Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 274

Xia Yu paused, then added

"Don't worry, I won't force you to answer what you can't say."

The girl let out a sigh, if she just asked herself something less important, then it’s still acceptable

"What do you want to ask?"

Xia Yu walked two steps forward, came to the girl's side, looked at the boy in the front yard and said

"First of all, who is that young man? How come there are soldiers who want to arrest him, and you and the swordsman will protect him."

The girl thought for a while and said

"I don't know who he is, but from a very young age, my teacher asked me to protect him here."

Xia Yu turned to look at the girl

"Oh? Is that so? The second question. Who is that swordsman? Good skills."

The girl looked at Xia Yu in surprise

"Don't you know him? He is the chief swordsman of Qin, who is responsible for teaching martial arts to the princes, the sword sage Ganie."

Xia Yu obviously didn't think of this answer, and was taken aback.

Sword Saint Gane?So, this is Qin Shi?

"Sword Saint Gane, the one who killed Jing Ke?"

Xia Yu tentatively asked

The girl nodded

"it's him."

Xia Yu smiled and continued to ask

"The third question, what was the method you used earlier? How did you use it?"

After a pause, Xia Yu added

"I don't think that this kind of method is only available to your teachers. So, if you can't say anything about your teachers, just say something from the general public."

The girl was taken aback, she didn't expect Xia Yu to talk so well and would ask questions like this

"The previous methods were just some simple magic techniques. Such methods are indeed not unique to our teachers, but other than us, the techniques of others are very rough."

Xia Yu has some doubts

"Spells? Are you a Taoist? Or a warlock?"

Taoist and warlock are not the same. Taoist seeks the soul most, and sorcerer seeks the most means. Although it seems that they want to think about the two in many places, they are different in essence.

The girl thought for a while and said

"We should be regarded as warlocks."

Xia Yu raised his hand

"Well, you don't need to talk about the rest of the usage method. You can see it by looking at you, and you don't want to say it."

Now that I know that it is the method of the warlock, it is much easier to learn it. Moreover, it seems that the Taoist also has a similar method, although I don’t know who wrote the classics circulated in the Taoist school, I want to come and Sister San Big brother should have some origins, so let's check it out if you have time.

The girl hesitantly asked

"Then, senior, can I go now?"

Xia Yu looked back at the girl a little funny

"The last question, how do you call it?"

The girl hesitated, Xia Yu smiled when she saw this

"Forget it, you go, I will not embarrass a little girl yet."

The girl sighed, relaxed a lot, bowed to Xia Yu, and then floated away

On the other side, at this time, Gane and his family were surrounded by soldiers at the gate of the village.

Although Gane Kung Fu is very high, it looks like this.

However, he was only a person, unable to protect the young family while dealing with soldiers.

Seeing this, Xia Yu thought for a while, and now it seems that this world is probably not the Qin Dynasty he studied in the history class of his previous life, but the world of a famous animation Qin Shi in the previous life.

Since the swordsman is Gai Nie, then this young man should be Jing Ke's son Qin Shi's protagonist Tian Ming.

If I remember correctly, Tianming will go to the Mo Family at the end. The Mo Family in my memory looks like someone who is good at organs or something, and what kind of medical immortal is this. I can't remember clearly, but it should be good to go there.

Therefore, Xia Yu decided to help some of this destiny son.

Throwing the sword in his hand casually, although it can't be the same as before, but with the bonus of the thought power in the body and the sword intent of his own, the sword thrown in this way can also play the effect of a flying sword for a while. .

So Tianming and Gane saw an iron sword flying from a distance, killing the soldiers in front of them.

However, they only killed those soldiers, and Ge Nie and the others were still very dangerous, because another Qin army came.

They were dressed in very colored armors, black visors, and armed with long-handled weapons, and handed over to Guyie.

However, just when Gane was against these soldiers, on the other side, a minimum soldier held an iron chain and caught Tianming who was watching the show.

Gane flew up and wanted to save Tianming, but how could human feet be faster than horses? This is not the time for the night. At that time, the martial arts cultivators and the demon cultivators could run between the heavens and the earth with their own power. Now, these warriors can only rely on their so-called light work.

Since Guyie couldn't save Tianming and was ambushed by the soldiers, Xia Yu should make another move.

He appeared in front of the horse.

With a wave of his hand, the soldier riding a horse was slashed by Xia Yu with a sword.

On the other side, Ge Nie was attacked by soldiers with crossbow arrows, and then besieged by their cavalry. It was a crisis.

"Mr. Guy, do you need help?"

Ganie looked at Xia Yu next to Tianming in neutral, and wanted to say something, so he was attacked by crossbow arrows again. However, this time it was not only Gaye who was attacked, but also Tianming and Xia Yu next to Tianming.

The leader of the Qin army raised the saber in his hand and shouted

"Brothers, come on!"

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