
  Chapter 666 Qing Leizi Shows Power

An endless gray wasteland with ash-gray stones on the ground, The high sky is a gray area, and it looks a little gloomy.

An azure light shimmering shuttle quickly flies high in the sky, extremely fast.

Han Changming, Mu Ling'er, Ye Xin and Ye Xue stood on the azure shuttle, with their expressions solemn.

The three of Han Changming and his wife didn't use their true faces, but if they were caught up by the daoist, they would be ill rather than well.

This time, there is no Rank 4 Array and no other Nascent Soul Cultivator to help.

Han Changming's mana is injected into the azure shuttle, and the azure shuttle bursts out with a dazzling azure light, which quickly rises.

"Leave it to me."

A voiceless man suddenly sounded, and then, an ash-gray light pierced the sky and came straight to them, instantly In front of them.

Ye Xin and Ye Xue reacted quickly, and the two of them patted the void behind them by coincidence, and countless white chills rushed out, suddenly turned into two big white hands, and greeted them.

With loud rumbling noises and waves of air, two big white hands smashed the ash-gray aura to pieces.

With a pinch of Han Changming secret art, the azure shuttle speeds up suddenly.

"Catch up with them, don't let them run, just hold them for a while."

Zheng Jiaojiao said solemnly, the dazzling black light bloomed on Liu Zhanyuan's body The dazzling white light was released, and the two of them folded their hands together, soaring quickly, turning into an ash-gray spiritual light and chasing them up.

Lin Xuan saw this scene, his eyes flashed with surprise, he didn't say anything, and speeded up his escape.

Han Changming is controlling the azure shuttle to fly fast, extremely fast,

An ash-gray light suddenly descended from the sky, blocking their way.

The light converged, revealing the silhouettes of Zheng Jiaojiao and Liu Zhanyuan. The faces of the two were slightly pale. Obviously, it takes a lot of mana to perform this secret technique.

Han Changming both shocked and angry, Ye Xin quickly took out an azure mist short ruler, and entered a secret art. The azure short ruler suddenly released azure light, and after a blur, densely packed azure ruler shadow It swept out, turned into an azure torrent, and went straight to Zheng Jiaojiao and Liu Zhanyuan.

Zheng Jiaojiao didn't dare to be careless, and quickly took out a gray flag, and shook it gently, violent wind erupted, a dense gray wind blade shot out.

The dense azure ruler collided with the gray wind blade, and there was a metal collision sound, sparks splashed, and the gray wind blade was shattered by the dense azure ruler shadow.

Liu Zhanyuan took out an ash-gray skull and punched in a secret art. The skull suddenly screamed "wu wu", an ash-gray flame burst out of his eyes, and his jaw , Spouting a gray gust of wind.

As soon as the dense azure ruler approached the gray wind ten zhang, it flew upside down and fell to the ground suddenly, azure light flashed, azure jade ruler suddenly rose sharply, took root and sprouted, and turned into a several Hundred zhang is a tall giant tree with a thick trunk and green leaves.

The Great Sky tree is like a living thing, with its thick trunk waving non-stop, densely packed azure leaves fall off, turning into sharp blades, like a scourge, hitting Zheng Jiaojiao and Liu Zhanyuan.

Mu Linger flipped his hand and took out a black light gleaming jade flute, placed it beside his mouth, the jade lips opened slightly, a sharp flute sound suddenly sounded, and a gray sound wave swept out.

Zheng Jiaojiao and Liu Zhanyuan didn't dare to be careless, and they quickly resisted.

Taking this opportunity, the Han Changming secret art changed, the aura of the azure shuttle rose again, changed its direction, moved towards another direction and flew away.

Han Changming frowned, his Divine Consciousness sensed that the space in front was a bit unstable, so he quickly cast golden eyes and moved towards the void ahead.

Beyond several li, there are cracks of different lengths in the void, some cracks are faintly discernible, some cracks are more obvious.

"Space Crack!"

Han Changming's face condensed, and he quickly speeded up his escape.

The last time it was a mobile Space Crack blocking the way, he got rid of the daoist of the gods, and hope this time will also work.

Suddenly there was a deafening rumbling sound from high altitude. A group of several li scarlet fire clouds appeared in the high altitude without warning, emitting an astonishing heat wave, and the nearby temperature suddenly increased.

Lin Xuan secret art pinched, scarlet fire cloud rolled violently, one after another huge scarlet flame suddenly poured down, hitting Han Changming four people.

Ye Xin and Ye Xue hurriedly cast spells to resist.

The scarlet Fireball failed to hurt them, but it slowed them down.

"Want to go! Really when the old man doesn't exist?"

A man's voice full of killing intent suddenly sounded, tone barely fell, and Han Changming suddenly rippled in the void above his head , A huge black hand with a huge zhang or so size emerged out of thin air and patted Han Changming four people.

The aura of the jade flute in Mu Linger's hand rose sharply, and a harsh flute sound came out, and a gray sound wave swept out, facing the big black hand.

Ye Xue moved towards the void with both hands, a blue light curtain emerged out of thin air, covering the four of them, his sleeves flicked, a blue flag flew out, and the blue light curtain disappeared. The blue light curtain suddenly burst into dazzling blue light, becoming extremely thick.

A rumbling blast sounded, black's big hand smashed the gray sound wave, black's big hand slapped on the blue light curtain, the blue light curtain suddenly swayed with ripples like water, and it was deformed.

Han Changming's face suddenly paled, and the azure shuttle shining under him rose sharply again, turning into an azure rainbow and pierced through the sky.

At this moment, Lin Xuan suddenly appeared in front, blocking the way of Han Changming and the four.

He held an azure light shining flag in his hand, and his expression was indifferent.

If you can stop the opponent, it is definitely a great achievement.

"courting death."

Han Changming complexion turned cold, considering the existence of Tiansha daoist, he dare not use his own divine ability to avoid being recognized.

Their three people have changed their faces, and Lin Xuan may not know their true identities.

Han Changming's sleeves flicked, three yellow lights flew out. There were three yellow shining flags, each of which entered a secret art, and the three yellow flags slid around, his body soared, and he didn't enter. The ground is gone.

The ground shook violently, and the ground around several li suddenly turned into sand. The wind was raging, countless yellow gravels were flying in the wind, yellow sand was flying all over the sky, and you could not see your fingers.

A yellow tornado of hundreds zhang or so high swept across, and the speed of the yellow tornado was so fast that it hit Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan was taken aback, and quickly took out Liang Yizhu, around him, a thick silver light curtain emerged out of thin air, while waving the azure flag, an azure flame swept away. Out, greeted up.

The loud rumbling noise, the azure flame was shattered by the yellow tornado, the yellow tornado came in front of him, Lin Xuan's body flew into the yellow tornado uncontrollably, and the dense yellow gravel hit Above the silver light curtain, there was a muffled sound of "peng peng".

Han Changming is about to use other means to destroy Lin Xuan, his Divine Consciousness senses two horrible Spiritual Qi fluctuations.

"Nascent Soul Cultivator!"

Han Changming's face tightened, secret art reminded him, and the azure shuttle rose rapidly.

The Tiansha daoist is less than five miles away from the Han Changming four. He complexion turned cold, and the black small axe in his hand heard the sound of "wu wu" devil cry, moved towards Han Changming.

A harsh air-splitting sound came up, and a black changhong swept out and went straight to Han Changming.

Han Changming secret art pinched, violent wind erupted, countless yellow gravel was swept high in the sky by the violent wind, turned into more than a dozen hundred zhang or so high yellow soil walls, blocking behind.

The black Changhong blasted in, and wherever it passed, dozens of yellow soil walls burst and the dust was flying.

At this time, the Han Changming four also came to Space Crack.

There are dozens of Space Cracks of different sizes in the front, faintly discernible, exuding a burst of strong space fluctuations.

Han Changming’s golden light binoculars are released, cautiously watching everything nearby, the Space Crack in front of him seems to be fixed, not a moving Space Crack.

At this moment, an angry tiger roar sounded, and a red giant tiger drenched with blood suddenly fell from the sky, blocking the way of Han Changming.

Its body surface is riddled with scars, obviously it has suffered a lot of trauma, but even so, it is still a genuine fourth rank demonic beast.

Han Changming complexion sank, Tiansha daoist is getting closer and closer, Lin Xuan, Zheng Jiaojiao and Liu Zhanyuan chasing from the left and right sides, the situation is very critical.

A violent wind blows, and countless yellow gravels are blown high in the sky by the violent wind, turning into a huge zhang or so big yellow giant fist, hitting the red giant tiger.

roar! The    red giant tiger opens his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, spraying out a thick scarlet fire, facing the yellow giant fist.

With a loud noise, the yellow giant fist was shattered by the scarlet fire, and the smoke was billowing, and the air was like a wave.

Han Changming turned over the palm, an azure light shiny bead appeared on the hand, and dense azure arc flashes on the surface of the azure bead, exuding a violent breath.

Qingleizi, a one-time magic weapon, Han Changming used one last time, and there is one left.

This fourth rank demonic beast has been severely damaged and will definitely not be able to stop Qing Leizi.

With a flick of his wrist, Qing Leizi took off and flew out, immersed in the smoke and dust.

A group of dazzling azure light suddenly lit up, covering a few miles around the area, a large amount of yellow gravel was swept away by a powerful air wave, the sky was full of smoke and dust, and Heaven and Earth changed color.

The rumbling sound of "weng weng" came out of the void, which was severely distorted and deformed, and seemed to collapse.

Before long, the azure light dissipated, the red giant tiger disappeared, disappear from the face of the earth, a large white aperture of a thousand zhang or so suddenly appeared high in the sky, emitting a strong space fluctuation .

A powerful suction emerged out of thin air, Han Changming and others moved towards white aperture uncontrollably, and Lin Xuan, Zheng Jiaojiao and Liu Zhanyuan also moved towards white aperture uncontrollably go with.

Han Changming feels saw a flash, his head is dizzy and he suddenly loses consciousness.

After a while, the white aperture suddenly closed, as if it had never appeared before.

Tiansha Daoist and Madam Hongfu looked at each other in blank dismay, and stopped quickly.

"Did they go to another Independent Space? Or to another place?"

Madam Hong Fu frowned and said, her eyes a little surprised.

"I don't know, but that girl's divine ability seems to be the heavenly demon beam spirit technique of Southern Sea cultivation world Heavenly Demon Sect. She should be the Core Disciple of Heavenly Demon Sect, otherwise it is impossible to master this kind of divine ability."

Tiansha daoist frowned, Heavenly Demon Sect has a lot of influence in the Southern Sea cultivation world, and he doesn't want to provoke Heavenly Demon Sect.

"If I catch this girl, she must be cramped and peeled."

Mrs. Hong Fu coldly said.

"Let's go! Anyway, the colorful colored glaze fruit is already in your hands. It's not a waste of this trip, let's get out of here soon!"

With a pinch of the daoist secret art, the black bone boat suddenly The aura surged, moved towards the other direction and flew away.

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