
  Chapter 656 The Rich Han Changming A    hidden underground cave with about one mu Large and small, the top of the cave, which is hundreds zhang or so high off the ground, are conical reddish-brown stalactites, with clear luster, peculiar shapes, and varying lengths.

There was a muffled noise from the ground, and a cloud of yellow light broke out of the ground. Han Changming, Ye Xin and Ye Xue drilled out of the ground.

They escaped for more than 100,000 miles, constantly changing directions, Liu Huan was seriously injured, and It shouldn't be chased.

Stoneman followed out, and it strode towards the stone wall, and got into the stone wall to protect Han Changming.

The general Nascent Soul Cultivator uses Divine Consciousness to scan the stone wall, and will not find the existence of Stone Spirit. After all, it is a strange stone and it is a stone itself.

"Husband, you can heal your wounds at ease! We will protect you."

Ye Xin said solemnly, Han Changming's injury is too serious, he needs to heal and recuperate immediately, so as not to leave behind troubles. .

Han Changming nodded, he moved towards a small cave not far away. His injury was very serious and he needed to be healed.

The cave is no more than ten zhang or so, a bit narrow.

There was a burst of yellow light at the entrance of the cave, and a yellow stone wall suddenly appeared, blocking the entrance, which is what Stone Spirit did.

Ye Xin and Ye Xue began to deploy. They wanted to protect Han Changming. Stone Spirit was the last line of defense and a backstop.

This time they were able to get away, and Stoneman's petrochemical divine ability was indispensable.

Han Changming took out a pale-gold pill with nine Dao Pill patterns on it, which was high grade Jinludan.

He refined the middle grade Jinludan, and then used the Supreme Unity Spirit Transformation Gourd to upgrade it to high grade, and the healing effect was very good.

Han Changming threw Jin Ludan into his mouth, medicine pill melts in the mouth, a warm air rose in the abdomen, slowly moved towards the spread of the limbs.

He hastily guided the warm and cool qi with his exercises, wandering in the body, constantly circulating.

·····   At the entrance of the funeral ruins, Zhao Yuanliang flew out from the funeral ruins, looking panic.

Liu Huan went to chase Han Changming and his wife. Zhao Yuanliang did not know the life and death of Han Changming and his wife.

"Hurry back to Haoran City first, and I hope Fellow Daoist Han is safe."

Zhao Yuanliang said to himself that when he was most difficult, it was Han Changming who risked it. The risk of offending Nascent Soul Cultivator helped him pill concocting. Zhao Yuanliang has always remembered this kindness.

As long as he sends the Thousand-Year Seven-Star Soul Grass back to Haoran City and gives it to the Lingxiao Daoist, it will be considered a meritorious service.

Swallowing the thousand-year seven-star soul grass? If it doesn’t exist, the Seven-Star Soul Grass can't assist in impacting the Nascent Soul Stage, nor can it improve the mana, that is, it can be used to refine some unpopular medicine pill. Zhao Yuanliang cannot commit the Thousand-Year Seven-Star Soul Grass.

Zhao Yuanliang wanted to understand this point, turned into a light, and disappeared into the sky.

Two hours later, a clear bird song came from the sky, and a blue light appeared in the sky.

Not long after, the blue escape light stopped near the entrance of Funeral Ruins. It was a huge peacock.

The light and graceful figure of the peacock, Chang Ling Lan Yu, a pair of fiery red eyes gleaming like gems, there is a crown of colorful flesh on his head, which is extremely gorgeous.

Five men and one woman and six cultivators stood on the backs of the blue peacocks and looked at their clothes. They were the Ten Thousand Magics Sect cultivator, headed by Li Hong, who was the Elder of Ten Thousand Magics Sect.

A slender middle-aged woman stands beside Li Hong. The lovable body of the middle-aged woman is plump, with a pair of peachy eyes, and she wears a pink skirt with long sleeves. Hong is on par.

Zheng Ru, Elder of Ten Thousand Magics Sect, she and Li Hong are both Nascent Soul Middle Stage.

"The funeral ruins are opened again, I hope I can get that thing this time."

Li Hong said solemnly, his eyes solemnly.

The Burial Fairy Ruins is a famous dangerous place in the open sea, and it is also a famous treasure place. There are countless priceless and unique rare treasures.

"We are fully prepared this time. It is not a problem to go through those restrictions. I am afraid that we will encounter other Nascent Soul bosses, crooking tiger hidden dragons outside the sea, if we confront those who have been famous for a long time. , Then it’s tricky."

Zheng Ru’s tone is serious, Ten Thousand Magics Sect is not weak, and it is relatively strong in the Southern Sea cultivation world, but Ten Thousand Magics Sect is still strong in the open sea. Not to the level of one hand shrouding the heavens.

"We are here to find something like that. There should be no conflict of interest with them. Even if there is a conflict of interest, we are not muddled."

Li Hong's voice was indifferent.

The blue peacock let out a clear chirping sound, spread its wings, and flew into the funeral ruins.

······   Seven days passed quickly.

In the underground cave, Han Changming sat cross-legged on the ground, his eyes closed, his face slightly pale.

After a while, Han Changming opened his eyes and vomited one mouthful of impure air.

The effect of high grade Jinludan is good, he has recovered the bits and pieces.

Han Changming stood up, moved towards outside and walked outside. When the stone wall collapsed suddenly, Han Changming walked out.

"Husband, how do you feel."

Ye Xin and Ye Xue were full of concerns, and the two women looked at Han Changming carefully.

"It's okay, I don't know if Fellow Daoist Zhao has escaped, let's leave here! Return to Haoran City soon."

Han Changming intends to leave Funeral Ruins as soon as possible. But there is no second magic demon talisman, it is better to leave here as soon as possible.

There was a yellow light on the three human body's watch, and it disappeared after drilling into the stone wall.

A steep emerald green mountain, a yellow light suddenly lit up at the foot of the mountain, and the three of Han Changming and his wife emerged from the stone wall.

The sky is clear and cloudless, they are located among the mountains.

Han Changming took out an azure animal skin and checked the map carefully. He browsed tightly knit.

There is no record of this place on the map. They apparently broke into an unknown area, which is not a good thing.

Considering the existence of Liu Huan, Han Changming and the three cannot leave along the previous road, they have to make a detour.

Han Changming releases Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion and a Spirit Devourer, letting them explore their way.

The Spirit Devourer made a weird neigh suddenly, moved towards the distance and crawled at an extremely fast speed, and the Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion made a cheerful neigh, followed along.

This is the first time Han Changming has seen Spirit Devouring Earthworms and Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion. This is probably the discovery of poisonous weeds and the like.

It didn't take long for them to appear in a vast azure bamboo forest. The Spirit Devouring Earth stopped, and the Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion screamed with excitement.

Apart from several hundred zhang, there is an open field with a human-shaped bone on the ground. The bone is draped in a broken robe, and the index finger of the left hand is wearing an azure storage ring.

Han Changming's eyes lit up when he saw the storage ring.

Generally speaking, Core Formation cultivator will use storage bag, and Nascent Soul Cultivator will use storage ring. The storage ring has a larger space than storage bag and can store more things.

Could it be said that the skeleton was a Nascent Soul Cultivator during his lifetime? A Nascent Soul Cultivator must have a lot of belongings.

Ten zhang or so away from the human skeleton, there is a palm-sized Spirit Mushroom growing. The Spirit Mushroom has multi-colored lines on the surface, and a small scarlet grass entangles the five-colored Spirit Mushroom. , The blade of the grass is diamond-shaped, and there is a row of sharp thorns at the edge of the blade.

"Thousand-year five-color mushrooms, blood cane grass!"

Han Changming recognized these two spiritual medicines, which are associated with each other. The thousand-year five-color mushrooms are used to refine a variety of Detoxification The main medicine of pill medicine has a certain detoxification effect when taken raw, and it is better to refine it into pill. However, this kind of spiritual medicine will cause a kind of strange fragrance when it grows to 500 years, which can easily attract demonic beasts. Blood vine grass has Certain offensive is highly toxic, and this kind of spiritual grass needs to suck enough blood to grow.

Any demonic beast who wants to swallow the five-color mushrooms of the millennium will be attacked by the blood cane grass. After the blood cane grass kills the demonic beast, it will absorb the blood in the demonic beast as a nutrient.

The leaves of this sagegrass are bright in color, and the rhizome is thick and growing well, obviously sucking enough blood.

The strange thing is that there are no demonic beast corpses nearby.

Han Changming's gaze fell on the human skeleton, his eyes suddenly lit up with golden light.

In front of the true pupil of golden eyes, a corpse naturally cannot stop Han Changming's exploration.

He can clearly see that there is an azure storage bag on the waist of the skeleton. The storage bag is tattered and badly damaged. There are a group of black scorpions under the ground. The tail spines of these black scorpions are golden. Each has a pair of golden thin wings, which are completely dark. They hide under the ground, just guarding the five-color shiba.

"Golden-tailed Reaper Scorpion, it is this kind of strange insect."

Han Changming recognized this kind of strange insect. The Golden-Tailed Reaper Scorpion ranks higher than Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion. Even higher, ranked 40th in the Heaven and Earth Strange Insects Name List. He likes to eat poisonous weeds. It can spray ecstasy and invisible light, hurt the enemy and invisible. If the immortal cultivator is hit by the golden-tailed soul-removing scorpion’s ecstasy. , Three immortal souls and seven mortal souls may be hooked away.

The ranking of the Golden-Tailed Reaper Scorpion is much higher than Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion, but its shortcomings are also obvious. As long as the Ecstasy is not hit by the Forbidden Light, there is not much threat.

"Madam, there are a group of golden-tailed Imperius scorpions under the bones, and there are no fourth-rank golden-tailed Imperius scorpions. Use spell to attack. Don't let them get close."

Han Changming Speaking softly, his right foot stomped fiercely to the ground.

With the rumbling sound, a long crack suddenly appeared on the ground. A row of sharp soil spears broke through the ground, arching the human-shaped bones, and two five-foot-large golden-tailed Imperius scorpions came from Drilling out of the ground, hundreds of smaller golden-tailed soul-removing scorpions lay on their bodies.

Two third-rank high-grade golden-tailed scorpions and hundreds of low-rank golden-tailed scorpions.

A strange noise sounded, and hundreds of smaller Golden-tailed Reaper Scorpions flew up and pounced on the Han Changming and his wife.

Ye Xin and Ye Xue pinched the tactics at the same time, and a large white cold air emerged on the body surface. After a blur, it turned into hundreds of white ice balls and smashed them to the opposite side.

There was a muffled sound, the white ice ball hit the golden-tailed Reaper's body, suddenly burst open, billowing cold rushed out, each golden-tailed Reaper's scorpion was quickly frozen by the ice, and one after another Fall to the ground.

The Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion screamed with excitement, spewing out a purple aura, covering the frozen Golden-Tailed Imperius Scorpion, engulfing them in the abdomen, and the Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion uttered joyously The neighing sound.

The two third-rank high grade Golden-Tailed Imperius Scorpions made a scream of screams, and one after another sprayed a black glow, covering Han Changming and Ye Xin.

This is the ecstasy forbidden light, ignoring most of the defensive methods such as body protection aura or mask, physical defense methods are more effective, such as shields.

Han Changming had been prepared for a long time, a hundred zhang or so high yellow soil wall stood up and stood in front of them, ecstatically forbidden light to hit the yellow soil wall, and the yellow soil wall failed. Lossless.

The two Golden-tailed Soul Reaper scorpions missed a blow and flew up, moving towards Han Changming and the three of them pounced.

At this moment, a strong gravitational force suddenly appeared on the ground, and two golden-tailed soul-removing scorpions moved towards the ground uncontrollably.

A stream of purple poisonous fire swept over them, hitting them, and a burst of green smoke rose up, they made a painful neigh, and wanted to escape, their bodies were unable to move even a little bit.

The whistling sound was loud, and two white cold winds of ten zhang or so high swept over them and hit them exactly.

Boom!    Two white cold winds burst open, and the billowing cold air rushed out. Two golden-tailed soul-removing scorpions froze at a speed visible to naked eyes, turning them into two huge ice sculptures.

A big hand of Huang Mengmeng emerged out of thin air, smashing two ice sculptures one after another, and two golden-tailed soul-recovering scorpions died.

The Golden-Tailed Soul Cultivator has a single attack method, and its overall strength is not as good as Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion. However, if it is hit by the ecstasy of their spray, Nascent Soul Cultivator will not be immune. It lacks a part of Divine Soul, the cultivation base stagnates, and it becomes a puppet without Primordial Spirit.

The Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion swallowed all their corpses, making a happy neighing sound.

Han Changming used golden eyes to observe the ground nearby cautiously, and after repeatedly confirming that there were no Monster Insect and restraints, he walked forward and took off the azure storage ring on the skeleton hand.

Ye Xin put on a pair of blue glittering gloves, cautiously digging bleeding vine grass and five-color shiba, put them in the jade box and guard them.

Han Changming shook his wrist lightly, and after an azure glow passed, there were a lot of things on the ground, a few pieces of ore, two jade boxes attached to silver talisman, a golden jade bottle, and three magic weapons. , A few jade slips and more than 30 middle grade Spirit Stones.

There are not many things, but the value is not low, two high grade magic weapons and one middle grade magic weapons.

Combining the storage bag at the waist of the skeleton, Han Changming guessed that this person should be a Core Formation cultivator. This person broke into the funeral cultivator and obtained the property of Nascent Soul Cultivator. Unfortunately, he could not leave the funeral cultivator alive. .

Two high grade magic weapons, a light azure round bead, the word "Avoid the wind" is vaguely seen on it, a small golden light gleaming seal, the surface of the seal is engraved with a mini ape, and one A piece of silver light flickering gauze, rune flickers, you can see the two small characters "Silver Moon".

They carefully checked the three magic weapons, and they were pleasantly surprised.

The wind shelter orb is a secondary magic weapon, which can weaken the formidable power of Wind Attribute prohibition and Taoism. The golden seal is a golden ape seal, a heavy magic weapon, and the silver moon gauze is a secondary magic weapon that can hide your body.

He opened two jade boxes, each containing two golden light Spirit Fruits, each with some small lines on the surface of the Spirit Fruit.

"Golden Marrow Fruit!"

Ye Xin said silently, eyes full of joy.

Cheng Guangbei invited them to come to the Fairy Ruins to hunt for treasures, just to pick golden pith fruits. They gave up picking golden pith fruits in order to find the thousand-year-old seven-star soul grass. Han Changming almost died in Liu Huan’s hands. , Mountain road twists around each new peak, didn’t expect they got the golden marrow fruit here, and also got a few magic weapons.

Han Changming looked excited, he put away two golden marrow fruit, Ye Xin and Ye Xue put away one golden marrow fruit each.

When returning to the family, Han Changming will give Han Zhangxiang a golden marrow fruit.

"It's no wonder that so many cultivators want to go to the funeral ruins to hunt for treasure, these things are worth several millions Spirit Stone."

Ye Xin sighed, with a smile on his face.

"There is also a golden jade bottle, it won't be medicine pill or spiritual medicine for assisting baby setting!" Ye Xue said curiously.

"Is it right? Just open it."

Han Changming lightly said with a smile, peeling off the cork, a pungent smell rushed out, Purple Heavenly The Flying Scorpion screamed in excitement.

Han Changming felt dizzy and inwardly shouting bad. He quickly plugged the cork, took out a Detoxification Pill, and meditated to adjust his breath.

Ye Xue and Ye Xin also saw the problem. The porcelain bottle should contain something highly toxic.

After one hour, Han Changming took a long breath.

"Ten thousand poisonous paste, didn't expect this kind of Heaven and Earth Spirit Object!"

Han Changming said softly, looking excited.

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