Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life in Jiangye Chapter 235

Sudden fluctuations in the vitality of heaven and earth appeared in the imperial palace, and the teleportation array that had not been used for a long time was activated, so people would naturally notice it.The Ouchi guards and Tianshu officials who received the alert rushed to the small building as quickly as possible to confirm that the teleportation array had been activated, but found no news.

When Li Yu, who was informed of the news, and the current Tang Wang Li Huo came here, they saw a broken feather arrow, they understood what was happening here, and their hearts were at ease.

Because Ning Que, one of the academy's top combat powers, is back.

The academy played a big role in this human war.When the people in the academy rushed to all parts of the Tang state, they always left a strong person to guard the city. It used to be Ning Que, but he left.Then Xia Yu, and later, he also left.

After that, the city didn't have enough power to guard it.

Now that Ning Que is back, the city is safe.

Xia Yu, who was far away in the small town of Song State, looked at Zhang San and Li Si who was lying on the ground at this time, and shook his head.

"Can you two still move? Your little uncle has returned to Chang'an, so I will be fine. Now I should hurry back to Chang'an."

Zhang San was a little embarrassed, and wanted to raise his hand to touch his head, only to find that he was very tired, and he couldn't help but smile.

"Uncle Twelve, the injuries on both of us are not serious, just a little tired."

Xia Yu is a little helpless

"If the injury is not serious, I don't know how to come and help me!"

It turned out that the injuries on Xia Yu's body that he had been suppressing broke out after using the back hand when killing the alcoholic. At this time, he didn't even dare to move his body easily.

Zhang San found out that Xia Yu's back was already full of blood, he was very surprised

"Uncle Twelve, you..."

Xia Yu said angrily

"Your little uncle is anxious to return to Beijing, and I am also anxious to let him go back. That's fine, but don't anyone of you know that my practice can only restore the power of mind, not the injury?"

At this time in Chang'an, by the Yanming Lake, Ning Que was holding the shocking array's eye stick tightly in his hand, his eyes full of entanglement.

Sangsang stood behind Ning Que, holding a small stool made of wicker in his hand, and said to Ning Que

"Even if I write that word, I will die."

Ning Que's mouth is a bit bitter

"I always feel that this shouldn't be the case."

Sangsang said

"Even if I am willing to help you, I don't know how to help you now."

Ning Que said

"I know the situation."

Sangsang looked at him and asked


Ning Que turned around and looked at Sangsang. He was really tangled.

"No one is qualified to ask you to die, even for the sake of humanity as a whole, I am even less qualified to say that sentence, so there is no then."

That's right, Ning Que was really tangled at this time.What he and Sangsang said was that word, that talisman, that word left in the last words of Master Yan Se to him.

That word was so big that even with the help of the Shocking Array, it was still difficult for him to write it. The far west famine and the southeast sea, and the farther cold and snowy seas, were all too far away.

It is said that the human mind can go as far as it is.But no one has ever thought about the fact that thought itself is extremely vague, and how difficult it is to let it go to faraway places.

But Ning Que knew that many years ago, when he first met, the dream, the sea, was actually this world.He also knew that the reason he had that dream back then was because he was holding Sangsang in his arms.

If there is Sangsang's help, or, he can spread his thought power to the end of the world and the sea.

However, he didn't know how to speak, because after writing that word, Sangsang was really likely to die.

So he struggled.

In fact, Chang'an City is safe for Ning Que, and even if the subject comes here, he can't do anything.

But is this really the case?This war is far from over. Whether it is the battle between Guanzhu and the big brother or the victory of Tang and Xiling, it is very important.

Did he not know the severity of Xia Yu's injuries at this time, saying that he had handed his two master nephews to Xia Yu, but in fact, why didn't he let Zhang Sanlisi protect Xia Yu and bring him back to Chang'an?

Similarly, when he first returned to Chang'an, he threw his sons and daughters into the brothel, not because Ning Que was irresponsible, but because he was in a hurry. He was anxious to write the word. As long as he wrote it out, then, this matter, It may end like this.

The restless cloud over the small town resembled a human suffering face.This face looked at the earth and everywhere in the world, so everyone who could see it saw it.

Zhang San and Li Si didn't find any carriage in this broken town. They had to make a simple wooden carriage with wooden planks, and pulled Xia Yu slowly toward Chang'an with human power.

Xia Yu didn't dare to move at this time, because he was afraid that when he was moving his body, the scars that had been scabbed would open again.

It was not just him that was afraid, but Zhang San and Li Si were also afraid, so they pulled the cart and walked very slowly.

But fortunately Xia Yu is a teacher, even if he can't move his body, his mind can still protect the three of them in danger.

On the other side, between the cliffs outside Helan City, Guanzhu and the elder brother stood hundreds of feet apart. The Tsing Yi was already torn, and there were a lot of blood on the jacket. Two days and one night were enough to happen.

There are no bystanders and no recorders in the battle that took place on this cliff. Otherwise, it would definitely be ranked among the top five in history, regardless of level or degree.

The watcher looked at the southern cloud, was silent for a long time, and said, "The alcoholic is really dead."

This is very shocking to the viewer, because he is also a person close to Haotian, and even to some extent he has walked farther than the alcoholic, so he knows how incredible it is for the alcoholic to die.

Even if he wanted to kill Haotian, he had to rely on the power of the book of heaven. Even if he killed Haotian's clone in the world, he still tried to make Haotian weak to the extreme before he did it.One can imagine how shocked the viewer was when he learned about the death of the alcoholic.

The big brother also looked in the direction of the town, smiled, did not speak.

For the senior brother, he has always believed in his fellow apprentices. Just like back then, Xia Yu said that when we wanted to kill the butcher, the senior apprentice did it according to Xia Yu’s arrangement, and the second apprentice did the same. They They don't even think about what would happen if this thing is not done, because they have always believed in their brothers.

The master turned and looked at the big brother, and said

"They returned to Chang'an, you don't need to stop me anymore."

The big brother still didn't speak, but raised the hand holding the stick, and once again put the stick in front of his eyebrows.

The big brother blocked the subjective subject in order to get Ning Que and the two to return to Chang'an, and they even started to burn their lives to hinder them.It stands to reason that now Ning Que and the others are safe, and he doesn't need to do this anymore, but he still does it.

The observer also asked very suspiciously


Big brother replied

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