Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 204

Xia Yu looked at the dead Hengmu Liren, shook his head, and said

"So, you are still too weak, because you are too proud, and even the monks in the world are no longer in your eyes, so you are dead."

Then, he left without looking back.

In fact, Hengmu Liren was not Xia Yu's opponent at all based on strength alone. It was easy for Xia Yu to defeat Hengmu Liren, but it was difficult to kill him.

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This is Haotian's world after all. It is really not easy to kill a person with Haotian's gift here.

Hengmu Liren is like Xiaotang. With Haotian's gift, no matter how severe the injury is, he will quickly heal.

Therefore, whether it is a big brother or Xia Yu facing Yokomu Liren, even if they can win, they have to spend a lot of effort.Under this premise, it is a good thing for the Academy to take the lead in getting rid of Hengmu Liren.

And Liren Hengmu is the person in charge of Qingxia in Xiling. If he is removed, the army will be much easier in Qingxia, which is also a very beneficial thing for Tang Guo.

Therefore, Xia Yu and Ning Que would kill the newly promoted genius in Xiling, the gift that Haotian left to the world, Hengmu Liren.

As for the first arrow shot by Ning Que, its effect was even greater.

Ning Que was aiming at the first lecture chair in the air. The so-called monk who was second only to the master and master, killing him was necessary, because it only relied on whether the two senior brothers were the opponent of the first lecture chair.

In fact, the suspension situation at this time is very bad. Of course, this badness refers to the Buddhist sect.

Moon Wheel has sent a large army to support the suspension. If it weren't for the golden account, it would have disappeared. I believe that the suspension would also request reinforcements from the golden account.The Hanging Temple, which has always been aloof, actually asks for help from the world, which proves that the current situation in the Buddhist kingdom is very difficult, and even the best evidence when it is truly dangerous.

The bottom of the sinkhole under the Xuankong Temple has been gloomy and gloomy for countless years, but now there are a lot of bonfires in the wilderness. The fire is spreading with yellow, warm light, which brightens this place like the real underworld. A lot, and similarly, this light also pointed the way for the poor people who had been lost in the dark night, and attracted more and more companions to come to meet.

At this time, the second brother was standing in front of a meadow far away from the fire, raising his head, expressionless, looking at the towering giant mountain hundreds of miles away.

Compared with a few years ago, the second brother at this time has lost a lot of weight, and his handsome cheeks have also turned black.The second brother's head no longer has the tall club-like gentleman's crown, but a short, slightly blue-colored hard as a sword.

He has lived in this tiankeng for a long time, and he has fought for a long time, and even the words of endless fighting are not enough to describe what he has experienced in the past few years.

No one can know how tired the Second Senior Brother has been over the years. This is because in these years, no one has ever seen any of his tiredness or frustration and other negative emotions in his calm face.

Even after several years of struggle, the high hanging temple is still like that, standing on the majestic and dangerous giant peaks, among the dense woods.Every morning and evening, those yellow temples that were solemn and solemn like those in the past will still sound long and long, as if nothing has changed.

An angry flame burned from the edge of the underground wilderness to the bottom of the peak, and the angry rebels killed here countless times before being beaten back.The masses under the sinkhole have experienced this countless times, and it seems that this thing will never succeed.

But in fact, many things have changed, and this tiankeng can never go back to the past.

In this tiankeng, in this towering temple, many people have died, and people are still dying, whether it is the monk of the Xuankong Temple or those angry serf rebels with wooden sticks and bone sticks. In death, the long-lasting bell is actually the death knell of these people, far from being long.

The second brother looked at the Prajna Peak, at the high and dangerous cliffs between the peaks, at the body left by the Buddha, and said nothing.His expression was as firm as ever. He didn’t know when he would be able to lead these serfs with wooden sticks to the top of Prajna Peak and burn the temples to ashes. However, he knew that as long as he continued to persist, there would be that sooner or later. One day has come.

This uprising has been going on for many years, and wildfires have already ignited throughout the wilderness.The second brother firmly believes that in the end, Xuankong Temple will not care about the so-called mystery and belief, and thus ask the world for help, but in fact, there is only one moon wheel that Xuankong can ask for.

And the thing about Moon Wheel Kingdom came here, it was Tang Guo's opportunity.Even though, the situation he faced next would become very difficult, and he might even never be able to lead the slaves out of the ground.

But so what?The second brother never looked forward and backward when he did things. For him, he just made changes and worked hard to do well.He may not win, but he must not fail to win.

In fact, the second brother is already very tired at this time, but he can't let the serfs see it, because he is the hope of those people. If he also falls, who can these people count on?

He is the second elder brother of the academy, even these years, he has been far from the Central Plains, fighting silently in this unknown underground, even forgotten by the world.

But after all, he is the second gentleman of the academy, even if he is not the way he used to be, the most polite, the most respectful, but wearing shabby monk clothes and ragged leather boots, he no longer has the style of the past.

However, there are a few people in this world who are qualified to know what he is doing.After all, the second brother at this time was different from the original story. He hadn't been cut off by Liu Bai in Qingxia, and he could still break through the five realms.

It's just that he hasn't made a breakthrough now. It's not that he can't, but he doesn't want to.

He is following the example of Liu Bai. He has been fighting over the years, and he is also washing his sword and honing his own way.

Therefore, even if he is far away from the Central Plains, every one of his actions actually affects the entire world and the edge of the mainland.

The Xuankong Temple is now being dragged by the rebels, and even needs to ask the moon wheel for help.And when the Moon Wheel troops came, where could they pose a threat to Tang?

Dao Sect and Buddhism can no longer jointly deal with the academy as they did in the past, this is the influence of the second brother.The situation in this world has long quietly changed.

This is the second brother, the most reasonable person in the back of the college.

Regardless of what the second senior brother himself was doing, he only used an iron sword to withstand a third of the enemies for Tang Guo.What he did was great, great to the underground serfs who had enslaved Buddhism for countless years, and great to Tang.

The second brother is actually a very unpleasant person in Houshan. He is unsmiling and his expression has always been the most serious. He even likes to educate the students of Houshan with sticks.Even if I like him, I don’t know how to behave. Otherwise, how could he and Senior Sister Seven remain the same as before?

The second brother also likes to talk about reason, talk to his own people, and talk to the enemy, even if sometimes, the reason is more stupid, there is no reason, so he makes those enemies a headache.

But the second brother is still a very great person. He has blue seas and blue sky in his eyes, and he has magnificent revenge in his heart, disdain to know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is.

It is precisely because of the second brother's character that he never thinks that he is fighting alone, he has subordinates and followers.

From dozens of people to hundreds of thousands of people, and even to today's mountains and plains.But he still insists that these people are companions, fellow travelers, not subordinates.

Behind the second brother are thousands of soldiers who are camping silently. They are the first to follow the second brother, and they are the core force of these insurgents now.

These years, not only the second seniors are fighting, they are also fighting, so they used to only know how to grow highland barley, herd sheep, and hold the hands of farming tools, but now they hold the arms so steady and firm.

If it were just that, I wouldn't mention them here.

Their will is also very firm, they can remain calm no matter what situation they encounter on the battlefield, and they will not feel desperate or even give birth to the idea of ​​surrender due to temporary failure.

Their spirits and spirits nowadays are very similar to those of the second brother, and they are all the same magnificent.

In this winter battle, the second brother led tens of thousands of insurgents and successfully broke through the suspended armed defense line and came to the foot of Prajna Peak, just as they used to do in the past few years.

Therefore, there is no representative army who will rejoice. The past history has long proved that it is difficult for them to stay here for too long.

Not only is it too close to the temples of Prajna Peak, the monks of the Hanging Temple can provide timely support.It is also because these insurgents have no good way to deal with the raids of the powerful Buddhists. After all, there is only one second senior, and the second senior is just one person.

Even if these insurgents knew what they would face, they still did not hesitate to sacrifice a lot of manpower and succeeded in breaking through here again and again, even if these insurgents would take the initiative to withdraw tomorrow.

This was the request of the second senior brother. Through victory, he wanted to constantly prove to the Xuankong Temple the tenacity of the rebels, and perhaps one of them wanted to reinvigorate the somewhat low morale.

Only the second brother knew about this, and even he didn't know it himself, and he was also wondering whether his thoughts were correct and whether he could be able to echo Chang'an thousands of miles away.

The bottom of Prajna Peak.

After the tens of thousands of armored arms, there are thousands of monks and soldiers of the Xuankong Temple fluttering in robes, and at the end of them, there is a real powerhouse of the Xuankong Temple. They walk in the world, and Tang and Ye The seven thoughts that are also called blue.

Qi Nian's voice is like the ringing of a bell, floating on this gloomy underground field

"You can't go up the mountain. What's the point of attacking forcibly and increasing the number of deaths and injuries? God has the virtue of living well. My Buddha is merciful, so go back."

Facing Qi Nian, tens of thousands of rebels behaved differently.

And the second brother just looked at him blankly and said

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