
  Chapter 672 takes advantage of the situation, the seven-star Jing Lingxiang   Han Changming wanted to refuse, so I changed my mind. Frowning and said: "Fairy Mu is the Pill Refinement Master?"

He was about to join the circle of Pill Refinement Master in Green Clam City. He wanted to integrate into the circle of Pill Refinement Master by selling medicine pill, but the effect was not very good.

Mu Qianqian nodded, seriously said: "Exactly."

"Let’s find a place to talk slowly, how about?"

Han Changming is polite Said.

"No problem, I know there is a teahouse in front, where spirit tea is quite good."

Mu Qianqian agreed and took the initiative to lead the way.

Han Changming followed Muqianqian moved towards the teahouse. Muqianqian was just a word and kept talking, and learned that Han Changming is also the Pill Refinement Master. Muqianqian exchanged Pill Refinement Techniques with Han Changming. .

It didn't take long for them to appear at the entrance of an azure attic with a sixth layer high, with the three golden characters "Yuxuan Tower" written on the plaque.

There are many cultivators coming in and out. Two Core Formation cultivators walked out of Yuxuan Building and saw Mu Qianqian. They smiled and greeted Mu Qianqian.

"Xiao Er, I want a private room, the old rules."

The Xiao Er in Muqianqian Chongdian is instructed and looks very familiar.

Han Changming followed Mu Qianqian upstairs, and met several Core Formation cultivators on the road, and they greeted Mu Qianqian one after another.

It seems that Mu Qianqian has a wide range of friends.

"Hey, Lu Fellow Daoist, what a coincidence!"

Mu Qianqian smiled and greeted a handsome azure clothed youth with facial features.

The slender figure of azure clothed youth, phoenix eyes, red lips, white teeth, high nose, a white jade belt wrapped around his waist, a red folding fan in his hand, and a strand of brow is revealed Arrogance, looking at its mana fluctuations, it is obviously a late-stage Core Formation cultivator.

"What a coincidence! Fairy Mu."

azure clothed youth nodded with a smile, I glanced at Han Changming and stopped paying attention.

Coming to the private room, Han Changming curiously asked: "Fairy Mu, is this Lu Fellow Daoist a descendant of Lu senior?"

Mu Qianqian nodded and said: "It is , Lu Fellow Daoist is the only descendant of Lu senior, his alchemy level is much higher than mine, he can refine high-grade pill medicine, but the success rate is not high."

Two People chatted for a few words, the shop Xiaoer walked in with the tray, put down the spirit tea and dim sum, the shop Xiaoer exited, and closed the door.

"Fellow Daoist Han, the location of your pill store is too bad, I'm afraid there are no customers. By the way, what grade of medicine pill do you sell?"

I poured a cup of spirit tea, took a sip, and asked casually.

"Medium high-grade pill medicines are available."

Han Changming said truthfully.

With a sound of "pu", the tea in Mu Qianqian's mouth squirted out, her face full of shock.

She thought that Han Changming was just starting to learn pill concocting, and she could hardly sell middle grade medicine pill. Pill Refinement Master who can refine high-grade pill medicine, how could it be possible to open the shop in a corner.

She suddenly remembered that Han Changming used the high-grade pill to replace the inner core of the fourth rank colorful clam. If Han Changming failed to refine the high-grade pill, it is impossible to take it at will Out of high-grade pill medicine exchange.

It's not that she has a bad memory, but Han Changming kept asking her about the Pill Refinement Master in Green Clam City. Mu Qianqian forgot about it for a while.

"Sorry, Fellow Daoist Han."

Mu Qianqian scratched his head, apologetic.

Han Changming indifferently smiled and said: "Nothing, I just wanted to be quiet, and opened the shop in an unremarkable place."

Mu Qianqian's personality is cheerful, carefree, and like this People are easier to get along with.

"Fellow Daoist Han, what is the medicine pill you are good at? Can you show it to me?"

Mu Qianqian looked forward looking forward and looked a little worried.

She is still unable to refine high-grade pill medicine. There are not many Pill Refinement Masters who can refine high-grade pill medicine in Green Clam City. The reason is that the Green Clam Islands are remote , Relying on the green clam beast to attract immortal cultivator. With overfishing, the cultivator of the green clam archipelago has a lot of flow.

Pill Refinement Masters who can refine high-grade pill drugs mostly go to more prosperous places, hoping for better development.

People go to high places, water seeks its own level, this is normal.

Han Changming took out a golden porcelain bottle and threw it to Muqianqian. Muqianqian poured out two pale-gold pills from it. Judging from the pill pattern on the surface, it was obviously a high-grade pill.

Mu Qianqian took a deep breath and cautiously observed two medicine pills.

She patted the Spirit Beast Bag with her right hand, and an azure light flew out. It was an azure squirrel with fleshy hu hu. The eyes of the azure squirrel were golden. As soon as it showed up, it immediately became excited The squeaking sound, the tail swinging from side to side.

"Yes, the quality of these two high-grade pill medicines is very good."

Mu Qianqian put the medicine pill back into the porcelain bottle, and returned it to Han Changming with envy.

"Fairy Mu, can you distinguish the grade of medicine pill as Spirit Beast?"

Han Changming asked casually.

"This is Blue Cloud Rat. It is very sensitive to the taste of medicine pill. Medicine pill of different grades emits different taste, even if it is medicine pill of the same grade, Blue Cloud Rat You can also find the best quality medicine pill based on the smell, and you have never made a mistake. Every time the green clam meeting, the blue cloud mouse will be used to find the best quality medicine pill."

Mu Qianqian explained that every time Over a hundred years, the Green Clam City will hold a pill concocting competition, which will provide generous rewards and attract a large number of cultivators to participate, so it is named the Green Clam Conference.

She suddenly thought of something and asked: "In another year, it will be the time for the Green Clam Conference. Is Fellow Daoist Han here to participate in the Green Clam Conference?"

"No, I'm traveling around. By the way, does Fairy Mu know the base of Chamber of Commerce in Green Clam City?"

Han Changming explained, mentioning Chamber of Commerce.

"Are you from the Chamber of Commerce of Baiju?"

Mu Qianqian was stunned. The influence of the Chamber of Commerce on the Zhongtian continent is not small, and in her eyes it is even more powerful. It's a huge monster, even the Master Clam can't compare.

In Zhongtian continent, all the forces that can open Chamber of Commerce are backed by the Divine Transformation cultivator. The weaker business organization is called Chamber of Commerce, and the gap between the two is particularly large.

Han Changming shook his head and said, "No, but I ran into Senior Fang from the Chamber of Commerce on the road, and she gave me a ride."

This gift is very subtle. It can be understood that Han Changming has a big background, and it can also be understood that Han Changming knows Nascent Soul Cultivator of Chamber of Commerce.

Han Changming is taking advantage of the situation. It is not that someone persecuted him and moved out of the Chamber of Commerce to scare away many people and avoid unnecessary trouble.

When Qin Wanru saw Han Changming take out the high-grade pill, she wanted to win over Han Changming. There are definitely many such things. The sign of Chamber of Commerce can also dispel other people’s crookedness. In my opinion, Han Changming doesn't want to be a pill concocting tool for the benefit of other forces.

Mu Qianqian suddenly realized and said: "Chamber of Commerce has a stronghold in Green Clam City, not far from here, let me take you there!"

As for the colorful clams For her inner core, she naturally won't mention it again.

Han Changming is the Pill Refinement Master who can refine high-grade pill medicine. Impossible to give her the inner core of the colorful clam easily, she does not need to cause Han Changming for a fourth rank monster core. Disgust.

Out of the teahouse, Mu Qianqian strolled with Han Changming on the street. She kept talking, and Han Changming occasionally responded.

When Mu Qianqian's chat box opened, she didn't stop. She asked Han Changming for Alchemy Technique, and Han Changming gave some pointers.

It didn’t take long for them to appear at the entrance of a golden attic with carved jade bars. The golden attic has a ninth layer and is richly decorated. The pillars are carved with a large number of demonic beasts. The plaque reads "Beasts With the three golden characters "lou", a beast roar can be faintly heard.

The main business of Baiju Chamber of Commerce is to sell Spirit Beast spirit birds. According to Mu Qianqian, Baishou Tower has a history of more than two hundred years. Purchased on the floor.

Han Changming strode in. The lobby is spacious and bright, with a lot of huge iron cages. There are various Spirit Beasts in the iron cages. There are many kinds of Spirit Beasts, which makes people dazzled.

An azure clothed man in his early forties walked over quickly and said enthusiastically, "I don’t know what Spirit Beast the two seniors want to buy. It’s not that I’m talking big. The whole Green Clam City, we all beasts. There are the most types of Spirit Beast in the building."

"I have something to find Senior Fang, I wonder if it is convenient for her?"

Han Changming said straight to the point.

"Senior is looking for Miss Seven? I don't know how senior is called? I want to inform."

azure clothed man said politely.

"Han Changming, I am here to fulfill my promise."

Han Changming's expression is calm and sincere.

The azure clothed man takes out a light azure disc, enters a secret art, and makes gestures.

After a while, the azure disk suddenly brightened, and a line of small characters appeared on it.

azure clothed man eyes shrank, his expression became more respectful, and said: "Senior, Fourth Young Lady, please go to the seventh floor to talk in detail."

Mu Qianqian's eyes flashed with surprise, Han Changming actually knows Nascent Soul Cultivator of Chamber of Commerce.

Han Changming followed the azure clothed man upstairs, Mu Qianqian followed along, to the sixth floor, Mu Qianqian was stopped by the guards, and Han Changming came to the seventh floor alone.

Fang Yufei sat on a chair, holding a thick ancient book in her hand, and a middle-aged woman stood by.

"Junior see Senior Fang and Senior Sun."

Han Changming bowed, and the middle-aged woman next to Fang Yufei was named Sun Yu. She was Fang Yufei's guard.

"I heard that you are here to fulfill your promise?"

Fang Yufei asked casually, she has never seen Heaven and Earth Treasure, but she still appreciates Han Changming grateful and seeking to repay the kindness of character.

Han Changming took out two exquisite azure jade boxes and said: "Junior bought two thousand-year-old spiritual grass, be careful, and hope that Senior Fang will not dislike it."

During the trip to the Fairy Market, Han Changming received a lot of spiritual medicines, and there were more than ten thousand-year spiritual medicines.

"Millennium spiritual grass?"

Fang Yufei opened the jade box and glanced at it, then put it away.

She has no shortage of thousand-year spiritual grass at all, but for a third-rank Pill Refinement Master, thousand-year spiritual grass is a good pill concocting material, and Han Changming is willing to give it to her. Up.

"You are interested, what are your plans next? You won't go out to hunt the demonic beast again, right!"

Fang Yufei asked casually.

"Junior intends to live in Green Clam City, concentrate on cultivation, and hit the Nascent Soul Stage. Junior wants to purchase a spiritual object that assists in infant formation with Senior Fang. The price is good."

Han Changming is full of expectation. It will take a long time to buy Jiuying spiritual objects from other stores. If you can buy Jiuying spiritual objects from Fang Yufei, you can save a lot of time.

"Kunying spiritual object? Our Beast House mainly sells Spirit Beast, and the branch here does not sell Knitting spiritual object."

Fang Yufei shook her head and said, seeing Han Changming's face With a disappointed expression, she turned around and said: "I have a seven-star pure fragrance on my body. When it hits the Nascent Soul Stage, it can weaken the formidable power of Heart Demon."

She turned over The palm, azure light flashed, and a beautiful golden jade box in his hand, handed it to Han Changming.

Han Changming took the golden jade box and opened it. There was a golden sandalwood about one chi in it.

"This seven-star pure spirit incense will be given to you. I hope you can enter the Nascent Soul Stage."

Fang Yufei said mildly.

Han Changming was taken aback for a moment, and after reacting, he even declared his thanks.

"If there is nothing wrong, you go back! I have something to deal with."

Fang Yufei under the Expulsion Order.

Han Changming hesitated for a moment, and cautiously asked: "I take the liberty to ask, why did Senior Fang give me a seven-star pure spirit incense?"

, He didn't believe Fang Yufei was so kind.

"See you pleasingly, what's the reason for this?"

Fang Yufei lightly said with a smile.

Han Changming was confused, and as Fang Yufei's status, he wanted to kill him halfway, instead of working on the seven-star Jingling incense.

Seeing Fang Yufei's reluctance to say more, Han Changming didn't ask much, and thanked him: "If Junior can advance to the Nascent Soul Stage, I must find a chance to repay the senior."

"Wait. You are promoted to the Nascent Soul Stage. Besides, I still have something to deal with, so you can withdraw!"

Fang Yufei motioned for Han Changming to leave.

Han Changming complied, turned around and left.

Sun Yu wanted to say something but stopped, the businessman was chasing profit, Fang Yufei, as the Seventh Miss of Chamber of Commerce, impossible to give a stranger a seven-star pure fragrance.

"Why? Yusao, you are also curious why I gave him the seven-star Jingling incense?"

Fang Yufei said with a smile.

"The old slave really doesn't understand that Miss Seven has saved his life very well, why should I give him a seven-star pure spirit incense now?"

Sun Yu wondered. Understanding, in her impression, Fang Yufei is not a kind person.

"Little Friend Han grateful and seeking to repay the kindness, Little Friend Han grateful and seeking to repay the kindness, I admire this kind of person, I hate eating things inside and out, and giving him Qixing Jinglingxiang is just a knot Good destiny, my golden mouse found that the medicine pill on his body is very strong. He should be the Pill Refinement Master. After changing someone else, I won’t give him the seven-star pure fragrance."

Fang Yufei She explained that she stood up and said, "Well, we have been delayed in the Green Toad Islands for a long time. It's time to leave, gather others, let's leave Green Toad City! Don't let the fourth sister wait too long. "

"Yes, Miss Seven."

Sun Yu agreed, took out the subpoena, and contacted others.

Han Changming and Mu Qianqian are walking on the street, Mu Qianqian is full of envy.

She didn't expect Han Changming to know Fang Yufei. As for what Han Changming said to Fang Yufei, she naturally did not dare to ask more.

"Fellow Daoist Han, there will be a Pill Refinement Master party the night after tomorrow. Wouldn't it be convenient for you to attend? Lu Fellow Daoist should be there too."

Mu Qianqian said enthusiastically.

"Pill Refinement Master's party? No problem, where is it?"

Han Changming readily agreed, he couldn’t ask for it. If he could take this opportunity to join the Green Clam City Pill Refinement The circle of the Master will make it easier to gain a foothold in the future.

"It's in Yuxuan Tower, the time is the day after tomorrow."

"Okay, when the time comes, I must be on time for the appointment. I have something to deal with, so I will leave first."

Han Changming agreed, said hello, and separated from Mu Qianqian.


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