2021-12-09   Chapter 667 living on the continent culmination    of a seat hundred li or so large island, suddenly empty There was space fluctuation for a while, and a hole with the size of several feet emerged out of thin air, and one silhouette quickly moved towards the ground and fell.

When it fell to the ground, the silhouette suddenly stopped, divine light flashed, and Han Changming's silhouette appeared.

Han Changming's look pale, a thick yellow armor covering the whole body, the two arms flowed with blood, the breath was sluggish, and the disheveled hair looked very embarrassed.

Han Changming slowly fell on the ground, Divine Consciousness opened wide, looking for Ye Xin and Ye Xue, but did not find their breath.

"Where is this? Outside the funeral ruins? Or is it an Independent Space?"

Han Changming muttered to himself, his voice weak.

He is very weak now and needs healing.

There is no other cultivator or demonic beast on the island. It is a good place for healing.

Han Changming released Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion and Thunder Scorpion, and moved towards a cave not far away. Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion and Thunder Scorpion followed.

The cave is not big. After more than a hundred steps, it is at the end. A several hundred zhang grotto appears in front of Han Changming. The grotto is a bit dry and dark.

He got three sets of Rank 4 Array from the died during meditation Cave Mansion in Tianchang. In addition to the Five Elements phantom array, it can be used. The other two sets of Rank 4 Array are destroyed and need to be repaired. Can be used.

Han Changming took out the formation flag array, arranged two sets of third rank formation, took out a high grade Jin Lu Dan, threw it into his mouth, and healed his injuries.

······    an endless gray mountain range, the void suddenly Dangqi ripples, three silhouette flying in succession from the emptiness, lost in the huge canopy above It was Lin Xuan, Zheng Jiaojiao, and Liu Zhanyuan. They were drenched with blood, their clothes were not covered, their breath was sluggish, and they looked like strength and great injury.

Lin Xuan only remembered that they were involved in the Space Crack. It didn't take long before the two Liangyizhu shattered.

He shook the head, took a shot of the Spirit Beast Bag, and a purple light flew out. It was the Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion. This Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion has grown to the third rank, regardless of its color or body shape. Not comparable to the Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion in Han Changming's hand.

"Where is this? Still burying the Fairy Ruins?"

Liu Zhanyuan frowned and said, his voice weak.

"Lin Xuan, you go explore the way and see where this place is."

Zheng Jiaojiao is instructed, their injuries are much more serious than Lin Xuan's, and they need to be healed. , Running errands is naturally handed over to Lin Xuan to prevent Lin Xuan from hurting the killer. Liu Huan is a lesson from the past.

Lin Xuan had a hundred unwillingness in his heart, but he still agreed, and moved towards the distance, Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion follow closely from behind.

Half a quarter of an hour later, an azure light flew towards the face and stopped abruptly.

Once azure light is gathered, it is a big azure giant eagle about one zhang. A medium-sized azure clothed youth stands on the back of the azure giant eagle. The azure clothed youth is nothing but Foundation Establishment Late The cultivation base of the stage.

Seeing the blood-scarred Lin Xuan, azure clothed youth was shocked, and quickly bowed and said: "Junior Hundred Spirit Sect Li Xin, I have seen senior."

"Hundred Spirit Sect? Why have I never heard of this Sect in the sea? Where is it here?"

Lin Xuan was taken aback for a moment, with a face full of confusion.

"Our Hundred Spirit Sect is just a small Sect. It is not well-known in Zhongtian continent. It is normal that the senior has never heard of it. The main forum of our Hundred Spirit Sect is in the vicinity."

Li Xin said nervously.

"Zhongtian continent?"

Lin Xuan's eyes narrowed, and there was a burst of joy in his heart. At such a distance, even if the Tiansha Daoist wants to urge the ban, then do it Less than.

Lin Xuan asked a few questions, Li Xin answered truthfully, and gave Lin Xuan a Terrain Map.

"You come with me, I have something to ask you."

Lin Xuan is instructed.

Li Xin's face was embarrassed and nervous.

"Why? Is this embarrassing for you?"

Lin Xuan's face became cold. He checked the Terrain Map given by Li Xin and found that the Hundred Spirit Sect is not far from here. Some distance, here can be said to be the wilderness.

Li Xin repeatedly agreed, but did not dare to refuse.

Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion moved towards The ground flew away, and disappeared after drilling into the ground.

Lin Xuan took Li Xin moved towards the road and flew away. Soon, they fell on the ground. Zheng Jiaojiao was healing her wounds, and Liu Zhanyuan was protecting her.

"Why did you bring back a Foundation Establishment cultivator? This is not the Funeral Ruins?"

Liu Zhanyuan said with some confusion.

"Li Xiaoyou, tell Fellow Daoist Liu about the situation here!"

Lin Xuan instructed.

Li Xin said quickly: "Senior Liu, this is the mountain range of Zhongtian continent······"

"What? Zhongtian continent?"


Liu Zhanyuan said in surprise.

At this moment, there was a muffled noise on the ground, and a purple light shot out from the ground without warning, hitting Liu Zhanyuan.

Liu Zhanyuan was taken aback, and was about to avoid, when a sharp hissing sound rang, his head became dizzy and his reaction was slow.

An unbearable pain came from the calf. Liu Zhanyuan endured the pain, his sleeves flicked, and two ash-gray Bone Blades flew out, hitting the ground, and "Keng Two muffled sounds of "Keng".

A giant purple scorpion emerged from the ground, it is the Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion.

"Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion, Lin Xuan, how dare you..."

Before Liu Zhanyuan's words were finished, an azure mist flying knife shot Then, Liu Zhanyuan was about to cast a spell to resist, his inner Qi was full of blood, his body was soft, and his lips were black.

With a muffled sound, Liu Zhanyuan's head was chopped off.

It took less than two breaths from Lin Xuan's sneak attack to when he killed Liu Zhanyuan.

At this time, Zheng Jiaojiao also reacted, turning into a light to break through the air.

A sharp neighing sound sounded again, the speed of the escape light was greatly slowed, and a big hand of azure mist emerged out of thin air, and it was photographed instantly.

With a scream, Zheng Jiaojiao fell from the in midair, and an azure mist flying knife lashed out, cutting off her head.

If it was at the peak period, Lin Xuan was not their opponent, but they were all seriously injured now. Lin Xuan's injuries were not so severe. With the assistance of Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion, they easily killed them. .

Since this is Zhongtian continent, Lin Xuan does not need to be controlled by others. Liu Zhanyuan and Zheng Jiaojiao previously suggested that the daoist kill Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan always remembered.

Li Xin was so scared that soul flew beyond the heaven, before he had time to escape, his chest was cold, and an azure knife pierced his heart.

Li Xin is only used by Lin Xuan to attract the attention of Liu Zhanyuan and Zheng Jiaojiao, and only the dead can keep secrets.

Lin Xuan quickly searched the belongings of the three of them, threw out a few Fireballs, burned the corpses, and flew towards the distant sky with Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion.

······    a vast boundless azure bamboo, high-altitude suddenly Dangqi ripples, a hole several large feet emerge out of thin air, Ye Xue and Ye Xin flying out from the inside, fast moved towards the ground fell away.

They quickly stabilized their figures and stopped.

Their bodies are riddled with scars, look pale, and look like strength and great injury.

"Sister, where is this? Buried the Fairy Ruins?"

Ye Xue doubted, looking moved towards all around.

"I don't know, let's find a place to heal your injuries first! When your injury is healed, look for your Husband."

Ye Xin frowned, this place is deserted, and she doesn't know where they are, they are all injured I need to heal my injuries first.

Not far away is a green mountain peak of hundreds zhang or so high, and there is a cave with several feet at the foot of the mountain, and the two moved towards the cave.

······   a vast expanse of white snowy, cold wind whistling through, a lot of white snow falling from a height.

There was a sudden ripple in the void, revealing a hole about one zhang. Mu Linger fell out of it and slowly fell to the ground.

She browses tightly knit and Divine Consciousness is open, and she didn't find other cultivator or demonic beast.

She took out a blood-colored pill, swallowed it down, and flew towards the distance, disappearing into the sky.

······   off the coast, awe-inspiring city.

In a secluded courtyard, Lingxiao Daoist stood in the courtyard, walking around, looking anxious.

Zhao Yuanliang stood aside, his expression respectful.

After he returned to Haoran City, he immediately sent the thousand-year-old seven-star soul grass to the Lingxiao daoist. Lingxiao daoist quickly asked an old friend to help solve the curse. A Nascent Soul female cultivator was there to help.

After a while, a golden robe old man with a round face and big eyes came out, followed by a young woman in a purple skirt with a bee waist and snow skin.

"How about? Fellow Daoist Li, Mrs. Sun."

Ling Xiao daoist asked nervously.

"It's okay, it's already solved. It is estimated that the cultivation base of the curse is not high, otherwise it will not be so easy to unlock. By the way, Fellow Daoist Ling, did you give her requiem? The medicine pill of fixed soul? Her three immortal souls and seven mortal souls dissipate more slowly."

golden robe old man curiously asked.

"No! Old man doesn't have this medicine pill, maybe it's better for soul-fixing talisman!"

Ling Xiao daoist said with some uncertainty, calming the soul. The medicine pill of soul is very rare, even Lingxiao Daoist can not be refined.

He didn't know that Han Changming would feed Han Benfu a high grade Soul Guard Pill, otherwise the spell on Han Benfu might not be solved so quickly.

"Maybe! She is still very weak and needs to take care of it for a while. It is pure luck to be able to solve the curse this time. Next time, the old man may not be able to solve it."

golden robe old man slowly said.

Ling Xiao daoist nodded, cup one fist in the other hand said: "Many thanks, Fellow Daoist Li, Madam Sun, rest assured, what you promised will definitely be done by the old man."

Naturally, the other party is not free to help. They ask Lingxiao daoist to help pill concocting and help each other.

golden robe The old man nodded, and left with the young woman in purple skirt.

"Very good, Fellow Daoist Han would be very happy if I knew about this."

Zhao Yuanliang said excitedly.

Ling Xiao daoist nodded, he suddenly took out an azure disc, entered a secret art, a line of small characters appeared on the disc, his face suddenly became ugly.

"Senior Ling, what happened?"

Zhao Yuanliang cautiously asked.

"The Life Source Soul Lamp of Song Fei and Song Xiang has gone out. They are in an accident. I don't know if Changming is in danger." The voice of Ling Xiao daoist was heavy and his eyes were gloomy.

This is not good news. The Funeral Ruins has passed the period of weakness. At this time, the treasure hunt in the Funeral Ruins, bode ill rather than well, can only wait for hundreds of years. He can only expect Han Changming has left the Funeral Ruins, it is best to be on the way back.

"Fellow Daoist Han Heavens helps the worthy, he will be fine."

Zhao Yuanliang is comfortable and sincere.

Ling Xiao daoist lightly sighed, said: "Hope! Okay, you send back to Seven Stars to raise soul grass, what you want, as long as it is not too demanding, the old man can satisfy you."

"Junior has long admired the name of senior and wants to work under the command of senior."

Zhao Yuanliang cautiously said that the credit for returning spiritual medicine is not enough to obtain the spiritual object for the infant, and to hold the Ling Ling. Xiao daoist There should be no problem with this thigh.

"Look at you very clever. You have a free job in Haoran City, and there are tasks that will be arranged for you."

Ling Xiao daoist accepted Zhao Yuanliang, he fancy Zhao Yuanliang valued his promise Quality.

Zhao Yuanliang beamed with joy and repeatedly agreed.

a few days to fix yesterday's            (Chapter End)

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