
  Chapter 665 Crisis Reappears    As soon as their front feet walked, Han Changming’s rear feet came out of the ground, and he His look pale, his back was drenched with blood, and there was a burnt breath on his body. In order to lure two Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpions, Han Changming almost died. This was the most dangerous time since he stepped into the immortal path.

Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion is more interested in Wantou Yap, but not much interested in him.

Han Changming quickly took away the treasure from the ground and the belongings of the two Nascent Soul Cultivators, Han Linsheng and Han morning sun walked out of the jungle.

Han morning sun’s look pale, his eyes are gloomy.

He doesn't know the source of the other party. In order to ensure that the news does not leak out, I am afraid that only kill a witness to silence them.

His current state is very poor, and there is no problem in killing three Core Formation cultivators.

"What? Senior Han wants to kill a witness to silence them?"

Han Changming faintly smiled and said, right hand turns, an azure light sparkling bead appeared In the hand, the azure arc is spread all over the surface of the azure ball, exuding a violent breath.

"Green Leizi!"

Han morning sun frowned, in his current state, he really can't stop a Qing Leizi.

"I don't know how the little friend is called? Why do you help?"

Han morning sun asked politely. If he didn’t ask the other side clearly, he would kill him desperately. , It's about the thousands of lives in Jinjiao Island's Han Family, and he won't be soft.

"The name is just a code name. We have an antagonism with Ten Thousand Magics Sect cultivator. Believing or not by Senior Han. If it's okay, I will go first. I will take three Longevity Fruits."


Han Changming said, moving towards Han morning sun flew away.

Han morning sun wanted to stop, a sharp neighing sound rang in his ears.

"Go, I picked the Longevity Fruit, let's leave here immediately."

Han morning sun instructed, looking at the back of the other party away, his eyes a little surprised.

The opponent is able to attract Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion and Qing Leizi, but there are other ultimate weapons. Han morning sun is not sure to keep the opponent, mainly because the repercussions of the Hua Jiao tactic are more serious. He now    As for the identity of the other party, he can slowly investigate it, and he naturally won't believe the other party's rhetoric.

Even if you have a grudge against Ten Thousand Magics Sect, there is no need to save Han Linsheng, but wait for them to suffer from both sides. This is the wisest choice.

It can be seen from this point that the other party is only looking at the face of Jinjiao Island Han Family before helping.

"Is it a descendant of the Han Family in Kowloon Island? A family of the same sect?"

A bold guess came to Han morning sun's mind. This guess is reasonable.

What he doesn't understand is that even the descendants of Han Family on Kowloon Island, after so many years, the relationship is very weak, how can they risk Nascent Soul Cultivator? Unless this matter will involve them, this will make sense.

Only when their own interests are damaged, they will take action, otherwise they can leave, or hide in the ground, sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits.

In other words, if Jinjiao Island Han Family is exposed, they will also be implicated. This shows that Jinjiao Island Han Family has contacts with them and the relationship is good.

Assume that the other party shares the same sect with Jinjiao Island’s Han Family same sect, and the relationship is good. Once Ten Thousand Magics Sect starts to track down, they will also be implicated in it. Naturally, they have to help eliminate Ten Thousand Magics Sect cultivator. .

"Purple Moon Island Han Family!"

Han morning sun narrowed his eyes, with a looked thoughtful expression on his face.

One man and two women, very similar to the Han Changming couple.

Han Linsheng picked the remaining Longevity Fruit. Because there was no magic weapon to transplant the spiritual medicine Spirit Fruit Tree, they could not transplant the Longevity Fruit tree. Forcible transplantation would lead to death, so he just kept it, and it can be used in the future. Then send someone to pick Longevity Fruit.

······A    hundred miles away, under several hundred zhang underground, Han Changming, Ye Xin and Ye Xue are wrapped in a yellow light, fast forward OK, very fast.

Their faces are ruddy, but their breath is sluggish.

All three of Han Changming took a few drops of Thousand Years Spirit Milk, but they were in very poor condition.

This time is very dangerous, but they have to take risks. If Jinjiao Island Han Family is exposed, it might affect Purple Moon Island Han Family.

Changed Han Changming to the top of Ten Thousand Magics Sect. Jinjiao Island Han Family and Purple Moon Island Han Family are both surnamed Han. There is a high probability that they are of the same family. I would rather kill the wrong three thousand, or not. If one is spared, he will not spare Purple Moon Island Han Family.

This time can kill the two Nascent Soul Cultivators of Ten Thousand Magics Sect. Stone Spirit has contributed a lot, but it was seriously injured and temporarily unable to help Han Changming.

The two Nascent Soul Cultivators have a lot of belongings, including two Spirit Treasures and many high grade magic weapons, as well as a batch of cultivation resources.

With these things, Han Changming has a greater confidence in entering the Nascent Soul Stage.

half a day later, Han Changming and his wife appeared in a secret underground cave. The cave was huge zhang or so, and there was a row of stalactites of different lengths on the top.

"Husband, heal your wounds first! We will protect you."

Ye Xin's face was full of concern.

Han Changming nodded, walked to the corner, sit cross-legged, took out a high grade Jin Lu Dan, swallowed it down.

medicine pill melts in the mouth, a warmth spreads in his body.

······In   a remote cave, Han Morning Sun and Han Linsheng are talking about something, their breath is wilting.

"Lin Sheng, who do you think they will be?"

Han Morning Sun asked.

"The three Core Formation cultivators dare to risk their lives and help each other. They must have a relationship with our Han Family. If they have hatred with Ten Thousand Magics Sect, there is no need to rescue me, etc. We fought with Ten Thousand Magics Sect cultivator and both sides suffer, and it’s not too late to shoot again. I thought of a few people, but I’m not sure it was them."

Han Linsheng said slowly, with a slightly different tone. Sure.

"Who? Tell me about it."

Han morning sun's face tightened, said solemnly.

"The three of Han Changming and his wife have similar cultivation bases. Maybe they really share the same sect as ours. Only in this way will they help. If Ten Thousand Magics Sect deals with us, they may be afraid They will also be implicated in it."

Han Linsheng analyzed and said, daring to help them at the risk of offending Ten Thousand Magics Sect, most people can’t do it.

Han morning sun nodded, squinted his eyes, and said: "It seems that the old man is going to find Qiandie Fairy, and borrow her rare treasure to use it."

" Ten Thousand Magics Sect died of two Nascent Soul Cultivators. I’m afraid I won’t let it go. Maybe I’ll send someone to the open sea to investigate. When my injury is better, I will leave the funeral ruins and get Longevity Fruit. I hope to be promoted to Nascent Soul Late. Stage, Lin Sheng, you are obsessed with the insect-controlling Beast Controlling Technique and wasted a lot of time. With Longevity Fruit, you are also expected to hit the Nascent Soul Stage."

Han morning sun said that at the end, he looked excited. .

Han Linsheng nodded and said: "Old Ancestor, heal your wounds first! I will protect you."

Han morning sun moved towards a simple stone chamber not far away , Movement healing.

······   Two days passed quickly.

In an underground cave, Han Changming, Ye Xin and Ye Xue are sitting on the ground. There are a lot of things scattered in front of them, including magic weapons, pill concocting materials, and refining materials.

These properties are all obtained from Ten Thousand Magics Sect cultivator, there are seven high grade magic weapons, worthy of Ten Thousand Magics Sect cultivator.

They destroyed the things that might have left their marks, and simply refined a few high grade treasures. When they leave here, the treasures will not be used, and they will be sold on the black market.

"Let's go! Let's leave the Funeral Ruins soon! I hope I can return to Haoran City safely."

Han Changming put away the things on the ground, got up and walked out.

Out of the cave, Han Changming lifted his right hand, and an azure light flew out. It was an azure light shimmering shuttle, whose aura flickered constantly. This is a middle grade Flying Magical Treasure. Obtained from Ten Thousand Magics Sect cultivator.

The three of Han Changming jumped on top of the azure shuttle, he broke into a secret art, and the azure shuttle suddenly burst out with a dazzling azure light and moved towards high altitude.

They just flew out a dozen or more li, a huge explosion suddenly came from a distance, and the fire blazed into the sky.

Han Changming and the three of them were shocked. The three of them looked at each other and changed their appearance one after another, their faces were all guarded.

A beam of black light flew from a distance in the sky, extremely fast.

Han Changming squinted his eyes, his eyes turned into golden, he could see the true face of black light clearly, it was Mu Ling'er.

Mullinger’s look pale, his expression flustered, and his body surface was riddled with scars. It seemed that he had encountered something terrifying.

Mu Linger has cooperated with Han Changming many times, and also rescued Ye Xin and Ye Xue.

Han Changming's eyes brightened, moved towards looking into the distance.

"Lin Xuan, it's him."

Lin Xuan, Zheng Jiaojiao, and Liu Zhanyuan are chasing Mu Ling'er very fast.

If Han Changming remembers correctly, they stayed with the Tiansha daoist, did Mu Linger snatch the Tiansha daoist's things? Probably not, otherwise she would definitely not be able to run if the daoist of the god of evil made a move.

Anyway, since Han Changming encountered him, he would not ignore it.

If you have grace, you must pay back, and if you have grudges, you must pay back.

"Mu Fairy, it's us, come to us soon."

Han Changming gave Mu Ling'er a sound transmission. Mu Ling'er was taken aback for a while, and soon woke up. Speeding up the escape speed, moved towards Han Changming and the three of them flew over.

"Come on, I... I accidentally ruined the plan of the daoist of the evil spirits. The damaging Madame Hong Fu was injured. The daoist of the evil spirits solved the fourth rank Demonic beast will be chasing you, hurry up and run away."

Mu Linger said gasping for breath, in an anxious tone.

With a pinch of Han Changming secret art, the azure shuttle skyrocketed and moved towards high altitude.

Tu Dun may encounter the fourth rank demonic beast, Stoneman strength great injury, and Han Changming dare not shuttle around the ground at will.

"Chasing, don't let them run away."

Zheng Jiaojiao said gloomy face, and the speed rose rapidly.

Lin Xuan's gaze was uncertain. He felt that the breath of the three Core Formation cultivators resembled the Han Changming and his wife. It wouldn't be such a coincidence!    "hmph, this time, I want to see how you run away."

Lin Xuan complexion turned cold, the light soared, and he chased him up quickly.

Half a quarter of an hour later, a black bone boat flew from a distance. Tiansha daoist and Madam Hongfu were standing on the black bone boat. Madam Hongfu’s look pale, with a languid breath. The appearance of strength great injury.

"Smelly girl, dare to ruin the old man's big plan, let me catch it. I have to cramp her and peel her skin."

daoist coldly said, secret art pinch, black The bone boat speeds up its escape.

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