Happy Endings Are Lies

39 Chapter 38-Head Master

Selina: "Is he always that scary?"

Bailey: "What do you mean scary?"

Selina: "His eyes are just so...."

Bailey: "Beautiful? Lovely? Dazzling? Magnificent?"

Selina: "Terrifying....I could feel his killing intent...it was like he was not human" She said shivering a little bit. She was just recalling what she felt but it scared her so much.

Lynne: "I felt it too.....and I gotta admit it was scary....."

Bailey: "Why couldn't I feel it?"

Selina: "That's cause you were emitting killing intent as well!"

Bailey: "Really? I didn't know."

Lynne: "You two are just terrifying."

Selina: "Lucky we're not that guy." She looked towards the direction to where the foaming mouth guy was taken.

Denear finished doing his business and joined them in the hallway. "What were you talking about?"

"No need for your concern." Lynne avoided his question and went down the hallway. "Shall we continue with our tour?"

Denear nodded his head.

"Well, bye I got to go." She bowed again to Denear and went on her way waving as they left. When they were out of sight, Selina walked a few meters before trembling down to her knees.

'Wow, my legs are still shaking crazily! He is freaking scary!'


They toured around the whole school, which was freaking huge! It would take days before normal people cold navigate easily. However, Denear could memorize every single detail in the entire academy. Only the places they were brought to though. Bailey didn't even listen to Lynne talking the whole time and would focus on trying to catch a glance of Denear. She would just nod her head with anything Lynne would say.

Finally they were brought to the Head Master's office.

*knock knock*

"Come in" Lynne opened the door. "Head Master, I've brought them." She looked around the room. "Vice Principal, it's rare to see you both together in the same place. You're usually busy."

"Well, I took the time to meet our new student." He looked at Denear and Bailey. He stood up and held out his hand. "I'm Admon Chandler, the Vie Principal of this school. Nice to meet you, Young Master Denear." Denear shook his hand. "Nice to meet you."

He spoke to Bailey next. "Hello, you must be Bailey Nemrec right?"

"Yes, nice to meet you." She answered.

"Lynne."He called out. Lynne stepped forward and asked. "You need me for something?"

"Why yes. Could you please take Bailey to her dorm and help her settle down while we have a nice chat with Denear?"

"Of course. Come with me." Before they left, Lynne bowed to the Head Master who was sitting by his desk, not saying anything. The Head Master responded by slightly bowing his head. When they finally left the room, the Head Master said to Denear, "Young Master Denear, it's an honor to meet you. Please sit down."

"I'll take my leave now Head Master." Said Admon leaving the room.

Denear sat down on a big brown chair which was amazingly comfortable and almost fell asleep while listening to the Head Master talking. "As the Head Master of The Sword and Magic Academy, I welcome you. I hope you will have a good time while being in this academy. I also really 'hope' you will be able to get along well with the other students and try not to make any trouble."

Denear interrupted. "I don't plan to anyways..."

"Don't plan to cause any trouble? or get along well with other students?"

"Both" Said Denear with a bored tone.

"Oh really now?" The Head Master was getting concerned for his school. 'This kid seems nice and all but he has this really dangerous aura around him. My school will become ruble if someone pisses him off. I doubt he is even smart or strong at all! Why else would his father send me that letter to immediately admit him to my academy! Yes, that's gotta be it!'

"So do you want to dorm with other students or do you want to be on your own?" The Head Master was basically praying in his heart. 'Please pick being alone, please pick being alone, please pick being alone! Pick being alone! PLEASEEEEE!'

Denear could see that the Head Master was hoping for him to pick a certain choice and went deep into thought.

I wonder if he thinks i'm too lonely? Cause like, I've been home schooled for practically both my lives. And my response was kinda dull.

Does he want me to socialize with other students?

"I want to dorm with other students."

BOOM! The Head Master brain exploded. "W-What makes you want to dorm with other students?"

"Isn't this what you wanted?"

The Head Master screamed in head. 'What makes you think that!?'

"Y-Yes, I'm glad you picked the r-right choice."

"There was a wrong choice?" Denear's eyebrows raised.

"Well, no. Both were right either way." The Head Master was trying to calm himself down and added to the end of his question. "But didn't you just say you don't plan to get along well with other students?"

"I did" Denear didn't deny not wanting to be friends and get in useless drama.

"T-Then why?"The Head Master said, stuttering.

"I plan to enjoy myself in this school...."

"Oh okay..." The Head Master's eyes widened as he thought. 'Enjoy? He doesn't mean that right? If he does...I need to protect the female population in my school!!'

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