, fingers against Han Changming lightly.

From the air-splitting sound, a beam of black light flew out and went straight to Han Changming.

Ye Xin hurriedly waved a blue jade ruler in his hand. Numerous steamy runes lit up on the surface of the jade ruler. It suddenly brightened, and a large amount of blue water vapor suddenly appeared in the void. A wall of water suddenly appeared in front of them.

Ye Xue flicked his five fingers continuously, and several white lights flew out and sank into the blue water wall.

The blue water wall freezes at the speed visible to naked eye, turning into a white ice wall. The city wall is thick with several feet and exudes a biting chill, and the nearby temperature drops sharply.

The black light hits the white ice wall with a loud noise, and the white ice wall all split up and in pieces, turning into countless white ice chips.

A sharp bird's song sounded, an azure giant eagle with five feet spread out its wings, the feather of the azure giant eagle is light azure, and a pair of sharp claws of gray azure under the belly. The eyes are extremely sharp.

The azure giant eagle opens its mouth and spouts a burst of azure light towards the black light.

Boom! With    a loud noise, black light and azure light perish together, the powerful air wave shook the void and deformed, the ground tore apart, and dozens of long cracks appeared.

"Human Demon Talisman! Do you really think you can compete with the old man by relying on a Demon Talisman?"

Liu Huan said with a sneer, with a sneer on his face.

With a pinch of his secret art, three shining black light arrows went straight to Ye Xin and the others.

Where the three black arrows passed, there was a piercing sound in the void, and a vaguely stern "wu wu" sound. After a blur, the three black arrows suddenly turned For the three huge black grimace, the black grimace made a "wu wu" devil's sob, grinning, extremely hideous.

The azure giant eagle made a sharp neighing sound, the huge azure wings suddenly flapped, violent wind erupted, and a tornado of azure mist swept out. Observe carefully, the azure tornado is caused by hundreds of huge winds. The blades are pieced together, creating a powerful wave of air.

The ground was shattered by powerful air currents, and the dust was flying.

strong wind scattering the last clouds, dust filling the sky, dimly lit, with great momentum.

As soon as the three black ghosts approached the azure tornado ten zhang, they suddenly made a sharp "wu wu" sound, each ejecting a large slender black silk thread, hitting the azure tornado.

The dense black silk thread pierced the azure tornado, and the azure tornado was intact and involved three huge grimaces.

Taking this opportunity, the three Ye Xin moved towards different directions and fled.

"Leave me wherever I go."

Lin Xuan complexion turned cold, since it has cast aside all considerations for face, there is nothing to say, so naturally I have to kill to the last one, to avoid future troubles.

He doesn't believe it anymore, Han Changming will survive.

Even the fourth rank demon bird can be killed by Liu Huan. Han Changming uses the demon talisman, but he can cast the fourth rank demon bird part of Divine Ability, which is definitely not Liu Huan's opponent.

If Ye Xin and the three of them escape, it will cause no end of trouble, Lingxiao Daoist may not be trifled with.

At this moment, Lin Xuan's head was filled with ripples in the void, and an azure eagle claw with the size of several feet emerged out of thin air. The azure eagle claw went straight to Lin Xuan’s forehead and slapped his head. The smashed posture of the shoot.

Lin Xuan was so frightened that soul flew beyond the heaven, his figure shook, and he quickly moved towards the distance and flew away.

With a muffled sound, his protective body shattered, and there was a scary scratch on his back, and the blood flow continued.

Han Changming can't kill Liu Huan, it's okay to kill Lin Xuan.

Liu Huan ignored Lin Xuan, he didn't care about Lin Xuan's life and death!

With a pinch of his secret art, the azure tornado burst open suddenly, and three black arrows shot out, turning into three black lights, moved towards Ye Xin and the three hit them.

The ground shook violently, and three yellow soil walls of hundred zhang or so high and hundred zhang or so rose from the ground, blocking Ye Xin's back.

After the rumbling noise, three yellow soil walls collapsed suddenly, turning into dust filling the sky.

The three yellow arrows suddenly lost control, fell quickly and landed on the ground.

The three black arrows flashed, struggling violently.

Ye Xin and the three took the opportunity to dive into the ground and use the Earth Escape Technique to escape.

Ye Xin and Ye Xue left little meaning, they plan to wait for Han Changming somewhere.

Zhao Yuanliang is different. He only needs to run for his life with all his strength, without having to rendezvous with Han Changming.

"Who fucking!"

Liu Huan complexion turned cold, as soon as he raised his hand, a white light flew out, and it was a white human-shaped skeleton with a whole body in the eye socket. Tuan white flame, this is a bone corpse of the late Core Formation, Liu Huan refined from Dao Companion corpse.

As soon as the human-shaped skeleton appeared, with a jaw, a white corpse fire flew out and hit the ground.

There was a loud rumbling noise, the ground burst, and a huge crater that was huge zhang or so big and about one zhang deep appeared, and a white flame burst into the pit.

The three yellow arrows stuck firmly to the ground, struggling violently.

A gust of wind blew by Liu Huan, and an azure giant eagle suddenly appeared on Liu Huan's head.

Wind Escape Technique!    This is a commonly used approach for demon birds. Demon birds have a flexible body shape. When fighting immortal cultivator, they often use Wind Escape Technique to get close.

As soon as azure giant eagle appeared, a pair of azure wings lightly flapped, and the harsh air-splitting sound came out, and the dense azure wind blade shot out, turning into an azure torrent, hitting To Liu Huan.

Liu Huan's reaction was quick, right hand slapped his chest, a red light flashed on his chest, and a thick red mask emerged out of thin air.

The dense azure wind blades hit the red mask one after another, and there was a muffled sound of fried beans, and the aura of the red mask was slightly dim.

A pair of sharp claws of azure giant eagle fell from the sky and hit the red mask.

The red mask is torn apart like a crack.

azure sharp claw grabs Liu Huan’s top of the head. If it is caught by azure sharp claw, Liu Huan’s head will definitely be broken.

Liu Huan raised his hand, red light flashed, and a red ball the size of a pigeon egg flew out. It turned around and suddenly burst into a red glow, covering Liu Huan and blocking the azure. sharp claw.

One blow failed, the wings of the azure giant eagle flicked, and the gust of wind blew up and turned into a breeze that disappeared.

Lin Xuan seemed to have thought of something. She was frightened in a cold sweat, and quickly took out an azure light sparkling flag, and released a large azure flame covering several ten zhang around the radius, and the nearby temperature suddenly rose. .

There was a huge roar from high in the sky. An azure giant eagle hovered at high altitude and suddenly produced a strong air current. A thousand zhang or so high azure tornado emerged out of thin air, and the ground was torn apart. , Blocks of huge clods were swept into the azure tornado by the wind, and smoke and dust billowed with great momentum.

The azure tornado came straight to Liu Huan, wherever it passed, the ground was torn apart, a mess, and the void shuddered and twisted, as if it were a doomsday, and several li couldn't see his fingers.

Lin Xuan swallowed, his eyes full of look of dreading.

Liu Huan brows tightly knit, spouting a white light with his mouth open, it is a white light glittering Bone Blade, the handle of the Bone Blade is a hideous skull, exuding a powerful Spiritual Qi fluctuation , High grade magic weapon.

The white Bone Blade in Liu Huan's hand heard a stern devil cry, moved towards azure The tornado smashed into the void.

A piercing sound of a knife sounded, and a white changhong flew out and greeted him.

The white Changhong collided with the azure tornado, and a powerful wave of air erupted. A wave of water ripples swayed in the void, and the ground shook violently, bursting suddenly, turning into countless dust.

Boom! After    a loud bang, the azure tornado was chopped in half by the white Changhong, turned into thousands of azure mist and shot at Liu Huan and Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan quickly took out an azure light shield. The dense azure wind blade hit it, and there was a muffled noise. There was a large area of ​​clearly visible cut marks on the surface of the azure shield.

The crackling sound is constant, and the smoke is flying all over the sky.

Two yellow lights flew out of the smoke without warning, and hit Liu Huan and Lin Xuan respectively.

A yellow light hit the azure shield. The azure shield was petrified at a speed visible to naked eye, and most of the shield became ash-gray.

Liu Huan waved the white Bone Blade in his hand, and a dense white Blade Qi swept out, smashing the yellow light.

The smoke and dust dispersed, the azure giant eagle turned into an azure escape light, moved towards the distant sky and flew away.

"I want to run! It's not that easy."

Liu Huan's face was killing intent, turned over the palm, black light flashed, a black longbow appeared in his hand, turned it out The two black light shining arrows stretched their bows and aimed them at the azure giant eagle.

If you simply use Divine Consciousness to control the arrows, it is more difficult to hit the demon bird. If you use the longbow magic weapon, the efficiency is greatly improved.

The air-splitting sound of "sou sou" started, two black arrows shot out, making the devil's cry of "wu wu", and suddenly the black light was released and turned into two huge blacks. Grimacing, grinning, making cannibalism.

Liu Huan’s mouth showed a look of ridicule, he seemed to have seen the scene of Han Changming’s death.

Prior to this, he used this treasure to severely damage a fourth rank demon bird.

The two black grimacing faces disappeared into a hundred zhang in a flash. After flying out of the thousand zhang, they seemed to be affected in some way.

Two thick yellow lights flew out of the ground without warning, and hit two black ghost faces exactly. The two black ghost faces turned into ash-gray at the speed visible by naked eye, just like two seats. The statue is average, quickly moved towards the ground.

With two sounds of "pa bang", the two statues all split up and in pieces.

"Petrochemical divine ability!"

Liu Huan's mouth was wide open, and his face was full of incredible colors.

Han Changming should be some kind of monster that can cast 1 division ability of petrification. No magic weapon can avoid petrification, let alone immortal cultivator.

A look of dreading flashed in Liu Huan's eyes, which made him even more murderous.

If you kill Han Changming and conquer that alien beast, his strength will increase greatly. As for the Lingxiao daoist, he is already not in.

Harmonious Bond Sect belongs to Penglai Island, and Liu Huan has taken refuge in the daoist of Tiansha. As long as he does not go to the territory of the Righteous Alliance, Lingxiao daoist is also impossible to kill the Harmonious Bond Sect for dísciple.

At this time, the azure giant eagle has disappeared into the sky.

Liu Huan discovered that the other three black arrows had also lost contact, which was obviously destroyed by the petrification divine ability of the alien beast.

Lin Xuan was panicked when he heard the words "petrified divine ability". He absolutely did not expect that Han Changming had raised a strange animal with petrified divine ability.

If you kill Han Changming and others, it's okay to say that if you let Han Changming and others escape, he will not dare to return to the righteous alliance in the future. As for Azure Cloud Sect, I am afraid it will be extremely unlucky. .

"Chasing, absolutely can't let this kid escape."

Liu Huan loudly shouted, turning into a flurry of light and chased him up.

Lin Xuan hesitated for a moment, followed along.

Following is more dangerous. If you don’t follow, I’m afraid Liu Huan will kill him immediately. He is not Han Changming and can do a few tricks on Liu Huan.

The azure giant eagle skimmed high in the sky very fast.

Han Changming is able to contend with Liu Huan with the help of Demon Talisman. Once the power of Demon Talisman is exhausted, his life will be gone.

He must get rid of Liu Huan as soon as possible. The best way is to have a fourth rank demonic beast attack Liu Huan, which will lead to disaster.

He thought of the previous fourth rank Monster Tiger, azure giant eagle suddenly accelerated.

In the place where the underground is a thousand zhang or so, Ye Xin, Ye Xue and Stoneman are in a group of yellow aura, moving forward fast, especially fast.

With Stone Spirit, they are not worried about their own safety, they are worried about the safety of Han Changming.

By virtue of the connection with Han Changming, Stone Spirit led them to pursue Han Changming.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, the azure giant eagle appeared above a valley extending in all directions. You can clearly see a huge grotto, and you can vaguely see a huge red giant. tiger.

The ground is cratered, with many huge pits, and some huge pits are still blazing flames.

The wings of the azure giant eagle flicked, speeding up the escape, and flew towards the cave.

Liu Huan chased him, he didn't dare to fly too high to avoid touching the restriction.

The red giant tiger was lying prone to rest in the nest, and an azure giant eagle flew in.

roar! The   red giant tiger uttered an angry roar, trying to drive away the demonic beast that rushed into his territory.

The wings of the azure giant eagle flicked, and there was a harsh air-splitting sound, and countless azure wind blades shot out and went straight to the red giant tiger.

The red giant tiger is not afraid at all, spouting a scarlet flame, defeating most of the azure wind blade that hits, and the remaining azure wind blade hits the stone wall, the stone wall is like tofu, tearing apart Open, rubble splashes everywhere.

The azure giant eagle made a harsh bird song, its wings fiercely flapped, and densely packed azure feathers flew out. After a blur, they turned into azure sharp blades and slashed on the body of the red giant tiger one after another. .

The red giant tiger suddenly showed some visible blood stains on its body, drenched with blood, it flew into a rage and let out a deafening roar.

With one jaw, a thick scarlet flame flew out and hit the azure giant eagle's body. The billowing flames flooded the azure giant eagle.

With a kick of the forelimbs of the red giant tiger, it flies up and plunges into the flames.

There was a loud noise, the flames all split up and in pieces, and the azure giant eagle disappeared.

The golden fleshy wings on the back of the red giant tiger fiercely flew out of the cave, just as Liu Huan flew towards him.

"fourth rank demonic beast!"

Liu Huan saw the fourth rank demonic beast, and he was inwardly shouting bad.

If it is during the peak period, he is naturally not afraid of the fourth rank demonic beast, but he lost a lot of mana by chasing and killing the fourth rank demonic beast before, and then fighting with a fourth rank demonic beast, the chance of winning is not Very big, after all, there is a Han Changming.

Liu Huan was about to turn around to escape, a deafening roar came from behind, and a thousand zhang or so long azure tornado swept from behind.

Han Changming used Wind Escape Technique to escape from the lair of the fourth rank demonic beast, walked around Liu Huan, and fought Liu Huan with the fourth rank demonic beast.

Where the azure tornado passed, all the ancient trees and strange stones were crushed by the powerful air current, and the smoke and dust billowed.

Liu Huan complexion sank, the white Bone Blade moved towards the white Bone Blade moved towards behind him, a dazzling white changhong flew out, slashing towards the azure tornado.

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