
  Chapter 661 Identity Exposure, Han morning sun vs Li Hong, the town’s cultivation technique Hua Jiao tactics    Half a day later, Han Changming, Ye Xin and Ye Xue walked out of the jungle. Not far in front, a narrow valley blocked the way. A swift stream passed through the valley, and a large patch of emerald green grew on the cliffs on both sides of the valley. Bushes.

According to the map, the Longevity Fruit tree is within the valley.

Han Changming expected to be guarded by the fourth rank demonic beast. Fortunately, he got three sets of Rank 4 Array.

"First set up the Formation, I hope it won't be used."

Han Changming took out the formation flag array and deployed it outside the valley.

It’s not very far from the nest of Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion. Considering the existence of Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion, Han Changming deployed three sets of Formation. Even if they deal with the demonic beast guarding the Longevity Fruit tree, Purple If Heavenly Flying Scorpion kills, they can handle it too.

The coverage of Five Elements Devil's Array is the widest. It wraps the Devil Subduing Formation and Seven-Stars Devil Subduing Formation to conceal fluctuations and avoid being discovered by the fourth rank demonic beast.

The fourth rank demonic beast still has some spiritual wisdom. The previous golden eyes fire ape is an example.

The ground suddenly bulged, Stoneman drilled out of the ground, his body surface was pitted, his aura was sluggish, and he looked like a strength great injury.

The current state of Stoneman is very poor. If it hadn't been proficient in the Earth Element spell and not a flesh and blood body, he would have died a long time ago.

Stoneman has lost his battle strength and is temporarily unable to assist Han Changming.

Han Changming took it back to the Spirit Beast Bag, and if there is a chance in the future, he will get some high-level ore for healing.

"Madam, you stay outside, I'll go in and take a look."

Han Changming said hello and got into the stone wall on the left, Ye Xin and Ye Xue hit a few secret art into a five-color array with a large palm. A five-colored cloud light emerged from the ground, covering their silhouettes, and the five-colored cloud light dissipated. They disappeared and hid in the ground. .

The Five Elements Absolute Array can conceal Spiritual Qi fluctuations. Some fourth rank demonic beasts have a sensitive sense of smell. Maybe they will smell the scent on them. To be on the safe side, they escape into the ground.

Han Changming walked through the stone wall under a yellow light, not fast.

His eyes became golden, cautiously observing the situation within the valley.

It didn't take long for Han Changming to stop, his expression becoming solemn.

At the end of the valley is a steep stone wall. A silver unrolled bolt of white silk with a length of several hundred zhang hangs upside down on the stone wall. On the stone wall on the right side of the waterfall, there is an azure fruit about one zhang high. Tree, the trunk is thick and long, covered with golden sharp thorns, the oval leaves are azure, there are five oval azure fruits hanging on the tree, and the surface is covered with golden spirit patterns.

Below the waterfall is a water pool of several hundred zhang. There are several gaps in the water pool facing the direction of the valley. The deep water flows out along the gap, forming a turbulent stream.

"Longevity Fruit tree!"

Han Changming's eyes became fierce. As long as he took Longevity Fruit, he could increase his life for 300 years. No one could refuse this temptation.

According to Han Changming's experience, there must be High Rank Monster Beast guarding here.

He moved towards the water pool and looked at it. As expected, he saw a python with a body length of hundreds of zhangs. The python was black all over, with four huge heads, each with a different color. This is one The fourth rank middle grade of multiple pythons.

"It's actually a lot of pythons!"

Han Changming frowned, a lot of pythons are born with only one head, every breakthrough a great realm will grow a head, Each head masters the spell divine ability of different attributes, which is not easy to deal with.

If you can introduce it into the Formation, use the Formation to trap the monster, and then use the Earth Escape Technique to escape, there should be no problem, provided that multiple pythons do not master the Earth Attribute divine ability.

Han Changming turned his eyes, he planned to try the divine ability of multiple pythons. If multiple pythons master the Earth Attribute divine ability, then forget it, even if the Stone Spirit is safe and sound, it may not be able to run. Too many pythons.

He wants to pick Longevity Fruit, if things can't be done, he won't force it.

At this moment, a huge explosion sounded, and a faintly deafening Dragon's roar came.

Han Changming was shocked, as if someone was coming,

Could it be a daoist of the gods? It won't be so coincidental! Didn't they pick some colorful colored glaze fruits? Is the Colorful Colored Glass Fruit Tree near here? This is a coincidence too!

Han Changming hurried back the same way and returned to the valley outside.

Fortunately, he was cautious enough to arrange three sets of Rank 4 Arrays, including Five Elements, the ultimate array, and the daoist should not be able to spot them.

Under several hundred zhang, Han Changming, Ye Xin, and Ye Xue were surrounded by a dazzling yellow light. Han Changming's eyes changed to golden, observing the ground.

If the Tiansha daoist used a heavy magic weapon, Han Changming would use the virtual element insect to open a small space and hide in to save his life.

The sound of dragon's roar is constant, mixed with a huge crackling sound.

A little half a quarter of an hour later, three rays of light flew from a distance in the sky, and they came in a different direction from Han Changming.

The three escape lights stopped over the valley, and the escape lights converged, revealing the silhouettes of Han morning sun, Han Linxue and Han Linsheng, the look pale of Han Linxue and Han Linsheng, and the gazes of Han morning sun. fiery.

"It's Jinjiao Island Han Family cultivator! Han morning sun is here too."

Han Changming's eyes flashed with surprise. He didn't expect that he would still meet Han here. morning sun three people.

It seems that the three Han morning sun entered the funeral fair for Longevity Fruit, Han Changming brows tightly knit.

Even if he has a good relationship with Han Family, Han morning sun impossible gave them a Longevity Fruit, mainly because they laid a Formation, hidden in the ground, it looked like they were about to ambush the Han morning sun three .

"Han Family cultivator, let's not show up to avoid conflicts with them. If they misunderstand, it will be troublesome."

Ye Xin suggested softly, his face solemn.

"Take a rest, set up the Thousand Woods Demon Slayer Array, and deal with this demon, this time must get Longevity Fruit."

Han morning sun said solemnly, with a hint of excitement in his tone.

If Longevity Fruit is not available, his life essence will be exhausted in a few decades and he can only die during meditation.

Han Linsheng and Han Linxue were nodded, moved towards the jungle not far away and flew away.

Yang God of the Han Dynasty has gained a lot of knowledge, and he has investigated the situation of several dozen li, and found no abnormalities.

Han Changming's face tightened, he saw Han morning sun moved towards jungle flying away, and this was sighed in relief.

The Han morning sun of Nascent Soul Middle Stage couldn't find their existence. It seems that the concealment effect of Five Elements Absolute Array is still very good.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the bits and pieces of Han Linsheng and Han Linxue's mana were restored, and two sets of Rank 4 Array were arranged.

Han morning sun shot Spirit Beast Bag, three pythons flew out, moved towards within the valley.

The three-headed pythons are close relatives with the multi-headed pythons. In contrast, the multi-headed pythons have higher potential and stronger strength. If they are promoted to the fifth rank, the multi-headed pythons will grow a fifth head. , Three Pythons are still in the fifth rank or three heads.

"Many pythons have a keen sense of smell, so apply Xueyun ointment to wash away the breath, otherwise it may not be fooled."

Han Linsheng took out a snow-white one. jade box, wipe some snow-white paste-like objects on the body, and smear the whole body.

Han morning sun took out an azure light sparkling flag, and shook it lightly, a large swath of azure mist swept out, covering their three people.

It didn't take long for the azure fog to dissipate, and the three of them disappeared.

At this time, the three pythons also entered the valley.

The three pythons are not the fourth rank low grade, and the multiple pythons guarding Longevity Fruit are the fourth rank middle grade.

The head in the middle of it opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, spouting a thick Silver Flame, and went straight to the pool.

Boom!    The water surface of the pool suddenly burst, and a huge wave of hundreds zhang or so high splashed and extinguished the Silver Flame.

Many pythons came out from the bottom of the water pool, with four heads staring at the three pythons. It roared strangely, as if to tell each other that this was its own territory.

The three heads of the three pythons sprayed white cold air, golden lightning and Silver Flame respectively, and went straight to many pythons.

Many pythons were not afraid, and the four heads sprayed out blue water arrows, azure wind, yellow soil cones and scarlet flames, and greeted them.

A huge explosion sounded, and the air wave was like tidal waves, shaking the ground violently.

The three of Han Changming hid underground, and the three browse tightly knit.

They will not show up until Han morning sun solves multiple pythons.

With the help of golden eyes, Han Changming saw many pythons spraying yellow soil cones, scared out of a cold sweat.

This multiple python has mastered the Earth Attribute divine ability. Fortunately, the appearance of the three Han Morning Sun disrupted his plan. If not, they bode ill rather than well.

After a while, the three pythons rushed out of the valley, riddled with scars on their bodies, many scales fell off, and the blood flow continued.

An angry strange roar sounded, and many pythons chased them out. At this time, the three pythons had escaped into the jungle.

The four heads of multiple pythons release spells of four different attributes to hit the three pythons.

A rumbling blast sounded, a large number of trees fell down, splashing countless smoke and dust, the speed of the three pythons was extremely fast, even if it was hit by the spells of many pythons, it did not stop. Come down.

Many pythons wandered at the entrance of the valley, but did not chase them out. Seeing the three pythons walking away, it immediately turned around and returned to within the valley.

There was a burst of azure light in the woods, and the three Han Morning Sun appeared, their faces solemn.

They wanted to lure many pythons into the formation method and use Formation to destroy the demon, but their plan fell through. Many pythons did not leave the valley.

"Take hands and get rid of this demon as quickly as possible."

Han morning sun icily said, if nothing can be done, he can only change his plan. They led to many pythons, mainly It is worried that the fluctuation of the fighting method will destroy the Longevity Fruit.

Han Linsheng raised his hand and the Bai Lingding flew out. The bird and beast patterns on the Ding seemed to have come alive. They ran and flew on the Ding. The sound of beasts roaring and birds singing was heard, and there was a burst of ear-piercing air- After the splitting sound, dense slender gold threads shot out and went straight to the pythons.

Many pythons reacted very quickly. One head spewed out a violent wind of azure mist, blowing the golden silk out, and flying out with Bai Lingding.

Blue light flashed, a steamy ball suddenly appeared above the heads of many pythons.

Numerous mysterious runes suddenly lit up on the surface of the blue bead, and its size soared to the size of a small mountain, and it fell on the face.

The giant ball has not yet fallen, and a strong gravitational force is facing the mask. Many pythons feel their bodies tighten and it is difficult to move.

One of its heads suddenly ejected a yellow light, hitting the huge round bead above surface.

The huge bead petrified at the speed visible to naked eye and turned into ash-gray.

The heads of many pythons sprayed hundreds of wind blades of azure mist, which smashed into the ash-gray round bead above surface.

Boom!   ash-gray round beads all split up and in pieces, turned into countless tiny crystals, scattered on the ground.

"Petrochemical divine ability!"

Han morning sun eyes shrank, with an incredible face, the last time he entered the funeral ruins hundreds of years ago, at that time, many songs Python has not yet mastered the petrochemical divine ability, didn't expect it has mastered the petrochemical divine ability after so many years, which is getting more and more difficult to deal with.

With the petrification divine ability, using physical treasures to attack, not only can’t kill many pythons, but also

roar!    Many pythons are annoyed by Han morning sun. It sprayed a thick scarlet flame from one of its heads, and came straight to Han Linsheng.

Han Linsheng's reaction was very quick. He shook his figure and avoided the scarlet flame. The scarlet flame fell on a towering tree.

The rumbling sound of the explosion sounded, the towering trees all split up and in pieces, the scarlet flame burst and splashed on the other big trees, the fire spread rapidly, and the flames skyrocketed.

Han Chao’s knowledge of Yang God was wide, and he scanned the area of ​​30 li, and found no other breath of Nascent Soul Cultivator. It’s not that his Divine Consciousness can only be placed 30 li outside. , But there is a restriction here, and the distance of Divine Consciousness is limited.

The two heads of many pythons sprayed out a blue light and an azure light respectively, and the blue light went straight to the sky. After one blurred, it turned into a large blue cloud group, white cloud. After the group rolled violently, the dense blue water arrows poured down. Before the blue water arrows fell, there was an ear-piercing sound.

azure light A vague tornado that suddenly turned into an azure mist, thirty zhang or so high, hitting Han morning sun and others.

Han morning sun, the three of them cast spells to resist. The dense blue water arrows hit the towering trees. The towering trees are like paper, riddled with holes, falling down, and dense blue water arrows. Falling on the ground, the ground is pitted.

The azure tornado struck, smoke and dust billowed wherever it passed, and the towering trees were pulled up by the roots and were drawn into the azure tornado, turned into countless debris, and the soil broke.

At the same time, the ground shook violently, and rows of sharp yellow soil spears broke through the ground and hit the three Han morning sun. They reacted quickly and avoided the yellow soil spears. .

The three heads of the three pythons sprayed white cold air, golden lightning and Silver Flame respectively, facing the azure tornado.

The rumbling sound of explosion sounded, four kinds of auras interspersed, azure tornado burst, countless azure wind blades moved towards all directions flying away, the ground was pitted, and a large number of towering trees fell, Smoke and dust are flying all over the sky.

Han morning sun took a deep breath, his eyes gloomy.

He flipped his hand and took out a square token with azure light glittering, with the three small characters "Nine Jiao Ling" engraved on the front, and nine Flood Dragon patterns with different shapes on the reverse.

The Race Protecting Treasure of Jiulongdan Han Family's Jiulong Order, this is the biggest hole card of Han Morning Sun.

His majestic mana madly injected into the Kowloon Order, the nine Flood Dragons on the reverse side of the token seemed to come alive, wandering on the surface of the token non-stop, sending out deafening Dragon's roars.

He threw the Jiulong Ling above his head into the void and pierced into a secret art. The Jiulong Ling suddenly burst into a dazzling aura that made people unable to open their eyes.

The aura dissipated, revealing nine Flood Dragons with different shapes. Each Flood Dragon has a hundred zhang or so long, grinning teeth, and a huge dragon claw shining with cold light.

As soon as the nine Flood Dragons showed up, they released several attacking pythons one after another.

A scarlet Flood Dragon hovered at high altitude, setting off waves of scarlet fire. A huge scarlet fire cloud appeared at high altitude without warning, and the temperature suddenly increased.

Accompanied by a deafening blast, one after another huge Fireball fell and hit several pythons.

A single-horned Flood Dragon whose body surface is wrapped in countless silver lightning arcs spouts hundreds of thick silver lightning from its mouth, slashing towards the many pythons below.

A Blue Flood Dragon with double wings on its back hovered in the sky for a while, its wings shook lightly, and the wind gusted violently.

The dense spell of aura flooded the bodies of many pythons, the earthquake and the mountain shook, and the air wave was like tidal waves.

Underground, Han Changming was surprised and a little bit emotional when he saw this scene.

A Jiulong order is so powerful. Seeing Weizhi's book, we can see how powerful the Han Family at the peak period is. It's a pity that fortune plays with people.

Fortunately, this treasure fell in the hands of Jin Jiao Island Han Family, not in the hands of outsiders.

Han Changming looked at Longevity Fruit within the valley, his eyes rolled.

"You are here to wait for me, I will pick two Longevity Fruit, you do not show up."

Han Changming exhorted, quickly moved towards within the valley.

While the three of Han Morning Sun are doing their best to deal with multiple pythons, he plans to go within the valley to pick two Longevity Fruits.

He didn't go far before he stopped abruptly.

His Divine Consciousness sensed that something came head-on, like a demonic beast.

Because of the existence of Five Elements Absolute Spirit Array, the opponent did not find him.

Han Changming was startled, and quickly returned to Ye Xin to let her take out the silver moon gauze.

The silver light flashed, the three of Han Changming disappeared, and the silver moon gauze also disappeared.

With the help of golden eyes, Han Changming can clearly see that in addition to ten zhang or so, a yellow centipede that is ten zhang or so quickly passes in front. It does not find the Han Changming couple three. people.

The outer shell of the yellow centipede has some golden lines, long antennae, and a row of sickle-like feet under the abdomen.

"Fourth rank Monster Insect!"

Han Changming was a little surprised. It seems that the underground is not safe, and there is a fourth rank Monster Insect.

Looking at the moving direction of the yellow centipede, it is exactly where the three Han Morning Sun are located.

It’s not surprising that there is a fourth rank Monster Insect underground, but generally speaking, Monster Insect and demonic beast all have their own territories, and they don’t easily go to other places. With the divine ability of multiple pythons, it is impossible to allow a fourth. Rank Monster Insect is near its territory, unless it is artificially released.

Han Changming’s first reaction was Tiansha daoist. Regardless of the fact that Han Family and Bottle Gourd Island Han Family are the same sect, Han Changming has a good impression of Han morning sun and can’t bear to watch it. He was sneak attacked.

His eyes brightened and turned into scarlet gold. He urged the true pupils of golden eyes to the extreme, moved towards the ground. Beyond several hundred zhang, he saw a shadow, faintly discernible.

"Not good, it's really a human-controlled fourth rank Spirit Insect!"

Han Changming felt a little bit in his heart, the other party should have hidden magic weapons like silver moon gauze, golden Eyes really cannot see clearly how many immortal cultivators are.

Able to control the fourth rank Spirit Insect to attack Han morning sun, naturally it is the Nascent Soul Cultivator, maybe it is the god daoist.

On the ground, Han morning sun is controlling nine Flood Dragons against multiple pythons.

The ground nearby was suddenly uneven. Han Morning Sun reacted quickly. A large piece of sharp yellow soil spear broke out of the ground and went straight to Han Morning Sun.

Han morning sun frowned, waved a blue shining flag, released hundreds of blue water arrows about one chi, and greeted him.

Boom!    A huge explosion sounded, and the yellow soil spear was smashed by the blue water arrow, and the ground was riddled with holes, and there was a sudden "knock" metal collision sound.

Han morning sun realized that it was wrong, Divine Consciousness opened up, and he sensed a strong breath.

His attention was attracted by many pythons, and he didn't notice that there are other fourth rank demonic beasts under his feet. Could it be another fourth rank python? its not right! If it was another python with multiple heads, it should have come out long ago, instead of hiding under the sneak attack.

A pungent yellow poison mist suddenly emerged from the ground, heading straight to the morning sun in Han.

Han’s morning sun’s reaction was very quick. Thoughts move, a silver flood dragon and a blue flood dragon flew back. They sprayed out hundreds of thick silver lightning and hundreds of thick azure wind blades, respectively. Cleave to the place where yellow poison mist emerges.

He flew out upside down, and took out an azure mist circle around him, a light curtain of azure mist emerged out of thin air, covering the whole body.

There was a loud rumbling noise, smoke and dust billowed on the ground, and the two colors of green and silver were blazing together, and a miserable neighing sound was faintly heard.

"Be careful, someone is hiding in the dark sneak attack us."

Han morning sun reminded, while controlling nine Flood Dragons and flew back, hovering over his head.

The void above Han Linxue's head suddenly rippled, and an azure light shining big hand emerged out of thin air. The surface of the azure big hand was wrapped with a layer of azure flame. Before it fell, it exuded a terrifying high temperature. The temperature suddenly increased.

Han Linxue's reaction was quick, the small white mirror in her hand suddenly moved towards the top of her head, white light flashed, and a white glow swept out, covering the big azure hand.

With the muffled sound of "pu chi," the azure hand freezes at a speed visible to naked eye, turning it into an ice sculpture.

With a flick of her sleeves, a white light gleaming flying knife flew out, shattering the white ice hand, turning it into countless white ice chips, and falling on the ground.

The arrow of "whiz whiz whiz" sounded, and three azure Changhong shots came, and they came to her in an instant.

Han Linxue quickly took out a steamy blue umbrella, propped on top of her head, the blue umbrella slid around, and a large blue water curtain hung down to cover her whole body.

Three azure Changhong hits on the blue water curtain, and three muffled noises are heard.

divine light flashed, the three azure Changhong reveals their true face, and they are three azure light shining arrows.

The blue water curtain dangled in waves, sank, and quickly returned to normal.

But at this moment, the three azure arrows suddenly released azure light, merged into one, and turned into a giant azure arrow, hitting the blue water curtain.

With a muffled sound, the blue water curtain was pierced by the azure giant arrow, passing through Han Linxue's head.

Han Linxue's legs softened, and she fell down, her eyes widened, and she looked like she couldn't squint.

"Second Sister!"

Han Linsheng saw this scene with great grief.

There was a deafening rumbling sound from high above, and the dense spell aura fell from the sky, flooding the three azure arrows.

It didn't take long for the aura to dissipate, and the aura of the three azure arrows was dim, with small cracks on the surface.

An azure mist long knife flew in and cut the three azure arrows into two.

Many pythons lie in a huge pothole, their bodies are charred, two heads are missing, the necks are bloody, a large number of scales fall off, and the blood flow continues.

It realizes that it is not the opponent's opponent, a yellow light shines on its body, and it penetrates into the ground, intending to use the Earth Escape Technique and escape.

The stone wall on the left hand side suddenly burst open, countless rubbles splashed around, an azure mist giant blade flew out, wherever it passed, the ground tore and a long line appeared Rift.

Boom!    Many pythons suddenly emerged from the ground, and the giant blade cut them in half. The blood flowed all over the ground. A man and a woman walked out of a pile of stones. They were Li Hong and Zheng Ru. Taking a detour, I encountered some powerful bans and strong Great Demon beasts, and the accompanying dísciple died under the ban.

As soon as they approached the location of Longevity Fruit, they heard the rumbling sound and used the hidden treasure to get close. They wanted to use the fourth rank Spirit Insect sneak attack Han morning sun, didn’t expect to be much. The first python was destroyed.

Many pythons had previously used Earth Attribute divine ability to attack Han morning sun. Because of the existence of Five Elements, they did not find the Han Changming and the couple. They mistakenly thought that they attacked Han’s morning sun’s yellow soil. The spear was made by multiple pythons.

A yellow centipede drilled out of the ground, with a fist-sized blood hole on the surface.

Seeing Li Hong and Zheng Ru, Han Morning Sun’s eyes shrank, Han Linsheng’s face became ugly.

They absolutely didn't expect that they would encounter the Nascent Soul Cultivator of Ten Thousand Magics Sect here, which is troublesome.

"Ten Thousand Magics Sect!"

Han Changming's browse tightly knit, unexpectedly sprang out two Ten Thousand Magics Sect cultivators, this is troublesome.

Nine Dragons Order is the Race Protecting Treasure of Nine Dragons Island. It is refined with secret technique and can only be used by the children of Han Family. Needless to say, the identity of Han Morning Sun has been exposed.

Zheng Ru and Li Hong are both Nascent Soul Middle Stage, and Han morning sun is also Nascent Soul Middle Stage. Even if they are lost, by virtue of the Kowloon Order, Han morning sun’s retreat is not a problem. If Zheng cannot be destroyed Ru and Li Hong, Jinjiao Island's Han Family is genocide.

Following the vines, Purple Moon Island Han Family and Jinjiao Island Han Family have a good relationship. With the power of Ten Thousand Magics Sect, if you hold on to the principle that you would rather kill three thousand wrongs than let one go, Purple Moon Island Han Family will also be extinct.

Of course, Ten Thousand Magics Sect may not destroy Purple Moon Island Han Family, but Han Changming has to prepare for the worst.

Lingxiao Daoist is quite famous in the open sea, but compared with the huge monster Ten Thousand Magics Sect, it is still far behind.

"Madam, you stay here. I will lure two Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpions. These are tens of thousands of drops of poisonous syrup. You look for opportunities to activate Formation and trap the Nascent Soul Cultivator of Ten Thousand Magics Sect. Live, they must not be allowed to escape. As long as they escape alone, Jinjiao Island’s Han Family will be wiped out, and our family may be implicated in it."

Han Changming takes out four A porcelain bottle, handed it to Ye Xin and Ye Xue, warned repeatedly.

Up to now, he has no better way. The best way is to use Formation to trap Ten Thousand Magics Sect cultivator, then lure Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion to come and kill two Ten with the help of Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion Thousand Magics Sect cultivator.

"Husband, be careful, we will hold them."

Ye Xue and Ye Xin agreed in unison, they also knew the seriousness of the matter.

Han Changming releases the Stone Spirit and dives into the ground with it. After diving into the thousand zhang, he moves towards Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion in the same direction.

Stone Spirit has not recovered yet, but Han Changming can't hold two Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpions alone, so Stone Spirit can only run with him.

"tsk tsk, Han Family of Kowloon Island, didn't expect Jinjiao Island Han Family was created by the remnants of Han Family of Kowloon Island, really surprising!"

Li Hong Clicking one's tongue in wonder, killing intent with a full face.

The Han Family of Kowloon Island is a mortal enemy of Ten Thousand Magics Sect. It has been destroyed for many years. The Order of Kowloon is the Race Protecting Treasure of the Han Family. This treasure is different from other Race Protecting Treasures. It uses the secret technique to refine it. Only the descendants of Han Family can drive this treasure.

"Impossible! I clearly arranged a seven-color moth to be on guard outside. You are impossible not to be discovered by the color-changing butterfly."

Han morning sun has an incredible face, he wants to come Here, there are three roads. One road has a strong prohibition. Nascent Soul Cultivator may not survive the hard break. One road has two fourth rank high grade Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpions blocking the road. The other road is their way. There were many forks in the road. He set up warning arrays at several intersections, and also placed a group of seven-color moths outside to guard. This Spirit Insect is not strong, but it is suitable for ears and eyes. They can fuse together with the environment. , Even if Nascent Soul Cultivator uses Divine Consciousness to probe, it can't be found.

"Seven-color moth? Humph, there is Seven-color moth in hand, let alone Seven-color moth, even Divine Transformation cultivator can't find our existence."

Zheng Ru triumphantly Said, the right hand spread out, and a shiny blue bead appeared on the hand. There are seven silver light spots on the surface of the bead. The seven silver light spots are arranged in the sequence of Big Dipper, exuding an amazing Spiritual Qi fluctuation. , Obviously Spirit Treasure.

An invisible Spirit Treasure is naturally extraordinary.

Han morning sun took a deep breath, he knew that he couldn’t be kind, and it seemed that he could only kill the other person, even if they escaped by one person, it will cause no end of trouble, if it can’t be destroyed Of them, the Han Family of Jinjiao Island is in danger of extinction.

"Do it, kill them, take thei

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