Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 273

For example, the sword master Qianli Feijian's sword means is gone, and the warrior's means to absorb the vitality of the world is gone.

The sword master became a sentimental sword intent, and the warrior became constantly polishing his body.

But let’s not say that the current sword master and the warrior are actually very similar, or at this time, the sword master has become a part of the warrior. Moreover, he polishes his body in such a pure way, and understands his sword. The practice of Kung Fu really has some effect in this world of thin vitality.

At least Xia Yu had seen these two people with their skills, Xia Yu, who couldn't use the teacher training method, was really not necessarily their opponent.

Therefore, Xia Yu now needs a sword very much.

Xia Yu suddenly missed the Wufeng Sword that she gave Yilan. After all, it was the best sword for her Wuhen Sword Intent.However, since the Bladeless Sword is not in Xia Yu's hands now, Xia Yu needs a sword. It doesn't need to be too good, just one that can bear his sword intent.

However, how can a sword that can withstand Xia Yu's sword intent be a simple sword?

Xia Yu tried several swords in the blacksmith's shop, and the sword intent turned into powder. This made him understand that the current iron-strike technology in the world is really backward, and it is not comparable to the casual work created by the sixth brother in the academy. ratio.

In this case, Xia Yu had no choice but to pick a sword that looked good enough to his appetite and set off toward the place of the incident.

210 Qin Shi?

Of course Xia Yu didn't go there on foot. He rented a carriage in Xianyang City.

As for the reason for having a sword, it’s just because of simple self-defense. Even if Xia Yu’s method of exempting the teacher still has the means of the Talisman, but because of the scarcity of vitality, Xia Yu now wants to use the means of the Talisman in advance. It is good to write it on the paper. In that case, it is easy to prepare a sword.

Xia Yu drove south in a carriage, watching the natural scenery at this time on the way, and by the way, he solved one of his troubles.

In fact, Xia Yu is really annoyed now. His left leg was cut off by the Guanzhu when he blocked the Guanzhu from entering Chang'an for the first time that year. After that, he asked Senior Brother Six and Brother Four to make a prosthesis.

The prosthesis is pretty good, but if you know that Xia Yu has been asleep for a long, long time, it is estimated that it has been ten thousand years. For such a long time, let alone the prosthesis, it is the Confucian clothing on Xia Yu's body and the gourd on his waist. About to decay.

Therefore, Xia Yu now needs to find someone who can look at the sixth and fourth brothers to help him make a prosthesis.

As for the Confucian clothing on her body, it's still better. It is also good to change into the clothes of the people at this time. If you have the opportunity to customize it, it will be fine.However, even so, we have to settle down.

Xia Yu just sat in the carriage and drank, thinking about such things, and then heard the sound of fighting in the village not far away.

This is a very small village. There is a wooden sign at the door of the village that says Zhangjiacun. I think this village should be maintained by blood connections.

When Xia Yu walked into the village, what he saw was a group of court officers and soldiers' wanton killing of the villagers, and most of the houses were lit by flames.

The villagers suffered heavy casualties. This was a one-sided slaughter.

According to the news from the people who asked in Xianyang City, although the Emperor Qin was a bit tyrannical at this time, he still did a good job in many places, such as collecting swords and soldiers in the world, unified weights and measures, unified characters, and books and cars on the same track. From these perspectives, Emperor Qin should be a Mingjun.

However, a Mingjun would not allow his soldiers to slaughter the people at will, not to mention that it is not far from Xianyang.

Just as when Xia Yu was thinking, a group of soldiers saw him, and then raised the blade in his hand and ran towards Xia Yu.

In fact, Xia Yu didn't want to do it. No matter what age, it was a problem with the people of the court, but in fact, he was not allowed to do so safely.

However, it was that ordinary soldiers like this would not be Xia Yu's opponent. After arresting a few soldiers, and after inquiring, Xia Yu knew that they were looking for a teenager.

These soldiers don't know what the identity of this young man is and why they are looking for him. They only know that if it can be captured alive is the best, they must kill him to get the corpse.

At this moment, Xia Yu heard the voice of a teenager coming from the entrance of the village.

"I beg you to let me go, I will go back and save my parents."

"Let me go quickly."

Xia Yu thought to himself, this might be the boy the soldiers were looking for.

Then, they heard the voices of several soldiers spotting the boy and rushing towards the boy.

I didn’t know what his identity was as a boy, but even if Emperor Qin did not hesitate to slaughter the village and find him, it can show that he is very important. Then, as long as Xia Yu is by his side, he can know this moment and this world. After all those changes, it was better than looking for clues by himself.

When Xia Yu walked over, he saw several water ropes entangled with the boy. After the soldiers approached the boy, they spread out and attacked the soldiers.

This method made Xia Yu feel a lot like the method of studying a teacher.

This discovery made Xia Yu feel very interesting. In this world, the vitality of the world is thin, and he is also a teacher, so he knows how easy it is to launch such an attack. Xia Yu is very interested in this person who launches the method.

Compared with a teenager who doesn't know his identity, a teacher who can show his strength is more important.

After choosing between the two directions, Xia Yu found the suspected teacher through the remaining thought power in the air.

What shocked Xia Yu was that this teacher was very young, about the same age as the boy just now.

This is a little girl, dressed in a light pink shirt, with a pink veil on her face, and a sky blue bead on the top of her hair. Even Xia Yu, who is a certain distance away from the girl, can feel that one. The vitality of the beads in the air was constantly gathering and injected into the girl's body.

Is the girl walking the path of the Demon Sect?

Xia Yu was a little uncertain.You must know that the mind-cultivators of the Demon Sect are very tough, and their fighting styles are generally the same as those of the martial artist. They are pure physical competitions. However, the previous attack is a means of cultivating a teacher. It is not a person in the Demon Sect Can be used.

Perhaps it was caused by the changes in the world. After all, the battles that year destroyed many practice methods in the world, and later people may have created their own methods based on some remaining data.

Before Xia Yu came near the girl, the girl quickly moved. Xia Yu looked in the direction of the girl's movement, and it turned out that it was the boy who ran into the village.

The girl is protecting the boy?

Xia Yu found that the young man's skills were still dexterous, he should be a good seed, if his thinking and perception were not weak, it would be a good material for practice.

At this moment, there was a man in white shirt rushing with a sword not far away. He should have come from this boy to see the direction. Xia Yu suddenly became curious about the boy's identity.

A rural teenager was protected by a girl who was suspicious of a teacher. Judging from the girl's age and means, this was a genius much better than Yilan's talent.

He was hunted down by the soldiers of the imperial court, and even wanted to catch him even at the expense of the village.

And this middle-aged man, who was obviously well-fed, rushed to him. Whether it was for arrest or protection, it could be seen that the identity of a teenager was not simple.

However, this has nothing to do with Xia Yu. Xia Yu's goal at this time is to be a girl.

The girl saw that a soldier shot the boy and couldn't help but wanted to do it, and then stopped moving.

Because, at this time, Xia Yu was standing behind her.

The girl was very surprised. She knew her cultivation level. Few people in this world could come to her side without being discovered by herself, but this is a strange man, but he can do it. He may be similar to the teacher’s cultivation level. Or higher.

"Don't worry, that young man has been rescued, you will be exposed if you act."

A playful voice came from behind, and the girl knew that this was the man's.

Although the girl was a little flustered about this, she was still calm

"Who are you? What are you going to do?"

Xia Yu put down the iron sword clamped around the girl's neck and said

"It's okay. I'm curious about some things. I want to ask you."

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