Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 275

This made Xia Yu a little helpless. I just wanted to join them to the Mohist intelligence point and figure out a way to fix my prosthesis. Why was it attacked.

Well, if you attack me, it doesn't matter if I kill you.

However, Xia Yu did overestimate himself a bit. In the absence of sufficient vitality, he could not use the means of reciting the teacher, and he did not prepare the corresponding talisman in advance, and the weapons in his hand were not ready. In this case, the face For these Qin soldiers equipped with teeth, Xia Yu also had no good way.

A wagon box carrying wine and a small amount of gunpowder exploded behind Ge Nie, and the seriously injured Ge Nie made Tianming very panicked.

"This, uncle, what should I do."

Guy Nie slapped himself, sealed the blood that was still bleeding on his body, and said to Tianming

"Don't move."

Then look at Xia Yu

"I don't know who the husband is, but I still ask him to protect this child temporarily."

He said that he was about to fly towards the Yuanhong sword stuck in the ground.

Xia Yu reached out and stopped him.Said

"Mr. Guy is seriously injured right now. If you believe me, lend your sword to me."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Ge Nie's answer, he got up and drew the sword from the ground, looking at the soldiers of Qin State who were running towards him.

211 good people?Bad guys?

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and Xia Yu raised the sword in his hand.

It was as if the big brother was fighting against the master, and he held the sword between his brows.

Then, a burst of sword intent emanated from Xia Yu's body. This sword intent was extremely strong, and even formed a light blue aura beside Xia Yu.

Wuhen Sword Intent, Xia Yu created the sword intent based on his sword skills and experience.The intention is to take the sword first, with no moves or styles, but extremely sharp.

Xia Yu's figure disappeared in an instant, and then everyone only saw a blue light and shadow moving between Qin soldiers.

After a while, Xia Yu appeared on the spot. Then, blood stains appeared on the necks and bodies of the soldiers who rushed, and they all died.

After that, on the bodies of the soldiers, many transparent sword shadows appeared, flying towards Xia Yu, and finally, they melted into the Yuanhong sword in Xia Yu's hands.

Xia Yu turned around and looked at Guyie, and passed the sword in his hand.

"Mr. Guy, although it's okay now, your body needs a good treatment."

Guenee was relieved when he saw the crisis contact. It was the breath he sent that made the true qi in his body turbulent. Then, blood came out of the corner of his mouth and he passed out in a daze.

Xia Yu shook his head slightly and looked at the forest aside, where a figure ran over, looking very flustered.

During the previous battle, Xia Yu felt that someone was peeking there, but now seeing the figure running, Xia Yu felt that the person was probably the Mo family medical immortal who had been in constant disputes with Gai Nie.

Tianming looked at Duanmu Rong who was running and couldn't help but shouted

"Aren't you a doctor? Find a way to save him."

Before Duanmu Rong could say anything, Xia Yu smiled and said to Tianming

"Child, you have to know that she is a medical immortal, but your uncle killed someone's eldest brother. At this time, she would be kind if she didn't take the opportunity to kill your uncle."

Duan Mulong looked at Xia Yu when she heard this, her eyes filled with a trace of anger. She wanted Gai Nie to die, but that was killed by herself, not in this situation, and she was indeed If you want to save him, how can I save him?

Xia Yu saw Duanmu's eyes and said to her again

"However, Doctor Immortal, I suggest you save him. After all, when Jing Ke died, only he was there, and only he knew about some things."

Duanmu was taken aback, and understood that this was the reason Xia Yu gave him, and that's right, after all, he was going to kill Guinie, so I couldn't justify saving him in this way, but it was different with this reason, and it would be justified to save him in this way.

In the evening, Tianming's home

After Duanmu's simple treatment, Ganie is no longer a serious problem, and is now resting, and Duanmu is also packing his own treatment tools.

However, Tianming was a little flustered, he looked towards Duanmu

"Is the uncle dead? He is out of breath."

Duanmu looked at Tianming a little bit angry

"If you die with my seven life-locking needles, you will be my doctor."

Then, Duanmu no longer paid attention to Tianming, but looked at Xia Yu

"Who are you? How do you know about my big brother?"

Xia Yu smiled and said

"I don't know who the ancestor of your Mo family is, but depending on your inheritance, there should be some connection with me, and I happen to ask your Mo family for help."

Duanmu frowned

"What's the relationship between you helping Guyie and our Mo family?"

Xia Yu shook his head and smiled

"I can't say it now, you will know in the future, and I am not helping Guinie, I am helping that child."

Duanmu looked suspiciously at Tianming, who was sitting on the side of Guinie's bed.

"He? Is there anything special about him?"

Xia Yu still shook his head

"You will know in the future, there are some things, you still have to talk to you."

Duanmu couldn't help but feel a little tight in his chest. What kind of person is this, he didn't say anything, just said he would know in the future, he is still a Taoist priest.

Xia Yu seemed to see Duanmu's thoughts and smiled

"I actually have some origins with Taoism."

Duanmu decided to ignore Xia Yu, turned his head to look at Tianming, and said

"Why do you care about him so much?"

Tianming looked at Duanmu confidently and said

"He saved me. Saved my parents, he is my great benefactor."

Duanmu exploded as soon as he heard this.

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