Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiang Ye Chapter 290

Obviously, this Yi Xiaochuan understands that there are a lot of troubles in this, and even if it involves the possibility of death, he will be so low-key.

Such a person would never find that the people around him were dropped, so Shaoyu should be his talent.

Knowing that it was him, then he would not be that Ling'er's comrade, after all, Shao Yu was the young master of the Xiang clan, and similarly, I didn't know Ling'er before.

If it was Shao Yu, it would be equivalent to Shao Yu having cut the last road of the Xiang clan by himself. Although Shao Yu was young and reckless, he was not stupid and would not do this.

Xia Yu was not able to determine who Ling'er’s accomplices were, so he didn’t plan to attack Ling'er. After all, the spy who already knew was no longer a spy. A known living Ling'er is more useful than a dead one. too much.

Xia Yu wanted to fish out another comrade through her.

Until the next day, Xia Yu had to attack Ling'er.

On this day, Yue'er, Tianming, Shaoyu sorted out supplies in the warehouse in the village. Among the three people, one was a disciple of Duanmu, who was considered a very important existence among the disciples of the Mo family, and the other was the young master of the Xiang clan, representing The Xiang family.The last one was Gai Nie's disciple, well, he said so himself, he was still the junior of Xia Yuming.

It is not an exaggeration to say that these three people are the three most important teenagers in the village today, but they were attacked.

Xia Yu didn’t know the specifics of the attack. He only knew that the three were attacked by a group of bugs. If it weren’t for the torches in the warehouse and the three were smart enough to know how to use fire to deal with bugs, all three would have died there. .

This kind of thing happened, so Xia Yu couldn't stay with a few people like Linger.

Knowing that a few people had an accident, Duanmu hurried to their side to check for them.

"Sister Rong, I'm fine."

Yue'er said to Duanmu like this

Hearing this, Duanmu was very angry

"It's okay? Almost killed. It's okay? So many brothers are already dead. If something happened to you, how can I be worthy"

Duanmu couldn't talk about it anymore, after all, Yue'er was still a child, and there were some things he couldn't talk to.

Yueer saw that Duanmu was really angry, and couldn't help walking to her side, pulling her sleeves and shaking.

"Sister Rong, don't worry. You think I am so smart, beautiful and kind, who would be willing to kill me."

Duanmu sneered and said

"That man dared to kill even his brother for so many years, so what's the cruel thing about him."

Yue'er thought for a while and said

"You mean Guyie?"

Seeing that Duanmu didn’t answer, Yue’er knew that she had guessed it right, and continued to ask

"Do you suspect he is the murderer?"

Duanmu thought about it, but decided to tell Yue'er

"These days, I have been thinking, if I hadn't saved him in the first place, would there be so many things, and so many brothers would not have died in vain,"

Yue'er already had an object of suspicion in her heart, but it was not Guine, so she persuaded

"Sister Rong, do you think too much? I don't think he is a bad person."

218 Conflict

Duanmu opening road

"His injury has just improved. Is it a coincidence that so many brothers were killed?"

Yue'er continued to persuade

"But there is no evidence to prove that he was the murderer, Sister Rong, so don't be hasty and just wait and see what happens."

Duanmu still frowned, obviously still not believing Gai Nie.

At this time, Xia Yu came. He just came over after watching Tianming. There was nothing wrong with Tianming. It is said that the attack at the time was on Yue'er, so he came to take a look.

Just in time, I heard Duanmu and Yue'er at the door, walked in and said

"Yes, Duanmu, there are some things that shouldn't be too hasty."

Hearing Xia Yu's voice, Duanmu frowned. She was suspicious of Gai Nie, but she never said to relax her vigilance about Xia Yu.

Xia Yu didn't feel any disgust with the Mo Family's suspicion of him. After all, if he were himself, he would be so skeptical.

"I've been to see the bug that attacked Yue'er and Tianming. It is an unusual bug, and there are some changes, which reminds me of something."

Hearing this, Duanmu looked at Xia Yu with some doubts



Duanmu had some unbelieving openings

"Gu? How could it be possible, isn't that just a legend?"

Xia Yu is a little helpless

"Perhaps, anyway, that bug has a problem."

Xia Yu was really helpless with Duanmu, because she was caught in her own contradiction and couldn't listen to anyone's words.


Duanmu ran out of the room with a cold snort.

She still believes in her own thoughts, Gai Nie is very suspicious, so she plans to ask questions

Xia Yu had nothing to do, but Gao Yue was a little worried.

"It's over, Sister Rong won't listen to Uncle Guyie's explanation."

Immediately afterwards, he chased Duanmu and ran out. Seeing this, Xia Yu couldn't stay here anymore. Not to mention that this was a girl's room, even Yue'er was very dangerous at this time. He didn't believe the person behind the scene The person will be let go if he doesn't kill him.

Followed and ran out.

Without knowing what happened, Xia Yu came to Gaie's room before Yue'er.

Hearing the dialogue inside, Xia Yu stopped. He still hoped that Gai Nie could explain to Duanmu clearly.

"I will kill you in front of you today, and let you die, clearly,"

"Then you do it,"

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