Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 202

Ning nodded

The fourth brother threw the gravel in his hand into the mountain and river plate and looked at his two brothers

"Then kill him."

Xia Yu tidied the Confucian robe on her body and said

"In that case, let me make eyes for you."

Therefore, everyone in the academy set an ending for Hengmu Liren, who Xiling called the gift left by Haotian at this time.

Yangzhou City at this time.

There were blood and corpses everywhere. The blood had solidified and turned black.The corpse was covered by heavy snow and would not rot for a while.

There was blood everywhere in the Fuchun River outside the city, and countless dead bodies floated on the original clear water.

On the river bank, a god was parked facing the direction of Qingxia.

Hengmu Liren sat cross-legged on his face without expression, but anyone could see his pride in his slightly raised lips and bright eyes.

These days, he led Xiling's guard cavalry to kill many people in Qinghe County.

The beautiful, quiet and elegant bridge and the flowing water have been dyed red with blood at this time.The green trees in the fields age quickly, and the branches are full of crows. It is difficult to see the magpies everywhere.

Hengmu Liren is very proud of his deeds and very satisfied with his strength.

He looked at the faintly visible Qingxia on the horizon in the distance, spreading his hands towards the sky, as if pointing.

The second brother used to be there with 10,000 enemies. At that time, he was still an inconspicuous woodcutter in the Tianyuyuan.Now he regrets that he has not caught up with that battle.I regret that I did not have a chance to defeat Jun Mo in the academy.

Thinking like this, these regrets slowly turned into arrogance, as if all emotions in the body of Hengmu Liren would eventually become arrogant.As if this was the brand Haotian left on him.

Suddenly, Hengmu Liren raised his eyebrows.Between the waves, a gust of wind wafted over the Zifuchun River.The breeze swept across with a faint smell of blood, and brushed off the heavy veil in front of the gods.

The heavy veil slowly fell, hiding his figure in the deepest part of the god.

Nian Pan's subordinates and Tian Yejian's believers can't see his appearance again, and can't share his glory and pride.

173 Archery

Hengmu Liren didn't like this, but he had to do it, because only in this way, guarding the spirit and restraining his breath, he would not be seen by that person.

In the depths of countless heavy veils, Hengmu Liren lowered his head, his lips moved

"If you have the ability, come out, if you have the ability, come out, and if you have the ability, come out!"

Hengmu Liren’s immature face was covered with flushes caused by endless hatred.

Active low-key is humility, a kind of virtue.However, Lito Yokogi was indeed passive at this time, which was a complete humiliation.

At the moment when Ning Que bent the bow and took the arrow, many people in this world felt it. Everyone actually understood that with the help of Chang'an City, Ning Que could see the whole world, but he wanted to accurately target someone in the world. However, Ning Que still needs someone to help him locate.In other words, someone needs to push his goal to the highest level.

But even so, the monks of this aristocratic family disappeared at this moment, after all, it was Yuan Thirteen Arrows.

A gentleman has nothing to fight, he must shoot.

The academy was very particular about shooting, so when Ning Que was about to shoot, the monks all over the world were quiet.

Because no matter how powerful a practitioner in this world, no matter how confident and narcissistic, he doesn't want to be his goal.

Many people understand that if Ning Que wants to shoot arrows, he needs the help of his senior brother, but they have forgotten that it is never the only one who can cooperate with Ning Que's archery in the academy.

Ning Que's gaze moved in the wilderness and mountains, and of course the iron arrow would move with it, and finally landed on the western wasteland, which was in the direction of the Xuankong Temple.

There was no battle there at this time, so Ning Que couldn't perceive any special light spots.But Ning Que still aimed there, because he had to do some things now, and those things would need to be done when the watcher disappeared in the wind and snow.

There has always been an academy disciple in Xihuang. He has always been there, doing some of his own things. Although he is not the opponent of the first lecturer, he is still doing it there.

That person is the second brother, Jun Mo.

The second brother has been waiting, waiting for the academy's signal, waiting for the academy's action and all of him to resolve the first lecture of Xuankong Temple.

At this time, the time has come.

Look back to the Fuchun River outside Qingxia.

When Hengmu Liren perceives Ning Que to bend a bow and shoot an arrow, he hides in his own deity. He is forced to calm down his mind, make his breathing steady, and the vitality of heaven and earth no longer fluctuates. , Only in this way can he disappear in Ning Que's eyes.

He may not be afraid of Ning Que, and even want to defeat Ning Que, but this is definitely not the reason why he wants to head-to-head with a weapon like Yuan Shisanjian, so he hid.

Even this hiding makes him angry and ashamed.However, he still hid, because in fact, he himself knew that under the Yuan Thirteen Arrows, he had no chance of survival.

Until, he felt that two powerful auras erupted in the depths of the western wasteland, one was from the Manchu nature, and the other was truly tough.

Then, Chang'an's arrow was shot at Xihuang, and Hengmu Liren relaxed.

Ning Que's goal turned out to be the first lecture in the air, so he wouldn't have to hide himself.

As a result, the countless heavy veils that protected him rose again, and Hengmu Liren's eyes looked at Qingxia again, and his face once again showed a proud expression.

Hengmu Liren’s facial expressions changed before and after it was seen by the Xiling deacons beside him, but no one dared to laugh, because the new genius of Xiling was different from Ye Qing and Longqing. For him, even Xiling’s own person, There is no ambiguity when it is time to kill the killer, even when it is not necessary to kill the killer, the methods of Liren Yokogi are not so peaceful.

For Hengmu Liren, he is a gift left by Haotian to the world and a peerless genius of Xiling.In Xiling, with his status and strength, he didn't need to look at anyone's winks, and he didn't need to be bullied by those Xiling's disciples as before.

Hengmu Liren used to be just a common firewood chopper in Xiling Tianyu Academy. Even because he couldn't practice, many Xiaosi like him usually did not beat and scold him, let alone those from Xiling. The monks and disciples.

After Hengmu Liren received Haotian's gift, he bullied those who had bullied him before, and even repaid them ten times a hundred times.

Regarding his approach, the big men in Xiling didn't seem to have seen it, but just indulged.

Because of the Haotian gift, Hengmu Liren's cultivation base is even more amazing. Xiling's cultivation base is very good and human beings are above him. Therefore, he began to be proud and began to no longer pay attention to the big figures of Xiling.At some point, he even had the idea of ​​killing the old man in a wheelchair.

You know, the old man sitting in a wheelchair is an observant and observant, the most powerful monk in Taoism today, and even the most powerful monk in Taoism for thousands of years.

The Guanzhu also deliberately indulged Hengmu Liren's arrogant temperament.Hengmu Liren is just a chess piece that is not powerful and easy to use.

Under such a prerequisite, there will be such a proud and defiant man.

Moreover, Hengmu Liren is now somewhat unreasonable proud.

No, after seeing Ning Que shoot an arrow, he completely relaxed. Never thought that Ning Que would shoot a second arrow.

So Xia Yu is here.

Hengmu Liren didn't know Xia Yu. Like Xiao Yu from the South China Sea, he had never met or even heard of Xia Yu.

Indeed, Xia Yu's behavior in recent years has been a lot low-key, even when he was robbing geniuses and treasures everywhere in the world, he did not have any disputes with the monks in Xiling.

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