
  Chapter 668 The Chamber of Commerce and Fang YufeiThe    Clam Islands are located in the southern part of the Zhongtian continent. Composed of tens of thousands of islands of various sizes, it is named after a kind of green clam.

The green clam beast is good at concealment technique, timid like a mouse, not strong offensive power, all of which are treasures, the most precious is animal skin, the fourth rank green clam beast's skin can be used to refine the concealed figure The magic weapon, the higher the level of the green clam, the better the hiding effect of the animal skin.

Excessive hunting has led to fewer and fewer wild clams, especially wild clams above the fourth rank, which are almost invisible. The growth cycle of artificially cultivated clams is too long, even so , There are many cultivators rushed to the green clam islands to hunt the green clams.

A certain piece of Sea Territory, a certain large desert island, a hidden cave.

Han Changming sat cross-legged on the ground, his body was wrapped in a cloud of yellow glow, his face was ruddy, Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion and Thunder Rhinoceros were not far away from the realm.

After a while, the yellow glow on Han Changming's body dissipated. He opened his eyes and exhaled a big mouthful of muddy air.

After more than a month of training, he completely recovered completely. Thanks to his high-grade pill medicine to heal his injuries, he changed other cultivator, but he did not recover completely so quickly.

After recovering completely from the injury, Han Changming plans to find Ye Xin and Ye Xue.

He stood up, put away the Formation, moved towards and walked outside.

Walking out of the cave, a salty sea breeze is blowing towards you.

At this time, the sun was blazing and there was no cloud in the sky, and a group of blue seagulls flew over from high altitude.

The Divine Consciousness of Han Changming was open, and no other immortal cultivator was found, nor any demonic beast.

He thought for a while, released a flying eagle Puppet Beast, and controlled it moved towards high altitude.

Flying eagle Puppet Beast made a circle at high altitude without any abnormalities. Han Changming only then flew to high altitude to observe the situation all around.

"Hey, this is outside the Funeral Ruins?"

Han Changming lightly exclaimed, he saw the endless blue sea, but he was not sure of his position.

Han Changming hesitated for a while, put away the two Spirit Insects, moved towards the island and flew away, not fast.

After flying out of ten li or so, an azure escape light flew from a distance at a very fast speed. Outside the azure escape, there were two black lights.

Han Changming's Divine Consciousness sensed that a Core Formation cultivator quickly moved towards him and flew towards him. As for the two black lights, they were third rank monster birds.

He narrowed his eyes and stopped.

It didn’t take long for Han Changming to see the true face of azure escape. He was a tall and thin azure clothed youth. The azure clothed youth had good features and a faint baleful exuding from his body. Aura, apparently long-standing Killing Formation.

The left arm of azure clothed youth has a blood hole the thickness of a finger, with a sluggish breath, disheveled hair, and looks a little embarrassed.

The two black lights are two black vultures with their wings spread out to five feet in size. Their heads are bald. Two sharp claws that are as sharp as sickles are shining with cold light and their feathers are gray and white.

These are two third rank high grade monster birds.

When azure clothed youth saw Han Changming, he didn't speak, but just avoided.

Han Changming pats Spirit Beast Bag, Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion and Thunder Rhinoceros fly out to meet two black vultures.

Two black vultures divided into two, one chasing azure clothed youth and the other attacking Han Changming.

The black vulture spread its wings, and there was an air-splitting sound. The densely packed gray feathers flew out, turning into gray blades, and came straight to Han Changming.

Han Changming's sleeves flicked, and a small blue shield flew out, instantly expanding, blocking him.

The gray sharp blades hit the blue shield one after another, and there was a muffled sound of "peng peng", and the surface of the blue shield did not leave any scars.

The black vulture wanted to use other methods to attack Han Changming, and a sharp scream suddenly sounded. The black vulture felt his head dizzy and sinking. A thick silver lightning fell from the sky and struck its left wing.

The black vulture made a very painful neigh, and his left wing was burnt, and there was a burst of black smoke.

A sweet, pungent purple poison mist swept over, and the black vulture inhaled a little, and made a painful neigh, shaking left and right, as if it were about to fall from a high altitude.

A faintly discernible yellow light lased, and it fell into the black vulture’s eyeballs and penetrated its head.

The black vulture quickly fell from a height and fell into the sea.

Han Changming salvaged the body of the black vulture and dug out the inner core.

Boom!   A deafening blast suddenly sounded, and a huge group of azure flame suddenly appeared high in the sky.

Han Changming turned his head and moved towards the source of the sound and looked at it. The azure flame slowly collapsed, revealing the silhouette of the azure clothed youth, holding a charred black vulture in his hand, looking pale.

"Many thanks Fellow Daoist for help. Under Wang Hong, how do you call Fellow Daoist?" azure clothed youth asked politely, with a guarded face.

He is relatively weak now. If the other party wants to murder to seize the treasures, he is definitely not the opponent. The other party's Spirit Insect too terrifying.

"Under surnamed Han, no effort at all, not enough, can Fellow Daoist have a specific chart?"

Han Changming asked politely.

Wang Hong took out an azure jade slip and threw it to Han Changming.

Han Changming catches azure jade slip, Divine Consciousness sweeps, browses tightly knit.

"Green Clam Island? This is the newly opened market city?"

Han Changming questioned.

"Fellow Daoist Han came from other places, right? Green Clam Island is the largest island in the Green Clam Islands, and the largest market city. There is a large Transmission Formation that can be sent to the inland."


Wang Hong explained that the green clam archipelago is located in a special place, and cultivators from other places often come over to hunt the green clams.


Han Changming was slightly taken aback, confused.

A bold conjecture emerged in his mind. Is this Zhongtian continent?

"Fellow Daoist Wang, how far is it from Kingdee Valley?"

Han Changming asked casually.

"I don't know, after you teleport to the inland, ask the local people! Fellow Daoist Han knows the Nangong Family?"

Wang Hong was surprised.

After hearing these words, Han Changming is sure that he has come to Zhongtian continent.

As far as he knows, some Space Cracks connect two areas. It seems that the Space Crack he encountered is connected to the Zhongtian continent, so I don’t know what happened to Ye Xin and Ye Xue.

"I have had some fate, Fellow Daoist Wang, this is Healing Medicine Pill, many thanks."

Han Changming took out an azure porcelain bottle and threw it to Wang Hong.

He put away the Spirit Insect, turned into a yellow escape light, moved towards the distant sky and flew away.

Wang Hong's face was a little weird, he put away the azure porcelain bottle, moved towards the other direction and flew away.

······In   a certain Sea Territory, a thousand zhang or so large golden tortoise parades on the sea, very fast.

The golden tortoise has a long and slender neck, with some golden spirit patterns on the head, the eyes are all golden, the tail is short, and the tortoise shell is made of gold. Under the sunlight, the tortoise shell reflects A metallic luster, sparkling.

More than 30 immortal cultivators are standing on the turtle's back of the golden giant tortoise. The highest cultivation base is a kind-faced middle-aged woman and a burly black-shirted man. They all have The cultivation base of Nascent Soul Late Stage.

In addition to them, there are seven Nascent Soul Cultivators, these people surround a girl with a slender figure, and look like this girl is the center.

The girl is wearing a blue moonflower dress, the skirt is mopping the floor, the features are exquisite, the willow-leaf eyebrows, the apricot eyes are wavy, no powder is applied, and the waist is tied into a big bow with gold silk and soft smoke. , Combing his hair with a flying fairy bun, and seeing the Spiritual Qi fluctuations exuding from his body, it is obviously a Nascent Soul Early Stage cultivator.

A burly middle-aged man holds a hundred zhang or so high golden flag in both hands, embroidered with the pattern of strange insects of birds and beasts, with gleaming aura, far away You can see clearly.

"I caught a few fourth-rank green clams this time, and it's not a waste of time for this trip. The lure demon scattered by the fourth sister is really good."

blue clothed girl stretched out A lazy waist, lightly said with a smile.

"The lure demon powder refined by Fourth Young Lady is certainly good. If it weren't for Miss Seven possesses great magical power, we would still not find those two fourth rank green clam beasts."

The middle-aged woman said in a flattering tone.

"Sister Yu, you are overpraised, how can I dare to be greedy, it is all the credit of the golden pupil rat."

blue clothed girl lightly said with a smile, one Orange-yellow’s Little Squirrel came out of her sleeves. Little Squirrel’s eyes are golden, and the fur is soft, looking cute and cute. This is a fourth rank Spirit Beast golden mouse, which can see through Illusion. Technique and blindfold method.

The big man in black shirt laughed and said: "If I say, it is the fourth young lady's credit. If it weren't for the fourth young lady to refine the high grade golden pupil pill, Miss Seven would not There is such a great divine ability."

The blue clothed girl slightly smiled, just about to say something, a deafening rumbling sound suddenly came from the horizon.

A red escape light quickly moved towards here and flew towards here. Behind the red escape light, there is a black escape light. The speed of the red light is much slower than the black escape light.

"Hey, a Core Formation cultivator was chased by a fourth rank monster."

The middle-aged woman was lightly exclaimed.

"Same as Human Race, let's save him!"

The blue clothed girl hit a Hatch and said casually, for her, save a Core Formation The cultivator is just a small thing.

The middle-aged woman complied, turned into an azure light and walked away.

Han Changming's expression was tense. He stepped on the red shuttle and he actually encountered the fourth rank monster bird. The trouble is that there are no islands nearby.

A sound of breaking through the air came from behind, and Divine Consciousness of Han Changming sensed that a large gray wind blade attacked from behind, as if to cut him to pieces.

Han Changming quickly took out the small blue shield with a big palm on his face. The small blue shield rose up in the wind and flew around him unsteadily.

The dense gray wind blades hit the blue shield one after another, and there was a muffled sound of "peng peng".

A violent wind blew, a black vulture ten zhang or so suddenly appeared in front of Han Changming, blocking his way.

Han Changming was taken aback, a dazzling yellow light flashed on his body, and a thick yellow armor appeared out of thin air, covering his whole body.

The black vulture's huge wings lightly flapped, and suddenly a powerful airflow was generated. The gust of wind rose, and a gray hurricane swept out, Han Changming was pushed into the gray hurricane by the strong airflow. middle.

He felt dizzy, unable to stand firmly, his body swayed left and right, gray wind blades hitting the blue shield one after another, there was a muffled sound of "peng peng", occasionally a fish That escaped the net, hit the yellow armor on his body, there was a muffled noise, sparks splashed, and the yellow armor was pitted, but soon after the yellow armor was lit up for a while, it returned to normal .

The black vulture intends to use other divine abilities to attack Han Changming. A net bag of azure mist fell from the sky, covering the black vulture.

The black vulture flapped its wings and turned into a gust of wind and disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

A gust of wind suddenly blew up in the void beyond several hundred zhang, and the black vulture suddenly appeared.

A thick golden lightning blasted and hit the black vulture's body accurately. Numerous golden lightning arcs wrapped its body. It felt a numb body, and a net bag of azure mist fell from the sky. , Covering the black vulture, shrinking instantly.

The black vulture struggles violently, trying to break free.

The azure net bag lit up countless azure runes, emitting an aura of azure mist, covering the black vultures. The struggle of the black vultures became weaker and weaker. A silver talisman flew over and posted it. On the body of the black vulture, the black vulture suddenly became lazy, with a languid breath.

The middle-aged woman pinched the secret art, and the azure net bag flew towards her.

There was a loud rumbling, and the gray tornado burst open. Han Changming got out of trouble, his face slightly pale.

He took a long breath, cold sweat on his forehead.

"Thanks Senior for help, otherwise Junior will be bode ill rather than well."

Han Changming cup one fist in the other hand said, with a respectful look.

He was surprised secretly in his heart, worthy of the Zhongtian continent, a dozen Nascent Soul Cultivators traveled together, judging from where they stood, the status of the blue clothed girl was extraordinary.

"No effort at all, our Chamber of Commerce always takes helping others as the basis of happiness. Do you want to go to Green Clam Island? Let's give you a ride! The fourth rank demonic beast on the road. Less."

The blue clothed girl's language is mild.

Han Changming was stunned, hesitated for a moment, and agreed that if the other party wanted to disadvantage him, he had no chance to resist.

When he flew down on the golden turtle's back, the golden turtle neighed cheerfully, not knowing what he was expressing.

"Junior Han Changming, thank Senior for help. I don't know how senior is called, and Junior will repay you in the future."

Han Changming asked politely with a respectful look.

"My name is Fang Yufei, and I will pay back. No effort at all is not enough."

The blue clothed girl said nonchalantly, her guards are all Nascent Soul Cultivator, she doesn't think What Han Changming of Core Formation Stage can do for her.

"For Senior Fang, it is no effort at all, but for me it is not no effort at all."

Han Changming's expression is solemn, a drop of water shall be He returned with a burst of spring, he still understood this truth.

"You are the Pill Refinement Master! How come you go out alone? Do you know that there are many fourth rank monsters in the Clam Islands?"

Fang Yufei curiously asked.

"Senior bright vision like a torch, Junior is indeed a Pill Refinement Master. He hunted and killed the demonic beast at the invitation of a friend. Didn't expect to encounter the fourth rank demon bird halfway, and was separated from his friend. I can go back to the Green Clam Island first, and then make plans."

Han Changming fabricated a lie, and the other party immediately realized that he was the Pill Refinement Master, and it was probably related to the golden giant tortoise.

Fang Yufei nodded, said: "so that's how it is, meet us, count your good luck, it's not too early, let's return to the green clam island!"

golden The tortoise let out a low roar, speeding up its escape, and wherever it passed, the sea retreated.

It didn't take long for them to disappear into the vast ocean.

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