
  Chapter 659 Get Out   clang!    A muffled sound of metal collision, the black Changhong hit On the golden ape seal, sparks flew everywhere, and the advancing speed of the golden ape seal stagnated.

At the next moment, the golden ape seal suddenly rose sharply and his body soared.

Tiansha daoist seemed to have thought of something, a billowing baleful aura gushing out of his body, covering his whole body.

Boom!   A group of dazzling golden light suddenly lit up, flooding a dozen or more li, with waves of air and smoke billowing.

Han Changming exposes a high grade magic weapon and hopes to take this opportunity to hold down the daoist and make it easier to get away.

Taking this opportunity, Han Changming put away the Void Insect, the ground suddenly tore apart, and a big hole appeared.

With a flick of his wrist, an azure light went straight to Mrs. Hongfu.

Naturally, Mrs. Hongfu would not be hard-wired, and she quickly took out a small red umbrella with a chic shape, propped on top of her head, with countless mysterious runes illuminated on the surface of the umbrella, accompanied by a mournful woman crying , A piece of red glow hung down, covering the four of them.

At this time, azure light was less than five ten zhangs away from them, and they also saw the true nature of azure light. It was a shiny azure light bead with tiny electric arcs all over the surface.

"Green Leizi!"

Mrs. Hong Fu said in surprise.

azure light flashed, a dazzling group of azure sun suddenly appeared, flooding the silhouette of the four Madam Hongfu, the air wave was like a wave, dozens of mountains were shattered by the powerful air wave, and the sky was full of smoke.

He dared not let Stone Spirit show up and let it cooperate with him underground, mainly because he was worried about being recognized by Lin Xuan.

Han Changming jumped into the huge pit, a yellow light lit up on his body, and suddenly went underground and disappeared.

Stone Spirit took Han Changming through the underground, very fast.

Han Changming's look is anxious. He is very clear that if the Earth Escape Technique alone is discussed, the daoist may not catch up with Stone Spirit, provided that they do not have the rare treasure of the Earth Attribute. Even so, Han Changming also It is difficult to get rid of them. Once he encounters the fourth rank Monster Insect in the ground, Han Changming still has to return to the ground. At that time, it will be his death.

At this moment, there was a loud noise on the ground, and the nearby ore squeezed crazily, and the yellow light curtain covering Han Changming and Stone Spirit was violently twisted and deformed.

With a muffled sound of "Pa", the yellow light curtain suddenly shattered, squeezing a large amount of ore.

The yellow light on Stoneman's body surface was very bright, wrapping up Han Changming, only to hear a muffled sound, sparks splashing everywhere.

Stoneman's body surface was riddled with scars, but after a burst of yellow light on the body surface again, the scars disappeared quickly.

Stoneman took Han Changming quickly moved towards the underground. It is estimated that the Tiansha daoist used the escape type treasure to attack Han Changming.

On the ground, the Tiansha Daoist was standing in a huge pothole, covered in dirt, his hair was a little messy, looking a little embarrassed, his eyes were cold, flashing cold light.

A huge black brick hit the ground, and dozens of thick and long cracks appeared on the ground.

At this time, Mrs. Hongfu and others arrived. The four of them had solemn faces. Unless they had a special magic weapon, they could not walk freely under the veins.

Mrs. Hong Fu patted the Spirit Beast Bag, and a golden light flew out. It was a golden giant mouse about one zhang high. The golden giant mouse was covered with golden scales, with a long slender tail and a nose. There are more than a dozen golden beards, and the eyeballs are golden.

This is a third rank high grade gold-eater. It feeds on metal ores and is good at finding metal veins.

"Go, follow him."

Madam Hong Fu was instructed, and the golden giant mouse made a "chicking" cry, turning into a golden light and pierced into the ground.

Zheng Jiaojiao and Liu Zhanyuan glowed with a dazzling yellow light on their bodies, and disappeared when they went underground.

Leaving this vein, the opponent will definitely not be able to run away.

Lin Xuan’s face showed a looked thoughtful expression. He thought of Han Changming, but soon he gave up the idea. Han Changming was severely injured by Liu Huan. It is impossible to recover completely so quickly. Even if there is a middle grade medicine pill, it won’t work.

He knew very well that his attack on Liu Huan left a very bad impression on the Tiansha daoist. The Tiansha daoist did not believe him. Even if he said it was Han Changming, the Tiansha daoist might not believe it. how? Han Changming is backed by the Lingxiao daoist, maybe the Lingxiao daoist will be buried in the Fairy Ruins.

Don’t look at the Tiansha daoist bestowing him two ritual beads to save his life, it is a temporary use for him. If the Tiansha daoist meets the Lingxiao daoist, maybe he will cooperate with the Lingxiao daoist, Lin Xuan I don’t think I’m more important than Lingxiao Daoist. If you say that the murderer is Han Changming, he didn’t get any benefits. Maybe he will make the Tiansha Daoist think that he bites people for his life. He hates him even more. If he wants to survive, he must work hard to reflect his own value.

Once he loses the value of use, he is not far from death.

Lin Xuan wanted to understand this point, and quickly used the Earth Escape Technique, escaped into the ground, followed along.

Tiansha Daoist didn’t say anything. He wasn’t afraid of Lin Xuan running away. He planted a restriction on Lin Xuan and left a unique mark. It could be within tens of thousands of miles. He can sense Lin Xuan's location, and once he finds that Lin Xuan is escaping, he will urge the restraint without the slightest hesitation and destroy Lin Xuan.

For him, Lin Xuan is just a toilet. You can use it when you need it. You don't need to hang it on the side. If you don't like it, you will kill it.

Aside from several li, the ground suddenly became uneven, Han Changming got out of the ground, and Stone Spirit had been put into the Spirit Beast Bag by him.

He flipped his hand out and took out a blue talisman, patted him, countless blue runes surged out, sticking to him, the whole person turned into a blue light and walked away. Hundred zhang in a flash.

"Where to go! Leave it to the old man."

The indifferent voice of the daoist suddenly sounded, echoing in this piece of Heaven and Earth.

tone barely fell, a dark sky giant blade fell from the sky, the sky giant blade has not yet fallen, a sharp wind blows down the mask.

A painful man's scream sounded, and the blue light fell down, but soon, the blue light burst, and the speed rose sharply, moving towards high altitude, very fast.

The Golden Rat, Zheng Jiaojiao, Liu Zhanyuan and Lin Xuan drilled out of the ground one after another, and the three of Lin Xuan browse tightly knit.

"Fourth rank escape spell!"

With their escape speed, they can't catch up with each other.

roar! An   angry tiger roar sounded, and a red giant tiger flew from a distance. It was the fourth rank Monster Tiger that had fought Liu Huan before.

The red giant tiger’s wings flapped continuously, turning into a red ray chasing Han Changming, and its mouth spewed out thick scarlet fire from time to time, hitting Han Changming.

There is a scary bloodstain on Han Changming's left shoulder, and the bones can be clearly seen. If the Extreme Yang Treasure Armor hadn't blocked part of the damage, he would have died.

The clothes on Han Changming's body are all red with blood dyed. The most troublesome thing is not this. There is a black air in the wound. This is a baleful aura, which continuously damages Han Changming's body.

The longer the delay, the more dangerous Han Changming is.

He took a deep breath, his eyes became firm, and his escape increased rapidly.

Half a quarter of an hour later, a desolate plain appeared in front of me, and the sky was a gray piece of wasteland with Space Crack.

The enemy is chasing after him. Han Changming has no better way. He can only fight it. With golden eyes, he has a relatively high chance of surviving.

At this time, the Tiansha daoist and Mrs. Hongfu are ten li or so from Han Changming, the red giant tiger is several li from Han Changming, and the fourth rank escape amulet is very fast.

Han Changming entered the wasteland under the blue aura.

Han Changming's eyes turned into golden, his face full of vigilance.

There was a deafening rumbling sound from high above. Along with an angry tiger roar, a huge scarlet cloud of fire suddenly appeared high above the sky, like a blaze, and the temperature suddenly increased.

The scarlet fire cloud rolled violently, one after another huge Fireball fell like a meteorite and went straight to Han Changming.

Boom!    A huge explosion sounded, a wave of air billowed, and a huge Fireball hit the ground. Suddenly, huge pits were smashed, and flames splashed everywhere.

Han Changming kept changing directions, one after another huge Fireball almost passed by. He didn't have a serious problem, but affected by this, his escape speed slowed down.

Obviously, the fourth rank demonic beast only needs to hold Han Changming for a moment, and wait for Tiansha daoist and Madam Hongfu to catch up.

Han Changming understood this truth, and fully urged the fourth rank escape amulet.

The blue light on his body suddenly rose, and his escape speed increased again.

Suddenly, Han Changming noticed several gray cracks in front of him, faintly discernible.

"Space Crack!"

Han Changming was taken aback and quickly changed direction.

The red giant tiger chased fiercely, chasing into the wasteland, Tiansha Daoist and Madam Hongfu also chased in.

"hmph, the old man has to see how far you can run."

The god daoist said coldly, his face solemn killing aura.

At this moment, the red giant tiger suddenly uttered a miserable wailing, and the body was suddenly dismembered, turned into several huge pieces of flesh and blood, and quickly disappeared into the void.

"Not good, this is Space Crack, rewind."

The daoist of the gods was shocked and flew back quickly when he remembered something, Mrs. Hong Fu followed closely from behind.

"This kid seems to have discovered the existence of Space Crack and avoided it in advance."

The look of Tiansha daoist is a bit complicated. If it can be used for his own use, he will hunt for treasure in the future Much more convenient.

"Not good said, maybe it's luck, but we can't chase it in. If he is lucky, it still matters. Being caught by the early bird the worm will be troublesome."

Mrs. Hongfu's tone is stern. She thought it would be easy to destroy a Core Formation cultivator. Didn't expect was run away by the other party and ran away. They came to bury the Fairy Ruins for the colorful glazed fruit.

Tiansha daoist looked unwilling. He was afraid of the formidable power of Space Crack, so he didn't dare to chase after him, so he could only give up.

It didn't take long for Lin Xuan and the three to catch up.

"This matter is not allowed to spread, let's go! It's important to get the colorful glazed fruit in your hand."

Tiansha daoist instructed, this matter is too embarrassing.

The Lin Xuan trio claimed to be, how dare they spread it out.

Mrs. Hongfu put away the golden rat, and the five flew down on the black bone boat. With a pinch of the daoist secret art, the black bone boat turned into a black light and broke through the air. Soon Just disappeared into the sky.

······An    endless piece of wasteland, Han Changming was wrapped in blue light, he flew fast, his eyes flashing with dazzling golden light.

Han Changming's Divine Consciousness did not sense the existence of the daoist, but he did not dare to be careless.

Hundreds of moving Space Cracks suddenly appeared in front of them, varying in size. Han Changming's face tightened and he hurriedly avoided.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, he left the wasteland. In front of him was an endless green mountain range, and Han Changming flew down on a low hill.

With a sound of "pu chi", a blue talisman shone off from Han Changming, and spontaneously burned into ashes. A breeze blew in and the ashes disappeared without a trace.

Had it not been for the fourth rank escape amulet, Han Changming would have died.

Han Changming's injury is serious and needs to be cured.

The vegetation on the mountain is dense, Han Changming released Stone Spirit, and Stone Spirit took him into the ground. .

It didn't take long for them to appear under the thousand zhang underground.

Stone Spirit opened up a huge zhang or so big space, Han Changming took out the formation flag and placed two sets of Formation.

He got three sets of Rank 4 Array from the died during meditation Cave Mansion in Tianchang, namely Five Elements Devil Subduing Formation, Devil Subduing Formation, Seven Stars Devil Subduing Formation, Five Elements Devil Subduing Formation, Five Elements Devil Subduing Formation An area was hidden. Nascent Soul Cultivator used Divine Consciousness to probe, but couldn't find it. The Devil Subduing Formation is the Killing Formation of Ice Attribute, and the Seven-Star Soul Covering Array is the Defensive Array.

Han Changming arranged Five Elements Absolute Spirit Array and Seven Star Overburden Spirit Array, which is convenient for healing.

After setting up the Formation, Han Changming sit cross-legged, take out a high grade Jin Lu Dan, swallow it down, and heal the injury.

He doesn't know what happened to Ye Xin and Ye Xue. After he recovers his injuries, he will look for them.

······   outside several hundred li, a secret underground cave.

Ye Xin, Ye Xue, and Mu Ling'er are chatting. Ye Xin used Wan Poison to attract a fourth rank poisonous beast. Fortunately, they met Mu Ling'er to help them out in time, but They also failed to entangle the Tiansha daoist, and they couldn't even see the Tiansha daoist's face.

After the fourth rank poisonous beast swallowed ten thousand poisonous syrup, it immediately returned to the lair, without the intention of chasing them.

"Mu Fairy, thanks to your help this time, otherwise we will be in trouble."

Ye Xin said gratefully.

"No effort at all, isn't Fellow Daoist Han with you?"

Mu Linger asked casually, she wanted to leave the funeral fair, but came across The fourth rank demonic beast, changes her route frequently, and she doesn't know where she is now.

"Husband, do something and meet us later."

Ye Xin explained vaguely that they would naturally not tell Mu Linger the truth.

"You leave here soon! I will leave here too. Not every time is so lucky. Do you have a map of the funeral market? I deviated from the original route."

Ye Xue nodded, took out an azure jade slip, handed it to Mu Linger, and said: "We got it by accident. This is part of the map of the funeral ruins. You should be able to leave the funeral funeral by following the route above. In the market, we are going to join the Husband."

Mu Linger took the jade slip, and the Divine Consciousness swept away. There was a strange color in the beautiful eyes, which quickly returned to normal.

"Many thanks, the green hills do not change the green water, if fated will meet again, goodbye, say hello to Fellow Daoist Han for me."

Mu Linger finished this Then, stride towards the outside.

Out of the cave, she muttered to herself: "Didn't expect there are other routes. That thing may not be impossible to get."

The cave is densely covered. Mu Linger strode towards jungle and disappeared into the jungle.

······An   endless yellow desert, with wild sand flying in the sky, loud roars, and smoke billowing.

Han morning sun, Han Linsheng, and Han Linxue are surrounded by densely packed golden ants. The golden ants have exposed fangs and a long and flat body. There is a row of short legs under the abdomen with some on the body surface. red pattern.

The defensive ability of these golden ants is very strong, there are tens of thousands of them, most of them are Second Rank, there are dozens of third rank, and the magic weapon is difficult to damage. The queen is three feet long and has two backs. For the yellow wing, this is a third rank high grade gold-eating queen.

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