
  Chapter 658 seizing food from the tiger's mouth, danger lurks within the riches and honour (eight thousand words chapter Ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)

Lin Xuan tried many times, but couldn't enter within the valley and could only return to the ground.

"Why? There are restrictions underground?"

Zheng Jiaojiao asked in confusion.

"There is no prohibition, there is a gold gang stone ore vein, the scale is not small, my Earth Escape Technique is average, I can't escape within the valley, I can only walk in."

Lin Xuan explained that he was not a cultivation Earth Attribute cultivation technique. He had just learned the Earth Escape Technique. Without a rare treasure, he would naturally not be able to freely pass through the gold and stone veins.

If you have learned the Earth Escape Technique, you can freely travel underground. It is called the cultivation Earth Attribute cultivation technique or Earth Attribute Spirit Beast. How can it be true? Everyone has their own field of specialisation, and immortal cultivator can cultivation any attribute spell , But the time it takes is quite different from the formidable power. If the attribute of spell is compatible with its own cultivation technique, spell is easier to master, and formidable power is naturally greater.

"Then you just walk in! Be careful."

Tiansha daoist instructed.

Lin Xuan complied blessed himself with an aura of body protection, and moved towards the valley.

Walking into the valley, he was surprised to find that his Divine Consciousness can only be released outside twenty zhang, he is not clear about the situation other than twenty zhang.

This is not a good thing. If the demonic beast appears outside twenty zhang, Lin Xuan is easily attacked by sneak attacks.

He took a deep breath and slowed down.

Weeds are everywhere within the valley, and the cliffs on both sides are covered with azure vines. Lin Xuan held his breath and looked cautiously all around.

It didn't take long before he came to the end, and there was a five-foot-wide hole not far away.

Lin Xuan cautiously walked into the cave. The cave was winding and winding. The restriction on Divine Consciousness was greater here, and he became more nervous.

After walking more than 20 steps, an inflection appeared in front of me.

Lin Xuan stopped, flipped his hand to take out an azure flag, and lightly shaken it, dozens of azure fire balls shot out, hitting the stone wall one after another, and there was a burst of noise sound.

He took out two yizhu, penetrated into a secret art, silver light flashed, a thick silver light curtain emerged out of thin air, covering his whole body inside, Lin Xuan immediately moved towards the cave go with.

What's the joke, he won't make fun of his life, at worst try a few more times.

He had just rushed out of the cave when an angry tiger roar came from behind, and an astonishing Spiritual Qi fluctuation came down from behind.

Divine Consciousness was severely restricted. When Lin Xuan discovered it, it was already too late.

Boom! With   a loud bang, a dazzling golden lightning suddenly lit up, flooding Lin Xuan's silhouette.

Beyond several li, there is a vast and boundless black forest.

Han Changming, Ye Xin, and Ye Xue were all guarded. After they detoured, they heard a loud noise just when they approached the location recorded on the map.

"It seems that someone is fighting the law, or someone is breaking the ban. Did someone catch the worm?"

Ye Xin's eyes were a little surprised.

"Look at it in the past and you will know it, using Earth Escape Technique to pass, I hope it's not Liu Huan."

Han Changming said softly, their bodies lit up with a burst of dazzling yellow After the light, suddenly got into the ground and disappeared.

Outside the valley, the Tiansha daoist looked at the golden lightning that was lit within the valley, his face condensed.

"Be careful, it may be the fourth rank demonic beast."

Just after saying this, a bewildered silhouette flew out from within the valley, it was Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan's body surface is covered by a pale-silver light curtain, look pale, and his eyes are frightened.

The sound of thunderous thunder suddenly sounded, and a giant beast about five feet long and about one zhang high flew out from within the valley. There are scales and a pair of azure wings with several feet on the back. The golden tail has several zhang long and the golden lightning arc is spread all over the body.

This is a fourth rank middle grade liger, an immortal cultivator equivalent to Nascent Soul Middle Stage. If it is not for Lin Xuan’s alertness and deliberately make some movement to escape ahead of time, this will be the only way to get out. If you wait He saw the liger beast running away, and he was probably dead.

roar! As    soon as the liger appeared, countless golden lightning arcs appeared all over his body, opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and a little golden light appeared in the mouth, golden light flashed, counted Ten golden thunderballs flew out and went straight to Lin Xuan and the others.

Tiansha daoist didn't rush, lifted the right hand, and a small black light shield flew out and entered a secret art. The small shield instantly expanded and stood in front of them.

Dozens of golden lightning balls hit the black shield and burst open. A huge golden sun suddenly lit up and flooded a large area. The golden lightning and black light burst into flames. One after another powerful air wave, the waves were like tidal waves, and the gravel around the hundred zhang was shattered by the powerful air waves, and the smoke was full.

Count the underground beyond thousands zhang, below several hundred zhang.

Han Changming, Ye Xin and Ye Xue were surrounded by a dazzling yellow light. Stoneman was on the side, Han Changming's eyes turned into golden.

With the help of golden eyes real pupil, he can clearly see the situation beyond thousands zhang.

"Lin Xuan, Tiansha daoist! Madam Hongfu, how did they get together? Why didn't they see Liu Huan?"

Han Changming muttered to himself with a face full of confusion.

"Could it be that Lin Xuan betrayed Liu Huan? Or maybe the daoist killed Liu Huan and let Lin Xuan lead the way?"

Ye Xue speculated.

Han Changming shook his head and analyzed: "Liu Huan is far inferior to the daoist and Madam Hongfu. There is no need to kill Liu Huan. It may be that Liu Huan left Lin Xuan after the break. Lin Xuan was surprised. When encountering the Tiansha daoist, the Tiansha daoist let Lin Xuan lead the way as cannon fodder."

"There are two Nascent Soul Cultivators, let's withdraw! Tiansha daoist and Madam Hongfu are not as easy to deal with Liu Huan "

Ye Xin suggested.

Han Changming pondered for a moment, and said: "It's about a set of Spirit Treasure, so it's okay to take a risk."

He has virtual worms and Stone Spirit, and talks about Earth Escape alone. Technique, the general Nascent Soul Cultivator may not be comparable to Stone Spirit. At worst, it uses Void Worm to hide in the void, apart from this, Han Changming, and fourth rank escape amulet.

He rushed to Ye Xin and Ye Xue, warned repeatedly: "You are waiting for me in the grove a hundred miles away. Your safety is the top priority. I will rush to meet you."


"Husband, you give us tens of thousands of drops of poisonous paste, let's see if we can attract high-level poison insects, and take this opportunity to attract the idea of ​​daoist, otherwise you won't get out of it."

Ye Xin suggested that she didn't want to be a burden, and hoped to help Han Changming.

"I listen to Husband."

Ye Xue is not as assertive as Ye Xin, she follows Han Changming more.

Han Changming groaned for a moment, took out two azure porcelain bottles, handed them to Ye Xin and Ye Xue, warned repeatedly: "There is a drop of 10,000 poisonous paste in each, maybe it can attract high-level poison insects, you are careful Some, don’t force it, I don’t want you to have trouble."

"Don't worry! Husband, we can't help you with a lot of help. It's okay to help you with some small favors."

Ye Xin Paid his chest and promised.

Han Changming exhorted a few words, changed his appearance, and changed a set of clothes, mainly because he was worried about being recognized by Lin Xuan, but it was about a set of Spirit Treasure, he wanted to give it a try.

Stoneman's escape speed is very fast. Han Changming and Stone Spirit quickly came to the valley. They were several thousand zhang from the ground. The daoist and others were busy dealing with the liger and did not pay attention to the underground at all. Han Changming and Stone Spirit.

With a muffled sound, Han Changming stopped, and a large amount of golden ore appeared in front of him.

"Jin Gangshi!"

Han Changming's eyes flashed by surprise, and his face showed joy.

He can't escape into the mineral vein even with the Earth Escape Technique, but this is nothing to the Stone Spirit. It is a strange stone that feeds on metal ore.

Stoneman released a soft yellow light, and the golden stone touched the yellow light, and it suddenly spread out, revealing a passage.

Under the yellow light, Stone Spirit and Han Changming quickly dived into the valley.

As soon as he entered the valley, Han Changming was surprised to find that the restriction on Divine Consciousness here is very serious. His Divine Consciousness can only be placed outside five ten zhangs, and he is not clear about the situation outside five ten zhangs. .

This is a good thing. In this way, the Divine Consciousness of Tiansha Daoist and others will be restricted, so that Han Changming can break the ban and get treasure.

After a while, Han Changming and Stoneman drilled out of the ground and appeared in a large grotto about one mu.

A round azure stone table fell on the ground, there are also a few azure stone benches and a stone shelf. Apparently people have lived here.

The stone wall flickered with golden light, a little dazzling, it was obviously a golden stone. A silver Fruit Tree more than three feet tall grew in the lower left corner. The leaves of the Fruit Tree are silver, and the tree hangs. With five pale-silver fruits, there are seven golden light spots on the surface of the fruits.

"Seven-star thunder marrow fruit!"

Han Changming's eyes lit up. Seven-star thunder marrow fruit is a Thunder Attribute Spirit Fruit. It blooms for 500 years and bears fruit for 500 years. It took five hundred years to mature, and it is an item of great nourishment for Thunder Attribute Spirit Beast Spirit Insect. There is a Seven-star Thunder Fruit Fruit Tree. No wonder there will be a fourth-rank liger beast guarding it.

His eyes lit up with a glare of golden light, which is the true pupil of golden eyes.

He moved towards the stone wall and he found a faintly discernible golden light in the lower right corner of the grotto. If he hadn't mastered the pupil technique, he might not have been able to find it.

Stoneman's eyes were bright, two yellow lights gushing out, hitting a raised stone wall, the stone wall petrified at the speed visible to naked eye.

Stoneman strode to the stone wall, a glare of golden light lit up on the surface of his body, and got into the stone wall.

The stone wall lit up with bursts of yellow light. Pieces of golden stone fell from the stone wall, and a golden light curtain appeared in front of Han Changming.

Han Changming urges the golden light curtain to its extreme, and sees the situation behind the golden light curtain. Behind the golden light curtain is a huge zhang or so large stone chamber with a portrait hanging on the stone wall , The portrait is a golden robe old man with a refined face. The golden robe old man stands on the top of the mountain with his hands upside down. His robe is flying in the wind, which has a taste of divine poise and sagelike features.

Below the portrait, there is a pale-gold offering table, where a golden jade box, an azure jade box and an azure storage ring are placed on the table.

Tianjin is a cultivator active more than two thousand years ago. Han Changming has only heard of this person’s deeds and has not seen the portrait of this person. It is impossible to determine that this person is Tianjin, but it must be It is the ancient cultivator Cave Mansion.

As long as Han Changming breaks the formation, it will definitely arouse the idea of ​​the daoist, he must break the formation as soon as possible.

He first picked off five seven-star thunder marrow fruits, put them into the jade box and put them away.

He came to the golden light curtain, took out a golden porcelain bottle, took a Detoxification Pill medicine, then peeled off the cork, the bottle mouth was down, a few drops of pungent golden liquid dripped, Above the golden light curtain, a burst of blue smoke suddenly appeared, and the aura of the golden light curtain dimmed.

The golden liquid is ten thousand poisonous syrup, which is very corrosive.

He released the Void Insect, which is convenient for diving into the void at critical moments.

Han Changming flicked his sleeves, and the golden ape seal flew out and entered a secret art. The golden ape seal suddenly lit up the dazzling golden light and moved towards the golden light curtain.

Boom! A   deafening rumbling sound rang, and the golden light curtain sank, but it quickly returned to normal.

Han Changming brows tightly knit, thousands of years have passed, the defensive power of the prohibition is still so strong? It seems that it was really died during meditation Cave Mansion for a while.

Han Changming took out the Thunder Fire cone, huge mana crazily poured into the Thunder Fire cone, a harsh thunder sounded, a large number of golden lightning arcs surged out, hitting the golden light curtain, At the same time, Stoneman's eyes ejected a yellow light, hitting the golden light curtain.

A huge explosion sounded, and the whole cave shook violently.

Outside the valley, the liger beast’s body surface is riddled with scars, the blood flow is endless, and the bones are faintly visible. The whole body is wrapped by a dense golden lightning arc. Dozens of scales fall off, and the ground is pitted with hundreds of pits. A huge pit.

Tiansha Daoist holds a small black light axe in his hand. There is a skull pattern on the axe blade. The Spiritual Qi is amazing. It will not take long before they can kill the demon.

A huge rumbling sound sounded from within the valley, and the five daoist people were taken aback.

"Someone rushed to break the ban in front of us, dare to play tricks under the eyelids of the old man, it is really tired of living."

The eyes of the daoist of the gods were gloomy and cold. Looking at Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan took the initiative to bring them here to hunt for treasure. As a result, someone caught the early bird catches the worm. Lin Xuan was very suspicious.

Lin Xuan’s gaze met that of Tiansha Daoist. He was shocked and quickly defended: “Senior, don’t get me wrong. I only told Liu Huan and didn’t tell anyone else. Maybe it’s Liu. Huan’s accomplices, or other treasure hunting cultivators, I also accidentally learned that Tianyi’s failed during meditation Cave Mansion is here, and it is not ruled out that other cultivators knew about it."

His intestines are regretful. He did not betray the Tiansha daoist, but he knew very well that unless he caught the opponent, he would not be able to clean up if he jumped into the Yellow River.

There is a large gold and stone vein here, and ordinary Earth Escape Technique cannot escape here. Unless you have rare treasure or master special divine ability, you can sneak into this place quietly. The voice attracted, and it was impossible to have rare treasure or master special divine ability. Ignore the gold veins and sneak into the valley!    "Madam, you stop it, and the old man enters within the valley to take a look."

The daoist of the gods urged, turned into a black light, moved towards within the valley and flew away.

The liger beast sensed that it was not good, and did not attack the daoist of the heavenly evil spirits. It flapped its wings and flew towards a certain direction.

At this moment, there was a deafening rumbling sound from high in the sky. A huge scarlet fire cloud appeared high in the sky. The scarlet fire cloud rolled violently. One after another huge Fireball flew out and hit the Liger. beast.

In the grotto, the golden light curtain disappeared, Han Changming put away the magic weapon and rushed into the stone chamber.

He shook his body and suddenly appeared in front of the altar table, he reached out and grabbed it, moved towards azure storage ring.

At this moment, a golden light flew out of the azure jade box and headed straight to Han Changming's forehead.

At this moment, a strong gravitational force suddenly appeared on the ground, and the speed of the golden light was greatly reduced.

"Body possession!"

Han Changming was shocked. His reaction was very quick. With a mouth, he spouted a red and yellow flame, which was the Extreme Yang True Flame. Accurately hit the golden light, a mournful scream sounded, and the golden light suddenly turned into a little bit of aura and collapsed.

Han Changming was frightened in a cold sweat. If Stoneman hadn't helped him in time, he would have been scammed, and it seemed that it would not be easy to get money from dead people.

Han Changming encountered this kind of thing when he got the third rank Puppet Beast.

Had it not been for the daoist of the gods to come in at any time, Han Changming would not be so aggressive.

He didn’t have time to check whether there was any remaining Remnant Soul, he took out the Vermilion Bird jade pendant directly, entered a secret art, and the Vermilion Bird jade pendant released a piece of red light, covering the entire azure jade table. The entire azure jade table is included in the Vermilion Bird jade pendant.

Vermilion Bird jade pendant self becomes a space, it is special, even living people can get in and out, let alone install a storage ring.

The cave shook violently and seemed to collapse at any time.

The Void Insect hurriedly tore a piece of space, Han Changming and Void Insect hid in, the gap healed quickly, and Stone Spirit burrowed into the ground.

Boom!    A deafening rumbling sound sounded, the stone chamber collapsed, a large number of golden gangstones rolled down, and the dust was flying.

Tiansha daoist looked at the human-shaped bones on the ground, his eyes fired, and someone dared to snatch food under his nose.

A small dirt bag bulged on the ground and soon disappeared.

It seems that the culprit has just escaped underground and escaped.

Tiansha daoist was furious, the black small axe in his hand made a harsh ghost cry, moved towards the void below, a piercing sound came out of the void, sparks flew everywhere, an incomparable gigantic The black giant blade flew out and hit the ground accurately.

There was a loud rumbling noise, sparks splashed in all directions, the ground tore apart, and a long crack appeared, and the crack shone with a glare of golden light.

The face of Tiansha Daoist became ugly. The opponent obviously has some kind of rare treasure in his hand, and he can freely walk through the gold veins, but he cannot ignore the gold veins, even if he is a Nascent Soul Cultivator, It is also impossible to split a gold gangstone ore vein in half in one blow. The gold gangstone is a third-rank refining material and can be used to refine magic weapons.

At this moment, there was a huge explosion in the distance, faintly mixed with a sharp and piercing neigh, and a huge scarlet fire appeared in the distance.

Tiansha daoist snorted lightly, turning into a beam of black light moved towards the scarlet in the distance.

At this time, Mrs. Hongfu and others also solved the liger.

"Chasing, don't let them run."

The gods daoist loudly shouted, moved towards and flew away.

Han Changming hides in the void with the Void Insect, his expression is tense, his eyes flashing with golden light.

Fortunately, he had the Void Insect and hid in the void in time. If he escaped at that time, he would definitely not be able to escape a fatal blow.

Tiansha daoist has gone far, but Han Changming still dare not show up and continue to hide in the void.

He is a bit restless. I don’t know what happened to Ye Xin and Ye Xue. His escape speed is not as fast as Nascent Soul Cultivator. Even if he catches up now, it won’t help.

Based on his knowledge of Ye Xin, Ye Xin is well-measured and shouldn't be a big problem.

It didn't take long for the popping sound to disappear, and the daoist and others flew back. Lin Xuan brow beaded with sweat, his eyes horrified.

"For a while, the inheritance has been taken away by others, and there is only one seven-star thunder following the Fruit Tree. Let's make wedding dresses for others in vain."

Mrs. Hong Fu frowned Said, his tone was indifferent.

Lin Xuan's face turned pale, he knelt on the ground and explained: "Senior, forgive me, I really didn't liaise with other people. Junior's sentence is true. If Junior liaises with other people, how can he take it? Senior is here to hunt for treasure, isn't this courting death?"

"hmph, Liu Huan brought you in to hunt for treasure. You killed Liu Huan, an ungrateful person like you, what's the point of doing this kind of thing? Strange."

Zheng Jiao is snorted lightly, with a look of ridicule on her face.

"Liu Huan has no kindness to me at all. If he hadn't taken part of my Primordial Spirit with the Forbidden God Orb, I would not have done anything for him. His discipline of grand disciples would have died under the prohibition. He didn’t shed half a tear. This kind of person with cold nature will sacrifice me sooner or later. Senior is different. Not only does he return the Forbidden God Orb to me, he also grants body protection, which Junior will never do. Betray the senior."

Lin Xuan argued that he knew very well that as long as the daoist wanted to kill him, a single thought was enough.

He did not betray the daoist of the gods, but he could not catch the murderer. His explanation was pale and weak, like yellow mud falling off his crotch, not shit or shit.

"hmph, the murderer ran away, Liu Huan is dead, you can say anything."

Zheng Jiaojiao said disapprovingly.

"Okay, the old man forgive him for not having the guts to do this, transplant the Fruit Tree of the Seven-Star Thunder Marrow, and get out of here! Colorful glazed fruit is our main goal."

Tiansha daoist waved his hand, instructed.

The colorful colored glaze fruit blooms for thousands of years, and it is fruitful for a thousand years. It will be mature after another thousand years. The colorful colored glaze fruit will help him to reach the Divine Transformation Stage to a certain extent, and it is also the main goal of their trip.

There is a fruit tree of colorful glazed glazed fruit in the depths of the funeral ruins. It will take several years to mature, and Zheng Jiaojiao and Liu Zhanyuan cultivated some kind of secret technique to ripen colorful glazed fruit, otherwise the daoist and Mrs. Hong Fu will not take them.

The secret technique cultivation of spiritual medicine Spirit Fruit is very difficult, and the sorcerer loses its vitality seriously, and it may fall into a great realm. Zheng Jiaojiao and Liu Zhanyuan will lose vitality after ripening for several years. Not to fall into a great realm, decades of cultivation are indispensable, who makes them just the Core Formation Stage.

Lin Xuan sighed in relief, knowing that his life was temporarily saved.

"Thanks Senior for trust, from now on, the liver and brain will be wiped out, and Junior will never hesitate."

Lin Xuan's daoist banged his head three times to show his loyalty.

Tiansha daoist didn't say anything, Zheng Jiaojiao and Liu Zhanyuan moved towards Seven Star Thunder and followed the Fruit Tree.

They came to the Seven-Star Thunder Fruit Fruit Tree, pinching their hands with both hands, a dazzling silver light appeared on the surfaces of the two human bodies, and their hands moved towards the void at the same time, and a silver white light curtain emerged out of thin air. , Covering the Fruit Tree of the Seven-Star Thunder Marrow.

The Fruit Tree of the Seven-Star Thunder Marrow shook violently, shrinking at the speed visible by naked eye, and after shrinking to palm-size, the Fruit Tree of the Seven-Star Thunder Marrow separated from the ground and flew in midair, and was softened by a ball. Wrapped in silver light.

Mrs. Hongfu shook her wrist, and the red storage ring on her hand released a soft glow, covering the silver light, which was lost in the storage ring.

"Let's go! Pick out the Seven Star Glazed Glaze Fruit early, and leave here early, lest there will be more nights and dreams."

With a wave of the big sleeve of the daoist, a black light turned out. The bone boat jumped up, and the others followed closely from behind.

The black light flashed, and the black bone boat turned into a light and broke through the sky, disappearing into the sky.

Han Changming hid in the void, with a looked thoughtful expression on his face.

"Colorful glazed fruit! This is the heaven-defying spiritual object that assists Nascent Soul Cultivator in impacting the Divine Transformation Stage. Didn't expect this spiritual object in the funeral ruins."

Han Changming said to himself that he didn't have the idea of ​​playing Colorful Liuliguo. He took a big risk this time and almost died.

If you do it again, Han Changming's luck may not be so good.

His success this time has a lot to do with the prohibition here and Stoneman's divine ability. If he changes to another place, he will not succeed so easily.

He didn't leave the void, he cast golden eyes and watched all around to see if there were any abnormalities.

He thoughts move, took out the Vermilion Bird jade pendant, opened his mouth and spouted Extreme Yang True Flame, covering the whole body.

He took out the golden jade box and the azure wooden box. The golden jade box contains five rings of different colors. The five rings of Spiritual Qi are compelling. The aura is constantly flowing, and you can see countless mysteries. Rune.

"Set of Spirit Treasure Five Elements Ring!"

Han Changming said softly, looking excited.

It's not worth his risk. With this set of Spirit Treasure Five Elements Ring, it will be much easier to break the ban in the future.

He opened the azure jade box, which contained two azure light flashing beads. There were countless azure arc flashes on the surface of the beads, emitting a wave of terrifying energy.

"Qingleizi! This is actually such an ultimate weapon."

Han Changming's tone was trembling. Qingleizi is a one-time magic weapon. He collected heavenly thunder and refined it. Even if it is Nascent Soul Cultivator, he doesn't dare to take it hard. It can hurt the enemy by sending it directly without sacrificing. This kind of treasure is rare.

He took out the storage ring, and Divine Consciousness plunged into it, his face beaming with joy.

There are more than 300,000 Spirit Stones, three sets of Rank 4 Array, and several magic weapons, a batch of jade slips, and some miscellaneous things. This harvest is even richer than the previous dead man's fortune, and it is not in vain. He takes risks.

He carefully checked the jade slips. Most of the contents of these jade slips are related to Formation. There is a "Summary of Ten Thousand Arrays", which was compiled by Tian Chen himself.

apart from this, a golden animal skin recorded part of the map of the Funeral Ruins. There is the word "Changsheng" on the map. I don't know what it means. Han Changming found that this map is different from the one obtained before There were overlaps on the map. He carefully compared it and found that there was a not small distance from the place where the word "Changsheng" was located.

After checking all the jade slips, there was a suddenly realized expression on his face.

Tian Tian was obsessed with Zhendao, and spent a lot of time in Zhendao. When he wakes up, his life essence will be exhausted, and he learns that there is Longevity Fruit in the funeral ruins. He enters the funeral ruins to look for Longevity Fruit. However, he was injured by two Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpions of the fourth rank middle grade. He hurriedly fled here and arranged Formation treatment here.

The fourth rank Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion is extremely poisonous. The fleshy body of the past is severely destroyed. There is no other cultivator nearby. Only the Primordial Spirit can be separated and possessed in the jade box created by Soul Nurturing Jade. Waiting for the opportunity to body possession other immortal cultivator.

If it weren't for Soul Nurturing Jade to support the Primordial Spirit, the Primordial Spirit would have long since collapsed.

A while ago, before Primordial Spirit Leaving the Body, he deliberately left a record. If the body possession succeeds, it goes without saying. If the body possession fails, he hopes that future generations will inherit what he has learned and even carry forward. .

Judging from the content of the jade slip, it is difficult to judge whether the Tiantian is good or bad. Anyway, Han Changming had the last laugh.

"Longevity Fruit!"

Han Changming squinted his eyes, he did not dare to play the idea of ​​colorful colored glaze fruit, Longevity Fruit is different.

Longevity Fruit blooms for thousands of years, and bears results for thousands of years. It will only mature after a thousand years. Immortal cultivator taking Longevity Fruit can prolong life for 300 years. You know, the life essence of Nascent Soul Cultivator is about one thousand and two hundred years old. A Longevity Fruit directly increases the life essence of 1/4/2021, which is an irresistible temptation for those cultivators whose life essence is almost exhausted.

Each immortal cultivator can only take one Longevity Fruit in his lifetime. Taking five pieces of Longevity Fruit will also increase the life essence for 300 years. If you take the medicine to refining into a pill, the life essence will increase more. The specific increase in longevity depends on the grade of medicine pill and the quantity taken.

Han Changming entered the Core Formation Stage earlier, but he doesn’t mind the life essence being three hundred years old. Han Zhangxiang spent a lot of time to refine the equipment. If he gets a Longevity Fruit , It is of great benefit to Han Zhangxiang's path.

Han Zhangxiang didn't need to spend a lot of time mixing tools. He was thinking about the development of the family and the future of clansman. Han Changming saw it in his eyes and remembered it in his heart.

Apart from this, if Han Benzhi can have an extra 300-year-old life essence, his chances of being promoted to the Core Formation Stage are also higher.

Get Longevity Fruit, Han Changming has more life essence, and it is more certain to enter the Nascent Soul Stage.

He made up his mind, must get Longevity Fruit.

Half a quarter of an hour later, there was a ripple in the void, and Han Changming and the Void Insect fell down from the void.

At this moment, the cold voice of the daoist s

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