Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiang Ye Chapter 207

Because the power of the first lecturer comes from the earth, as long as he leaves the ground, he will no longer be a King Kong.

Even, this might not be able to decipher that the King Kong of the first lecture is not bad, but as long as it can weaken the first half of the lecture, then the second brother will do it.

The connection between things and the ground is gravity, and gravity is actually weight. The closer the connection, the stronger the gravity and the heavier the object.

The connection between the first lecturer and the earth is unparalleled in the world, so from another perspective, he is the heaviest person in the world.

The second brother said that the lecturer and the butcher are the slowest people in the world, because they are both the heaviest people, because both of them are closely connected to the earth.

Nowadays, if you want to cut the connection between the preaching seat and the earth, it is equivalent to saying that you need to bear such a weight, and even to a certain extent, it is equivalent to lifting the ground. Who can do this?

The iron sword made a toothy sound, and the curved blade was trembling constantly, as if it would break off in the next moment.

But the second senior brother's expression was still indifferent, and there was no emotion in his eyes except for determination and determination.

The second brother's clear whistle once again spread from the top to the bottom of the peak, causing the monks who were coming to feel fear.

In the whistling sound, the second senior took a step forward again, the iron sword pressed against the chest of the lecturer, did not provoke or pierce him, but pushed him back by a foot. .

The first seat is still sitting on the ground. The connection between him and the earth has not been cut off by the second senior brother, but he was pushed by the iron sword. This shows that the second senior brother can provoke him or break through his King Kong. meeting.

176 Arrow to

The body of the first man in the lecture was connected to the earth, and it seemed that it could not be cut apart, but in fact, in fact, someone had asked him to leave the ground several years ago.

Back then, the first lecturer and the drunkard teamed up to stop Xia Yu and his master from robbing the chessboard. Xia Yu used Ming Yu Jue's transfer of flowers to transfer the attack of the first lecturer to the drunkard. At that time, the suction of Xia Yu's exercises would pull the first lecturer. Off the ground.

At that time, the senior brother snatched the Buddha's chessboard from the first seat of the lecture.

Today, Xia Yu and the big brother are no longer here, but the drunkard is no longer here, but the second gentleman of the college is here, then everything is possible.

With a bang, the first thin body of the lecture slammed into the white tower behind him, leaving a trace of a divine body on it.

The sound of the clear howl was re-emerged, and it was the third sound.As the saying goes, there are only three things.This is the third time!

The iron sword in the second brother's hand no longer bends, but straightens suddenly. The huge elastic force seems to be stretched together by a spring that has been squeezed for a long time.From bending back to straight, all the power released fell on the body of the first seat of the lecture, and the thin body finally left the ground!

At this moment, the first lecturer cannot sit on the ground, even though the first lecturer has a diamond that is not bad, it is as steady as a mountain.

However, he left the ground after all, so he is no longer invincible.

The iron sword is back.The first one is one foot off the ground.

The tremendous force generated by the confrontation between the second brother and the first lecturer shattered the surface of the white pagoda.Boulders shot everywhere.

The first man who lectured quietly looked at the second brother, then suddenly closed his eyes and began to chant the Buddhist scriptures.

He felt the danger not only because of the iron sword on his chest, but also because of the iron arrow shot by Chang'an from a distance.

Suddenly, there was a sharp howling in the sky, which was different from the previous two brothers' howls. This sound was not only louder, but also more dangerous.

This whistling sound has no emotions, and is extremely cold and cold, perhaps because the thing making this sound is a cold, sharp, killing weapon.

Although the original pear tree on this cliff is now planted in the academy, there are still many ivy and linden trees on the side of the cliff on the cliff.Therefore, under this whistling sound, both the number of fine leaves and broad leaves began to break away from the branches and fall to the ground.

It was cold winter at this time, so it was not the bleak autumn wind that fell the leaves, but the arrow.

The half-waste and dilapidated temple behind the cliffs now collapsed suddenly, turning into rubble and countless beams on the ground, exposing the hole between the cliffs behind.

An iron arrow appeared on the left chest of the lecturer.

The Iron Arrow appeared just like that, and it appeared unreasonable and inexplicable.

No one can explain the truth, no one can describe its magic.

This arrow is the Yuan Thirteen Arrows of the Academy, which is the biggest killer in Ning Que's hands.It did not fly over thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, nor did it traverse the mezzanine of heaven and earth vitality like Wuyuan, but suddenly appeared, as if it should have appeared there.

The first lecturer bowed his head and looked at the iron arrow in his chest.The iron arrow didn't shoot into his body, and the sharp cluster of arrows stopped still.But he knew that from the next moment, this iron arrow would move.

Sure enough, in the next moment, the iron arrow began to move, walking in it coldly and intently.

If someone can observe carefully at this time, they will find that the place where the cluster of iron arrows meets the body of the first lecturer begins to slowly melt away, and there are countless iron filings falling.

Even if the Academy did its utmost to build the Yuan Thirteen Arrows, fused with countless alloys, it was not worn like this in the face of the unbreakable King Kong of the first lecture.

At this moment, the fierce howling sounded again.

The second iron arrow arrived instantly, the same without warning and unreasonable.

With the blessing of the Shocking God Array, the Yuan Thirteen Arrows is equivalent to a Chang'an City with one arrow. At this time, the two Chang'an City facing the first lecturer.

No matter how strong the King Kong in the first seat of the lecture was, after leaving the ground, it was bombed by the two Chang'an seats, it couldn't bear it.

At this time, the face of the leader of the lecture became extremely pale, and the body that was picked up in the air by the iron sword of the second brother was also trembling.

His trembling hands landed randomly on both sides of his body, twisting flowers in the wind.The wind is the cold wind on the cliff and the arrow wind from Chang'an thousands of miles away.

The fingers of the first person in the lecture were bending back hard, and the arrow was blown away before the thumb was touched, and the intention of holding flowers no longer existed.

Then he wanted to say the words of the Buddha, and the arrow wind roared in, but he couldn't say anything.

The two Chang'an cities were attached to two iron arrows, crushing any resistance wildly, and landed on the first thin body without any deviation.

With a bang, the first iron sword of the second brother of the lecture slammed into the white pagoda behind him, and the shabby white pagoda was suddenly broken and broke in two.

Yuan Thirteen Arrows, and the power of two Yuan Thirteen Arrows, is more than that.Under the power of the iron sword, the first lecturer continued to slam backwards.Stuck between the cliffs behind the tower.

As I said before, there are only three people in this world who will not be killed by this arrow. Therefore, the first person who preached the lecture did not die. However, under such an attack, he was also seriously injured.

The second brother naturally would not let go of such an opportunity, holding a Fangzhi iron sword, even if he got up, flew in the direction where the first seat of the lecture was knocked off.

There were constant noises, smoke and dust everywhere, and countless vibrations came from the cliff cave. After a long time, the vibrations slowly subsided.

No one knows where the first lecturer was shot by those two arrows, nor did he know where the second brother chased with the sword.All I know is that this rock wall is filled with smoke and dust, and different vibrations may collapse at any time.

On Prajna Peak, there were monks running here constantly. They didn't know what happened. They only heard a scream and saw the smoke and dust everywhere. They were extremely disturbed and panicked.

Immediately afterwards, there was the second whistle. They didn't know that it was the iron sword from Chang'an. They just saw the emptied road that was faintly visible in the sky.

Prajna Peak is said to be a relic left after the Buddha's Nirvana, and everyone in the world also thinks it is true, because this mountain is really big.And the cliff on the first quiet retreat should be the left hand of the Buddha.

For countless years in the past, the Buddha has always spread his hands and held a flower between his fingers. The location of the flower was originally a pear tree, which was the one in the academy at this time.A few years ago, Xia Yu dug up the pear tree, and there were no more flowers between the Buddha's fingers. Without flowers, there would naturally be no such thing as the so-called twisting of flowers.The palm that opened towards the sky, faintly facing the Buddha's chest, was the cliff full of vines and linden trees.

When the monks finally arrived on the cliff, they saw a terrible picture.

The once lush vines and emerald linden trees are now long gone.

In the ruins of the White Tower and the old temple, the vines are broken everywhere, like dead snakes, lifeless.As for the so-called linden tree, I can't see half of it at this time. I think it should have turned into powder and mixed into the gravel.

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