
  Chapter 655 Lin Xuan at the front door refuses the wolf and the back door meets the tiger

The azure tornado is like tofu, one blow That is collapsed.

After a loud bang, the azure tornado burst open, and countless azure wind blades moved towards all directions. The towering old trees fell in pieces, and the ground was pitted, and a lot of pits appeared on the ground. Giant pit.

A part of the azure wind blade moved towards Liu Huan and Lin Xuan, but did not hurt them, and a part of the azure wind blade hit the red giant tiger, but also failed to hurt the red giant tiger.

Generally speaking, when the demonic beast is transformed into a human form, there will be a certain degree of spiritual wisdom.

In Liu Huan's view, this is Han Changming's ghosting, but in the view of red giant tiger, this is the Human Race cultivator attacking it. It doesn't understand what murder a person with a borrowed knife is. I don't even know that I am the knife.

roar! A    deafening beast roar sounded, violent wind erupted, and a large number of flying sand running stones were swept high in the sky.

Lin Xuan felt his head buzzing, and he couldn't stand still.

Liu Huan is frowned, slightly unwell.

There was a huge rumbling sound from high in the sky, the sky suddenly dimmed, and a cloud of incomparable gigantic scarlet fire cloud appeared high in the sky without warning.

As soon as the scarlet fire cloud appeared, the nearby void suddenly distorted and the temperature rose rapidly.

High-level spell meteor fire rain, large-scale attack spell.

Liu Huan saw this scene and inwardly shouted badly in his heart.

The scarlet fire cloud rolled violently like boiling water, and the big scarlet fire rain poured down, enveloping a dozen or more li.

The giant wings of the azure giant eagle slammed, and azure feathers flew out, transformed into azure flying arrows in the air, and hit Lin Xuan and Liu Huan.

If Han Changming escapes, Liu Huan will certainly be able to escape. Once the power of the demon charm is exhausted, Han Changming will be in trouble.

He dared to stay and entangle Liu Huan. In addition to the magic charm, the fourth rank escape charm is also his confidence.

He is now in the body of a demon bird, more resistant to beatings than Liu Huan.

As soon as the dense scarlet fire rain approached the azure giant eagle, the wings of the azure giant eagle lightly flapped, and a violent wind suddenly occurred. The scarlet fire rain touched the violent wind and suddenly collapsed.

The scarlet fire rain fell on the flowers, plants and trees, and it burned immediately, and the fire expanded rapidly. A dozen or more li around the area turned into a scarlet fire sea, and the flames skyrocketed.

A large number of Low Rank Monster Beasts fled around. Scarlet fire rain fell on some Low Rank Monster Beasts. The Low Rank Monster Beast was instantly flooded by the raging flames. Several hills were shrouded in flames, piece by piece. The rock was burned into red by the flames, and the mountain became crimson.

The temperature rose suddenly and the heat wave was alarming.

Liu Huan took out a red round bead, emitting a red glow, covering him and Lin Xuan.

It's not that he cares about Lin Xuan a lot. Lin Xuan is still useful for the time being and can be kept.

The dense scarlet fire rain fell on the red Xiaguang, and there was a muffled sound of fried beans, and the billowing flames covered the red Xiaguang.

After the red ball lit up with a red light, the flames suddenly dissipated.

A harsh whistling sound sounded, an azure mist tornado appeared in the fire sea, the azure tornado column whizzed and wandered, the sky fell to the ground, the ground was torn, and the ancient trees flew up from their roots.

Where the azure tornado passed, the flame quickly extinguished, and the azure tornado hit a peak of several hundred zhang high, and the peak was burned into crimson by the flames.

The rumbling noise, the mountain peaks are like tofu, all split up and in pieces, countless crimson boulders were swept into the azure tornado by the wind, and the azure tornado came straight to Liu Huan and Lin Xuan.

At the same time, the red giant tiger also pounced on Lin Xuan and Liu Huan.

The azure tornado hasn't gotten close yet, and countless scarlet stones fly out.

Lin Xuan's expression became tense when he saw the dense scarlet and rubble, his intestines turned blue with regret.

In Liu Huan's eyes, the cold glow is full, turned over the palm, white light flashed, a small white light flashing mirror appears in his hand, and a few skull patterns are engraved on the back of the mirror.

A few skulls seemed to come alive, grinning, and making a stern sound of "wu wu".

A white cloud of sunshine swept out, the scarlet rubble touched the white cloud light, and it stopped moving, as if frozen.

The white cloud touched the azure tornado, and the azure tornado also stopped.

Taking this opportunity, the white Bone Blade in Liu Huan's hand exploded with the blade glow of several zhang long, and the tornado moved towards azure with a vertical split.

A piercing sound of a knife sounded, and the void oscillated and twisted, and a white giant blade flew out and slashed on top of the azure tornado.

The azure tornado was chopped in half by the giant blade, and an azure giant eagle fell from a high altitude.

The azure giant eagle is full of bloodstains on its body, and there is a terrifying bloodstain on its left wing. If it weren't for the body of a demon bird, Han Changming would have died.

At this time, the red giant tiger also arrived in front of Liu Huan, with a jaw, and a little sparkling light appeared in his mouth, and a huge scarlet demon fire flew out and hit the red glow accurately.

Even through the red Xiaguang, Lin Xuan still felt an unbearable heat wave, brow beaded with sweat.

A pair of sharp tiger claws appeared without warning, hit the red Xiaguang, tearing the red Xiaguang to pieces, and the red tiger claw slapped Liu Huan on the head.

Liu Huan hurriedly waved the white Bone Blade to greet him.

clang!   Sparks flew everywhere, and Liu Huan felt a huge force coming and flew out, followed by Lin Xuan.

Boom! The   ground suddenly tore apart, a huge crack appeared, and a yellow giant ten zhang or so high drilled out of the ground.

The outline of the yellow giant is obvious, the expression is dull, the hands and feet are thick, full of power.

As soon as the yellow giant showed up, a dazzling yellow light appeared on the surface, and his size soared to fifty zhang or so high, and his arms were thirty zhang or so long.

It is Stone Spirit.

The right foot of Stone Spirit moved towards the ground fiercely, and the ground shook fiercely. Pieces of huge rocks burned into crimson flew up and gathered together into a scarlet of hundreds zhang or so high. The volcano, with a burst of rumbling sound, hit Liu Huan.

Immediately afterwards, it held a huge zhang or so high tree with both hands, and pulled it hard to pull up by the roots.

The trunk of the tree was still wrapped in flames, and it hit Liu Huan.

The Bone Blade in Liu Huan's hand slashed again, and an incomparable gigantic white Blade Qi swept out, smashing the scarlet volcano, dusting, and flames splashing.

He feels bad, it is not a problem to deal with a Han Changming, plus a fourth rank demonic beast, he feels strenuous, after all, it is not at the peak period.

roar!    Along with the roar of an angry beast, a huge scarlet fire hits head on. Before getting close, a monstrous heat wave hits his face.

Liu Huan quickly pointed the small white mirror in his hand at the scarlet fire. A white cloud of glow flew out, covering the scarlet fire, and the scarlet fire was set in the void.

A gust of wind blew over Liu Huan's head, and a blood-flowing azure giant eagle appeared on his head without warning, and a pair of sickle-like sharp claw hit Liu Huan's head.

He was shocked, the red ball suddenly brightened, emitting a red glow to cover Liu Huan, and the white Bone Blade in his hand quickly moved towards the top of his head.

clang! With   a muffled sound, the sharp claw of the azure giant eagle collided with the white Bone Blade, sparks flew everywhere.

One hit failed, the azure giant eagle flapped its wings, moved towards high altitude, and obviously there was not much power left to transform the demon talisman.

Lin Xuan raised right hand, an azure rope flew out and entangled the right paw of the azure giant eagle.

Liu Huan flicked his wrist, and a dazzling white Blade Qi swept out, and instantly smashed the body of the azure giant eagle.

A stern eagle cry sounded, and a large number of azure feathers fell off. There was a scary bloodstain on the surface of the azure giant eagle, and white bones were faintly visible.

Lin Xuan was overjoyed, turned over the palm, and a white talisman of Spiritual Qi appeared on his hand, emitting an astonishing Spiritual Qi fluctuation, and the temperature of the nearby void dropped sharply.

The fourth rank talisman ice-bound thousands of miles, this is Lin Xuan bought from the underground auction, is his biggest trump card, used to save life.

Han Changming is now seriously injured, taking advantage of his illness to kill him.

At this moment, there was a harsh air-splitting sound. Thousands of white Icicles lased towards Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan did not dare to be careless, and quickly took out a shot of the azure flag. The azure flag rolled around him, releasing a piece of azure flame, turning it into an azure fire wall, and protecting him inside .

As soon as the white Icicle approaches the azure fire wall, it volatilizes instantly.

Yellow Giant's eyes sprayed a yellow light, hitting Liu Huan and the azure rope.

Liu Huan didn't dare to be careless, and quickly waved the white Bone Blade, releasing a piece of white Blade Qi, smashing the yellow light that hit.

Another yellow light hit the azure rope, and the azure rope petrified at a speed visible to naked eye and turned into ash-gray.

The wings of the azure giant eagle flicked, and the densely packed azure wind blade swept out and cut on the ash-gray rope. The rope suddenly broke, and the azure giant eagle regained its freedom.

At this moment, the azure giant eagle's head was rippling in the void, and a big gray hand emerged out of thin air, accurately patted the body of the azure giant eagle.

With a scream, the azure giant eagle quickly moved towards the ground falling.

azure light flashed, azure giant eagle turned into Han Changming's appearance, and a dimly luminous magic charm fell off his body.

With a sound of "pu chi", the demon-changing talisman ignites spontaneously and burns into fly ash.

Han Changming's look pale, there is a scary bloodstain on his chest, white bones can be seen vaguely, and many places on his body are drenched with blood, which looks like a strength great injury.

Even if it is to use the demon talisman, there is still a certain gap between him and Nascent Soul Cultivator.

Han Changming landed on the ground, a yellow light suddenly lit up on the surface of his body, and disappeared when he burrowed into the ground.

Boom! There was   a huge explosion in the sky. Hundreds of huge Fireballs fell from the sky and hit Liu Huan and Lin Xuan.

Liu Huan was about to avoid, and the ground shook violently. Thousands of thick yellow chains broke out of the ground, sealing the area around several li, forming a yellow prison cage.

a yellow light flashed, the yellow cage quickly became ash-gray.

Liu Huan complexion sank, waved the white Bone Blade, a large swath of white Blade Qi swept out, smashing the white cage, and smoke billowing.

More than a dozen huge Fireballs landed on Liu Huan's body one after another, drowning Liu Huan's silhouette.

With a muffled sound, a pair of sharp tiger claws hit the red Xiaguang, and the red Xiaguang shattered instantly.

Tiger claw hit Liu Huan's left arm, leaving several scars of blood.

Liu Huan let out a scream of extreme pain. Under the severe pain, he released his palm, and the white mirror quickly moved towards the ground and fell.

Liu Huan resisted the severe pain, his right hand gripped the white Bone Blade tightly and slashed towards the red giant tiger.

clang!    Liu Huan flew out under a huge force. Before he flew far, the red giant tiger spewed out a thick scarlet flame and hit him. On his body, flames enveloped Liu Huan's body, and there was a mournful scream.

A dazzling black light lit up in the flames, and the flames flashed violently. Liu Huan's robe was in tatters and his eyebrows were burned out.

The bones can be clearly seen in his left hand, and his injury is not minor.

Two yellow lights lased, Liu Huan hurriedly avoided, but still took a slow shot, his left hand was hit by the yellow light, and he quickly petrified and turned into ash-gray.

Liu Huan’s severe expression flashed in his eyes, without the slightest hesitation waving the white Bone Blade, cutting off his left arm and preventing the whole body from petrifying.

The white Bone Blade in his hand exploded with a dazzling white light, which was moved towards Stone Spirit.

The void was distorted and deformed, and hundreds of white Blade Qi swept out, accurately slicing on the body of Stone Spirit.

Boom!    Stone Spirit all split up and in pieces, turned into a large piece of rubble. Obviously Stone Spirit had already used escape technique to avoid this blow.

The white mirror quickly moved towards Liu Huanfei, but at this moment, a yellow light flew out from the ground and accurately hit the white mirror. The white mirror petrified at the speed visible by naked eye and fell. It hit the ground and fell to pieces.

The ground suddenly burst, and the ground of several li around the radius turned into dust filling the sky, forming a huge sand screen covering Lin Xuan, Liu Huan and the red giant tiger.

Under several hundred zhang underground, Han Changming, Ye Xin and Ye Xue were wrapped in a yellow light and moved towards the underground stealth quickly, and Stoneman opened the road ahead.

Ye Xin's expression is anxious, Ye Xue's eyes are red.

"Don't worry, I have no life worry. I will leave here immediately and find a place to heal. Even if Liu Huan can get away, he will strengthen great injury."

Han Changming's tone is weak , Liu Huan couldn't pursue them anymore.

On the ground, the yellow sand curtain burst open suddenly, Liu Huan covered in dirt, face pale, and Lin Xuan brow beaded with sweat, his eyes were full of fear.

roar! The   red giant tiger pounced on Liu Huan again. Before he got close, a thick scarlet flame struck him.

Liu Huan is very weak now and dare not love fighting. He waved the white Bone Blade, released a large white Blade Qi, and greeted him.

With loud rumbling noises, scarlet flames were shattered by the dense white Blade Qi.

The red giant tiger is not within the thirty zhang of Liu Huan. Liu Huan, who has suffered a big loss, dare not let the red giant tiger get close. The white small mirror is destroyed in the hands of Stone Spirit, otherwise he will also Not so embarrassed.

Liu Huan flicked his sleeves, and a glittering golden light talisman flew out, suddenly turned into a golden light, and went straight to the red giant tiger.

With the muffled sound of "pu chi", the golden light burst open, covering the red giant tiger. The red giant tiger seems to be frozen and motionless.

"Senior Liu, be careful of the ground."

Lin Xuan's anxious voice suddenly reached Liu Huan's ears, Liu Huan was startled, and subconsciously moved towards the ground, But nothing was found.

The inwardly shouted in his heart was not good, a Force of Strange Cold appeared behind him without warning, he had not yet reacted, his body was frozen at the speed visible to naked eye, and was frozen.

It is Lin Xuan's sneak attack and Liu Huan.

This is a gamble. Lin Xuan asked himself if he could not run Liu Huan, he would definitely be sacrificed by Liu Huan as cannon fodder. Even if he could escape safely, Liu Huan would not spare him lightly.

Han Changming was seriously injured and the chance of staying is extremely low.

If Han Changming did not leave, Lin Xuan did not attack Liu Huan, Liu Huan would definitely run the fastest, Lin Xuan could not escape, if Han Changming left, Lin Xuan sneak attack Liu Huan, not only could he live When you come down, you can get back your Primordial Spirit and get Nascent Soul Cultivator's belongings.

danger lurks within the riches and honour, Lin Xuan has no better way out.

Liu Huan has become a huge ice sculpture, motionless.

Lin Xuan raised his hand, and two azure mist flying knives shot out, slicing exactly on the ice sculpture.

Boom!   After a loud noise, ice sculpture all split up and in pieces, Liu Huan's fleshy body was destroyed.

divine light flashed, a mini Nascent Soul with facial features similar to Liu Huan flew out. Before flying far, a big hand of azure mist emerged out of thin air and grabbed the mini Nascent Soul.

"Old man treats you well, you can't treat old man like that!"

Mini Nascent Soul lose one's head out of fear said, winds and waves are here, didn't 't expect to fall in the sewer.

"hmph, treat me badly? Take away my Primordial Spirit, this is treat me badly? Before let me explore the way, I almost died, this is treat me badly? If not touched When you arrive at Han Changming, you may let me continue to explore the way and act as a cannon fodder! Your discipline of grand disciples is dead, and you don’t see how sad you are. If it weren’t for being threatened by you, would I use it for you?"

Lin Xuan said with a sneer, face revealed a look of ridicule.

"Don't kill the old man, I know a place where there may be treasures, I am willing to offer Harmonious Bond Sect, and..."

Before I finished talking about the Mini Nascent Soul, the big azure hand suddenly closed, crushing the Mini Nascent Soul.

From now on, there is no Liu Huan in the world. Lin Xuan knows that he can't play Liu Huan, but he won't give him a chance to kill him directly.

"I'm afraid I'm going to lose my life to enjoy it, it's safer to kill you."

Lin Xuan coldly said, killing Liu Huan, Liu Huan's property belongs to him.

Liu Huan is the leader of the faction, and he must have a lot of belongings. Maybe Lin Xuan can use this to advance to the Nascent Soul Stage.

"That's right, it has the style of the old man."

A majestic man's voice suddenly sounded.

The tone barely fell, a beam of black light appeared in the sky in the distance. It didn't take long for the black light to stop. It was a black flying boat with a few skull patterns on the boat.

The four Tiansha Daoist stood on the black flying boat, their expressions indifferent.

Seeing the four Tiansha Daoist, Lin Xuan felt a basin of cold water splashed on his face, extremely cold.

"Senior forgive me, Junior is compelled by circumstances, he is too pressing."

Lin Xuan begged for mercy. He didn't think he could escape with two Nascent Soul Cultivators. .

Tiansha daoist moved towards the void below, a black storage ring and a white Bone Blade flew towards him.

He swept Divine Consciousness, nodded satisfied.

"This is the Forbidden God Orb. Give you back your Primordial Spirit. Old man is not treating you badly! If you want to survive, it depends on your performance. Of course, you can also sneak attack. See if you can succeed."

Tiansha daoist said without a smile, his sleeve flicked, and a Forbidden God Orb flew out.

Lin Xuan shuddered, accepting the Forbidden God Orb, repeatedly saying not to dare.

Madam Hongfu flicked her sleeves, and a black light glittering talisman flew out, turning into a beam of black light, and went straight to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan was taken aback, but didn't dare to resist. The black light passed by Lin Xuan and disappeared inside the red giant tiger.

The red giant tiger roared in pain, and countless black runes appeared on his head.


The secret art of Mrs. Hongfu changed, and the red giant tiger let out a roar of pain, and a black air appeared on the body.

"It is not easy for you to cultivation to the fourth rank, obediently for our use, but also less tortured."

Mrs. Hong Fu said with a sneer.

The red giant tiger uttered a miserable roar, and the black air on the surface dissipated.

After a while, the golden light dissipated and the red giant tiger regained its freedom, but it did not attack Lin Xuan and flew to Madam Hong Fu honestly.

"Let's go! Let's start with us. Before betraying the old man, think about the end. The old man is not afraid of betrayal, I am afraid you can't bear the consequences."

said with a sneer.

"Junior dare not, senior treats Junior with integrity, Junior is grateful, and he is full of gratitude, and I will not hesitate."

Lin Xuan hastily showed his loyalty, he is restless in his heart, I don’t know. Tiansha Daoist said true or false, but he has no right to choose.

"Don't talk about these nonsense, follow me on the road!"

The daoist of the gods was indifferent, brought Lin Xuan, pinched the secret art, and the black flying boat turned into A black escape light, moved towards the distant sky and flew away.

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