Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiang Ye Chapter 289

Xia Yu smiled, ah, he tried to make himself smile softly and kindly, after all, Yue'er is just a little girl, even if she is quite senior in the Mo family, she is just an eleven or twelve-year-old girl. what.

Nowadays, seeing a dead person, and also a dead person who just met a few days ago, would be scared, and more importantly, when he saw this person, the body was already dead.

Seeing Xia Yu's smile, Yue'er calmed down a lot, and talked about some of her findings with Xia Yu.

Yue'er is not like Tianming. She was exposed to the turmoil in the rivers and lakes at a very young age. Moreover, her master Duan Murong was still a person who could not take care of herself. Therefore, Yue'er was sensible at a young age, and now she understands even more. Dayong will not be a ghost but a stranger posing as Dayong.

So, Yue'er is now not scared by the corpse but because someone got into the village?

It might be possible, but Xia Yu felt that she might still be scared by the corpse. Even if she was smart, at this time, she should be like other little girls of this size.

If you don’t improve Yue’s thoughts, on the other side, Tianming definitely saw something, otherwise he wouldn’t be scared like this. After all, Tianming is a child. Although he prefers to brag, it is precisely because he is still a child. He didn't understand that it might be someone pretending to be Da Yong, but he always thought that ghosts appeared.

After that night, he hid in his house without taking a step.

As for the inside of his house, Xia Yu went there once, but didn't want to go.

It's not that it's messy, or it's terrifying.

Tianming’s house is next to Gane’s house. It is also a very old house. There is no good daylight in the house, only a window with poor light transmission.

It was a bit gloomy and cold inside. After being frightened at dawn, a lot of talisman papers and red strings were posted in the room.

The room was posted everywhere by Tianming, and with the red rope in the air, if the person who entered was timid and could not concentrate a little bit, it might be scared to death.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Tianming didn't know where he learned that dog blood can drive ghosts out. Then, the dogs in the village suffered.

No matter who enters Tianming’s house, Tianming’s dog blood will be splashed on him. The play should not smell bad, and it’s hard to wash. When Xia Yu went to see Tianming before, he didn’t expect Tianming to do this. Then, I was splashed all over. This play should have nothing to do with the body style. After all, anyone who enters that room will see the talisman paper and red rope at first sight. Who can think of the dog blood? Say it.

In fact, Xia Yu is also quite strange. You said that the door can't go out all day long, and the second door doesn't move. How did you get so much dog blood, and it was possible that no one who entered was splashed all over.

In fact, Xia Yu and Duanmu Rong are good people who went to see Tianming. Little Shi, who took care of Tianming’s diet, was miserable. Every time he gave Tianming food, Tianming was splashed with dog blood. Now, the dog in the village. Seeing Xiaoshi had to take a detour.

On this day, Xiao Shi once again walked into Tianming's house, but never came out again.

Xia Yu didn't know exactly what happened in the room. When he saw Xiao Shi's body, he became alert.

Xiao Shi died in a terrible state, his limbs were stiff, and his seven orifices were bleeding.His face was also blue, and his lips were black, as if he was poisoned.Only after Duanmu autopsy confirmed that it was not poisoned.

The cause of Xiaoshi's death became a mystery. There was no trauma, no internal injuries, and no poisoning.But people just died like this, and they died so miserably.

If Xiaoshi's death only made everyone vigilant, what happened next made everyone panic.

Xiaoshi's death seemed to be a switch. After him, people died every day, and the cause of death should be the same as Xiaoshi's cause of death, because their deaths were the same, with stiff limbs and bleeding from their seven orifices.

The bizarre deaths one after another made everyone in the village nervous. No one can guarantee that they will not die next, whether it is a disciple of the Mo family or a disciple of the Xiang clan.

Under the panic, there must be rumors, and the protagonist of the rumors this time is Xia Yu, who came to the village later, and Gai Nie is already dawn.

"No trauma, no internal injury, no poisoning, the only second treasure that dropped his head was the one who was decapitated after he died,"

That night, in the hall of the village, several disciples were discussing this matter together, which can also be said to be spreading rumors.

"Hey, do you think there are really ghosts and gods at work."

"how is this possible?"

"Yes, Jing nonsense."

"How can it be impossible? Is there any other explanation?"

"I don't care if he is a man or a ghost, I just want to know why he kills so madly, and whether he will continue to kill."

"We have always pretended to be fools to frighten others. Unexpectedly, we would die in the hands of ghosts."

The people were talking, but no one noticed that there was a figure standing behind them all the time. The figure seemed to be going forward and stepping into this room, but in the end it stepped back and disappeared.

It turns out that there is still a person listening to the root of the window in the house.

That is Dong Guozhi, the leader in charge of the Mo family hiding place, who has the title of No. 1 Pirate Saint in the world.

"What's the point of saying this now?"

Dong Guo couldn't listen anymore and said

Some disciples of the Mo family asked

"Boss, what should I do?"

"Starting from today, we will deploy more manpower and strengthen patrols. Everyone can't go out alone. At least three people can go out."

After that, Dongguo put a pottery bowl on the candle in the center of the table

"I don't believe it, I can't catch this murderer."

These people are still discussing protection matters. On the other hand, Duanmu, who healed Gai Nie, believed the rumors in the village. Because Gai Nie's injury was well-dressed, his internal strength began to recover.

And it was a coincidence that Gai Nie had just met, and the village was beginning to die. Others suspected that Gai Nie and the others might only be from outside, but Duanmu suspected that he was because of Gai Nie's improvement.

I don't know, what kind of thoughts would it be when Gane knew what Duanmu was thinking.

For the dead in the village, Xia Yu has some opinions of his own. The cause of these people's deaths is too weird. They are not traumatic, not internal injuries, let alone poisoning. They shouldn't die.

Qi orifices are bleeding, limbs are stiff, and lips are black. They are poisoned no matter how they look. However, no poison was found in those corpses. The stench of gu worms that were smelled in the village before Xia Yu was united, Xia Yu thought it might be. It was caused by the poison of Gu worm, so, in other words, there was a Gu Master in the village.

Xia Yu had smelled Gu worms near Ling'er before, so he thought that even if the Gu master was not Ling'er, he would be the person next to Ling'er.

Ling'er was previously rescued by a disciple of the Mo family, and it just so happened that the one who brought Ling'er back with him happened to be the dead Da Yong. During this time, the people who died in the village were all owned by the doctor that Ling'er was in. With some connections.

No matter how you look at it, Xia Yu's judgment is correct, but Xia Yu is also thinking whether it is Ling'er or the person hiding in the dark.

It was Yue'er who was next to Ling'er every day. It was Yue'er who told Xia Yu that it was Dayong who brought Ling'er back, so Yue'er won't have any problems.

If something happened to Yue'er, she would also ask Shaoyu to take care of Ling'er, and Shaoyu happened to be not from the Mo family, so Xia Yu doubted his identity.

However, there has always been a person around Shaoyu, which has reduced Xia Yu’s suspicion of Shaoyu a lot. This person is Yi Xiaochuan, Xiang Liang’s disciple, and the protagonist of a TV series called Mythology in Xia Yu’s previous life. People.

This Yi Xiaochuan is a little older than Shaoyu, but he has always called Shaoyu Brother Yu. He is very carefree, but Xia Yu feels that he is not a simple character.

This Yi Xiaochuan is very concerned about Xia Yu because of his name, and his power has increased because of Xia Yu’s attention, only to discover his extraordinary.

It is said that it didn't take long for Yi Xiaochuan to apprehend Xiang Liang, and it took less than two months to reach full play. However, his skills improved rapidly, and it was the kind of improvement Xia Yu could see with his eyes.

The most important thing is that this man has a good temperament, but he is silent and famous.

Even some disciples of the Mo family only knew that there was such a person, but they didn't even say a word.

A person with a very good personality and a good popularity, but also knows how to score, knows how to make concessions, how can he not be as famous as he is now, even if Xia Yu sometimes, will unconsciously ignore his existence,

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