
  Chapter 669 Green Clam City

Green Clam Island is the largest island and the largest of the Green Clam Islands A market city has many large-scale Transmission Formation. Every month, a large number of cultivators come from all over the green clam islands to hunt green clams. Business travelers gather and it is very lively.

Looking down from the sky, the green clam island is oval in shape. There is a huge city made of azure bricks on the island. The city wall is more than 5,000 miles long, with hundreds of zhang or so high and city gate. There is a lacquered gold plaque hanging on the top, the flamboyant on it is written "Green Clam City" three silver characters, which is very conspicuous under the sunlight.

Sun Ming grew up in Qinghai Island, his parents are both loose cultivator, he also has a younger sister, the family of four are Qi Refinement Cultivator, earn a living in the market city, Sun Ming is currently Qi Refinement fourth layer is mainly used as a guide for foreign cultivator. His parents work part-time in the market city and their income is unstable. The younger sister is only on the first floor of Qi Refinement, so he can cultivation at home with peace of mind.

Green clams are over-killed, and green clams above the fourth rank are becoming rarer. This has led to a sharp decline in the number of foreign cultivators, and Sun Xin's income has also been affected.

The sun is blazing, and there is no cloud in the sky.

Sun Ming and the digital Qi Refinement Cultivator are standing at the city gate, facing the scorching sun, looking into the distance. Whenever a cultivator enters the green clam city, they will attract their attention. Of course, they also look at the guests. The main reception is Foundation Establishment cultivator. The cultivator above Core Formation is received by the loose cultivator of the Foundation Establishment Stage. Guests who cannot be received by the Foundation Establishment cultivator can only be received by the Qi Refinement Cultivator. If you grab a guest, the consequences will be serious.

Even if you are a guide, competition is not small, and there are rules.

A golden escape light appeared in the distant sky, quickly moved towards the green clam island and flew.

Sun Ming and several people suddenly came to their minds, quickly arranged their clothes, and showed a warm smile on their faces.

It didn’t take long for the golden escape light to fall near the city gate of Green Clam City. The escape light converged, revealing an old man in a golden shirt who was as thin as a bamboo pole. The old man red light across the whole face, look at his mana Fluctuations are obviously Core Formation cultivator.

Sun Ming and other Qi Refinement Cultivator's face suddenly withered, a white and fat middle-aged man walked quickly over, and after a few words with the old man in the golden shirt, the old man in the golden shirt Throw him a middle grade Spirit Stone, and the middle-aged man enters Green Clam City with the old man in the golden shirt.

"Fatty Li took the guest away again. I haven't opened it for several days."

A middle-aged man with a round face and small eyes sighed with a full face resignedly.

Middle-aged man Liu Mingli, Qi Refinement 7th Layer, has a wife and a daughter, and a family of three are Qi Refinement Cultivator. His wife stays at home to take care of his one-year-old daughter. All expenses are on him. He is under great pressure.

Sun Ming hesitated for a moment, took out 20 Spirit Stones, handed them to Liu Li, and said: "Uncle Liu, these 20 Spirit Stones are loaned to you, and you will earn the Spirit Stones and return to me."


"No way, Sun Ming, your younger sister just started cultivation. It was when the Spirit Stone was needed, and it was not easy for your parents to do casual work."

Liu Li was euphemistic. Refused.

"Uncle Liu, what are you polite to me? If you didn't save my father, my father would be gone. If anyone is in trouble, please accept it!"

Sun Ming said sincerely.

Liu Li thought twice, thanked him, and accepted twenty Spirit Stones.

"Someone is here, it seems to be a caravan."

Sun Ming and others moved towards From a distance, a huge golden giant tortoise appeared on the surface of the sea. Go up, quickly moved towards Green Clam Island and swim over.

Dozens of cultivators are standing on the turtle's back of the golden giant tortoise, and the lowest there is the cultivation base of the Core Formation Stage.

"Is this the Green Clam Island?"

Han Changming was secretly surprised, his eyes fixed on Green Clam City.

He has also seen a lot of Great City in the open sea, but compared with the green clam city in front of him, it can be said to be insignificant.

"This is Green Clam Island, do it yourself!"

Fang Yufei said.

Han Changming bowed and flew to the green clam island.

Fang Yufei and others flew to the green clam island one after another, put away the golden giant tortoise, entire group moved towards green clam city, Han Changming followed, those who didn’t know thought they were together .

"Chamber of Commerce!"

Sun Ming's eyes flashed astonishment. Chamber of Commerce is a relatively powerful Chamber of Commerce in Zhongtian continent, experts as common as the clouds.

Sun Ming and other Qi Refinement Cultivator looked at each other in blank dismay, they were afraid to come forward to talk to each other. To be precise, the other party did not need a guide.

Han Changming stood at the city gate, looking at the plaque above the city gate, with a looked thoughtful expression on his face.

He has just arrived in Zhongtian continent, and he is not familiar with his life. He needs a guide to understand the situation of Green Clam City.

He moved towards Sun Ming and the others, and solemnly asked: "I lack a guide, who of you is familiar with the situation in Green Clam City?"

Liu Li pushed Sun Mingyi He said, Gongsheng said: "If you go back to senior, Sun Ming has been in Green Clam City since he was a child and is familiar with the plants and trees of Green Clam City."

Sun Ming also reacted and quickly replied:" Junior is willing to serve the senior."

Han Changming nodded, took out two Low-Grade Spirit Stones and threw them to Sun Ming, instructed: "Lead me the way! You did good, I still have rewards."

Sun Ming was overjoyed and even proclaimed his thanks to lead Han Changming.

The streets of Green Clam City extend upward in a slope, spacious and clean. The shops on both sides are neatly arranged, pedestrians, traffic, and flags are very lively.

Han Changming noticed that the east of the city is an endless green mountain range, with many shops built on the hillside.

"Senior, Green Clam City Lord should be divided into four areas, the east of the city is the residential area, there are various Cave Mansion rentals, the rent ranges from five hundred Spirit Stones for ten years to 50,000 Spirit Stones. Wait, the functions vary, the higher the rent, the more abundant Spiritual Qi and the better the supporting facilities."

After Sun Ming said this, there was a deafening thunder from high above, and a huge cloud of thunder suddenly appeared. Appeared above a hill in the east of the city, lightning and thunder.

"Will the market city manager blame the great realm in the residential area?"

Han Changming curiously asked, facing a Qi Refinement Cultivator, he has no scruples, yes Just ask if you don’t understand.

"The market city has regulations. Cultivators below Nascent Soul can impact the great realm in the market city, but not above Nascent Soul. Violators are severely punished. If they impact the great realm or the cultivation secret technique damages the market City’s property needs to be compensated."

Sun Ming explained.

Han Changming nodded, follow Sun Ming to go forward.

"The south of the city is the Commerce District, restaurants, spiritual medicine stores, weapons stores, and pill stores are mostly in the south of the city. If you want to buy cultivation technique classics, vestments, sea charts, etc., you can go to the Western District, while Northern Part of City is mainly to purchase demonic beast materials, especially green clams. Northern Part of City has set aside a place for immortal cultivator to trade freely, without charging any fees."

Sun Ming said slowly.

"Take me to the largest bookstore. I want to buy some classics and charts."

Han Changming instructed.

Sun Ming complied to lead Han Changming.

After one hour, they appeared in a street with less pedestrians, and the shops on both sides of the street were bookstores.

"senior, Hongbo Building is the oldest bookstore in Green Clam City. It is a thousand-year-old shop. There are various types of cultivation technique books. The shopkeeper of Hongbo Building is well-informed and familiar with Green Clam Islands. Situation."

Sun Ming pointed to a three-story azure attic and said with a respectful look.

The azure attic eaves bucket arch, perhaps because of its age, looks a bit old.

Han Changming strode in, and Sun Ming stayed outside with wit.

The lobby is spacious and bright. There are a large number of classics, jade slips and bamboo slips on the tall shelves. It is relatively deserted and there is no who.

A gray-haired azure robe old man sits behind the counter, holding a thick book in his hand, watching with keen interest pleasure, a parrot with blue and gray feathers is lying on his shoulder superior.

"The distinguished guest comes to the door, the distinguished guest comes to the door."

The parrot speak human's words.

The azure robe old man quickly put down the classics, stood up, bowed and said: "I don't know the senior is coming, excuse me for not going out to meet you, I don't know what can I do for the senior?"


"I want to buy some records of the customs, cultivation resources, demonic beasts and some biographies." Han Changming said straight to the point.

He urgently needs to understand the situation of the Green Clam Islands, especially the situation of the Zhongtian continent, which is very important for Han Changming to gain a foothold in the future.

The azure robe old man took out a palm-sized azure disc, entered a secret art, handed it to Han Changming, and said, "This is an introduction to the relevant classics. Which classics did the senior look at? Junior just say it, or you can go upstairs to check it slowly."

Han Changming took the azure plate, and there was a line of small characters on it-the green clam thousand beasts record, which recorded more than 1,000 kinds of green clams. Common demonic beast in the archipelago.

Sun Ming stood at the door waiting, his expression respectful.

Within a quarter of an hour, Han Changming walked out, and Sun Ming hurriedly greeted him.

"Let's go! Take me to the largest pill store, I want to buy some medicine pills."

Han Changming instructed, he bought a large number of classics, enough for him to improve Zhongtian continent and the understanding of the green clam islands.

He wants to see the situation in the Zhongtian continent pill store, whether high-grade pill medicine can be seen everywhere.

He is a third-rank Pill Refinement Master, and it is not a problem to gain a foothold in Green Clam City with his own Pill Refinement Technique.

Sun Ming complied and quickly led the way.

Along the way, Han Changming saw Nascent Soul Cultivator with more than 20 people. From this point, we can see the huge gap between Zhongtian continent and the sea.

After one hour, Han Changming and Sun Ming appeared at the entrance of a golden pavilion carved with jade columns. The three golden characters "Heavenly Pill Building" on the plaque were very conspicuous.

There are many cultivators coming in and out, most of which are Core Formation cultivator, and some Nascent Soul Cultivator.

A red robed old man who was over seventy years old came out of the Heavenly Pill building. The red robed old man had a round face and big eyes, a tall and thin body, and a mustache, wearing a red lotus crown. His face was ruddy, and looking at its mana fluctuations, it was obviously a Nascent Soul Early Stage cultivator.

"Master Lu stays, Master Lu stays, please help."

An azure clothed youth with swords and eyebrows chased it out. The azure clothed youth was tall and straight and white. Jing Jing, holding an azure folding fan, looks like a graceful Young Master.

"The old man said there is no time, another day! Don't bother the old man."

The red robed old man said impatiently, moving towards the distance , When passing by Han Changming, a strong medicinal fragrance floated into Han Changming's nose.

Hearing this, azure clothed youth showed a disappointed expression on his face, lightly sighed, moved towards another direction.

"Is this Lu Master's alchemy level very high?"

Han Changming curiously asked.

Sun Ming nodded and explained: "Lu senior is the Pill Refinement Master with the highest alchemy level in the Heavenly Pill building. He can refine high-grade pill medicine. I don’t know how many senior experts want to ask Lu senior pill concocting. , But not many people succeeded."

At the end, Sun Ming's face showed an expression of envy.

His parents have no skills, so they can only work casually everywhere, their income is unstable, and it is too dangerous to go to sea to hunt demonic beasts.

Sun Ming’s greatest wish is to become a Pill Refinement Master, so that he can go further on the immortal path, and his parents and younger sister can live better, but he just thinks about it, and Not to mention that he can't afford the cost of studying pill concocting, he can't get the guidance of Pill Refinement Master, and it is difficult to become a Pill Refinement Master by his own exploration.

Han Changming looked thoughtful nodded and walked into the Heavenly Pill building.

As soon as we walked into the Heavenly Pill building, oncoming a row of tall shelves, there are a large number of porcelain bottles on the shelves, dozens of attendants are introducing the effects of medicine pill to the guests.

The cultivator in the lobby is mostly Foundation Establishment cultivator, without Core Formation cultivator.

Han Changming moved towards the second floor, to the second floor, the layout of the second floor is elegant, dozens of Core Formation cultivators are standing in front of the counter, buying medicine pill.

The air was filled with a strong medicinal fragrance, which made people take a sip and shocked.

Han Changming moved towards a section of the counter, and rushed to an azure clothes attendant behind the counter and asked: "I want to buy a bottle of medicine pill with advanced mana, can I introduce it?"


"Ziyuan Dan, Jinli Pill, Chiyang Pill, Bailing Pill, Hanyun Pill, and Qingyue Pill are all suitable for Core Formation cultivator. They all have the effect of improving mana. Among them, the effect of Ziyuan Pill is the best. , A bottle of ten, the price is 70,000 pieces of Spirit Stone, a bottle of 700,000, Qingyue Dan is a little cheaper, 40,000 pieces of Spirit Stone, a bottle of 400,000 Spirit Stones."

azure clothes The waiter turned around and took two purple and blue porcelain bottles from the shelf and handed them to Han Changming.

Han Changming opened the cork and poured out the medicine pill inside. He found that every medicine pill had a pill pattern, which was obviously a middle grade medicine pill.

"Is there no high-grade pill medicine? How to sell high grade Ziyuandan?"

Han Changming asked, with the cultivation resources of Zhongtian continent, there is a high-grade pill The sale of medicines is not surprising.

"Of course there is, but reservations are required. If you want to order Ziyuandan, you need to wait 30 years. You can book up to two bottles. If you are a VIP in the Heavenly Pill building, you can book up to five bottles, etc. Ten years will do."

Han Changming frowned, continued to ask: "How can I become a VIP in your Heavenly Pill building?"

"Spend 8 million Spirit Stones in this store You can become a VIP in our shop. If seniors have special skills, they are valued by our shopkeeper or other Elders, and you can enjoy VIP treatment as a gift token."

azure clothes The voice of the attendant is sweet.

"Consuming eight million Spirit Stones?"

Han Changming's eyes flashed with surprise. If he smashed the pot and sold iron, he would get eight million Spirit Stones, but his purpose was not Not to buy high-grade pill medicine.

"If you have a VIP token, you can also buy a medicine pill that assists in baby setting?"

Han Changming continued to ask.

"Of course you can, if you don’t have a VIP token, you can only make reservations. It takes 30 years for ordinary chemical baby water, 100 years for high grade chemical baby water, or seniors can take over Heavenly The task of rewarding the Pill building, you can get the baby water faster by completing the task."

Hearing this, Han Changming looked nodded thoughtful.

It seems that the spirit pill and marvelous medicine that aids in infant setting is not particularly rare in Zhongtian continent. As long as you can afford it, you can buy it, which is a good thing for him.

He has two Spirit Fruits that assist in infant formation, namely Golden Pellets Fruit and Nascent Spirit Fruit. He also has a refined formula for Baby Water, but lacks some spiritual medicine.

Han Changming came to the third floor. The layout of the third floor is similar to that of the second floor, mainly selling and acquiring spiritual medicine.

"Are there these spiritual medicines?"

Han Changming took out an azure jade slip and handed it to an azure clothes maid.

azure clothes, Goddess was nodded, and said: "Of course, senior. Wait a while, Junior will come and go."

It didn't take long for a graceful figure. The young lady in blue dress came over, and the maid in azure clothes followed behind.

The young woman in the blue skirt has a snowy skin with picturesque features and a beauty mole on the corner of her mouth. Seeing its mana fluctuations, she is obviously a late-stage Core Formation cultivator.

"Concubine Blue Rain Butterfly, take the liberty to ask, how do you call Fellow Daoist?"

The young woman in the blue skirt asked politely.

Han Changming wants to buy a lot of spiritual medicine, obviously Pill Refinement Master.

"I'm under surnamed Han, why? Is there no spiritual medicine I want?"

Han Changming's tone is calm. The medicine pill he wants to buy is not very old. The Heavenly Pill building should have.

"Of course not, if we can't get the spiritual medicine from Heavenly Pill building, other stores can't get it, Fellow Daoist Han, you want more goods, let's go to the private room to discuss in detail, how about?"

Lan Yudie's tone is sincere, pointing to a guest room not far away.

Han Changming agreed and followed Lan Yudie into the guest room.

As soon as they sat down, an azure clothes maid walked in with two cups of scented spirit tea, put down the spirit tea and left.

The tea is light azure, exuding a special floral fragrance.

Han Changming doesn't mean to drink it if he doesn't see it.

Lan Yudie started a small chat with Han Changming. She tapped to find out the origin of Han Changming, but was vaguely passed by Han Changming.

After a while, an azure clothes maid came in with an azure storage bag.

Lan Yudie took the storage bag and told the maid to retreat, and the maid closed the door.

"Fellow Daoist Han, this is the spiritual medicine you want. Check if the year is right."

Lan Yudie handed the storage bag to Han Changming, said with a smile .

Han Changming is also welcome. He pours the bag mouth down. After an azure glow passes by, there are a bunch of jade boxes of different colors on the ground.

He opened it one after another, and after confirming that it was correct, he put it away.

"Yes, it is the spiritual medicine I want, I don't know how many Spirit Stones."

Han Changming asked.

"This is the bill, a total of 563,500 Spirit Stones. If you erase the fraction, Fellow Daoist Han will give you 500,000."

Blue Rain Butterfly Said with a smile.

Han Changming took out a blue storage bag, threw it to Lan Yudie, and said, "There are more than half a million Spirit Stones here, no need to look for it."

Blue Yudie Divine Consciousness Sweep, nodded.

Han Changming got up and left without staying too much.

After leaving the Heavenly Pill building, Han Changming ran a dozen or so pill stores and found that the high-grade pill in Green Clam City needs to be booked in advance. There is no Top Grade medicine pill for sale, as long as you can afford Spirit Stone, you can buy medicine pill that assists in setting up babies.

He bought the materials for refining Huaying Water, which can be used to refine Huaying Water.

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