Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 203

If you don't know each other, you don't need to be vigilant. This is what Hengmu Liren thought at this time.Therefore, Hengmu Liren ignored Xia Yu, and even just let the deacon under him take action.

However, not all of his deacons were as silly as Lito Yokogi.

"My lord, this man is Mr. Twelve from the Academy."

Hengmu Liren looked at the Deacon Xiling who was talking to him a little displeased, and let him attack the man in front of him. He was still here to tell himself if he had any.

"So what?"

The deacon obviously saw the displeasure in Hengmu Liren's eyes, but knowing that his opponent was not Xia Yu's opponent, it was even more impossible for him to follow Hengmu Liren's orders against Xia Yu.

So the deacon had to lower his head lower

"Back to your lord."

The deacon seemed to have made some determination, and what he said became sonorous and powerful.

"I am not his opponent, our entire team is not his opponent."

When Hengmu Liren heard this, he took back his contempt for Xia Yu a bit, but he still despised Xia Yu.

Turning his head, he looked a little surprised at the deacon next to his car and asked

"Your whole team is not an opponent when you shoot together?"

The deacon nodded

"Yes, not an opponent."

Hengmu Liren stood up from the god with interest and looked in Xia Yu's direction.

"That's quite interesting, I don't know, he is not strong enough for my activities."

At this time, Hengmu Liren was like a child who had just received a toy, eager to fight against a master, eager to show the gift Haotian gave him.

The people that Yokogi Lito wanted to fight most were the second master of the academy and the fourteenth master of the academy. However, nowadays, it is not bad to take the twelfth master of the academy first.

Hengmu Liren's slender hatchet was out of its sheath, but he still didn't put Xia Yu in his eyes.

In Hengmu Liren's eyes, Xia Yu was not even as good as Liu Yiqing at this time. When dealing with Liu Yiqing, Hengmu Liren's hatchets were all unsheathed, but at this time, he only used one for Xia Yu.

Therefore, Hengmu Liren made two mistakes, which led to his death.

The first is that he did not put Xia Yu in his eyes.

When Xia Yu came to the bank of the Fuchun River, he kept looking at the sitting god Hengmu Liren without doing anything.

He was waiting, waiting for Ning Que to shoot his first arrow, and then he recovered, to be able to shoot the second arrow.

Therefore, after Hengmu Liren walked out of the gods and showed his hatchet, Xia Yu didn't make a move either.

Xia Yu's waiting seemed to Hengmu Liren the greatest contempt for him, because he thought Xia Yu didn't like doing it with him.

Indeed, at this time, Xia Yu was a little bit dissatisfied with Hengmu Liren. After his path was cleared, his goal in the world was only one person, that is, watching the subject.

So Hengmu Liren was a little angry, even if he himself didn't put Xia Yu in his eyes at this time, but being despised by Xia Yu made him very angry.

He took the lead.

Hengmu Liren looked up at Xia Yu. He was a little unhappy, because he was shorter than Xia Yu, so he was even more angry.

Liren Hengmu raised the hatchet in his hand, and the look in Xia Yu's eyes became fierce and cold.

Then Hengmu Liren swung the raised knife heavily towards Xia Yu.The sword qi was emitted from the knife in Hengmu Liren's hand and flew towards Xia Yu. The erect sword qi slashed across the Fuchun River between Hengmu Liren and Xia Yu.There was a huge wave on the surface of the river.

This blow was made by Liren Yokogi with great strength, so this blow was very strong.Judging from the momentum, the power of this blow cannot be underestimated.

However, such a powerful blow was not seen by Xia Yu.

Faced with this blow, Xia Yu just raised his hand gently, and with such a light wave, the sword energy that soared into the sky disappeared without a trace.

This action of Xia Yu seems simple, but it is an action that only people who reach Xia Yu's realm can see the way.

There is a strong atmosphere of rules in this light wave, and the only people in Vast Sky World who can understand this kind of rules are alcoholics and watchers.

The alcoholic has lived a long time and watched a lot, and the main reason is because he walked in front of Xia Yu.

Xia Yu looked back at Chang'an's direction. At the moment he raised his hand, he felt Ning Que, who was far away in Chang'an, once again pulled up the bow and arrow in his hand.

it's time.Xia Yu thought so, looking at Hengmu Liren's eyes as if looking at the four.

Xia Yu could feel Ning Que's movements, and Hengmu Liren could also feel the threat far away in Chang'an. He wanted to return to the deity, thinking that he was the safest only there.

Unfortunately, Xia Yu won't let him do what he wants.

I saw that Xia Yu leaped from the side of Fuchun River and came to Hengmu Liren in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Hengmu Li understood how strong the Twelve Masters in this academy were. The momentum on his body was the same as that of the master who started to restore his cultivation a few days ago. It was strong and terrifying, and the threat to him was so great.

Xia Yu's aura forced Hengmu Liren to use his thought power with all his strength. Only in this way could he guarantee that he would not be crushed into powder in Xia Yu's aura.

At this time, Hengmu Liren didn't have the energy to care that Ning Que, who was far away in Chang'an, would lock himself based on the aura that he burst out and shoot that arrow.

Hengmu Liren even felt that Ning Que's goal would not be himself, because Xia Yu was in front of him, and Xia Yu's power could crush him, so why waste Ning Que's arrow.

Unfortunately, this is the second thing Yokogi Liren thought wrong.

Ning Que shot the arrow on the bowstring in his hand.

The clusters of iron arrows brushed the diamonds on the heavy bow in Ning Que's hand, drawing a huge talisman in the air.

With the blessing of the Shocking God Array, a powerful force burst out, flew in the direction of Hengmu Li's breath, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

On the other side, in the blink of an eye, this arrow appeared.

This sword has even shot the feeling of space travel, this is the most powerful murderous in Ning Que's hand, the power of Yuan Shisanjian, created by the joint efforts of the academy.

By the time Yokogi Liren reacted, his chest had been hit by this arrow.

The iron arrow passed through his chest, shot out from behind, and penetrated his sea of ​​air and snow.Although I don't know why, Ning Que's Yuan Thirteen Arrows does seem to have this passivity to destroy his popular Haixue Mountain.

Hengmu Liren looked down at the iron arrow on his chest in disbelief, looked at Xia Yu, and asked


Unfortunately, he couldn't wait for Xia Yu's answer. He was not Long Qing after all. There was no other Ye Hongyu beside him, who would give him his healing medicine to save his life.

So, he died.

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