Lu Chenxi’s house downstairs.

“Alright! You can send me here! It’s not early, go home quickly. ”

Lu Chenxi looked at Su Mingyu with a smile and said playfully.

Su Mingyu rolled his eyes wildly and coughed lightly.

“Ahem! According to the development of the script, shouldn’t you invite me upstairs for a glass of water now? ”

Lu Chenxi’s eyes narrowed into a slit and stared at Su Mingyu with a smile.

“You really want to go upstairs and get some water?”

Su Mingyu nodded thoughtfully.

“Think! Would love to! ”

“Then you won’t have any other thoughts about me than drinking water!”

When Su Mingyu heard this, he coughed lightly.

“Ahem! I’m a serious person! How could there be those dirty and dirty thoughts! Of course not! Su Mingyu said with a serious “two seven zero”.

When Lu Chenxi heard this, he stomped his foot and said angrily: “You have no idea about me, why should I ask you to go upstairs to drink water.” ”

Su Mingyu’s eyes widened sharply when he heard this, and he randomly said seriously: “Of course, it’s not that there are no ideas at all, there are still ideas…”

At this time, Lu Chenxi opened his eyes and laughed.

“Hahaha! I knew you bad guy had bad intentions, but fortunately you didn’t lead wolves into the house. ”

After Lu Chenxi finished speaking, he waved at Su Mingyu.

“Bad guys, go back early and rest! Don’t be late tomorrow morning. ”

After speaking, Lu Chenxi went straight upstairs, leaving Su Mingyu alone in the wind messy.

Looking at Lu Chenxi’s back, three black lines appeared on Su Mingyu’s brain, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help twitching.

Su Mingyu just shook his head.

Randomly turn away.

Early the next morning, Su Mingyu came to the parent-child restaurant early.

Around ten o’clock in the morning.

Bell bell bell…

A hurried phone rings.

“President, where did you run?”

“Be a waiter!”

“Dressing… What the? Working as a waiter? ”

Wu Shixian on the other end of the phone obviously raised his voice several degrees.

“What’s wrong with being a waiter? Do you have an opinion? ”

Wu Shixian shook his head repeatedly.

“Didn’t… Of course not, but which restaurant do you work as a waitress? I would love to experience the president’s service! Wu Shixian on the other end of the phone said simply.

“Okay! As long as you dare to come, then you don’t think about the dividends at the end of this year. Su Mingyu said without hurry.

After hearing Su Mingyu say this, Wu Shixian waved his hand and shook his head again and again.

“Stop, stop… President, I was wrong. ”

“What do you want to say when you call this time?” Su Mingyu asked.

“That’s right, Chairman, have you heard that the Sunny Group invited the remaining chaebols of Goryeo to form a business alliance?” Wu Shixian said extremely seriously.

“I know what you want to talk to me about, it must be this matter, I already know this matter, these few have been fighting in Detective Goryeo Myung for so long before, how can they really advance and retreat together in a short period of time?”

Speaking of this, a mocking smile appeared at the corner of Su Mingyu’s mouth.

“These are just superficial friends, don’t worry at all.”

After listening to Su Mingyu say this, Wu Shixian nodded slightly.

“Your thoughts, President, are exactly what I think now, but…”

“But what?”

“But I always feel that Chen Yangzhe, this old fox, will not do things so simply, maybe he has other plans.”

Su Mingyu rubbed his chin.

Immediately, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“I also thought of what you said, but now there is no need to worry at all, just wait quietly, and after this old fox shows its fox’s tail, let’s see the trick.”

Speaking of this, Su Mingyu paused.

“At present, the most important thing is to use semiconductors to enter the market of Longguo, and communicate with the cooperative enterprises there, they want technology, we give, we just need the market.”

Wu Shixian on the other end of the phone listened to Su Mingyu say this, and his eyes showed a dignified color.

“President, should our core technology also beware of the Dragon Kingdom, after all, the United States has been staring at us!”

“Are you stupid? Sign some confidentiality agreements with the Dragon Kingdom, in addition to the technology we leaked, let them secretly process and produce, the international situation they control more accurately than us, this condition they will definitely agree…” Su Mingyu said angrily.

“President, you are right, I will start arranging it immediately.”

“Now do you have anything else to say? If not, then I can continue to work! ”

“President, you must pay attention to your body, especially your waist…”

After speaking, before Su Mingyu could scold him, Wu Shixian hung up the phone directly.

Su Mingyu sent a text message to Wu Shixian.

“I’m very happy! Your year-end redwood is here! ”

Wu Shixian, who looked at the text message, suddenly wanted to cry without tears.

Subsequently, he edited five reviews of no less than 200 words for Su Mingyu. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After that, he took the initiative to call Su Mingyu.

After being taught a lesson by Su Mingyu, she was aggrieved like a little daughter-in-law, but fortunately, Su Mingyu promised to pay dividends at the end of this year.

At this time, Wu Shixian had only one idea in his mind: make money! No bumps!

Su Mingyu returned to the kitchen.


Liu Zhenni walked to Su Mingyu with a smile.

A pair of jade arms hooked Su Mingyu’s neck, stood on tiptoe, and whispered in Su Mingyu’s ear: “I heard that you and Chenxi had a lot of fun yesterday.” ”

A vague fragrance enters the nose.

Su Mingyu couldn’t help but secretly exhale a goblin in his heart.

However, Su Mingyu is not the kind of pure love little 0.8 boy who can carry a fairy on his back and lead his nose.

Su Mingyu backhanded Liu Zhenni’s plump waist.

With a smile, he said, “Sister Zhenni, this is jealous!” ”

Liu Zhenni looked at Su Mingyu, and did not dare to lower her head as she expected.

Instead, a rhetorical question took the initiative.

For a while, I couldn’t help but be confused.

Gently push Su Mingyu away.

“Can you accompany me to the food shopping this afternoon?” Mr. Sue. ”

“Sister Zhenni, since they have already spoken, of course I will not refuse.” Su Mingyu said with a smile.

Saying that, Su Mingyu stretched out his hand and gently straightened the slightly messy hair on Liu Zhenni’s forehead.


Liu Zhenni felt like a deer in her heart, plopping down.

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