Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 208

As for the cliff, there was a bottomless crack at this time, making everyone frightened.No one can know how deep it is, whether it reaches the heart of the Buddha's body, or whether it has passed, and the first lecture is still in it.

In the extreme depth of Prajna Peak, about ten miles from the surface of the cliff.There was still a rumbling sound at this time, as if thousands of thousands of huge thunders were humming.Countless boulders are flying everywhere, and there is a muffled sound all over the wall of the hitting cave.

The impact of the stone gravel and the rock wall makes a dull sound because this cave is actually produced by the body of the first lecturer. At this time, the outermost layer of the cave wall is faintly due to friction. Red, it seems to have become a little soft and flowing magma.

There is no trace of light here, only the reddish on the cave wall.However, the two people here are not ordinary people at this time, and the dark environment has no effect on their fighting.

The second senior trembling slightly while holding the iron sword.There have been many wounds on his body, and now, blood is bleeding, and the blood is dripping on the hot ground.There was a babbling sound.

As for the first lecture, he was still picked up in the air by the second senior brother with an iron sword, and the original robes on his body had been worn to pieces. As for the tin stick in his hand, he didn't know where it went.

Two iron arrows pierced through the left and right chests of the first seat, and the sharp clusters of arrows pierced the cliff behind the first seat, leaving half of the arrow tail swaying gently outside.

After preaching that the King Kong was repaired for the first time, this was probably the first time he was injured by a weapon in the world.If this scene was seen by the monks in the Hanging Temple, I don't know what they would think.

There was no bleeding during the first lecture, even if he was injured by the iron sword of Ning Que in Chang'an, he did not shed a drop of blood.His face was pale, without a drop of blood, and no blood came out of his chest.Judging from the wound pierced by the iron arrow, his flesh and blood had already turned into the color of golden jade, and the first lecturer was no longer a mortal.

The first one looked at the second brother and said with difficulty

"I said, you can't shoot me."

The second brother didn't say anything, but expressionlessly, he mobilized his whole body's cultivation skills and waved the iron sword in his hand towards the two iron arrows on the chest of the lecturer.

This deep cliff cave was very loud and began to make a sound like iron strike, banging.

I don't know how long it has passed, the voice gradually disappeared.

The second senior leaning on the iron sword in his hand panting, raised his head, and looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction.

The hard iron arrow was actually bent by him with an iron sword, and the iron arrow turned into iron fetters, passing through the first thin body, making it difficult for him to escape.

The feet of the first seat cannot touch the ground, and the back cannot touch the cliff. The only connection with this world is the two curved iron arrows.

At this moment, the connection between the first lecture and the earth was completely blocked.

The second brother was naturally satisfied, and then answered the first sentence

"You can't be shot, but you can be nailed."

The second brother's expression is very calm, but he is full of pride. The brothers have teamed up to trap this worldly Buddha in this mountain. How can they not be proud?

The first seat looked at the two iron arrows on his chest, feeling the clear pain, remembering that he hadn't felt this way for many years, some fresh and some vivid, and the old face showed self-deprecating emotion.

He has cultivated Buddha for countless years before reaching the pinnacle. It is not bad for him to become a King Kong. He thought that after the Master ascended to the sky, no one would be able to threaten him. Who would have thought that a few years ago, he was twice in a row by academy The disciples teamed up and failed miserably.

"Do you think this can imprison me?"

The second brother calmly looked at the first lecture, which was nailed in front of the cliff, full of confidence.

"You will neither drink nor eat, hear sound, nor see light, and you will become weak and old, or die from hunger, or mad from despair."

The second brother’s words are not a threat, let alone a threat

"You may be able to survive, or even break free of these two iron arrows, and walk out of the dark cave with supreme perseverance. But by then, the Buddha kingdom that you have maintained will be destroyed by my iron sword."

The second brother is just stating some established facts, he is such a person, never threatening or intimidating.

However, when the facts are stated so calmly, it is the most terrifying existence.

No food, no sound, no light, loneliness, and isolation.

In this world, probably only Master Liansheng, who was trapped in the Demon Sect Mountain Gate by the little uncle, had tried it, but even he was almost driven crazy.

The first seat is difficult, and I looked at the second brother and said compassionately

"My Buddha is merciful."

The first lecture is not to grieve for his next countless years of hell life, but he is pitying for nailing him here, causing his current tragedy academy.

If it is someone else, under the eyes of the first speaker of the lecture, in his peaceful and compassionate eyes, they may introspect, or even feel ashamed, but at this time, the second gentleman from the academy is in front of him.

"You Buddha is merciful, but the academy is not merciful? Arrogant and disgusting."

The second brother was expressionless, and some did not want to talk to this doomed person. He didn't bother to care about the failure because they were no longer in his eyes.

"For countless years, this Buddha country has transformed countless living creatures into bones and slaves countless souls. Mountain peaks made of human bones, golden roof painted with human blood, and a wonderful world of bliss? Here is the netherworld, destroy all of this and kill you With these bald donkeys, that is true compassion."

The second brother no longer paid attention to the first lecture seat nailed to the rock wall, but turned and left.

Flicking his sleeves at will, the iron sword broke through the air and rose again, cutting down countless rocks, completely blocking the mountain road leading to the first lecture.This road is so blocked, not even wind, sunlight, or even air can enter.

Ning Que shot two arrows on the wall of Chang'an. It was the end of the crossbow, but he couldn't rest yet, because, far away in Qingxia, there was this person waiting for his arrows, and this person needed him. The arrow went to shoot.

After a short rest, he sensed the breath from Qingxia, and then once again drew the bow and shot the arrow. He believed that even if this sword was not his prosperous arrow, but there is that person, the person he wants to kill must be will die.

177 Secret

The so-called big killer has the most deterrent effect when it is not used.The so-called big killer has the most deterrent effect when it is not used.Therefore, if it were in the past, Ning Que would not shoot iron arrows.Because once he shoots an iron arrow, the so-called balance between the two parties will be broken.

However, it is different now.The master floated down to Peach Mountain and disappeared. The balance of the spiritual world has been broken.Of course, the most important thing is that Ning Que felt anxious, he was leaving Chang'an, and now he has no chance to shoot if he doesn't shoot.

Two holes appeared outside Chang'an City. They were not tunnels formed by space tearing, nor were they real arrow holes. They were just condensation clouds formed by iron arrows.

The two Leng Lingyun lines stretched towards the western horizon and disappeared dozens of miles away, but it was already possible to see who the direction indicated.

The other one flew towards the south, also stretched for dozens of miles, and then disappeared without a shadow.A discerning person can see that there is the direction of Qingxia.

Two straight cloud lines appeared in the azure blue sky, just like a rainbow that emerged from the ground in the sky back then, which are extremely rare spectacles.

This is a spectacle that is difficult to see. Therefore, the people in Chang'an City brought their old people and children out to watch them, and they were happily discussing which enemy powerhouse Mr. Fourteen shot and killed.

Some people guessed right, some people guessed wrong.However, for Tang Min, whoever died was the same, as long as the enemy died, they were very happy.

Since the beginning of the war again, Tang has once become an enemy of the whole world. People are dying on the frontier every moment. People's emotions will inevitably appear repressed and gloomy, but today these two arrows succeeded in making them. These people became energetic and even felt like a carnival.

Practitioners actually have many weapons with very different legends: such as the chessboard left by the Buddha, such as Yulanling, or the sacred artifacts recorded in the Taoist scriptures, and the few books of the heavens that have just begun to show their horror and power in the world, of course. We can't forget the Chang'an City left by the Master, but most of those weapons come from God, or the remains of figures like Master Buddha.

Weapons that are made by practitioners but can show legendary power are very rare.

Except for the Heshan plate made by the former wise men of the academy and the former master of Mochiyuan, there is only the Yuan Thirteen Arrows in Ning Que's hands, which was built by the power of the people in the back of the academy.

Today, the prestige of this iron arrow has already shook the world, but all practitioners just know that it is a terrifying weapon, but they really understand the principle and why the iron arrow has such a Unimaginable power, in fact, only the people from the back mountain of the academy have participated in creating this killer.

The Thirteen Arrows of the Yuan Dynasty originated from Ning Que's imagination and turned into reality by Houshan.It is said that the lack of an arrow is also a talisman. Every time the iron arrow leaves the string, it is actually equivalent to writing a talisman.

However, when the arrow left the string and shot, the talisman was not finished. Only when he touched the target, the talisman was considered complete.

The talisman is the whole, so the arrow shot by Ning Que is also the whole, and the whole is indivisible. Therefore, once the iron arrow is shot, it is powerful and indestructible.

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