
  Chapter 660 The Purpose of Han Morning Sun and the Variation Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion

Golden Ants impervious to sword and spear, neither water nor fire can approach, especially the third rank gold-eating ants, even if the magic weapon strikes them, it only leaves a shallow trace.

Han morning sun took a shot of Spirit Beast Bag, a red light flew out, and it was a ten zhang python with three heads, golden silver patterns all over the body, and bloodline on the abdomen. Only the three pythons of the fourth rank Spirit Beast and the three heads can release spells of different attributes. Han Morning Sun spent a lot of energy and cultivation resources to cultivate it to the fourth rank.

The three pythons showed up, and the three heads spewed white cold air, golden lightning and Silver Flame respectively. Gold-eating ants touched the white cold air, they were instantly frozen, and they fell from in midair. , Golden lightning strikes the gold-eating ants, the gold-eating ants immediately scattered ashes and smoke dispersed, the Silver Flame falls on the gold-eating ants, and the gold-eating ants directly disappear from the face of the earth.

A large number of gold-eating ants were killed. Even the third-rank gold-eating ants were not the opponents of the three pythons.

The gold-eater queen noticed something wrong, flapped her wings, moved towards the distance and flew away.

"I still want to run, go back with us obediently!"

Han Linsheng was shouting loudly, his sleeves flicked suddenly, a golden light gleaming small cauldron flew out, small cauldron three The feet and ears are carved with patterns of birds and beasts.

The high-grade magic weapon Bailingding is specially used by Han Linsheng to collect strange insects, so that they can be brought back to Jinjiao Island for tame.

A roar of beasts and birds rang, the golden small cauldron instantly rose up, and then slid around. The golden giant cauldron spewed countless strands of slender gold threads and went straight to the queen of gold-eating ants.

The golden ant queen fluttered her wings and avoided the golden thread. Right here, a thick golden lightning fell from the sky and struck the golden ant exactly. It suddenly made a screaming scream. , The speed stagnated, taking this opportunity, the dense golden thread fell from the sky, entangled the body of the gold-eating ant, and pulled it into the Bailing Cauldron.

The remaining low-level gold-eating ants saw that the situation was far from good, fleeing everywhere, and the three of Han Morning Sun did not stop.

Han Linxueqing sighed in relief, saying: "Gold-eating ants are really difficult to deal with, but fortunately there are not many. If you encounter hundreds of thousands of gold-eating ants, there are also fourth-rank gold-eating ants. Leading the team, then it’s troublesome."

"If it weren’t for a fourth-rank high-grade gold-eater, we wouldn’t have to make a detour. I hope everything goes well. After we get Longevity Fruit, we will leave immediately. "

Han morning sun's face is solemn, and his life essence is not much. He learned that there is Longevity Fruit in the funeral ruins. This is how Han Linsheng and Han Linxue are buried in the immortal ruins. There are not too many life essences, and I plan to go to the funeral market to fight for it.

They put away the magic weapon, moved towards the depths of the desert and flew away, disappearing into the vast yellow desert.

······In   a secret underground cave, Han Changming sits on the ground, both eyes slightly closed, and his face is slightly pale.

After a while, Han Changming opened his eyes and vomited a mouthful of impure air. His injury this time was not very serious. After taking high grade Jinludan, he recovered quickly.

It has been two days since his encounter with the Tiansha daoist.

He turned his wrist, and several amethyst insects appeared in his hand. They flew up, moved towards a certain direction.

"Could it be that Xin'er came here?"

Han Changming thoughts move and removed the Formation. Soon, there was a burst of yellow light on the stone wall, Ye Xin and Ye Xue went from When the stone wall came out, their expressions were anxious.

They can’t get in touch with Han Changming for a long time. Fortunately, Han Changming has done a little bit in advance and brought some amethyst worms on his body. Ye Xin has amethyst worm mothers. Within a certain range, it’s okay. Sense the position of the amethyst worm.

"Husband, are you okay!"

Ye Xin and Ye Xue asked in unison, the two women were full of concerns.

If it is not for serious injuries, Han Changming impossible will not come to them.

"I'm fine. The value of this risk has been inherited for a while. By the way, madam, these two magic weapons are for you."

On the side of Han Changming While speaking, he took out a snow-white ball and an azure short ruler, both of which are high grade magic weapons.

The word "cold jade" can be vaguely seen on the surface of the round bead, which exudes a chill. The surface of the azure short ruler has some mysterious lines, which looks like a small tree.

Han Changming exposed the Golden Ape Seal, but he got more treasures.

The two women were not polite, so they took it down and briefly talked about their experiences.

"It turns out that you met Fairy Mu. I said why the daoist of the gods came back so soon. By the way, there are Longevity Fruits in the funeral ruins. Let's pick a few Longevity Fruits and leave immediately."


Han Changming said solemnly, after getting the relics of a few days ago, Han Changming's confidence greatly increased.

"Husband, the burial fair is very dangerous, let's not run around, leave early! As for Longevity Fruit, when you enter the Nascent Soul Stage, let's pick it again later!"

Ye Xin suggested that neither the fourth rank demonic beast nor the Nascent Soul Cultivator can provoke them.

Han Changming is still young, and it’s not too late to enter the Nascent Soul Stage before entering the Funeral Ruins for treasure hunting.

Ye Xue didn't speak, she has always had no opinion. She listened to Han Changming or Ye Xin.

"I can afford to wait, Zhier can't afford to wait. If he can increase his life by three hundred years, he has great hopes of entering the Core Formation Stage."

Han Changming sighed. As parents know their kindness, the funeral ruins will be reopened hundreds of years later. By then, Han Benzhi is already not in.

Ye Xin's expression dimmed. She was very clear about Han Benzhi's situation. If nothing else, Han Benzhi would die of the Foundation Establishment Stage. He was content and had little interest in cultivating the Tao.

"Sister, for the sake of this wisdom, let's fight it once! With maps and so many treasures, we don't have a chance for stomach and intestines. If we can't do anything, let's leave the funeral ruins immediately."

Ye Xue started to persuade, which child is not the parents' mind.

The road is ruthless, who is ruthless?    Many immortal cultivators have to face this challenge, watching their relatives and heirs pass away, but they are powerless, the feeling is uncomfortable. This is why the Han Family separates the mortal from the immortal cultivator, otherwise the immortal cultivator will have to Often watching the death of relatives and heirs, it is impossible to calm down and cultivate.

"Okay! Listen to Husband."

Ye Xin took a deep breath and agreed.

"You sacrifice treasure first. By the way, for the sake of caution, you put on new clothes so that you don’t run into Lin Xuan and it’s not good to be recognized by him."

Han Changming warned repeatedly, flipped his hand to take out a silver light flashing mask, the surface of the mask flashed rune, obviously it is a high grade magic weapon.

Baihuan mask, you can change your appearance and breath anytime, anywhere.

Wearing a hundred magic mask, it is estimated that the special Spirit Treasure can discover the true face of Han Changming. This treasure can be said to be a must for murdering to seize the treasures.

The three Han Changming and his wife sit cross-legged and practice magic weapons.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, a bag of soil suddenly bulged up on the ground. The three of Han Changming and his wife got out of the ground. He held a piece of azure animal skin in his hand. A Terrain Map.

Han Changming released Spirit Devourer and Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion, let them lead the way, and they followed behind.

It didn't take long for Han Changming and his wife to disappear into the jungle.

······In   a long and narrow canyon, from time to time there is a deafening rumbling sound, and the fire blazes into the sky.

within the valley, golden eyes riddled with scars, staring at the four immortal cultivators opposite, two corpses scattered on the ground, the ground is pitted.

golden eyes There are dozens of scary bloodstains on the surface of the fire ape. The blood flow is endless, and some magical treasure fragments are scattered not far away.

Li Hong and Zheng Ru were all guarded. When they passed by, a fire ape with golden eyes of fourth rank emerged.

"Do it quickly, don't delay too much time."

In Li Hong's eyes, the cold glow Yisheng, right hand turns, a yellow light flashed, three yellow spikes appeared In the hands, rune is circulating.

I saw him shaking slightly, and the three yellow spikes came out of his hand, turning into three yellow changhongs, and went straight to the golden eyes fire ape.

golden eyes Fire Ape opened his mouth and spouted a reddish sound wave, trying to defeat the three yellow Changhong.

At this moment, the three yellow Changhong suddenly changed directions and disappeared under the ground.

The ground suddenly lit up with a burst of yellow light, and it suddenly turned into ash-gray. Golden Eyes Fire Ape felt a strong gravity suddenly appearing on the ground, and there seemed to be a huge mountain on his shoulders.

A dense magic weapon struck the golden eyes fire ape, and there was a muffled metal collision sound. The golden eyes fire ape had a few shallow blood stains on its body.

The sky suddenly dimmed, and a huge blue shimmering brick appeared high in the sky without warning. The rune was erratic. Seeing its mana fluctuations, it was obviously a Spirit Treasure.

Golden eyes Fire Ape noticed something wrong, and raised his head to eject a scarlet flame, which turned into a scarlet fire cloud, and hit the blue giant brick.

The scarlet fire cloud collided with the blue giant brick, and countless white fog suddenly burst out.

Zheng Ruqing snorted, a pinch of secret art, the blue huge brick rays of light soared, and the scarlet fire cloud broke apart like a crack, inch by inch broke apart, turning into countless tiny flames.

The blue giant brick was smashed head-on, The earth shook and the mountain quivered, the entire valley shook, and a large amount of rubble rolled down from the stone wall.

Zheng Ru's secret art changed, and the blue giant brick quickly returned to its original size and flew back to her hand. There was an incomparable gigantic hole on the ground.

golden eyes fire ape has been smashed into flesh, breathe one's last.

After processing the golden eyes fire ape's corpse, they continue on the road.

······   A steep emerald green mountain peaks straight into the sky, shaded by green trees and dense vegetation.

Han Changming, Ye Xin and Ye Xue stood at the foot of the mountain, their expressions solemn.

The Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion was a little irritable, and its tail stab swayed from left to right.

According to the map, the Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion of the fourth rank of this mountain, more than two thousand years have passed. I don’t know if the two Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpions are still there. If the Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion is still there, What realm has been cultivation?    He originally wanted to use Stone Spirit's Earth Escape Technique to pass through the ground, but there seemed to be some special restrictions on the ground.

Han Changming put away the Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion and Spirit Devourer, took out two azure jade bottles, peeled off the cork, Stoneman drilled out from the ground, holding an azure jade bottle in each hand.

The three bodies of Han Changming and his wife lit up with a burst of yellow light, and suddenly went into the ground and disappeared.

In the underground place of the thousand zhang, Han Changming's eyes lit up with golden light for a while, observing the situation on the ground.

After a while, there was a weird neigh from the mountain, and two five-foot-large purple giant scorpions flew out of a cave halfway through the mountain.

The color of the two purple giant scorpions is a bit dark, and the tail spines are purple. Looking at their breath, they are two fourth rank high grade Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion.

Han Changming was secretly surprised, wondering whether these two Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpions were the two Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpions I met in a while or their offspring.

Stoneman suddenly got out of the ground, but stayed on the ground with both hands, tightly holding two azure porcelain bottles,

The porcelain bottles contained ten thousand poisonous pulp, to Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion Said to be item of great nourishment.

The escape speed of Stoneman is very fast, and the escape speed of two Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion is faster.

With a light flap of their thin wings, they suddenly disappeared from where they were. Next moment, they suddenly appeared on top of Stoneman's head.

"Wind Escape Technique!"

Han Changming's eyes flashed with surprise. Few Monster Insect can master this escape technique. It seems that these two Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpions have What is the chance, or the cultivation took too long to master Wind Escape Technique.

It is not ruled out that it is the mutant Spirit Insect, but the mutant Spirit Insect is very rare, and the thunder rhinoceros is one of them.

The tail spurs of the two Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion flicked suddenly, and the dense purple lines shot out, hitting Stoneman's hand one after another.

With a dull "ding-ding", Stoneman's hands were pierced by purple thread, and his arms had densely packed holes, and bursts of blue smoke appeared, showing signs of corrosion.

If you change to an immortal cultivator or demonic beast, you are dead, but Stoneman is a strange stone, not a flesh and blood body, and the toxins cannot spread.

Its hands lit up with a yellow light, and the holes in the arms disappeared and returned to normal.

Stoneman plunged into the ground suddenly and disappeared.

The two Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpions each made a weird hissing sound, and each opened their mouths to eject a thick purple lightning.

Boom!   After the two loud noises, there were two huge pits on the ground, and the pits were hot and thick smoke billowing.

Han Changming was stunned, his face full of incredible color.

"Mutated Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion!"

He absolutely did not expect that the two Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpions were mutant Monster Insects, even if Nascent Soul Cultivator encountered them. Not an opponent!    A small dirt bag bulged on the ground, and the little dirt bag moved quickly. Two Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpions were chasing, while spraying out thick purple lightning. Unfortunately, the movement speed of the dirt bag was too fast and they attacked. Most of them failed.

A huge rumbling sound rang out, a lot of potholes appeared on the ground, and thick smoke billowed.

Within a quarter of an hour, two Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpions disappeared in the sky.

An ape Puppet Beast got out of the ground, holding a blue jade bottle in its hand, and strode towards the top of the mountain.

Han Changming is more cautious, in case there is Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion on the mountain!

The ape Puppet Beast rushed to the top of the mountain without any Monster Insect.

Han Changming sighed in relief, and the three of them got out of the ground.

"Go, Stoneman can't delay too long."

The three of Han Changming turned into three escapes, moved towards the mountain and flew up.

Soon, they overcame the top of the mountain, and in front of them was a black jungle of several dozen li.

According to the map, you can reach the location of Longevity Fruit through this jungle.

The three of Han Changming moved towards the jungle not far away, and soon disappeared in the jungle.

Before long, two purple rays appeared in the sky, and quickly flew back to the emerald green peak.

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