
  Chapter 671 Ziyun Tower Qin Wanru Mu Qianqian

Liu’s grocery store is next to Qinghutang, the owner is A white robed old man who is over seventy years old. The white robed old man has a kind eyebrow and an approachable appearance. He has a Qi Refinement 8-Layer cultivation base.

The shop sells talisman, Magical Artifact, minerals, herbs, monster core, etc. There are many varieties, but they are not sophisticated. Most of them are things used by the Qi Refinement Foundation Establishment cultivator.

Han Changming walked into the shop and found that the shop and backyard were spotlessly cleaned, there was not a single weed, and the floor tiles showed obvious signs of washing.

Sun Ming's work efficiency is very fast, and he will be back in a quarter of an hour.

Hanging up the plaque, Han Changming took out dozens of porcelain bottles and placed them on the shelf by Sun Ming.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. The store has just opened, and Han Changming still needs to stare. After he has gained fame, he doesn't need to stare.

He sat behind the counter and took out a thick book with three small characters "Qingyunlu" written on the cover of the book. It was written by a daoist named Qingyun, who was mainly working on Qingyun. The experience of the islands introduces the local customs and some products of the green clam islands in detail.

Sun Ming walked to the street and yelled vigorously: "The new store is open. You can order high-grade pill medicine. Don't miss it when you pass by. Come in and take a look."

"Fellow Daoist Sun, is it really possible to book high grade spiritual medicine?"

The white robed old man from the shop next door came over and curiously asked.

"Of course, our shopkeeper's is inside, and medicine pill is placed on the shelf. You can go in and take a look." Sun Ming said enthusiastically that the new store opened, the most Need popularity.

The white robed old man walked into the green gourd hall, Han Changming glanced at him, and ignored the white robed old man, a Qi Refinement Cultivator, just let Sun Ming entertain him.

Sun Ming introduced the medicine pill on the shelf to the white robed old man. He was very excited when he learned that the high grade Foundation Establishment Pill had taken the shot.

"Senior, can I take a look at the third rank medicine pill?"

Sun Ming looks at Han Changming, Qi Refinement Cultivator wants to view the third rank medicine pill, but I don’t even look at it. normal.

"If the guest wants to see, let him see."

Han Changming said without raising his head, his voice was neither lukewarm nor cold.

Sun Ming picked up a golden porcelain bottle and wiped it on, cautiously pouring out a golden dew dan.

Seeing the pill pattern on the medicine pill, the white robed old man's eyes flashed with surprise.

"old man Su Heng, take the liberty to ask, are these medicine pills made by senior?"

The white robed old man said politely.

Han Changming complied, it is a response.

Su Heng nodded, bowed and left.

"I thought he would buy a high grade Foundation Establishment Pill!"

Sun Ming showed a disappointed expression on his face. If he sells medicine pill, he will get a commission. of.

"Each customer can buy two high-grade pill medicines, first come first served."

Han Changming learned the sales method of Heavenly Pill building, according to his estimation As long as a batch of high-grade pill is sold, the reputation of Qinghutang will spread.

"Yes, shopkeeper."

Sun Ming agreed, he hesitated a little, and said: "Shopkeeper's, there are no customers in this street. I'll go to a crowded place to shout. I hope to get a few customers."

"No, you just stay in the store and let Xiaoyou Wang promote it."

Han Changming disagrees, high-grade pill medicine is green Clam City is also in short supply, with high-grade pills in hand, are you afraid that there are no customers?

Sun Ming complied, guarding at the door and shouting.

Qingyun daoist has traveled to most of the green clam islands, hunted demonic beasts, fought with immortal cultivator, and even encountered Monster Race in the transformation period, with rich experience.

With keen interest pleasure read by Han Changming, he heard of many things in the book for the first time, and he didn't see the real thing.

After the little one hour, a somewhat surprised man's voice suddenly sounded: "Hey, Fellow Daoist Han, it's you."

Han Changming looked up and looked at Wang Hong standing. In front of myself.

"It's Fellow Daoist Wang, how did you find this place?"

Han Changming was a little surprised. He had a relationship with Wang Hong. Did Wang Hong always follow him? ?

"Su shopkeeper has some friendship with me. He told me that a new pill store has been opened, and there are high-grade pill medicines for sale. Didn't expect is the pill store opened by Fellow Daoist Han, so take the liberty to ask , The high-grade pill medicine is refined by Fellow Daoist Han?”

Wang Hong’s expression is respectful, Han Changming gave him a bottle of medicine pill before, and the healing effect is good.

"I'm not talented in the next level. I learned some fur and can refine a few high-grade pill medicines."

Han Changming modestly said.

Wang Hong smiled bitterly, and he was able to refine high-grade pill. Isn't that talent? This is a great talent.

"When the new store opens, Fellow Daoist Wang can help me promote it and open up the market."

Han Changming said sincerely, he is not lacking Spirit Stone, but using medicine pill To gain fame, better integrate into the Green Clams City, and collect materials to assist in the formation of babies by the way.

"It's easy to say, no effort at all."

Wang Hong fully agreed, and he bought two bottles of high-grade pills.

As soon as Wang Hong's front foot left, Wang Ning came back with his back foot. A graceful young woman in a purple skirt followed her. The young woman in purple skirt had her waist and buttocks upright, and her skin swelled to see her mana fluctuations. , Apparently Core Formation cultivator.

"Shopkeeper, this is Mrs. Qin from Ziyun Tower. She is very interested in our medicine pill. Mrs. Qin is my original owner."

Wang Ning introduced She ran to a crowded place and said that there was a high-grade pill for sale. When others heard it were in a corner of the south of the city, no one believed it. Fortunately, she met her former owner, Qin Wanru.

Ziyun House also sells medicine pills, but there are no high-grade pills for sale, so the business is not very good.

Wang Ning clashed with other shop assistants and quit her job in a fit of anger.

Qin Wanru glanced at the porcelain bottles on the shelf, her eyes flashed with surprise.

"I heard from this girl Wang Ning that Fellow Daoist Han can refine high-grade pill medicine. Can Fellow Daoist Han let my concubine take a look at the fineness of medicine pill?"

Qin Wanru asked with a smile, if it weren't for Wang Ning, she really didn't believe that someone would be able to buy high-grade pill medicine in the street.

You must know that all the high-grade pill medicines in Green Clam City must be pre-ordered, and the goods are rare and expensive. It's the profile.

Wang Ning used to work under her, otherwise Qin Wanru would not believe it.

The Pill Refinement Master who can refine high-grade pill medicine needs to open the shop in an unremarkable corner?

Han Changming nodded, winked at Sun Ming, Sun Ming understood, picked up a golden porcelain bottle, and handed it to Qin Wanru.

Qin Wanru took the golden porcelain bottle, poured out two Jin Lu Dan, carefully inspected, there was a burst of ecstasy in her heart.

She took a deep breath, put the medicine pill back into the porcelain bottle, and said politely: "Fellow Daoist Han, your medicine pill from Qinghutang, I want it all. We are currently recruiting Pill Refinement in Ziyun Tower. Master, Fellow Daoist Han, if you don’t dislike it, you can consider joining our Ziyun Tower. We will provide you with materials and the refined medicine pill, we will help sell it, and the profit will be 80%."

" Sorry, I’m not interested. You want to buy some medicine pills. Yes, I won’t sell them all to one customer."

Han Changming tactfully declined, kidding, he opened the shop for Spirit Stone Sell ​​medicine pill?

He doesn't understand the situation of Ziyun Tower, so it is impossible to join Ziyun Tower rashly and earn 82% of the profit? This is to treat him as a fool, he sells himself, and the profit is his own. Besides, if you join other forces, it is a tool for earning Spirit Stone, day and night pill concocting.

Be a shopkeeper by yourself, make and sell yourself, open the door if you want to open the door for business, and feel at ease.

Qin Wanru smiled sly and said: "It's the concubine who is abrupt, buy a bottle of Jin Lu Dan for the concubine!"

She paid for the Spirit Stone and left in a hurry.

"Wang Ning, is Ziyun Tower strong?"

Han Changming threw a middle grade Spirit Stone to Wang Ning and asked.

Wang Ning was overjoyed. She used to earn 100 Spirit Stones for more than half a year. Han Changming gave her 100 Spirit Stones at will. This shopkeeper is too generous.

"Ziyun Tower is backed by Nascent Soul Cultivator, but in terms of strength, Heavenly Pill has the strongest strength, behind it is backed by Divine Transformation cultivator."

Wang Ning said truthfully.

Han Changming looked at Sun Ming, and Sun Ming was nodded, agreeing with Wang Ning's statement.

"Why don't you continue to work in Ziyun Tower? Someone makes things difficult for you?"

Han Changming asked.

Wang Ning hesitated for a while, without omission and in detail, he told her what happened. A distant relative of a deacon in Ziyun Tower saw Wang Ning. Wang Ning didn’t like this person. Deacon made things difficult for her repeatedly. She simply resigned.

"I see. Go ahead and get busy! You don't need to promote it. You just need to stay at the door. It won't be long before there will be guests coming."

Han Changming Instructed, it seems that he underestimated the value of the high-grade pill medicine. If half a month is not needed, Green Gourd Hall will be known as Green Clam City.

He doesn’t have many high-grade pill medicines. Fortunately, Green Clam City has rich cultivation resources. There are more than a dozen large-scale spiritual medicine stores. I will buy a batch of spiritual medicine later. medicine pill concocting.

After the Supreme Unity Spirit Transformation Gourd is upgraded, the speed of purifying medicine pill is faster, and Han Changming is not worried that there is no high-grade pill for sale.

As expected by Han Changming, after time it takes to drink a cup of tea, more than a dozen cultivators came to buy the high-grade pill. These people simply asked the price and bought it. Some medicine pill, they quickly bought out the medicine pill in the store, and the Second Rank medicine pill also didn't let it go.

There are not many medicine pills prepared by Han Changming, and they are sold out soon.

Needless to say, these people were sent by Qin Wanru. With just these medicine pills, Han Changming got millions of Spirit Stones, and there are not many high-grade pills.

"The medicine pill is sold out. We will stop business for a few days. This is your remuneration. Come back in three days."

Han Changming gave Sun Ming and Wang Ning some middle grade Spirit Stone, let them leave.

He is going to purchase materials and continue to pill concocting.

Closing the store door, Han Changming walked along the street, Sun Ming and Wang Ning looked at each other in blank dismay.

It takes less than two hours from opening a store to taking a break, which is too fast.

Sun Ming felt like he was dreaming. He earned hundreds of Spirit Stones in two hours, which is enough for his family to spend half a year.

"We have to find a way to help promote it. The popularity of Qinghutang is too low."

Sun Ming was excited and suggested that the better the business of Qinghutang, he won The more remuneration.

Wang Ning is nodded, not to mention, Han Changming is the third rank Pill Refinement Master. Based on this, it is worth their hard work.

The sky was just bright, and the streets were crowded and shouting constantly.

Han Changming walked around and found that there are many kinds of things in the shops on both sides of the street, and there are many weird things.

For example, the vestment made from the skin of the green clam can hide the figure, the echo stone that can play back the image, and the worms of various shapes...    After one hour, Han Changming appeared in a bluestone square covering an area of ​​10,000 mu. You can see a large number of stalls. The stall owner’s cultivation base varies from Qi Refinement to Core Formation, Magical Artifact, medicine pill, pill concocting material, and talisman. , Formation, etc. There are many types, but most of them are ordinary goods.

Han Changming walked and watched to see if he could find interesting things.

As he walked, he suddenly stopped in front of a small stall. The owner was a middle aged daoist with a pale face. The Taoist wore a purple daoist robe and carried a purple wooden sword. With a square face and big eyes, looking at its mana fluctuations, he is obviously a Core Formation cultivator.

There are many things on the booth, most of which are demonic beast materials, such as animal skins, animal bones, monster cores and so on.

A colorful monster core caught the attention of Han Changming. Next to it stood an azure sign with a line of small characters-the monster core of the fourth rank colorful clam.

"Is there only monster core? No virus sac?"

Han Changming curiously asked.

"There is a poison sac, but I need to exchange it with two high grade Healing Medicine Pills, just change it and not sell it"

The middle aged daoist's tone is a bit weak, it seems to hurt the body .

"High grade Detoxification Pill?"

Han Changming groaned for a while, took out an azure wooden box, and threw it to the middle aged daoist.

The middle aged daoist opens the wooden box. There are two pale-gold medicine pills inside. You can clearly see the dan patterns on the surface of the medicine pill, which is obviously a high-grade pill medicine.

The middle aged daoist checked carefully, and after confirming that it was correct, he looked excited.

He took out an azure jade box and handed it to Han Changming along with the monster core.

In terms of value alone, the monster core and poison sac of the fourth rank demonic beast have more than two high-grade pill drugs, but if you want high-grade pill drugs, you must book in advance, and the number is not large. This has caused the price of high-grade pill medicine to remain high. For some cultivators who have been severely injured by hunting demonic beasts, if the high-grade pill medicine is used up, they can only take the middle grade medicine pill and slowly recuperate without luck. If it's good, it's possible to drop repercussions.

In order to maintain the high price of high-grade pill medicine, the major merchants of Green Clam City have reached a unified tacit understanding, and high-grade pill medicine can only be ordered.

Han Changming directly sold high-grade pill medicines that were not compliant, but he did not plan to sell high-grade pill medicines in large quantities. After he became famous, he changed the rules.

He is not strong enough to fight against the Great Influence alone. He does what he likes.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, I brought the high-grade pill medicine you asked for."

A woman's voice like a silver bell suddenly sounded.

A girl in a red dress with picturesque facial features walked over quickly. The girl in the red dress had a fat baby on her face, with two big black eyes and braided braids. She looked like a porcelain doll. .

Looking at the mana fluctuations emanating from the red skirt girl, it is obviously a Core Formation cultivator.

"Sorry, Fairy Li, things have been changed to this Fellow Daoist."

The middle aged daoist pointed to Han Changming and said.

"Didn't you say it? Wait for me to come back."

The girl in the red dress frowned and said, her expression a little unhappy.

"What I said is, take out the high grade Healing Medicine Pill, I will replace the monster core with you, I didn't say wait for you."

The middle aged daoist's tone is indifferent .

Han Changming was not interested in mixing, got up and walked elsewhere.

The girl in the red skirt stopped him abruptly, and said politely: "Little girl Mu Qianqian, can Fellow Daoist cut love? I'm willing to spend a lot of money to buy monster core of colorful clams."

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