Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life in Jiangye Chapter 233

If Chao Xiaoshu is still alive, he might reply to the alcoholic that he is a person who is willing to make friends.

After all, this is a well-known fact.Chao Xiaoshu is the best friend, and the best to make friends, he is sincere and generous.

Undoubtedly, he is very unrestrained. Only people like him can be worthy of the Brothers of His Majesty the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, and he can pick a brother like Ning Que at random in the painting shop on the roadside.

Chao Xiaoshu is a really good person, otherwise he wouldn't have a good relationship with everyone in the academy. This is not only because he is a good friend of the junior brother of the academy, but also because he is also a good friend of other people in the academy.

Chao Xiaoshu is also very righteous. When Tang's heavy armored Xuanqi was killed, he said that the blood of the Tang people could not be shed in vain, so he slammed into the palace of Yan Kingdom with a sword.

At the end of his life, it was for Tang Guo's future to make this plan together with the Academy. He sacrificed his life and killed the butcher.

Ning Que obviously thought of his second brother at this time, with a little sadness and nostalgia in his eyes.

"If you are willing and want to come, Brother Chao is also very willing to be friends with you, even if your seniority is too high and too old, but friends are always irrelevant to generational age, as long as you care about fun It's good to agree."

Xia Yu also feels a little at this time

"In fact, during the years of living in the small town, Chao Xiaoshu would also send some letters to the academy. Back then, he did come here to set up a bureau to kill you, but in fact, after so many years, this bureau has long ceased to be a bureau. . You know he is Chao Xiaoshu, but why doesn't he know that you know he is Chao Xiaoshu?"

Xia Yu paused, looked up to the sky, a little missed

"Actually, in the letters over the years, he mentioned more than once. He was wondering if he could persuade you. Unfortunately, he still couldn't do it, but he never owed you anything."

The alcoholic looked at Xia Yu, expressionless

"Indebted? No, he doesn't owe me anything. I have lived in this world for a thousand years. I have seen countless insidious cunning, experienced countless intrigues, and of course the ugliest and most deformed in the world. , The most abnormal thing. So I don’t actually care about the cup of tea in the shop. This game is no longer a game for me.”

Xia Yu nodded

"Yes, this is not a game anymore, because at the beginning of this game, I never thought about success. If he is still alive, then he is the game. As long as you kill him, the game will be established."

The alcoholic raised his eyebrows.

"Like when the butcher died?"

Xia Yu nodded

"Yes, Chao Xiaoshu's game has never been such a big formation. In fact, it has always been himself, waiting for the moment you kill him."

The drunkard’s face changed slightly, because this was indeed a dead end. He thought for a moment if Chao Xiaoshu was here at this time, he would definitely kill Chao Xiaoshu first, and at that time, he would face the same as the butcher. Scene.

Fortunately, Chao Xiaoshu died at this time.

The alcoholic looked at Xia Yu, with a bit of playfulness and confusion on his face

"Since Chao Xiaoshu is dead, then this bureau has long been meaningless now, so why use it now?"

Xia Yu smiled

"For this time."

When the alcoholic heard this, his face suddenly changed, and he turned to look in the direction of Ning Que.

There, an iron arrow pierced the night sky and shot at him quickly.

The drinker's face suddenly paled, and he felt great fear.Ning Que had prepared the arrow when he was talking to Xia Yu, and now he shot it out.

At this time, the arrow has come to the side of the alcoholic, so that the alcoholic has no time to hide hundreds of miles away to use this arrow.

With a sharp scream, he quickly backed away, and after a few steps back, his body shape was already blurred.

However, even so, it was useless in front of this arrow, because it was Ning Que's strongest arrow, and it was the sum of the strength he and Sangsang had just recovered.Yuan Thirteen Arrows once again restored the ability in the rules of Chang'an.

The alcoholic was in extreme pain, his eyes were shocked and puzzled, even a little confused.

Why can't he avoid this arrow? Why didn't he notice the movement of Ning Que shooting this arrow.

Xia Yu gave him the answer.

"Because you are arrogant, because you think you have broken the bureau of the academy, but you don't know that this town is actually a bureau, a broken bureau."

Yes, this town is also a bureau, but this bureau was only set up a few years ago, many years later than the bureau of this calligraphy and painting shop.

Back then, after Chao Xiaoshu and the Second Senior Brother and the others cooperated to kill the butcher, Zhang San Li Si chose to stay here, and Xia Yu knew that in the end, the battlefield with the alcoholic might be here.

Of course, this is just a guess, but now that he has made such a guess, how could Xia Yu not make any tricks.

He knows the array of calligraphy and painting shops, because this already has his handwriting.He also knew that the calligraphy and painting shops couldn't keep the alcoholics in check.

Since you can't get stuck, why don't you want to make this formation play a bigger role after being broken by the alcoholic.

Therefore, Xia Yu made Senior Brother Eleven dissatisfied with some paralyzed perception, plants with a little illusion in this big formation.

The alcoholic will definitely destroy this shop at that time, and then, the pollen of these plants will float into the alcoholic's body when he doesn't know it, as long as someone can transfer the alcoholic's attention to another. In one direction, this big formation has also used its own waste heat.

The drunkard understood it. He understood it the moment Xia Yu spoke. It was he himself who filled in the last corner of the game.But so what?

Ning Que's arrow at this time was not a big threat to him.

So, the drunkard continued to retreat, and he wanted to dissolve the strength on Ning Que's iron arrow.

In the end, he was still hit by the arrow, and the injuries on his body were also very serious. After all, the arrow was shot firmly to the alcoholic.

At this time, Xia Yu's breath changed, and it became terrifying for the alcoholic. He knew that Xia Yu was going to use the method he had used when he was in Tianqi Mountain.If he is caught in this method now, then he will have no way to survive.

The alcoholic turned pale, and continued to back away.The figure continues to blur.

He doesn't want to die yet, so he wants to escape!

He slapped the street with a palm, shaking up countless soot and gravel, blocking Xia Yu's vision.

Zhang San and Li Si crawled out of the ruins of the painting and calligraphy shop.Holding a kitchen knife, it was a violent chop, regardless of whether the chop was a god or a Buddha. When the two young men chopped, even their eyes were closed.

With two clicks, the kitchen knife cut off the toe of the drinker's left foot and the heel of his right foot.

The drunkard had an arrow in his abdomen, blood was flowing, and his feet were bleeding.He howled angrily, drew seventeen swords from the pot, and stabbed Chao Xiaoshu and Zhang Sanli indiscriminately.

Suddenly, on the other side of the night, Sangsang spoke. She softly said a word, or a paragraph?In short, Ning Que did not hear clearly what she said, the alcoholic did not hear clearly, and Xia Yu did not hear clearly, but the aura that was being used in his body became stronger.

Yes, this breath was originally given to him by Sangsang, and Sangsang naturally knew that he was preparing for the alcoholic.You know, even if Sangsang is very weak at this time, even if she can't directly calculate the sky as before, but before the battle started, she had calculated it.

Therefore, it is very possible that she had expected everything that happened at this time, and even had some corresponding preparations.

Xia Yu raised his hands and sent out a wave of air in the direction of the drinker.

That was the aura that Sangsang left him, the aura of the origin of the world, the aura of the origin even more than the origin of heaven and earth.

The qi wave flew out and entered the smoke and dust around the drinker. Then, it accurately hit the drinker's chest, hitting the position of the iron arrow previously shot by Ning Que.

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