
  Chapter 662 helps (subscribe for monthly pass)    Li Hong spouts an azure light, After a blur, it turned into an azure disc with the size of a grinding disc. The surface of the disc was covered with mysterious runes, emitting an astonishing Spiritual Qi fluctuation, which was obviously a high grade magic weapon.

Hundred-blade plate, Ten Thousand Magics Sect Sect Protecting Treasure is an imitation of Ten Thousand Magics Sect Sect Protecting Treasure. It is also Li Hong’s Life-Source Magical Treasure.

Li Hong broke into several secret art, the rune on the surface of the hundred-bladed plate was bright, twisted and deformed, as if it had come alive, dozens of pieces surged out, after a turn in midair, It turned into a flying knife with azure light glittering, with cold light shining sharply on the blade.

"go! ”

Li Hong shouted in a low voice, dozens of azure light sparkling flying knives seemed to be guided by some kind of guidance, turning into an azure torrent, straight Go to Han morning sun.

Dozens of azure flying knives hit the blue dragon scales on Han morning sun's body, and there was a muffled sound of metal collision, sparks splashing everywhere.

roar!   Han morning sun let out an angry roar, put his hands on top of his head, and the big blue brick flew out.

Dozens of azure wind blades burst out with dazzling azure light, suddenly merged into a three-foot-long giant blade, and slashed towards Han morning sun's head.

Han morning sun moved his arms, and the densely packed azure shadow flew out and hit the azure giant blade.

The metal collision sound of "Keng Keng", the azure giant blade flew upside down like a kite with a broken wire. There were a few small cracks on the surface of the azure giant blade.

After a muffled sound, the giant blade turned into dozens of azure flying knives and flew back.

At this time, the blue giant brick fell from the sky and hit Han's morning sun again.

roar!   A deafening Dragon's roar sounded, and Han morning sun ejected a steamy sound wave, hitting the blue giant brick.

The blue giant brick collided with the blue sound wave and flew out instantly.

Taking this opportunity, Han morning sun shook his body and turned into an afterimage, and went straight to Li Hong.

Li Hong was taken aback. With Han morning sun’s current state, he really couldn’t stop him. He couldn’t even hurt Han morning sun with a hundred-edged disc. I am afraid that only Spirit Treasure can hurt him. .

Zheng Ru was about to stop, three Flood Dragons pounced, and two Flood Dragons entangled the blue giant brick.

Zheng Ru didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly manipulated magic weapons to attack the three Flood Dragons. Even if the three Flood Dragons are not entities, she can't kill them casually. If one doesn't work, she will be in trouble.

Li Hong’s complexion sank quickly took out a golden light jade bottle. The surface of the jade bottle is engraved with some demonic beast patterns. The aura flashes constantly, which is obviously a high grade magic weapon.

With a pinch of his secret art, the golden jade bottle's body soared and turned into about one zhang size, floating on top of his head, with the mouth of the bottle pointed at Han morning sun.

golden light flashed, a golden glow sprayed out, accurately covering the Han morning sun, and engulfing it in the golden porcelain vase.

Li Hong did not show the slightest joy on his face. With a pinch of secret art, dozens of azure flying knives flew back, circling around him uncertainly.

A little water vapor suddenly appeared behind him. After a blur, it turned into a monster, which is the morning sun of Half-Demon Transformation.

As soon as Han morning sun appeared, dozens of azure flying knives slashed Han morning sun's body, and the sound of metal collision was heard, and the blue dragon scales on Han morning sun's body There are some shallow knife marks.

Han morning sun’s double-clawed knife went straight to Li Hong’s head. If he was caught, Li Hong’s head would have to be squeezed.

Li Hong reacted quickly. With a flick of his sleeves, an azure mist ball flew out. After a round, it turned into a thick curtain of azure light, covering the whole body.

Two muffled sounds of "peng peng", two sharp claws were stopped by the azure light curtain.

Han morning sun opened his mouth and let out a deafening roar, ejected a steamy blue sound wave, hit the azure light curtain, the azure light curtain suddenly sank, his claws suddenly brightened, moved towards Grab the recessed place, and at the same time, a single horn on the head ejected a blue light, hitting the azure light curtain.

The azure light screen is like a mirror, inch by inch broke apart.

A painful scream sounded, Li Hong's right hand was caught by Han Morning Sun's left paw, and the sharp claw pierced Li Hong's right hand, and blood flowed all over the floor.

Li Hong endured the severe pain, turned the knife with his left hand, and moved towards the right arm.

azure light flashed, he himself cut off his right arm and flew out, the blood flowed continuously.

Han morning sun is incarnate as the body of Flood Dragon, the magic weapon is hard to hurt, they are not opponents at all.

Han morning sun was about to use other means, three dazzling yellow lights shot up from the ground nearby, suddenly turned into a thick yellow light curtain covering Han morning sun.

He snorted lightly, and his two claws moved towards the yellow light curtain.

With the muffled sound of "peng peng", the yellow light curtain shook slightly.

Han morning sun's unicorne spouted a blue light, hitting the yellow light curtain, and the yellow light curtain suddenly sank. Then, with a move of his arms, there was a harsh air-splitting sound. , The densely packed blue boxing shadow swept out, hitting the yellow light curtain one after another.

After the rumbling noise, the yellow light curtain shattered like a crack.

At this moment, a golden light giant tower suddenly appeared on top of Han morning sun. The surface of the golden giant tower was carved with the pattern of strange insects, a high grade magic weapon.

The bottom of the golden giant tower suddenly spewed out a gleam of golden light, covering the Han morning sun and engulfing it in the golden giant tower.

Li Hongchang sighed in relief, and Han Morning Sun was unable to get out of trouble in a short time.

"It is worthy of the Han Family's cultivation technique. Fortunately, he is the Nascent Soul Middle Stage. If the cultivation reaches the Nascent Soul Great Perfection, with a strong fleshy body, I am afraid that it will be able to resist the Divine Transformation cultivator, no wonder Great Elder I have always wanted to find a complete cultivation method." Li Hong gloomy face said, taking out a bloody pill the size of a soybean. The bloody pill has three Dao Pill patterns on the surface, which is obviously a middle grade medicine pill.

He threw the blood-colored pill into his mouth, his pale complexion quickly returned to ruddy, and the bleeding stopped at the broken arm.

Flood Dragon's fleshy body is notoriously powerful. Immortal cultivator is relatively easy to kill ordinary demonic beasts, but it is difficult to kill Flood Dragon.

"The "Hua Jiao Jue" has serious flaws. After being transformed into a demonic beast form, it consumes a lot of mana. He has not cultivation to the Thirteenth Layer. At that time, let us kill him. Before that, get rid of that little fellow, and let him run back to report the letter."

Zheng Ru's tone was cold, looking at Han Linsheng, his face was murderous aura.

Without the command of Han morning sun, the nine Flood Dragons can only attack Zheng Ru and Li Hong by instinct. The threat is not great, and the Flood Dragon transformed by the soul is still inferior to the entity.

Han Linsheng's face panicked, Han morning sun was trapped by a magic weapon, bode ill rather than well.

Li Hong complexion turned cold, he must control the magic weapon to destroy Han Linsheng, in order to avenge him.

At this moment, countless white chills suddenly appeared on the ground. Hundreds of thick white auras shot up into the sky, and disappeared when they flew to high levels.

The environment in front of them suddenly changed. Li Hong and Zheng Ru suddenly appeared in a piece of World of Ice and Snow. The sky was white and the ground was thick with ice.

"Formation! How is it possible!"

Li Hong cry out in surprise, his face full of incredible color.

They have been observing for a long time, and they have not found the existence of other cultivator. Could it be the Formation arranged by Han Linsheng in advance? It's not right! If it is Formation arranged by Han Linsheng, he can directly activate Formation. Could it be the prohibition of Funeral Ruins? Are they teleported elsewhere?    Han Linsheng was stunned, he quickly reacted, and cup one fist in the other hand said: "I don't know which senior will help? Please show up."

Young women with ordinary facial features drilled out from the ground, and they were Ye Xue and Ye Xin who had changed their faces.

They don't want to be recognized by Han Linsheng to avoid unnecessary trouble.

When Han Linsheng saw the two women, he was taken aback. He thought they were Nascent Soul Cultivator, but they were actually two Core Formation cultivators.

Over the years, he has lived in simplicity and rarely goes out. He knows very few immortal cultivators. Has the other party ever been favored by Han morning sun? It shouldn't be! Even if you have received the favor of Han morning sun, two Core Formation cultivators will join the battle of Nascent Soul Cultivator? Even if you have an enmity with Ten Thousand Magics Sect, it is impossible to make a move! The realm is there.

What he didn't want to understand was how did a Rank 4 Array suddenly pop up?    Han Linsheng guessed that the other party came here early and ordered Formation to kill many pythons. They found three Han morning sun and hid them with Formation. The most important point is that the other party did not take action early and late. When Li Hong and Zheng Ru were about to kill him, the other party immediately shot him, obviously trying to save him.

This shows that the other party knows him, or knows Han morning sun, and can help out at the risk of being killed by Nascent Soul Cultivator. Is it Han Family's in-laws?

Han Linsheng couldn't understand it, so he didn't bother to think about it. The top priority now is to destroy the cultivator of Ten Thousand Magics Sect. Even if they escape, the Han Family will be destroyed.

The golden giant tower shook violently and faintly heard a deafening sound. Obviously, Han morning sun was attacking the golden giant tower.

Trapped by a high grade magic weapon, even if he is transformed into a half-demon body, it is not easy to get out of the trap.

"Fellow Daoist Han, we are here to help you, don’t say so much, you first destroy the fourth rank golden cloud worm, we control the Formation, trap them for a while, our companions go Rescue soldiers."

Ye Xin explained, hitting secret art into the white light shining array.

They are just the Core Formation Stage, which makes Rank 4 Array a bit difficult, but trapping two Nascent Soul Cultivators for a while is not a problem.


Han Linsheng suddenly realized that the other party’s companion is Nascent Soul Cultivator, most of whom are friends of Han morning sun or have received the favor of Han morning sun,   He quickly took out the magic weapon and attacked the yellow centipede.

Ye Xin and Ye Xue kept punching secret art into the array in their hands. The array lit up countless white runes. The mana in their bodies quickly passed away, and their faces quickly paled.

There were bursts of harsh sounds from the panpan, and the aura flickered constantly. Obviously Li Hong and Zheng Ru were breaking the formation.

Ye Xin and Ye Xue are calm on the surface, but they are actually very anxious. If Han Changming can't attract Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion or get entangled by Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion, it will be troublesome.

They can only wait now, hoping that Han Changming will safely attract two Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpions.



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