Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 234

The breath rippled across the alcoholic body and slowly penetrated into his body.

The drunkard yelled in pain, unable to maintain his balance. He sat down on the ground, and the seventeen swords drawn out of the pot were scattered on the ground like scattered leaves.

His Qihaixueshan was abolished, and he is now a disuse.

However, this matter is not over yet.

The smoke in the air slowly dissipated.

Ning Que rushed to the court, kicked him to the ground with one foot, and then slammed his right foot on his chest.

The alcoholic gasped, his eyes full of unwillingness and anger, but his breastbone was broken.

He doesn't want to die, he still wants to live on.

Unfortunately, neither Xia Yu nor Ning Que Sangsang would let him live like this.

Ning Que opened the iron bow to aim, the iron bow bent like a full moon, and the iron arrow on the string was as cold as frost.

Ning Que wanted to kill this predecessor who had lived in the spiritual world for thousands of years with the last iron arrow in his hand, who had already become a legend.

This is something Xia Yu doesn't want to see. No matter what the battle between the alcoholic and the academy, it is only because of their different positions, but because of their different pursuits.

However, as a senior in the spiritual world, how can a drinker be killed by such a simple iron arrow?

Therefore, Xia Yu stretched out his hand to stop Ning Que's movements, which made Ning Que very puzzled.

However, when Ning Que saw Xia Yu's next move, he smiled and got off the alcoholic.

That's right, even if the alcoholic thought senior, Xia Yu would not let the alcoholic die peacefully.Well, indeed, he is a senior, he and the academy are just because of different ideas, but Xia Yu does not accept it.

Therefore, Xia Yu wanted to make the alcoholic die also feel aggrieved.

He took a knife from Zhang San.

A knife familiar to alcoholics, and a blood-stained butcher knife.

Of course the drinker is familiar with this knife, because he has been in contact with the original owner of this knife for thousands of years, and he is familiar with everything about this knife, so when he sees this knife, the drinker's realization is anger, and Some, uh, aggrieved.

That's right, it's just aggrieved, after all, dying under a weapon whose master has already died is nothing.However, if the owner of this and was originally his partner, a friend who had lived with him for a thousand years, then everything would be different.

In fact, Xia Yu's use of this knife to kill the alcoholic is a humiliation to the alcoholic.

After all, the butcher died in the hands of the academy, and the drunkard clamored to avenge the butcher. In the end, he also died in the hands of the academy, or died by the butcher's knife, it would not be easy.

Of course, death itself is not an acceptable thing for alcoholics.

The drunkard spoke, coughed up and looked at the blood, looked at Xia Yu, the look on his face was very ugly

"You want to kill me, I'm not surprised, but why use this knife."

In fact, the alcoholic wanted to ask, why did he treat himself this way, after all, not long ago, he and Xia Yu were drinking and eating meat together in Tianqi Mountain.

Now, when he was about to die, Xia Yu didn't give himself a happy life.

Xia Yu raised the hand holding the butcher knife and said

"Yes, there is really no deep hatred between us, but I still can't let you die so happy, for the Tang people who died these years, and the great sages who died for Tang."

The sound falls, the knife falls.

The knife fell, the head fell.

193 Back to Beijing

Xia Yu's sword was so powerful that he cut it down like a smashing Huashan, but it fell on the ground without making any loud noises, as if the sword had hit the cotton.

However, what makes people strange is that this did not leave a trace on the ground, without a trembling knife, but the dilapidated houses in this small town collapsed one after another.

The whole ground seems to be undergoing a low-frequency vibration, and people standing on it do not feel any vibration.However, the remains of the alcoholic who stopped on the ground began to decay quickly, and it could even be said to be a kind of weathering, and soon became a pile of things similar to yellow sand.At this time, a breeze passed by, and these things disappeared without a trace.

Looking at this scene, Ning Que remembered the vision of heaven and earth that had been triggered when he opened the Ming scroll on the wasteland many years ago, and realized what killing the alcoholic meant to the world.

Xia Yu understood that this was because the alcoholics at this time were no longer humans.

In fact, Sangsang also understands, because she herself is above this realm, and Xia Yu is only close to this realm now.

Alcoholics are not ordinary practitioners, they are great practitioners. They are figures of the level of Master, Buddha, Ke Haoran, and Kanji. Even the words “Major practitioners” are not accurate.

He and the butcher have lived from ancient times to the present, and they existed in this world long before the Buddha.

The generation of Master Watching the Lord thousands of years ago and the generation of Ke Haoran decades ago are actually his descendants. He and the butcher are the real legends in this world, and they can even be called legends.

He has lived for countless years, and seems to live like this forever.He died like this to this day.

It stands to reason that the butcher should also be in the same state as him, but such changes have not occurred after death.In fact, to a certain extent, it can also be explained that the realm of the alcoholic is already above the butcher. He has already approached Haotian. However, the constant timidity prevented him from comprehending the realm of Haotian, and even he has never been Knowing how close he was to Haotian.

Unfortunately, now, he is still dead.

The butcher was dead, but it was still in the human category, so Xia Yu didn't feel much, but now, seeing the death of the drunkard, Xia Yu realized.

In other words, it is to understand the difference between the realm he has not stepped past and his current realm, and why he has not stepped through that door.

In the same way, Xia Yu thought of his teacher who is still in the sky at this moment. I don’t know, the Master is not considered a human being. After all, the Master has reached this state, and even walked farther than the alcoholic in this state. , He is the closest person to Haotian in this world, um, in realm, not on.

On top, when Ning Que was the closest to Haotian, he was in a negative distance.Speaking of it, Xia Yu felt that the name Haotian was very good, and Hao gave Ning Que a good prediction.

Back to the topic now, Xia Yu stopped thinking about it.

He raised his head and looked at Ning Que and Sangsang.

"Go to Tuyang City, hurry."

Ning nodded his shortcomings, did not say much, and ignored Zhang San and Li Si, who was also seriously injured at this time, because he knew that Xia Yu would stay here to deal with all this, and the most important thing for him at this time is to be in a hurry.

He didn't delay any time, took Sangsang, rode a big black horse, and left the town, rushing towards Tuyang City in the west at the fastest speed.

The reason why I want to go to Tuyang City is because Tuyang City is the garrison of the Northeast Frontier Army of Datang, and there is also a teleportation formation there. Is the fastest.

There was no accident in the transmission this time.At this time it was midnight, and in an unremarkable mansion behind Tuyang City General's Mansion, a clear light was spreading, and the atmosphere of heaven and earth was disturbed. After a while, calm was restored.

Xia Yu knew that Ning Que and the others had returned to Chang'an safely.

The fact is indeed the case.

Chang'an City at this time, in the palace.

In the inconspicuous small building deep in the palace, clear light was also spreading.

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