2021-12-09   Chapter 657 days time around died during meditation Cave Mansion    million drug pulp is inherently a long spiritual The object is extremely poisonous, but it is an item of great nourishment for poison insects.

Don't talk about the Core Formation cultivator, Nascent Soul Cultivator inhales too much toxic plasma, and it will cause trouble. In severe cases, death is possible.

If Han Changming hadn't taken Detoxification Pill in time, the consequences would be disastrous.

The Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion uttered an excitement hissing, and the tail spines kept twisting, seeming to beg Han Changming for the poisonous syrup.

It is already the third rank high grade, and Wantox pulp is of great benefit to its advancement.

Considering that this is a funeral fair, Han Changming didn't immediately give Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion ten thousand poisonous paste, it would not be good if it fell asleep directly.

"Ten thousand poisonous pulp, Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion takes ten thousand poisonous pulp, maybe it can be promoted to the fourth rank."

Ye Xin lightly said with a smile, full of joy.

Han Changming picked up an azure jade slip, Divine Consciousness plunged into it, his expression became complicated.

"Ancient cultivator Cave Mansion!"

A map recorded in this jade slip, there is a word "array" on the map, which seems to mean something.

There are some golden marks and a red mark on the map. One of the red marks is not far from the word "matrix". I don't know what these two marks represent.

Ye Xin and Ye Xue looked at the remaining jade slips, they looked different.

The jade slip records the deeds of Tianchang, and there is also a set of cultivation technique "Piaoyun Jue". From the content of the jade slip, it can be judged that the owner of the storage ring is not Tianchang, it may be looking for Died during meditation Cave Mansion for a while.

"Husband, jade slip recorded a lot of deeds about Tianchang, the owner of the storage ring should be looking for Tianchang died during meditation Cave Mansion."

Ye Xin said Solemnly, I was active in Nascent Soul Cultivator more than two thousand years ago. He is proficient in Formation Dao. This person has a set of Spirit Treasure Five Elements Ring, which can break most of the Five Elements prohibition, and then suddenly disappeared.

"Tianjinzi? But the one who is very hopeful to enter the Divine Transformation Stage?"

Han Changming has naturally heard of Tiantianzi's deeds. This person is proficient in Formation. At that time, the name moved to the sea, Tiantian was also listed in the Hidden Dragon List, and has great potential to enter the Divine Transformation Stage, but then the unfathomable mystery disappeared. Some people say that he died in the hands of a strong enemy, and some people say that Great Influence plots. That set of Spirit Treasure, kill a witness to silence them, and some people say that he died in the funeral fair.

According to the map, they are not far from the location of the word "array" on the map.

They couldn't find a way out of the funeral ruins, they ran around, in case they encountered the fourth rank demonic beast, they would be in trouble. This time it was a blind cat who met a dead mouse and made a fortune. , But they can't guarantee that their luck will last forever.

"Husband, let's go take a look! Maybe our chance has arrived."

Ye Xue suggested that Tiantian was also a famous existence in the open sea back then. If you get that set of Spirit Treasure Five Elements Ring, it will be much easier to find treasure in the future.

"No hurry, I will sacrifice three magic weapons first, Xin'er, you will sacrifice the silver moon gauze! Xue'er, you will sacrifice the windshield."

Han Changming said with a faint smile, he sit cross-legged and sacrificed to the alchemy ape seal.

With these three magic weapons, if Han Changming meets Liu Huan, it is easy to get out.

Ye Xue and Ye Xin sat cross-legged one after another to sacrifice magic weapons.

Stone Spirit, Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion and Spirit Devourer protect the law from the side to prevent them from being harassed by other demonic beasts.

Fifteen minutes later, the three of them stood up one after another after praying for the magic weapon.

"Go, go and explore the dead during meditation Cave Mansion for a while."

With a wave of Han Changming's sleeves, Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion and Spirit Devouring Scorpion quickly moved towards the front Moving, Han Changming and his wife followed behind.

It didn't take long before they disappeared in the bamboo forest.

······    A steep peak, on the top of the mountain, there is a golden Fruit Tree that is more than three feet high. The thick trunk is covered with silver lines. From a distance, the trunk looks like A piece of golden medulla bone.

There are seven golden light Spirit Fruits hanging on the tree, and there are some fine lines on the surface of Spirit Fruit.

It is the Golden Fruit Tree.

A whole golden python fell on the ground, a huge blood hole was opened in the abdomen and head, and the ground nearby was cratered.

Li Hong and other four Ten Thousand Magics Sect cultivators stand near the golden marrow fruit, their looks are different.

"Didn't expect there is a Golden Fruit Tree outside. The location here is really remote. If we hadn't encountered Space Crack detours, we would really not find it."

Zheng Ru lightly said with a smile, they encountered Space Crack and the two dísciples died.

"Hurry up and pick the golden marrow fruit! Get Longevity Fruit early and leave here early. The name of the funeral ruins is really not messy. As soon as we enter the funeral ruins, we will lose two People, fortunately, we only encountered a fixed Space Crack. If it is a mobile Space Crack, we may be dead."

Li Hong’s face showed a lingering expression. There are two Space Cracks, one is Fixed in a certain position, it will not move, another Space Crack will move, this is the most terrifying, some Space Crack naked eye can be seen, some Space Crack naked eye can not be found, Divine Consciousness is powerful and useless. Unless there is some kind of special rare treasure or special spiritual pupil, only some clues can be found.

Imagine an immortal cultivator or demonic beast attack. If the Divine Consciousness is strong enough, you can still defend against it. You can't guard against it when you encounter the Space Crack that rare treasure or spiritual pupils can only discover. , The two dísciples of Ten Thousand Magics Sect were killed by the Space Crack that popped up suddenly, and Li Hong almost suffered.

Zheng Ru nodded, asked Direct Disciple to pick seven golden pith fruits and put them in a jade box for collection.

As soon as she lifted her right hand, an azure light flew out, and it was a jade bottle with azure light glittering. The bottle was carved with flowers and plants, and the two small characters "Qianling" were faintly visible.

The high grade magic treasure Qianling bottle, auxiliary magic weapon, is mainly used to transplant rare spirit plant spiritual medicine to improve survival rate.

The golden marrow fruit can assist the immortal cultivator to hit the Nascent Soul Stage. This golden marrow fruit tree has already taken shape. It is difficult to survive the transplantation. The survival rate will be higher if you use the thousand spirit bottle to transplant, the more rare spiritual spiritual Medicine spirit plant, the more difficult it is to transplant, if there are auxiliary magic weapons, the survival rate of the transplantation of spiritual medicine can be improved. There are some very rare spiritual medicine Spirit Fruit Trees, and special large arrays and rare treasures are needed to transplant, otherwise rare spiritual medicine Once the spirit plant leaves its native place, it will die quickly.

Zheng Ru entered a secret art, and the Thousand Spirit Bottle suddenly brightened, and the flowers and plants on the bottle seemed to come alive, and a pure air of vegetation surged out, moved towards the Golden Fruit Tree Fly away.

The Golden Fruit Tree seems to have been guided by some kind of guidance. It has absorbed the air of vegetation and a large number of new leaves grow. The original leaves become brighter and brighter, the leaves become wider, and the Golden Fruit Tree grows a lot New branches.

Zheng Ru’s secret art changed, and the Qianling Bottle sprayed out a glow of azure mist, covering the Golden Fruit Tree.

The ground shook slightly, and the Golden Fruit Tree slowly separated from the ground, and some of the tree trunks quickly withered, but soon, the Qianling Bottle sprayed out an extremely pure air of vegetation again, Golden Fruit Fruit After being absorbed by the Tree, a large number of shoots grow quickly, and the shoots grow into thick branches at a speed that can be seen by naked eye.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the Golden Fruit Tree broke out of the ground and was drawn into the Thousand Spirit Bottle by the azure Xiaguang.

Zheng Ruqing sighed in relief, pinched the secret art and returned to the sect, and then set up a large array of Wood Attribute, the golden marrow fruit tree will have a higher survival rate.

She was beckoned with one hand, the thousand spirit bottle turned into an azure light and disappeared into her sleeves.

"Go, get Longevity Fruit as soon as possible, and leave this ghost place."

Li Hong instructed, strode moved towards the front, and the four disappeared in the vast mountains.

······At the    edge of a dense azure bamboo forest, Han Changming, Ye Xin and Ye Xue stand under an azure bamboo, browse tightly knit, and a desolate plain in front of it , The ground is scattered with a lot of ash-gray stones.

The sky is gray and it looks a little gloomy.

Han Changming's eyes turned into golden. Looking at the moved towards the plain, no abnormalities were found.

He checked again and again and found no abnormalities.

Han Changming did not forget the previous Ice Attribute restriction, suddenly other restrictions appeared, and they almost died under the restriction.

He groaned for a moment, put away Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion and Spirit Devouring Earthworm, released five apes Puppet Beast, maneuvered them to line up, surrounded them, and moved forward slowly. , Once the prohibition is touched, Han Changming can also find out in advance.

They slowly moved towards the plain, not fast.

The three Han Changming's faces are full of vigilance, for fear that some kind of powerful restriction will be touched.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, they stopped and the three of them browse tightly knit.

Following their gazes, you can see several cracks of different sizes. From time to time, there is a harsh whistling sound, and the winds are rolling out, blowing away a lot of flying sand. running stone.

The other side of Space Crack may be a dead space, or it may be a space full of Spiritual Qi.

"So many Space Cracks! Fortunately, Space Cracks that do not move, let's get around!"

Ye Xin suggested that if you are involved in Space Cracks, They are probably bode ill rather than well.

The three suddenly changed directions and moved towards the other direction. They had just walked a hundred steps, an ape Puppet Beast dismembered without warning and turned into two parts, the whole process showed no warning.

Han Changming was taken aback, and hurriedly moved the golden eyes real pupil, he could clearly see a faintly discernible black light, moved towards them rushing.

In addition to thousands of zhang or so, several faintly discernible black lights came straight to them, and the speed was not fast.

"Not good, Space Crack, Space Crack that will still move."

Han Changming complexion changed, holding Ye Xin and Ye Xue’s slender waist with both hands, and flying backwards , The remaining four Puppet Beasts quickly dispersed, but soon they were dismembered suddenly without any warning.

He uses golden eyes to observe all around, his face is full of guard.

It didn't take long for the three of Han Changming to withdraw from wasteland, and the three of them broke into cold sweats by accident.

Had Han Changming not been cautious enough, they would have died under the moving Space Crack.

Han Changming found that dozens of moving Space Cracks were slowly moving, and they kept changing directions, sometimes up and down, left and right, unpredictable, but these moving Space Cracks have been in wasteland. Moved up and did not leave wasteland.

"There are so many Space Cracks, it seems we have to make a detour."

Ye Xin frowned.

"It can only be so, fortunately, I will cultivation golden eyes to small, otherwise I may not be able to find Space Crack."

Han Changming gently put out a breath, His face became serious.

"Let's go! Go around, I hope you won't encounter such troublesome restrictions again."

Han Changming took Ye Xin and Ye Xue into the bamboo forest, planning to bypass wasteland .

······    A small valley surrounded by mountains on three sides, within the valley, there is a large number of weeds as high as one person, and there is a turbulent river outside the valley, and the opposite side of the river is dense The red jungle, towering old trees stand in great numbers, and luxuriant branches.

Five Tiansha Daoist stood outside the valley, and their expressions were different.

"Senior, this is it."

Lin Xuan pointed to the small valley and said, with a flat face.

He knew very well that if he wanted to survive, he had to show his use value. Therefore, he took the initiative to bring Tiansha Daoist and others here.

"Here is the died during meditation Cave Mansion here? There will be some kind of powerful prohibition or fourth rank high grade demonic beast!"

Said without smiling, his expression was gloomy.

For whatever reason, Lin Xuan sneak attack Liu Huan, the daoist of the gods do not have a good impression of Lin Xuan, if it were not for Lin Xuan's usefulness, he would not keep Lin Xuan.

"Junior dare not, Junior is willing to explore the way personally, but there may be a fourth rank demonic beast here. It doesn’t matter if Junior loses his life. If Junior has just discovered the fourth rank demonic beast, he will be killed by it. Senior still wants to send People explore the way, Junior dares to ask the senior for a life-saving thing, so that the senior can do the work of the dog."

Lin Xuan said cautiously.

The god of evil daoist did not answer, Divine Consciousness opened wide, and explored the situation in the valley. His Divine Consciousness was blocked when he entered the valley. Obviously, there was a prohibition against Divine Consciousness's exploration.

Tianchang is the Formation Master. It is not surprising that there is such a restriction at the location of his died during meditation Cave Mansion.

Zheng Jiaojiao and Liu Zhanyuan browse tightly knit. If Lin Xuan is killed by the fourth rank demonic beast as soon as they show up, Zheng Jiaojiao and Liu Zhanyuan are going to find the way.

Tiansha daoist thought a little, mutter incantations in his mouth, a dazzling black light lit up on his right palm, and countless mysterious runes could be vaguely seen.

Tiansha daoist right hand moved towards Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan's face tightened and he did not dare to resist, leaving the Tiansha daoist's right palm to slap on his back.

He felt a cold air pouring into Dantian, and he couldn't help but shudder.

"This is an old man's exclusive door restriction. Unless you escape millions li at once, you will be dead if you are old man a single thought."

, Liu Huan is a lesson from the past, and he has to guard against it.

Lin Xuan repeatedly agreed, how dare he say no.

Tiansha daoist turned over the palm, silver light flashed, two silver white beads appeared in the hand, and seeing its mana fluctuations, it was obviously a middle grade magic weapon.

"This is the two yizhu. The defensive ability is not much worse than the high grade defensive magic weapon. You can practice it and use it first!"

Two Yizhu were thrown to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan thanked him, accepted the two ritual beads, and made sacrifices on the spot.

After he finished cultivating the two ritual beads, he pinched the secret art, and a yellow light curtain emerged out of thin air, covering his whole body, and he plunged into the ground suddenly.

He intends to use the Earth Escape Technique to sneak into the valley within the valley, so as to avoid encountering the fourth rank demonic beast head-on.

Under the yellow light, Lin Xuan moved forward quickly.

After moving forward, Lin Xuan stopped, and some pale-gold ore blocked his way.

"Golden Gangshi!"

Lin Xuan browses tightly knit, Jin Gangshi can extract golden sand, this is the third rank refining material, the general Earth Escape Technique is fundamental It is not possible to pass through the veins of gold gangstone, and Earth Escape Technique is also limited, not running unimpeded underground.

If it is a cultivator or alien beast who is proficient in Earth Element divine ability, or has a way to pass through the veins of gold gong stone.

His browses tightly knit, moved towards the left and right sides, the result is the same, he found a gold gongstone vein under the valley, he couldn't sneak into within the valley at all.

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