Happy Endings Are Lies

40 Chapter 39-Roommate

"I will be taking my leave now Head Master." Denear said, rising from the comfortable chair.

"Hope you have a wonderful sleep and don't forget that the orientation ceremony is going to be held tomorrow morning."

Denear walked towards the door and before leaving, he turned around and looked at the Head Master again. The Head Master smiled and very gentle smile and said. "Have a nice afternoon Young Master Denear."

Denear nodded in response and headed towards his dorm. While entering his dorm, he heard a group of nobles crowded together. They were probably also staying in this dorm and had already made a group of themselves. Denear could see that some students were avoiding their group. 'Seems like they are commoners'

Denear tried to walk past them when an unknown voice called up to him. "Hello there! You seem like a noble. Please, come join and introduce yourself."

A boy with a bright and pretty face put his hand on Denear's shoulder while acting all friendly but Denear could clearly see that he was one of those popular kids in who everyone follows and adores. Those type of people have a lot of pride and would get rid of anyone who makes them feel insecure. Or rather, they always feel insecure and need people to tell them that they are special or something. People like that are dangerous to make an enemy out of, that is unless.....if you're me.

I know and have been studying human nature my whole life, and I can see that this guy has a hidden dark side.....Just like me. Denear raised his eyebrows as he looked back at the group and politely declined. And by politely, I mean coldly walking away without answering him back.

The rest of the group looked at Denear with contempt in their eyes. He could hear them say.

"What's up with that guy!"

"So rude!"

"I'm gonna beat him up for disrespecting us later" Said a guy raising his fists.

"Me too!" Said another guy.

"Wow really!" The girls were admiring the guys.

"Now, now. Let's not do anything rash." Said another.

"Ugh Fine! He's not worth our time anyways if he wanna act like that."

"Doesn't he know who we are! Hmmph!"

There were 6 people in the group including the guy who put his hand on Denear's shoulders. 3 were girls and the rest were boys. Denear put his hands inside his pockets and walked up the stairs leading to the rooms while mumbling something under his breath.

His mouth turned to a grin as he mumbled.

"Daughter of Marquess Hugo Bancroft-Chloe Bancroft, Daughter of Prince Kade Davenport-Ruby Davenport, Daughter of Countess Eleanor Knight-Luna Knight"

"Sons of Viscount Alexander Dixon-Edgar Dixon and Rowan Dixon, Son f Baron Francis Easton-Caleb Easton and finally Son of King Xavier-Prince Landon Hendrix"

"I know you all to well....."


Denear used the keys Lynne gave to him during their tour, to open his room door. The room was enormous and was very well decorated. The temperature in the room was just perfect. It was neither to hot or cold. In the room were two beds, but for some reason, one of the beds looked more......rugged while the other looked so luxurious and new. 'Am I going to be paired with a commoner?'

Denear didn't bring his bags with him because they were in the carriage. It's the guards job to bring and carry his belongings so Denear left the job to them. He rested on the more luxurious bed and propped himself for an afternoon nap.


Minutes passed and the door locked could be heard being unlocked and pushed opened.

"This is my room huh?"

Denear could hear someone entering the room bags being dragged inside. Denear stayed still and pretended to stay asleep.

The the footstep were close enough to Denear for someone to notice he was there, the voice started to talk in a low voice.

"Seems like a noble will be my roommate....*sigh* Hope he will be nice but I guess I shouldn't get my hopes up."

The voice moved to the other bed.

"This is my bed? Guess this is what a commoner deserves. Well, this is better than my other bed."

Denear could sense him sitting on the rugged bed then standing up and walking towards his bed. "Who is he I wonder?" Said the voice very close to Denear's face. "I don't think he's from the South Kingdom. Maybe the North Kingdom?" His face was really close to Denear's face and Denear couldn't take it anymore.

He suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the person in front of him. "I know you're my roommate but I need my personal space."

"Aah!" Denear's roommate jumped backwards. "You were awake!?"

"I am now....." Denear sat up straight and yawned a little bit.

"I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!"

Denear got out of bed and stood in front of his new roommate. "It's fine, no need to worry about it."

"Thank you so much for not punishing me..." Denear was confused by his sentence.

"What do you mean 'punishing me'. "

"Well, since I can tell you're a noble, I thought you'd punish or get mad at me for waking you up...."

"No need to worry about that."

"Oh! Let me introduce myself, my name is Chandler Griffin." Denear's eyebrows raised in question.

"As in, the magical creature Griffin?"

"Yeah.." Chandler's face turned red a little bit but at the same time, he looked a little sad. "People always bully me cause of that...." He paused. "Especially nobles."

"Where are your parents?"

"I don't know....I was abandoned as a baby..... and...nevermind"

"What were going to say?" Denear asked getting curious.

"*sigh* I know you won't believe me but.....I was raised by a griffin. That's how I got my surname."

"I believe you." Denear said without any hesitation.

"I know it's unbel-- what? How can you believe me so easily?" Chandler asked.

"That's a secret." Denear had used the skill [The Judge of the universe] to determine whether he was lying about anything.

"What about you? What's your name?" Chandler asked curiously.

"You'll find out sooner or later."


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