
A whole street is lined with examination colleges.

Close to the Han River.

Su Mingyu parked the car on the street.

Even if it is just an Audi A8, it still attracts the attention of many students.

After Ma Dong got off the car, he was very knowledgeable and walked away.

Su Mingyu came to a food stall at the end.

From a distance, he saw Lu Chenxi, and the girl next to him wearing a white shirt and tight jeans and glasses.

The girl’s face is painted with a touch of light ~ light makeup.

The facial features are very delicate.

Fair skin.

The curves of the body are extremely exaggerated.

Lu Chenxi – beckoned at Su Mingyu.

“Here we are.”

Su Mingyu walked across from Lu Chen-Xi and sat down.

Lu Chenxi pointed at Su Mingyu with a smile.

“Yanzhu, this is Su Mingyu I just mentioned to you, he is very powerful! In the morning, even the prosecutor was polite in front of him. ”

Then Lu Chenxi pointed to Xu Yanzhu again, “This big beauty is my best friend Xu Yanzhu, beautiful!” ”

Su Mingyu smiled and nodded.

“Sure enough, beautiful women are surrounded by beautiful women, I didn’t believe it before, but now I am convinced.”

Hearing Su Mingyu’s praise, Xu Yanzhu’s face was slightly red.

He smiled at Su Mingyu and nodded.

“Thanks… Thanks for the compliment. ”

Xu Yanzhu looked shy.

But it’s different.

At this moment, a man wearing a blue and white striped shirt walked straight over.

The man was quite self-conscious, and sat down next to Su Mingyu familiarly.

“Yanzhu, actually sneaked over to drink by yourself, and didn’t call me, it’s too uninteresting.”

Huang Qishuo’s gaze was quite aggressive, scanning back and forth between Lu Chenxi and Xu Yanzhu.

Xu Yanzhu’s eyes clearly showed a hint of disgust.

He said angrily, “Huang Qishuo, it seems that the two of us are not so familiar with each other!” ”

Seeing Xu Yanzhu so ruthless.

A hint of gloom flashed in Huang Qishuo’s eyes.

However, there was no embarrassment on his face.

Just smiled at Xu Yanzhu.

“Isn’t it! Yanzhu, we are also classmates in the same examination institute, if you say so, it really breaks my heart. ”

Xu Yanzhu rolled her eyes wildly.

“Huang Qishuo, can you not pester me like this, it’s very annoying!”

Hearing Xu Yanzhu’s such a blunt refusal, Huang Qishuo was of course not good, and continued to stay here with a dead face.

“Forget it, I was going to introduce you, Hu Ming, Professor Hu, but it seems that Yanzhu you are not interested, in that case, then forget it.”

After hearing Huang Qishuo say this, a look of excitement flashed in Xu Yanzhu’s eyes.

“Hu Ming, is it Professor Hu Minghu who can’t score less than ten exam questions for three consecutive years?

Huang Qishuo nodded slightly.

“That’s right, and his special recruitment class, I also got two places.”

Huang Qishuo deliberately bit the “two places” very hard.

Xu Yanzhu was naturally extremely moved.

“Qi Shuo, how much money are you going to sell for that extra place?”

Huang Qishuo shook his head.

“Yanzhu, I think you should know how precious the quota of this special recruitment class is, you must know that at least 70% of Professor Hu Ming’s special recruitment class can be admitted every year, but he only enrolls forty students a year, and the place is very precious.”

Xu Yanzhu bit her thin lip lightly.

“I can give 50 million for this spot.”

Hearing the figure of 50 million, a hint of cunning flashed in Huang Qishuo’s eyes.

A meaningful smile curled at the corner of his mouth, and he glanced back and forth at Xu Yanzhu.

“Yanzhu, since you are drinking with your friends today, let’s drink the bar first! Wait until tomorrow for the two of us to talk alone. ”

After speaking, Huang Qishuo waved his hand and left directly.

Xu Yanzhu looked tangled.

Yuyu sighed: “Hey! Why would such a precious quota fall into the hands of such a guy. ”

Lu Chenxi took a cup of soju and drank it boldly.

“That guy’s purpose is not simple, do you really want to talk to him alone tomorrow?”

Xu Yanzhu snorted coldly.

“Hmph! What did that bastard take me for? Don’t say that it’s just a quota for a special recruitment class, even if it is a guaranteed quota for civil servants, don’t think about the old lady and accompany him against his will! ”

Xu Yanzhu said while waving his hand.

“Forget it, forget it, why bother with that bastard?”

Seeing that Xu Yanzhu was not carried away by this little fly at the moment, Su Mingyu nodded slightly.

Picked up a glass of soju, and after drinking it, he said without hurry: “Yanzhu, you don’t have to feel a pity, I bet that guy has absolutely no place in his hands.” ”

After listening to Su Mingyu say this, Xu Yanzhu raised her head with a pair of beautiful eyes and stared directly at Su Mingyu, with a thick incomprehension in her eyes.

“Mingyu, why do you say that? Is there any basis? ”

Ask for flowers

“Just now when he said the two places, his eyes were erratic, and his fingers unconsciously swinged irregularly, especially when talking about the two places, there was a clear pause before this, although he deliberately bit these four words very hard, but there was a trembling tone in his tone, these are all manifestations of weakness, so he just deliberately found himself back on the field, deliberately luring you.”

Hearing Su Mingyu’s analysis, the eyes of the two women showed a hint of worship at the same time.

“Wow! I didn’t expect you to know psychology! That’s awesome! Xu Yanzhu couldn’t help but praise.

Su Mingyu just smiled and waved his hand.

“It’s just scratching the surface.”

I think he took a career in psychology and got a master’s degree.

And Su Mingyu has meticulous observation.

He has sufficient theoretical knowledge and keen observation.

This is one of the reasons why he is invincible in the mall.

Lu Chenxi’s beautiful eyes couldn’t help but look back and forth on Su Mingyu.


How young and golden! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The most important thing is that he is still so handsome.

This is simply the standard template for Prince Charming.

Lu Chenxi was even more excited.

Beautiful eyes are full of color.

After three rounds of wine, push the glass and change the lamp.

Both women were drunk for four or five points.

However, the consciousness is still quite clear.

Xu Yanzhu took the initiative to exchange contact information with Su Mingyu.

“It’s not early! It’s time for me to go back and rest! And the morning reading tomorrow! What a headache. ”

“Good! I’ll drop you off with this guy first. ”


After sending Xu Yanzhu back, Lu Chenxi looked at Su Mingyu with a smile.

“How about giving you a chance to be a flower messenger?”

Su Mingyu smiled and nodded.

“Hey! Don’t dare to go home alone and say it directly, why are you saying it so fresh and vulgar! ”

When Lu Chenxi heard this, he waved at Su Mingyu.

“Less nonsense! This girl is so beautiful, what if she encounters gangsters along the way? Hurry up and send me home! ”

PS: The picture shows Xu Yanzhu

Name: Xu Yanzhu

Gender: Female

Height: 173

Age: 25

Appearance: 98

Affective state: single

Occupation: National examiner

Personality: shy, gentle

Fan: Hedonic Tutoring Street.

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